College of the Redwoods Program Review Committee Executive Summary Adopted November 6, 2009 Mission Statement The College of the Redwoods’ Program Review Committee leads and facilitates authentic assessment as it relates to student success and planning at the institution for all subject and service areas. The committee reviews Annual and Comprehensive Program Reviews that provide the strong foundation upon which College of the Redwoods develops, identifies, states and documents quality improvement plans and goals including providing the direction of prioritization of funding, and support needs as organized under the strategic planning objectives. Objective: To provide an evaluative Executive Summary of this program’s review for authors, the Integrated Planning Committees, and the District. Program Review Subject/Service Area: __EOPS______________ Program Review Authors: ___Cheryl Tucker________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Summary and Recommendations: 1. Program strengths: Performing essential functions; Counselors and dedicated provided to 1600 students Quality of the staff, evidenced by the 13 years of increasing numbers of students EOPS serves 1600 students who are basic skills and full time Additional Comments: 2. Program challenges/obstacles: Need for Document Imaging system; Funding; Staff: Unable to track complete rates from Mendo Coast and Del Norte adequately 3. Commendations: Providing additional information and detailed update for program review committee; Number of students served based on the lack of staff and funding Recommendations: Funding and reallocating district funds into categorical programs that are losing funding 4. Program Budget/Funding Sources: Funding: Reallocate district funds to this program PRC feels Document imaging and transcript evaluator is a need for all student services programs. 8. 45% cut (Cheryl prioritize & submit most important funding issues of the $500,000 funding needs) 5. Program Goals/Plans: Continue gather IR data Process: PRC will forward completed Executive Summaries to program review authors. Authors will have two weeks to provide feedback and corrections on errors of fact and/interpretation PRC will forward Executive Summaries and authors response (if available) to the appropriate integrated planning committee and the CPC. 6. Program Outcomes Assessment (PLOs/SLOs): Excellent Assessment section Exit survey of students and why they are not returning to CR 7. Student Success/Achievement Basic Skills obstacles/challenges: Working with IR and Learning Communities to improve EOPS **Records storage: procuring a document imaging system and transcript evaluator is imperative to remaining compliant with accreditation standards; we have to complete these processes in areas of assessment, student success, and retention and need the tools to be able to effectively do so. Process: PRC will forward completed Executive Summaries to program review authors. Authors will have two weeks to provide feedback and corrections on errors of fact and/interpretation PRC will forward Executive Summaries and authors response (if available) to the appropriate integrated planning committee and the CPC.