College of the Redwoods Assessment Team Meeting

College of the Redwoods
Assessment Team Meeting
October 15, 2010 9:00 p.m. – 11:00 a.m.
In attendance: Justine Shaw, Erin Wall, Karen Nelson, Cheryl Tucker, Jenn Bailey,
Melissa Green, and Rachel Anderson.
Chairperson Justine Shaw distributed documents for today’s discussion.
Scheduling future committee meetings: Justine Shaw will send meeting materials as
email attachments. CCC Confer call-in information will be sent as an Outlook Calendar
event. It will also be a standing agenda item to have committee members that also serve
on the Program Review Committee (PRC) report out.
Committee Membership: Justine will be attending Academic Senate to provide a
progress report on recent assessment activities.
Committee’s Mission and Scope Statements: Additional revisions were suggested by
committee members.
Three-year Assessment Plan: Committee members refined the draft. Accomplishments
will be added to the table, as well as additional goals for the future.
Assessment Committee Webpage and Email: Karen Nelson will request to have access
to the Inside Redwoods Assessment Committee webpage. She will be posting a
committee membership list, the mission and scope statements as well as the three-year
Assessment plan. Documents currently found under the webpage “Assessment Team”
will be moved and archived on the Assessment Committee page.
Additionally Karen will request the creation of an Assessment Committee email, which
will be “owned” by the assessment coordinator.
Available Resources: There is a funding available for faculty to travel within the district
to conduct assessment work.
There are collections of books on Assessment, at the Eureka, Del Norte and Mendocino
libraries, available for staff and faculty checkout reserved under the “Assessment
Communications: Justine Shaw will be emailing the minutes, the revised mission/scope
statements and three year plan globally, along with additional information about the
book collections available at the site libraries and will directing people to additional
information to be found on the inside redwoods assessment page.
Since program maps are still in the draft stage, Justine is reluctant to publish it right
now, however if she’s able to further develop the social sciences draft at her meeting
with her colleagues, she is willing to post it to give others an idea of the kind of
information that is needed.
Next meeting: The next meetings of the full committee is tentatively scheduled for
November 5th and December 3rd from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Karen Nelson will try to book the
boardroom in the Administration building. If the boardroom is unavailable, CA100 is a
backup meeting room.