2012-2013 Institutional Effectiveness Committee Operating Agreement Mission The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) supports the district’s mission by evaluating the effectiveness of the institutional planning process. Purpose The purpose of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) is to ensure the implementation and ongoing evaluation of the institutional planning process, to compare the college’s performance to its stated mission and strategic goals, and to examine the effectiveness indicators to ensure that the college is meeting ACCJC/WASC requirements. The IEC accomplishes its purpose by: 1. Evaluating the integration of the planning process, including, but not limited to a coordinated, institutional approach in addressing college priorities and the interrelationship among institutional plans; 2. Monitoring and refining the ongoing planning process; 3. Developing and evaluating critical institutional effectiveness outcome measures to inform the planning process; 4. Providing an annual evaluation of progress toward achievement of the institution’s strategic initiatives; 5. Providing an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the planning committees and the institutional planning process to the College Council; and 6. Maintain and monitor the adherence to the district planning calendar; 7. Establishing regular communication with the community regarding the institutional planning process; and gaining input from the college community regarding planning issues; 8. Initiate a quarterly review (twice a semester) of the strategic plan and update as necessary. Decision Making The Committee will use a consensus decision-making process in the development of its actions. Actions developed by the Committee are forwarded to the president and Cabinet for dissemination and discussion by the constituencies and the college community at large. Membership One representative from the Manager’s Council One representative from CSEA One representative from the Dean’s Council One representative from ASCR Two at-large Faculty Members Director of Institutional Research (Ex Officio) Director of Planning, Grants, and Institutional Effectiveness (Ex Officio) Vice President Student Development Chair, a Vice President, appointed by the President The membership shall: Make student success a top priority Be open to new perspectives Express opinions in ways that preserve integrity and promote mutual understanding and collaboration Consider all the facts and available information before making decisions Ensure that all voices are heard Use time efficiently and stay on task Accept and support decisions reached through consensus 2012-2013 Meeting Dates The IEC will meet on the fourth (4th) Wednesday of each month at 3pm