The Internet of Things serving the world of things ITU-T, 2011-08-23 Gabriel Barta





The Internet of Things serving the world of things

ITU-T, 2011-08-23

Gabriel Barta

IEC Head of technical coordination

Secretary, IEC MSB, CAB

Internet in International Standards

ITU-T Recommendations

ISO/IEC nnnnn-m standards

Developed and/or adopted under the umbrella of

ISO/IEC JTC 1 and its subcommittees

Many with text identical to an ITU-T Recommendation

Many applications in different industrial areas

Examples from the IEC (IEC 6nnnn standards):

TC 57, Power systems management and associated

information exchange: communications for utilities

TC 65, Industrial-process [control &] automation: communications for automated factories

Where does the IEC add value (since 1906)?

In practical industrial situations

As well as commercial and domestic

Safety and electromag.compatibility (EMC)

But also ... IEC standards reduce costs:

By common characteristics

By specifying infrastructure

By guaranteeing interoperability

Mainly using product standards (incl. sys.)

What is a product?

It is a box, a


So the IEC has always standardized things

It has already been standardizing the IoT

Since it began involvement with the Internet

So is there a contradiction, an overlap?

No, there are two complementary views:

How to communicate

What is communicating

Implications for standardizing the IoT, I

A comm. protocol is a beautiful thing

Experts develop and perfect it

They then make it available for users

Sounds good, but is “thrown over the wall”

We need the IoT because the things need it

 Throwing it over the wall won’t work

So develop IoT in constant consideration of the things themselves, the actual boxes

Implications for standardizing the IoT, II


NID: must consider existing ID schemes

 “Sensor” networks: if modern devices no longer clearly separate sensors from actuators, the IoT must not be rigid either

We are no longer living in a world where applications come afterwards

Compare the world of mobile apps & survival

Involve the things up front in the IoT




Thank you.

