REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room) Monday, January 31, 2011 1:10 – 2:40 p.m. AGENDA 1. Call To Order 2. Approve January 12, 2010 Meeting Minutes* 3. Action Items 3.1 Confirm membership, scope, and timetable of Summer Schedule Task Force for 100 calculated sections district-wide (Guiding principle G)* 3.2 Confirm membership, scope, timetable for FY 2011-12 Course Schedule Task Force (Guiding principles A-F)* 3.3 AP 5055: Revision Next Steps* 3.4 Acceptance of EMC Plan for spring* 3.5 Direction for development of 2 year EM Plan 4 Discussion Items 4.2 Update on EMC Actions and the communication process 4.3 BPC – budget options partial list* 5 Reports 6 Announcements 7 Adjournment (* denotes attachment) Next Meeting: February 7, 2011 1:10-2:40 p.m. REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room) Monday, January 12, 2011 1:00 p.m. NOTES PRESENT Rachel Anderson, Jennifer Bailey, Zach DeLoach, Anna Duffy, David Gonsalves (phone), Kathy Goodlive, Utpal Goswami, Melissa Green, Barbara Jaffari, Anita Janis (phone), Alan Keppner, Pam Kessler, Geisce Ly (phone), Mike Peterson, Tiffany Schmitcke, Keith Snow-Flamer and Bruce Wagner. MINUTES The minutes from the December 13, 2010 meeting were approved as presented. ACTION ITEM RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SUMMER SCHEDULE Keith reported that the current FTES projection is falling short of the target of 5201. He proposed loading the preliminary summer schedule into Datatel so that calculations can be made to determine FTES with summer included. Committee members expressed concern regarding the reoccurring practice of delving into next year‟s budget to pay for summer. It was also expressed that in order to get out of this cycle decisions must be made regarding what student population to serve during summer, and what courses to offer. In addition the following topics were discussed: Who are the students served during summer Limit course offerings for summer Development of a two year schedule How the budget was built this year and how it will be built next TLU allocations Anticipated budget cuts Next steps: Bruce and Keith will contact the Deans requesting that the course templates for summer be completed and returned as soon as possible. Once the course templates are reviewed by the committee the preliminary summer schedule will be loaded into Datatel. After spring census is calculated FTES will be reviewed and a determination will be made regarding the number sections that will be offered for summer. DISCUSSION ITEMS FALL FTES PROJECTIONS There was discussion regarding what the FTES trends have been over the past few years. Different scenarios were discussed regarding growth or maintaining current number and what the impact would be to a particular site or campus. It was noted that it seems that the level of FTES is returning to where it was 2 years ago. Concern was expressed regarding the ramifications of generating FTES beyond what will be funded and what will happen if growth cannot be maintained. Committee members also voiced concern regarding: How best to serve students? How can we support additional sites in lean times? Sustainability of current growth projections Committee members considered the proposal of a “no growth” scenario based on the current budget concerns. It was decided that discussion needs to continue on this subject and a determination was not made. This subject will be carried over to the next meeting agenda. COMMUNICATION Keith asked how as a committee we should report out to the college community. Something more needs to be done other than saying “read the minutes.” He asked that thought be given to this so that a process can be established. LATE ADDS There was concern regarding the late add cards. Kathy noted that some changes are being made to the cards. Mike stated that if a faculty member signs an add card he will sign it without question relying on their judgment. SUBMITTED lw EMC Guiding Principles Next Fiscal Year (Opportunity/Student Success & FTES) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Target FTES is 4950 resident FTES a. equal % cut in annualized FTES based on 2010-11 actual (5200) Number of calculated sections funded is determined by site productivity Selected adjustments permitted for instructional/schedule integrity All new program/class initiatives (e.g. EMP driven) may be funded with excess reserves 101 Corridor is considered separate entity Virtual campus will be a stand-alone division and function like the 101 Corridor as it relates to TLU allocations Focus evening courses to 101 Corridor Summer „11 EMC Guiding Principles Summer Schedule 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 100 calculated sections Focus evening courses to 101 Corridor beginning Summer „11 High FTES generating classes Online classes (increase online without stipends (use currently trained faculty)) Lab sciences Mendo, Del Norte, KT parity 19-20% evening no evenings in Eureka if possible Two courses in Southern Humboldt if possible Look to online for Mendo or Del Norte students as a possible substitute for low enrolled traditional classes Resident FTES Target Projected FTES X10, F10, S11 5300 5011.48 Projected FTES from LVN 123 X11 section 27 5038.48 261.52 2.47 Difference in FTEs from Target vs. Projected Avg FTES per summer section Calculated Sections needed to make FTES Funded Target TLUs Total Cost Length of class 3 week class 4 week class 5 week class 6 week class 7 week class 8 week class 9 week class 10 week class 11 week class 12 week class 13 week class 106 476 $ 384,260 Start/End Date Mon 6/27 - Thur 7/14 Mon 6/27 - Thur 7/21 Mon 6/27 - Thu 7/28 Mon 6/20 - Thur 7/28 Mon 6/20 - Thur 8/4 Mon 6/20 - Thur 8/11 Mon 6/20 - Thur 8/18 Mon 6/13 - Thur 8/18 Mon 6/6 - Thur 8/18 Mon 5/30 - Thur 8/18 Mon 5/23 - Thur 8/18 Census Date Tues 6/28 Wed 6/29 Thur 6/30 Mon 6/27 Tues 6/28 Tues 6/28 Wed 6/29 Thur 6/23 Mon 6/27 Tues 6/14 Tues 6/7 Cost Split 33/67 25/75 20/80 33/67 29/71 25/75 18/82 30/70 36/64 42/58 46/54 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Administrative Procedure AP5055 ENROLLMENT PRIORITIES Enrollment in courses and programs may be limited to students meeting properly established prerequisites and co-requisites. Enrollment may be limited due to the following: health and safety considerations facility limitations faculty workload availability of qualified instructors funding limitations regional planning legal requirements contractual requirements When enrollment must be limited, priorities for determining who may enroll are: limiting enrollment to first come, first served, or other non-evaluative selection techniques; in the case of intercollegiate completion, honors courses, or public performance courses, allocating available seats to those students judged most qualified; limiting enrollment to any selection procedure expressly authorized by statute; priority for registration for enrollment must be granted to any member or former member of the Armed Forces of the United States for any academic term within two years of leaving active duty ; limiting enrollment in one or more sections to students enrolled in one or more other courses, provided that a reasonable percentage of all sections of the course do not have such restrictions. Priority Registration days and times for any semester will be assigned as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Documented eligible students actively participating in Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) or in Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS); Documented member or former member of the Armed Forces of the United States within two years of leaving active duty; ASCR Student Government Officers and ASCR Senate Board Members, continuing student athletes, and Honors Program students; In descending order, continuing students who have declared a major and: a. completed 45 or more units at College of the Redwoods; b. completed between 30 and 44.5 units at College of the Redwoods; c. completed between 15 and 29.5 units at College of the Redwoods; d. attempting or completed between 0.5 and 14.5 units at College of the Redwoods; Continuing students without a declared major; New and returning students; Concurrently enrolled high school students. References: Title 5 Sections 56232, 56026, 58106; Education Code Sections 66025.8, 76001 Enrollment Management Committee Planning Agenda 2010/11 Goal 1. Clarify role of EMC in integrated planning process 2. Develop summer scheduling guidelines and schedule Activity a. Understand and create structures that support feedback loop. b. Pilot a recommendation to track how it moves through the process and assess the link to budget and planning as well as institutional effectiveness. a. IR provide analyses for attendance patterns in regards to student status (new or continuing); are these isolated enrollments. b. Look at course success in terms of degree of acceleration. c. Identify mandated courses necessary for degree, certificate, or transfer completion during summer (including basic skills). d. Work towards a process that does not borrow from one year to pay for another. e. Develop a summer schedule that ensures meeting fiscal year FTES targets and maximizes flexibility in course accounting. Key Persons EMC, IEC Budget NA Timeline Spring 2011 EMC, Deans, and IR $380,000 Spring 2011 Results 3. Reform the matriculation process and First Year Initiative to maximize student success: Placement preparation Mandatory assessment Use of multiple measures Mandatory advising in enrollment cohorts Mandatory orientation Student Education Plan a. Student services and English and math faculty create plan and implement placement preparation and multiple measures for all matriculating students. b. Pilot Early Assessment Program. c. Consider other CCC placement measures for utilization at CR. d. Consider revision of credit by exam policy. e. Change assessment location from high schools to college campuses with advisor availability after exam. f. Increase intrusive advising and guidance during matriculation process to ensure students move through each stage and enroll in courses that support success. g. Consider expansion of learning community course offerings and groups; analyze data from current program. h. Consider revising administrative policy for priority registration for students who successfully VP Student Services, Dean Student Dev., English and math faculty; IR $5,000 for increased Accuplacer assessments Spring 2011 complete matriculation. 4. Consider recommendation on limiting the number of units students may enroll in a. Create task force to investigate impact of unit limitation policies at other CA community colleges. EMC 5. Set two year FTES Projections and analyze FTES/section and efficiency rates a. Consider impact on budget. b. Work towards plan for not borrowing from next year to pay for this year‟s sections. c. Consider sustainability of current course offerings (fill rates, services available, staff ratios FT/PT faculty). d. Perform trend analyses and examination into courses experiencing excessively high fill rates. e. Examine fill rates and efficiencies by location f. Examine Distance. Education in terms of cost, revenue generated, and student success. g. Examine whether the college should shift focus to student success. h. Develop FTES targets that balance state funding and sustainability. i. Consider development of EMC NA Spring 2011 Spring 2011 2011-2012 scheduling details based on target FTES of 4950 resident and 232 nonresident FTES. 6. Review and revise TLU Allocation Process for 2011-2012 a. Receive feedback from Deans. b. Report on faculty not replaced to be taken into account for projections. c. Consideration for starting fresh – not using established TLU numbers. Determine what courses are offered based on college mission. d. Assume equal % cut by site in annualized FTES based on 2010-11 actual (5201 base) 8. Number of calculated sections funded is determined by site productivity. 9. Selected adjustments permitted for instructional/schedule integrity. 10. Work with BPC to ensure funding for all new program/class initiatives (e.g. Ed Master Plan driven) through use of excess Deans, area coordinators, EMC Spring 2011 reserve funds. 11. 101 Corridor is considered separate entity. 12. Virtual campus will be a stand-alone division and function like the 101 Corridor as it relates to TLU allocations. 7. Establish priorities for determining what courses to offer a. Consider Chancellor‟s Office mandate to prioritize transfer, vocational and basic skills courses. Per this mandate, evaluate possible reduction of avocational and repeatable courses and/or placement to community education. EMC, IR Spring 2011 VPSS, EMC Spring 2011 b. Consider college mission and vision. c. Determine how best to maximize access to what we are able to offer towards degree, certificate, transfer and basic skills completion. 8. Evaluate and make recommendation for enrollment priorities for branch campuses, sites and centers a. Examine and consider the balance between access and success. b. Analyze on-line survey data on student satisfaction and 9. Analyze basic skills completion and impact on other courses and program development needs. c. Consider the relevancy, financial impact and influence on student success of the distribution model (use of instructional sites). d. Analyze the enrollment needs of current and potential students being served by other than the main Eureka campus. a. Basic Skills report on data. b. Recommend use of reformed matriculation process to increase student success and completion. 10. Review and revise waitlist and late registration/add policy and process a. Evaluate feasibility of setting application deadlines. b. Create process to support faculty electronic adds. c. Work towards process to support faculty ability to add and drop students more efficiently and show link to support student success. 11. Develop an enrollment scorecard and utilize for analyses of enrollment data a. Define and agree on use of efficiencies, retention, persistence and completion data for this purpose. Basic Skills Committee and IR Spring 2011 VPSS, Dean Student Development; A&R Director; IR; EMC Spring 2011 VPSS, IEC, EMC NA Spring 2011 b. Consider other measures such as fill rates, efficiency, best use of instructional sites and courses necessary for degree, certificate, transfer, and basic skills completion. c. Work with IEC to adopt enrollment scorecard as indicators of institutional effectiveness. # Recommendation/Action Item IR Status-101 Corridor Survey Action Taken Status Forwarded to IR Deployment of the survey has been delayed given the lack to an adequate number of staff in Institutional Research. Dr. Goswami reported to the college in a December 17 email that the process to fill the IR direction position will be started. EM Scorecard Forwarded to Cabinet for approval. Forwarded to the IEC for review and discussion. Cabinet approved moving forward with populating the scorecard. IR is in the process of gathering the data. EM and Student Satisfaction Survey Action Plans Forwarded to subcommittee of the EMC to review and revise the action plans IR is populating the data fields. The scorecard has been forwarded to the IEC for review and discussion for possible use as indicators of institutional effectiveness. The IEC may be asked to validate possible targets. The subcommittee's work will culminate in a set of achievable goals for Spring semester, with a proposed budget, based on a realistic assessment of the college as it is now for the EMC to consider in January. Next steps are to: EMC review the task forces‟ work and revise the spring plan if necessary and convene a task force to develop a two year EM Plan for submission the EMC by April. The college has made the commitment to redeploy a student satisfaction action survey in April, 2012. Multiple Measures Forwarded to subcommittee of the EMC to review Together, English and math faculty and student services managers have made good progress on development of multiple measures for English and math placement. The Academic Support Center web-site has been updated and revise the action plans to include more up to date information on preparation for the Accuplacer test and appointments available. Student services staff are also encouraging students to be better prepared and emphasizing the importance of valid test results. English and math faculty and student services managers have worked together on development of multiple measures for English and math placement The Academic Support Center web-site has been updated to include more up to date information on preparation for the Accuplacer test and appointments available. The English and math faculty have provided English and math course level descriptions and samples that will be utilized by advisors to assist students who fall within zones between two different courses in choosing the course they would have the best opportunity to be successful in. Data from IR is being utilized to further analyze the relationship between Accuplacer scores and course success in math for validity purposes and to help inform improvements for the assessment procedures. Waitlist procedure Student Feedback Online Form Forwarded to Administration Forwarded to IT The matriculation flow process is being updated to ensure students are informed about the importance of placement results and engage in adequate preparation for the Accuplacer tests and the advising component informs students about the difference between various levels of math and English and utilizes intake questions in a consistent manner to determine the potential for student success. Approved and has been implemented for Spring 2011. Co-chairs of the EMC worked with Maggie to develop the appropriate for implementation questions, and has uploaded the form to the website and MyCR site. When a student fills out the form, an email will be sent to Tiffany. She can then forward that problem if necessary to the appropriate person. Over the next few weeks, we can observe what kinds of problems are reported, and we can discuss the form further at the next EMC meeting. Any appropriate changes in the form recommended by the EMC can be made at that time. BP 5055 Review and Revision Summer Enrollment 2010-11 FTES Target BPC: Critical Issues/Areas of Focus Regarding Budget Development Guiding Principles 1. Access/Student Success a. Accessi. Anchor or not? ii. Non-proportional cuts… favor sites? b. Successi. Does student success get priority? 2. FTES Strategy 3. Minimize impact on high value-added employee functions 4. Do not assume “current practices” are the norm (e.g. workweek, processes, locations, times of operation) 5. No change in contractual obligations (e.g. steps, benefits, classifications) 6. Decisions should be permanent and long term 7. Fifty percent and 75/25 requirements are not a factor 8. First dollars go to obtain FTES target 9. New initiatives can only be funded with excess reserves