Hoopa Area Regional Focus Workgroups CR Klamath-Trinity Instructional Site, Hoopa, CA August 20, 2014, 12 Noon Classroom 3 Combined Workgroups: Adult Basic Elementary and Adult Basic Skills, Adult Learners with Disabilities, ESL and Immigrant Education, Short Term CTE, and Apprenticeships. Attendees: Julia Peterson, Jolene Gates, Jon Ray, David Tripp, Debra Pizzuto (phone), Melissa Ruiz, Manuel Sanchez, Tahsanchat Cooper, Jesse James, Kerry Venegas, Pateisha Ferris Actions: Next Meeting??? 1. Send out the list of Noncredit Categories. 2. Send out the list of currently offered Noncredit Classes. 3. Julia will have someone contact Manuel (TANF) about Parenting curriculum for the jails. 4. Investigate the possibility of offering short-term Childcare certificates through CR’s Early Childhood Education faculty. Data Collection and Reporting Deadlines: Due August 27: Spreadsheet and Narrative Due October 3: Second set of data Brief Introduction and Lunch Julia Peterson, AB86 Program Manager, opened the meeting with a brief explanation of the Workgroup structure and purpose. Those attending decided by consensus to continue to combine Workgroups 1, 2, and 3 into a single meeting in order to better manage time and resources. AB86 Recap and History The AB86 focus is on Adult Basic Education, Adult Secondary Education, classes for people with disabilities (DSPS), English as a Second Language (ESL) and immigrant education, Short-term Career Technical Education (CTE), and Apprenticeships. The regional planning consortium grant is simply asking: 1) What’s here today? 2) What used to be here? and 3) If we had what we want, what would be here to help adults increase their skills and knowledge so that they could get a job, or a better job? What is the gap? Structure of the AB86 Committees 1. Executive Advisory Committee: consists of consortium members, partners, and key stakeholders, establishes and tasks Workgroups, and meets monthly to process regional Workgroup reports and report quarterly to Sacramento. Page 1 of 5 2. Workgroups meet locally to determine the resources, gaps, and future needs of local communities, and report back to the Executive Advisory Committee. Regional Focus 1. Identify existing adult services and gaps 2. Explore strategies for addressing gaps 3. Identify facilities where services can be offered 4. Establish referral processes for each of the areas outlined above 5. Report findings back to the Executive Advisory Committee Discussion There is a perception that Tribal representation would be very helpful on the Executive Advisory Committee, but the terms of the grant cannot be changed this year. We are hopeful that there will be another year of planning, at which time we may have the opportunity to enlarge the current focus on corrections, K-12, and community colleges, and expand the Executive Advisory Committee to include a wider variety of regional stakeholders. Status of MOUs for Stipends Money is available for stipends to cover travel and data collection expenses. The Advisory Committee is still working on a schedule to disburse the funds, based on participation. The stipends will be paid at the end of the grant. Some participating entities have declined the stipends, and those funds will be redistributed to other participants. Explanation of Noncredit Classes and New GED/HSE Certification Current Noncredit Categories 1. English as a Second Language (ESL) 2. Immigrant Education 3. Elementary and Secondary Basic Skills 4. Health and Safety 5. Substantial Disabilities 6. Parenting 7. Home Economics 8. Courses for Older Adults 9. Short-term Vocational 10. Workforce Preparation Page 2 of 5 Current Adult Education Programs in the Hoopa Region 1. The Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) provides vocational training for Hoopa tribal members. 2. TANF classes and tuition subsidies are available only to Tribal TANF participants. 3. Non-Tribal, non-TANF adult education needs are not currently being met in the region. Discussion: Needs and Issues for the Hoopa Regional Community 1. There is an overall need to avoid duplication of services between local Members, Partners, and Stakeholders. 2. Reduced class size requirements and enrollment subsidies will increase the availability of offerings. Keeping classes open to completion builds stability and increases community confidence. TANF can fund empty seats to keep classes open. Short term, WIA funds may be available to the Tribes to provide class attendance incentives. TANF also offers financial incentives for graduation and completion of certificates. Attendance and participation can be tied to benefits. Other solutions include the possibility of overlaying Credit and Noncredit classes, and combining classes by related subject area (Reading and Writing, for example) in order to increase enrollment. 3. Adult Language Learning: Hoopa, Yurok, and Karuk Language instruction for adults should be a priority in this community. 30 people have requested Native language classes, which should probably be offered as Credit. Currently, all NonEnglish language instruction at CR is coordinated by Kristy Carlsen, Spanish faculty. Getting the College to agree to offering Credit classes is the first step, then finding a qualified instructor. 4. There is a great need for ABE/ABS, which has dwindled due to budget cuts. 5. As in other regions, basic computer literacy, such as Getting Started with Computers (which prepared students to take the computer-based GED exam), can contribute to further education and support entry-level employability. 6. There is an overall need for education that “goes somewhere,” leading to better jobs, further education, and quality career opportunities. 7. Since many local people are self-employed, there is a need for Entrepreneurship and Micro-Enterprise education, as well as Budgeting and Financial Management. These are all curricula we could write for Noncredit adult education. 8. Many in the community are in need of Life Skills classes, such as Parenting, Basic Finances, and Workforce Preparation. Two fundamental barriers to offering these classes have been lack of availability (either from low enrollment or lack of Page 3 of 5 qualified instructors), and attendance barriers (such as lack of child or adult inhome care providers, or lack of reliable transportation). Early Childhood Education and CNA training programs could address the shortage of qualified inhome caregivers, and free more adult learners to pursue further education. Area 1 Agency on Aging currently provides training workshops for in-home care, but they are offered infrequently, and require travel outside the area. We will investigate the possibility of offering short-term Childcare certificates through CR’s Early Childhood Education faculty. 9. TANF will conduct a survey to determine the need for local CNA classes. 10. The cost of public transportation is another barrier to adult education in the Hoopa area, and many residents have to find a ride to Willow Creek in order to access the bus system. Public transit subsidies and gas vouchers would increase access to education for many local adult learners. 11. Another difficulty has been recruitment for and marketing of local CR classes. We don’t seem to be reaching our target populations. 12. CR can develop a curriculum to prepare candidates for the County NCLB Paraprofessional Certification Exam, leading to entry-level employment as a Classroom Teacher’s Aide. The test consists of high school level reading, writing, and math, but a Noncredit CTE preparation class could include an introduction to lesson plans, classroom organization, and appropriate interaction with students. With further development, this pathway could lead to the Certificate in Faculty Preparation program through Humboldt State University (http://www.humboldt.edu/facultyprep/). 13. Curriculum needs related to Agriculture include Organic Farming, Basic Agriculture, Landscaping, and Drought and Native Plant Landscaping. 14. Food Handling, Basic Hospitality, and Basic Culinary Skills are all potential short-term CTE needs, which could be met with stackable certifications. 15. Tribal Management training, and programs to prepare for “Tribally driven” enterprises, such as casinos, represent career specializations specific to the Hoopa region. Casino turnover is high, creating a demand for entry-level employees, and casino certification classes meet all of the requirements for short-term CTE. Hospitality, Food and Beverage Service, and Retail Sales certificates could be easily incorporated into a comprehensive Casino Staff credential. 16. Addiction Studies, with peer mentoring is another local need. 17. Adult education programs for offenders re-entering society could be coordinated with existing Humboldt County Jail classes, as well as providing support for those returning from state prisons. Page 4 of 5 Discussion of Career Pathways and Stackable Certifications In order to serve students who are committed to staying in the area, there is a need for career pathways specific to the Hoopa region, which can lead to full and sustainable employment. 80% of local employment is based on natural resources. Certificates and degrees need to be designed to meet the specific employment needs of the community. The ONABEN (Our Native American Business Network) model can provide ideas for products, services and networking opportunities to local Native entrepreneurs and the organizations that serve and support them. In addition to overall Entrepreneur education, what specific skills need to be developed for self-sufficiency in the local arts and other micro-enterprises? Helping adult learners develop these specific skills, through Noncredit classes and stackable certification programs, could provide pathways into CR’s Business degree programs. Page 5 of 5