REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Learning Management System Task Force May 16, 2014 10:30-12:30 am Location TBA Notes LMS Task Force Goal The Learning Management System (LMS) Task Force was established in order to determine which learning management system will most effectively and sustainably support all modalities (face-to-face, hybrid and online) of teaching and learning at College of the Redwoods. 1. Call to Order Members present - Riggs, Wendy - Renner, Mark - Sayles, Lisa - Hill, Angelina Giovannetti, Reno - Winter, Mark - Sokolow, Gary – Napoleonzagoria, Tom 2. Request note taker a. Reno Giovannetti 3. Reports 3.1 IT Research We received a summary of The Online Education Initiative (OEI), as a project of the California Community College Chancellor’s Office from Lisa, Angelina and Reno: We discussed the Initiative’s time line selecting a Common Course Management System (CCMS) by June of 2015, this process may give the state some economic leverage to reduce costs associated with the LMS and, among other things, faculty/staff support services, Professional Development, Certification, Student Services Roadmap, Course approval process, Streamlined faculty/staff online course delivery and certification. Angelina reported that Canvas has two pilot programs, one with support (400 users $10,000) and one for free. We need to investigate the details of these options – can we use both? Also she reported that the Moodle quote was off because they had only quoted 1500 users and that we needed to factor in video capture services. Etudes final quote was around $87,000. Mark Renner asked about getting or documenting the total cost of ownership for our candidates and our current LMS Sakai – What is the true cost of Sakai with support and add-on programs. It was estimated that R-Smart may be in line with some of our candidates when we consider the hidden costs. It was also noted that what we are paying for R-Smart is out of line with any other LMS on the market. Gary talked about the need to keep the Turnitin online service as a separate license even if integration is possible due to the functionality of that service and as a backup for instructors who may have issues with the integration. It was suggested that integration would not lead to the loss of direct access and would involve minimal extra cost if any. 3.2 CCC Online Education Initiative, pilot college, and consortium membership Lisa and Angelina have filled out the application for CR to be included in the pilot program – if selected we would need to provide one or two course sections to include in the pilot – Discussion of which LMS we could use (could it be the LMS we are piloting this Fall not Sakai) 4. Discussion Items 4.1 How OEI should factor into our process Multiple discussions addressed the issue of how to factor in the OEI process with our timeline. The impact of the OEI selecting an LMS different from ours was openly debated. The main concern expressed was that we did not want to put the students and faculty thru multiple system migrations in a short time period if at all possible. Another topic of concern was the future cost impact that the OEI selection may have on LMS systems – The OEI may be able to reduce the cost of using their selected LMS. That could be a driver to switch LMS systems in the near future. It was pointed out that some vendors had stated that this would also apply pressure on them to lower their costs if they were not selected by the state in order to compete in CA. (these issues are addressed below) 4.2 Discuss LMS ratings on matrix – revise based on quality/degree of features We discussed at length the Matrix results. Rather than address each item separately it was determined that we would scan the matrix and concentrate on areas that seemed to be key missing factors or key benefits and identify areas where the candidates showed marked differences. Some adjustments were made based on possible ambiguity in the matrix items but the majority of answers from the vendors were found to be acceptable given that we would need to consider the degree of truthiness for each key issue. The following top key areas were identified from the student and faculty surveys: Ease of use and intuitive interface (for both students and faculty). It was pointed out that how well faculty are trained to use the tools could also be a factor for students’ perceptions. Event tracking, notifications and progress tracking (for both students and faculty). For students a clear and easy to understand gradebook/evaluation system. For faculty free access to the LMS from mobile devices As a sub note during the debate about key areas and application interfaces it was again brought up that for the math department the equation editor would be a key factor for them. It was recommended that someone from the math department should look at the LMS candidate Sandboxes and evaluate current offerings and possible integration of 3rd party tools if necessary. 4.3 Discuss timeline 4.4 Task Force meetings needed for fall 2014 - Convocation/during term check in? 5. Action Items 5.1 Rank, narrow and select an LMS During the matrix discussion it was determined that Moodle along with Etudes would be eliminated from consideration based on the above key factors and the fact that it would not be one of the OEI candidates. The general consensus was that any of the remaining candidates would be far superior to our current LMS and would meet all of our basic criteria. A few members expressed the need to investigate D2L further to differentiate it from the other candidates. It was decided we should poll each member of the committee to determine how close to a consensus we were based on the current information. Each member would recommend a first and secondary choice: Winter, Mark : 1-Canvas, 2-Blackboard Riggs, Wendy: 1-Canvas, 2-D2L (with more investigation needed) Giovannetti, Reno: 1-Canvas, 2-D2L Sokolow, Gary: 1-Blackboard, 2-Canvis Napoleonzagoria, Tom: 1- Canvas, 2 – No opinion Renner, Mark: 1- Canvas, 2- Blackboard?(not enough information to give an opinion) Hill, Angelina: 1-Canvas, 2-D2L? (Blackboard very powerful but also may be difficult to use, has a lot of analysis functionality) Sayles, Lisa 1-Canvas, 2- D2L The general consensus seemed to be that all other things being equal Canvas would be a good first Choice and D2L a second choice. Lisa pointed out that we needed a consensus and all members present agreed that it would be acceptable to make this the committee’s recommendation. It was also pointed out that not all members were present. This also was deemed acceptable for now and that we would contact missing members and amend our recommendations if new information came to light. 5.2 Determine timeline The time line and OEI factor were discussed with the key issue being the possible delay or extension of the Fall pilot to give the OEI time to recommend an LMS. The options: a. Maintain timeline – Fall pilot/Spring adoption b. Extend timeline option 1 – Fall and Spring pilot/Fall 2015 adoption – delay for OEI c. Extend timeline option 2 – Spring pilot/Fall 2015 adoption – delay for OEI d. Extend timeline option 3 – No pilot Fall – wait entirely for OEI After a debate it was determined that there was no real downside to continuing our process (Option A above) and that we would reevaluate our position in the Fall. We also determined that we would continue to peruse involvement in the OEI pilot program in tandem with our LMS pilot of Canvas. A discussion of how the pilot would be implemented took place and it was determined that Angelina would need to get more information about what the best way to proceed would be and get approval for the $10,000 pilot program. It was also brought up that the exact procedure for acquiring funds for the LMS had not been determined yet. Also the question of whether there would be any union issues with running a pilot came up and Gary said that he would find the answer to that question (flex time was also discussed as an option). A discussion of the need for careful consideration of any contract negotiations with Canvas took place. The idea of including language that would take into account the OEI CMS/LMS recommendations came up with a possible back out or renegotiation clause that would allow us to take advantage of any discounts the OEI might negotiate. The issue of releasing the committee’s reconditions and how to solicit Canvas pilot candidates was discussed. It was recommended that Keith Snow-Flamer be involved with the timing and release of any official information but that the committee’s recommendations are not confidential. Mark Winter and Mark Renner will need to be involved in the piloting process once approval has been given to proceed. 5.3 Schedule Fall 2014 meeting TBD – over the summer 6. Future Agenda items 6.1 6.2 Generate/review formal process report 7. Announcements 8. Adjourn PARTICIPANT DETAILS Dial your telephone conference line: 1-913-312-3202 or 1-888-886-3951 Cell phone users dial: 1-913-312-3202 Enter your passcode: 799828 Go to Click the Participant Log In button under the Meet & Confer logo Locate your meeting and click Go Fill out the form and enter the passcode: 799828 PARTICIPANT CONFERENCE FEATURES *0 - Contact the operator for audio assistance *6 - Mute/unmute your individual line FOR ASSISTANCE CCC Confer Client Services - Monday - Friday between 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Phone: 1-760-744-1150 ext 1537 or 1554 Email: