REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Learning Management System Task Force May 9, 2014 9:30-10:00 am HU 110 NOTES LMS Task Force Goal The Learning Management System (LMS) Task Force was established in order to determine which learning management system will most effectively and sustainably support all modalities (face-to-face, hybrid and online) of teaching and learning at College of the Redwoods. 1. Call to Order 2. Request note taker 3. Reports 3.1 IT Research/LMS presentations (Price quotes, LMS companies completion of matrix?) Last day of Demos We have price quotes from all but D2L We have the Yes No Matrix forms returned all except Canvas. Lisa will fill out and distribute the completed matrix 4. Discussion Items 4.1 Check in about last week’s LMS presentation and where we are (Any that should be disqualified or removed from list based on cost/features) We need to take a hard look at Moodle as it may be our top candidate in terms of cost So far there has been no budget cap set for LMS HSU has started a Pilot in the fall for Canvas 4.2 CCC Online Education Initiative, pilot college, and consortium membership Website - Information about the state OEI program was discussed. The OEI committee will look to adopt a common LMS for both State and local programs. It was decided that we need to make an effort to become one of the pilot schools for OEI and/or a member of the committee. This will involve filling out the application that is due at the beginning of June. 5. Action Items 5.1 Complete CCC Online Initiative survey to apply to become a pilot college Lisa requested help filling out the survey 5.2 Decide on two hour meeting for May 16th Location to be determined 5.3 Finalize subgroup members (research LMS, sandbox, contact colleges using LMS companies for feedback – request contacts from venders?) a. Contract negotiations b. Implementation process c. Responsiveness and quality of support d. Customizations and turning on/off baseline features 6. Future Agenda items 6.1 Unfinished business from 5/9 meeting 6.2 Modify criteria and weighting after LMS presentation and research 6.3 Apply matrix to LMS, narrow and select an LMS 6.4 Revisit timeline 6.5 Generate formal process report 7. Announcements 8. Adjourn PARTICIPANT DETAILS Dial your telephone conference line: 1-913-312-3202 or 1-888-886-3951 Cell phone users dial: 1-913-312-3202 Enter your passcode: 799828 Go to Click the Participant Log In button under the Meet & Confer logo Locate your meeting and click Go Fill out the form and enter the passcode: 799828 PARTICIPANT CONFERENCE FEATURES *0 - Contact the operator for audio assistance *6 - Mute/unmute your individual line FOR ASSISTANCE CCC Confer Client Services - Monday - Friday between 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Phone: 1-760-744-1150 ext 1537 or 1554 Email: