Instructional Council Monday June 30, 2014 11am – 12:30pm, Boardroom Agenda


Instructional Council

Monday June 30, 2014

11am – 12:30pm, Boardroom


1. Assessment Support

2. Del Norte Coverage

3. Area Report-outs

4. Other/Future Agenda Items



Instructional Council

Monday June 23, 2014, 3Pm – 5pm, Boardroom


Present: Keith Snow-Flamer, Joe Hash, Jeff Cummings, Ron Waters, Erin Wall, Tracey Thomas,

Julia Peterson, Connie Carlson,

1. Convocation:

Deans are requested to review the draft schedule regarding what should be offered and when, and send ideas to Connie. o Kathy allotted 15 minutes for MDC during the main session o Discussion on how to set schedule resulted in several suggestions:

 Do the topics support our theme of persistence?

Identify the single most important challenge – relating to persistence and student-centered-ness in CR culture

 Schedule Workshops in sequence to follow theme of persistence; include Jay

Dragten as a co-presenter

Complete sessions with President wrap-up to “glue” community together

Example: Thursday is transformation, Friday is workday. Set the theme in the morning session; workshops in afternoon; Friday division meeting and work then a final wrap up.

Send division/department information to Connie for rescheduling

 General session could include student success summit – be positive, not go over budget, layoffs, etc.

2. Discussion: Discipline Organizers (aka Revised Area Coordinator), -pg. 2 below

Discussion stemmed from previous discussion on June 9, regarding consistent coordination for assessment and organization of dialog sessions.

Some sections have more than five areas that need to coordinate assessment and dialog.

(see below)

Discuss what can Johanna realistically deal with and, to narrow scope, what areas would be more subject-specialist specific;

Make this part of the faculty resource center; include Connie’s instructions and faculty information, but keep at an administrative level. Develop and include some mentoring in the division/department meetings. Are there ways we can facilitate dialog that would enhance dialog without assigning someone to it. Preference would be handle assessment at the administrative level.

Clarification of roles for full-time faculty; need some kind of guidelines for faculty responsibilities

3. Faculty Calendar – see attachments

Current calendar: o add signed contract deadlines o AF4 deadline (#7) - add to step 3

Review what may be missing

Next steps add dates (Tracey and Johanna)

4. Faculty Handbook Update (see pg. 3 below)

a. Format:

b. Instructional Council Input:

Discussion to move to the responsibility of the Academic Senate; practice has been for the office of instruction to draft it up and is approved by the senate.

Agreement with Senate is for the OISD to compile a draft this year, send to Dan and

John. The groundwork will be laid in transitioning to the faculty to initiate the handbook.

5. Area Updates (if any):

Jeff: measure Q issues working out over summer; Jeff encourages maintenance to give ticket updates and priorities. We have no idea of the volume of tickets. Keith will discuss with Lee

Joe: Sports auction is August 14, 2014

Julia: first class in ESL starts Wednesday, 6/25/14. Possible 14 students

Connie – final moving date unknown. Connie out next week to 7/7/14

Discussion: do we pay mileage for faculty teaching in Mendocino (Pedicino question)? Currently, no

Solution: if faculty volunteer to work out of the area, we will not; but if the college asks/needs them, then they should be reimbursed for travel. Keith will take to HR to for negotiation with CRFO.

6. Update on June 9 IC discussion:

Timeline for Johanna to help with Assessment. July 1. Talk as a group. Support with


7. Future Agenda Items: Invite Johanna to 6/30 meeting.

Attachments to Agenda Items 1 and 2:

1. Suggestions for Discipline Organizers:


Deans would request position: possible criteria- a) The discipline has a large number of associates b) Has multiple courses with only associates teaching them, and/or c) Multiple courses with over 5 different instructors teaching the same course. d) Faculty selection is made by the dean.


Mentor new associates: be available to new associates to discuss/share curriculum, syllabus construction, teaching methods, and answer content related questions. Check in with associates prior to the start of the semester, in the middle of the semester, and near the end of the semester.


Works with the dean to ensure faculty in the area have determined their assessment tool/process for the assessment planned during the semester, and that all courses in the discipline have current two year plans.

2. Suggestions for Faculty Calendar:


Book Order due dates for fall, spring, and summer


Syllabus due dates for fall, spring, and summer


Grades submission deadline


Program Review deadline


Assessment deadlines


Last CC to make it in the catalog along with CC meeting dates


Flex form goals due and completion due dates for associates and full-time faculty including emphasis on penalty for failure to complete


Department and Division meeting dates


Calendar on inside.redwoods including the above and other meetings could be added by dean, directors, and their admin support djourn
