Program Review Committee


Program Review Committee

Friday, September 13 2013, 9a – 11a


Annotated Agenda

Present: Cheryl Tucker, Joe Hash, Barbara Jaffari, Dana Maher, Jon Pedicino, Dave

Bazard, Mike Cox, Marcy Foster, John Johnston, Hillary Reed, Angelina Hill, Cain

Towers, Anita Janis-Phone, Phil Freneau-Phone, Tanya Smart-Phone, Crislyn Parkernotes


Review/Revise Program Review Committee Operating Agreement: Discussion on the composition of the program review committee and constituency representation and whether one person can have dual representation. The point is for members to disseminate to their respective constituencies’ and committees information from program review.


Finalize Program Review Templates: Angelina made changes directly to the templates per committee discussion and agreement. Templates should be available next week or the following week. a.

Assessment Coordinator Dave Bazard worked with the PRC to refine the template questions regarding assessment. Questions were changed to more closely reflect the level with which program members, Associate Deans, and the PRC should be tracking the progress of assessment activity. An effort was made to not duplicate the information reported in the assessment reports, but to capture the impact of assessments on the program, and for the purpose of program planning.


Discussion on Grouping and Program Review Areas: After discussion it was agreed, for consistency purposes and until we have worked through the organizational structure, not to make changes to the groupings. One exception noted, was pulling

Art from the Fine Arts groupings.


Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 Program Review Process and Timeline a. Dates/calendar

Program Reviews to PRC: brief review of the timeline - all electronic program reviews need to be the Keith (Crislyn) by 4pm, October 25 th


Faculty and Staff Resource Requests Submissions: Faculty resource requests will be given to the Faculty Prioritization Committee and staffing requests to

Human Resources by XX.

PRC Review Schedule - Student Services, Admin Services and Instructional

Reviews: Moved to the 9/27/13 meeting.

Discuss Process and Identify Members to Review Specific Sections of

Instructional Reviews: Moved to the 9/27/13 meeting.

Executive Summary Completion (prior to end of academic year)

Spring Committee Member Changes (to Senate prior to end of academic year)

Template Revision Discussion and Consensus (prior to end of year): There was brief discussion that the committee should finalize the executive


summary, make template revisions, and submit membership changes to the senate by the last meeting.

5. Other/Future Agenda Items


Next meeting: Friday, September 27, 9am - 11am
