Meeting of the Distance Education (DE) Planning Committee
 Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SS 104
Thursday, October 8, 2015, 1:00-3:00 pm
Meeting called to order. Present: Reno Giovannetti, Mike Butler, James Hayes, Quang-Minh, Lynn Thiesen,
Clyde Johnson, Cathy Cox, Wendy Riggs, Phil Mancus-DN, Crislyn Parker-support
1. Approved Minutes: approved as stand.
I. Old business:
1. Review and approve DE waitlist management and forms (Cathy and Mike)
a. Informed consent notice (handout): Instructors can opt to have the complete waitlist automatically
added by submitting this form to Cathy or Mike. The default will be to add waitlisted individually as in
face to face classes.
b. Orientation letter template (handout): Committee approved a course orientation letter, sent to deans
each semester to disperse to faculty. Content includes computer requirements and suggest basic
computer skills and reviews student commitment. Student readiness direct students to an online
orientation video. Committee discussed revising the portable device recommendation language. Mike
will revise language.
2. Access to orientation letters (Reno and Mike):
 From Web Advisor, students follow the link to the orientation letter list, which is alphabetic by section
and class. There is also a left menu link available in CR Online. Suggested and agreed to add
instructions informing students what to do if their class is not on the list.
 Instructors will be directed to put orientation letters in folders and title by class and section. They will be
instructed on how to use the orientation letter, which is primarily a template that can be revised except
for the required titling information.
 Reasons for the orientation letter: provide information to students prior to the start of class and to have
information available for advisors.
3. Report out on Evaluation Kit demo (Reno and Mike):
 Mike Haley participated in the demo provided on September 18. Mike feels like this is a good solution;
it is integrated with Canvas; when student logs in they receive a pop up message that they have a survey;
an instructor can lock students out from participating in class to ensure compliance. Mike Butler, Wendy
Riggs and possibly Clyde Johnson will pilot in Spring 2016. Believed this to be a cost effective and
time saving tool. Researching whether this tool can be used for SLO evaluation. Rep sending list of
colleges using for reference.
4. Use of OEI Online Orientation Modules:
 OEI online orientation modules: Discussed that the first six modules are
useful tools for students and modules six through eleven are good tools for advisors and counselors. The
first module will be linked in the orientation letter. Discussed to put links to the other modules on
student and counseling resources pages.
 Discussed adding a New to Online, start here link to these videos. This will be done and can be revised.
II. New Business:
1. DE Student Learning Outcomes (handout): Agreed
 Dave’s proposed outcomes are more student/accreditation oriented.
 Outcome #4: revise language in support of equity in success for all students
 Add #5: student achievement in DE compared to face to face classes
2. DE Program Review – Review and Discuss
 Approved with changes
Presenter passcode: 6581347
*Note: Cathy sending an email with dates and locations of free online course design workshops.
Future Agenda Items:
 SLO integration with Canvas
 Student complaint process
 Conferencing tools
 Long term off-hours support for online faculty
 Effectiveness of OTLT and how to rewrite the MOU
 Conversation about OEI requirements for course exchange
Presenter passcode: 6581347