REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Distance Education (DE) Planning Committee Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SS 104 Thursday, October 8, 2015, 1:00-3:00 pm AGENDA Call to Order I. Old business: 1. Review and approve DE waitlist management and forms (Cathy and Mike) a. Informed consent notice b. Orientation letter template 2. Access to orientation letters (Reno and Mike) 3. Report out on Evaluation Kit demo (Reno and Mike) 4. Use of OEI Online Orientation Modules II. New Business: 1. DE Student Learning Outcomes 2. DE Program Review – Review and Discuss Future Agenda Items: SLO integration with Canvas Student complaint process Conferencing tools Long term off-hours support for online faculty Effectiveness of OTLT and how to rewrite the MOU Conversation about OEI requirements for course exchange Adjourn CCC Confer Participant Details: Toll free number: 1-888-450-4821 Participant passcode: 603422 Telephone Conference Feature: *6 - Mute/unmute your individual line Presenter passcode: 6581347 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Distance Education (DE) Planning Committee Thursday, September 10, 2015, 1:00-3:00 pm Notes Present: Cathy Cox, Reno Giovannetti, Mike Butler, Lynn Thiesen, James Hayes, Wendy Riggs, Phil Mancus, Crislyn Parker 1. Call to Order 2. Introductions and Public Comment: Members of the audience are invited to make comments regarding any subject appropriate to the DE Planning Committee 3. Approve Previous Meeting Notes (May 14, 2015): Correct the spelling of Respondus trail to trial; notes approved as corrected. 4. Summer DE update: Membership: Lynn will be an Ex Officio member until December; discussed and agreed to include a DSPS representative; Reno: Worked on DE orientation letters; Respondus trial was not successful and, upon a suggestion to look into Netop, CR is now in the process of getting licenses; the software is tested and seems to work-expected to be in operation by finals. Del Norte will also receive this software. Telepresence was basically finalized in time for convocation. A contingency plan must be developed for telepresence in case of internet failure. A representative from the Yurok tribe sat in on a demonstration and was very impressed. Lynn: Noted a concern that the telepresence monitors at KT are tiny. DE is aware of the issue and working on solutions to correct. KT needs a larger monitor. DE also advocates installing a speaker track camera where the camera will auto focus to the voice. These concerns will be included in the planning items in agenda item 6.6. Cathy: Working to be up to speed in all areas. 5. Action Items N/A 6. Discussion Items 6.1 Waitlist Management for Online Classes: The default in the past was to move all waitlisted students into class on the first day. This was reflected in the orientation letter template, and it was up to the instructor to change the orientation letter to reflect their preference. Not all instructors understood this; as a result, this year some were surprised when their waitlists were added to their roster. Instead, Mike will work with the Deans to provide a DE packet each semester with a revised and updated orientation template, and waitlist form consent, which needs to be returned to Mike, to inform explicitly who wants waitlisted students moved into sections. A sample packet will be on the next meeting agenda. An issue to revisit is the online course cap, which will have to be addressed on a course by course basis and in conjunction with the curriculum committee. 6.2 Access to Orientation Letters: Process needs to be simplified. Discussed and agreed to set up a Canvas shell (posted by DE and allowing faculty to modify), including creating links to the orientation letter, syllabus, and the canvas support and resources page. Discussed adding a live link from Web Advisor to the orientation letter, if possible. DE can monitor the template for correct information. Mike and Reno will bring back a concept for committee review. 6.3 Student Online Handbook: Presenter passcode: 6581347 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Reno drafted an online student handbook. The student complaint process will need to be prominent in this handbook-but the process needs to be clarified. Committee is tasked with providing feedback; a periodic review of the document is necessary. Agreed to add a link to the handbook in the orientation letter. Faculty Resources: Suggestions: Add a link under the employee resources tab Hyperlink the titles or bold the link embedded in the paragraph Two types of complaints: academic and technical. Issue is how and where to direct student complaints. The complaint process, generally, needs clarification. Lynn will spearhead. OEI online orientation modules: OEI offers free faculty resources, which can be viewed and downloaded for use with students DE will determine how to make this resource available to all faculty. Discussed embedding some modules into the online student handbook; maybe adding links under Faculty Resources, and Getting Started in Canvas Reno, Mike, Lynn, Cathy will each look at several of the interactive tutorials and bring back to next meeting for modification and inclusion on our website. Functional Plan for Distance Education: Combining 6.6 and 6.8 Program Review o Because the Educational Master Plan is being revised for 2017 rollout, DE will wrap a two-year functional plan in with program review; they will mirror each other, but the functional plan will need to look at two year goals. Mike and Cathy created a list of items to include in program review: DEPC is requesting the DE program use the Student Services PR form. Indicators: the number of online, telepresence and hybrid courses offered; fill rates for online, telepresence and hybrid; number of telepresence and online courses approved. The functional plan piece will be a goal to establish several cohorts as baseline for success in sequential courses. Outcomes: access; increased enrollment in DE courses; increased success. Need to determine how to measure persistence, success, etc. Planning: a subgroup will work on this during the month for review at the next meeting. Ideas: DE advisory committee; Environmental scan; increasing resources available to faculty and students. (Note: Canvas fees will be paid by state for the next three years, which frees up approximately $126,000/year funding. Some funding will go to IT for infrastructure and some for development of other resources.) Other resources needed: technology and staffing; a dedicated area for providing technology resources (i.e. training, videos, etc.); ADA compliance; increase number of telepresence and online courses; offer a fully online degree Course Evaluation Process: Reno will try set up a demo for Wednesday, 9/16 from 1 -3p, or Friday, 9/18 with Course Evaluation Kit. Mike will send CRFO representative Mike Haley an invitation to participate. DEPC Program Review Discussion included in agenda item 6.6 Planning 7. Reports: Mike Butler: would like to form a sub group to discuss OEI/course exchange, etc. Online tutoring is also available through OEI at a low cost. Cathy has another vendor to compare. Reno: receiving faculty requests for open public (community) forums. 8. Future Agenda items Conferencing tools SLO integration with Canvas Long term off hours support for online faculty Reevaluating the online preparedness quiz on the online site Effectiveness of OTLT and how to rewrite the MOU Presenter passcode: 6581347 Welcome to [course #] Course Name: Section #: Instructor: [course name here] [section # here] [instructor name here] Course delivery: This course is delivered and taught 100% online; there are no classroom meetings. [example only, may edit for your class] Course Description: [copy from course syllabus] Student Readiness: Are you ready for online classes? Please take about 15 minutes to review what it means to take an online class by watching the Introduction to Online Learning presentation at:‐Introduction‐to‐Online‐Learning/index.html Student Commitment: Your commitment will require at least as much time as you dedicate to a traditional class. A typical three credit hour class requires about nine hours per week of your time on average. You will need to possess the skills to: carefully read online lectures and textbook chapters participate in online activities and watch online videos participate in online discussions, and complete weekly quizzes. Conscientiousness, attention to details, and skills in reading and writing are critical for success. [example only, edit to meet your class requirements] Computer Skills: Online courses require adequate computer skills. You must be able to: navigate the course Learning Management System (Canvas) receive and respond to your CR email download and upload files to the Canvas, and use a word processor (such as Microsoft Word) It is your responsibility to meet the technological demands of the course. [example only, edit to meet your class requirements] Computer Requirements: Most computers and internet providers are adequate provided they are less than five years old. You should have high‐speed internet (such as broadband) service from cable, DSL, or satellite providers as there are videos that require this speed. You need to have reliable access to the internet for the duration of the course. Anticipate problems with your computer and internet access (including power outages) by not waiting until the last minute to submit assignments. It is your responsibility to meet the class deadlines. Portable Devices vs. Computers: Although you can use late‐model portable devices (such as Android or iOS phones & tablets) for some things, you should plan on doing the majority of your work (especially exams and assignments) from a reasonably late‐model notebook or desktop computer (Mac or PC). Do NOT plan to participate in this class solely from a portable device. If you do decide to use your portable device for some of your class work, use the free Canvas app (called “Canvas by Instructure”) available in iTunes (for iOS) and the Google Play Store (for Android). Do not try to connect to Canvas using a web browser on a portable device. Your experience with Canvas will be a lot better using the app. [example only, edit to meet your class requirements] Proctored Exams: Inform students whether or not there will be proctored exams. For example “There are no proctored exams for this class” or “There are two proctored exams which must be taken at one of the CR campus sites or by arrangement with the instructor.” [example only, edit to meet your class requirements] Textbook: Required textbook(s) including ISBN and costs (if possible). Other Materials: List other required materials for the class, if applicable. Course Availability The course will be available on CR’s Canvas system beginning ___________. On or after that date, you must login to Canvas at to enter our “classroom.” [We strongly suggest that you provide your syllabus and schedule to students at least 7 calendar days before class begins. If you do so by way of publishing your Canvas shell, then remember that you must ONLY provide information prior to “day one” but NOT allow students to submit any assignments before “day one”, due to contractual reasons.] Login instructions for Canvas: 1. Open your web browser and go to 2. Your Username is the same as your Webadvisor User ID (e.g., flast123 ‐ first initial + lastname + last 3 digits of your student ID number.) Your initial password is your 6‐digit birthdate (mmddyy). 3. Once logged in, on top left‐hand side of the screen you should see a drop down menu of your Courses. Canvas Help: There are instructions on the basics of Canvas and additional help with preparation for taking an online course at College of the Redwoods at: Confirm your presence in the online classroom: Log in to the website and post to the “Student Introductions” discussion forum no later than 11:59pm on _____ to confirm your presence in the online classroom. Doing so will confirm your enrollment in the course and avoid being dropped as a “no show.” You can and will be dropped from the class if you do not log in and post to the “Student Introductions” Discussions forums inside the online classroom by ____. No exceptions will be made. A student from the waiting list may then be added in your place. [example only, edit to meet your class requirements] Additional Information from the Instructor: Add any other material you want the students to know. For more information contact: Your name and email address. SPRING 2016 Approval to Add Waitlisted Students – Online Courses The Web Advisor system automatically allows students to enroll for open sections. Students on the waitlist are added automatically to a class as space becomes available prior to the beginning of the class, up to the class “cap”. Once the cap is reached, Web Advisor will not add waitlisted students to the class unless a vacancy is created. Instructors must approve the addition of any students in excess of the class cap. If you wish to have all students from your waitlist added to the roster prior to the first day of class, you may request that option by completing this form and returning it to the DE Faculty Coordinator no later than two working days before the start date of the course. Class name: _________________________________________________________ Course number: _________________________ Section number: _________________________ Instructor name: __________________________________________________________ (print) By signing below, I am requesting that College of the Redwoods staff move all waitlisted students for the section listed above into the class roster prior to the beginning of the course. I realize that this may result in the section being over‐enrolled once the move has been made. The class orientation letter for this section will inform students that “All wait‐listed students will be added to the class roster the first day of class.” Instructor signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________ Please return completed forms to the DE Faculty Coordinator, Michael Butler (michael‐ Distance Education Service Program Outcomes (proposed by DEPC) 1. Student access to courses will increase. 2. Student enrollment in Distance Education sections will increase. 3. DE sections will demonstrate improvement in their student success rate. Distance Education Outcomes (proposed by David Bazard) 1. The Distance Education Service program provides students with remote access to courses and degree/certificate programs. 2. Distance education courses and programs result in student attainment of course outcomes and achievement of degree, certificates, employment or transfer. 3. Distance education courses are scheduled in a manner that allows student to complete certificate and degree programs within a period of time consistent with established expectations of higher education. 4. Distance education delivery modes reflect the diverse and changing needs of its students, in support of equity in success for all students. 5. Students in Distance Education courses achieve course learning outcomes at the same level as other modes of instruction. From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Bazard, David Cox, Catherine Butler, Michael; Giovannetti, Reno RE: DE program outcomes Tuesday, September 15, 2015 11:25:24 AM Cathy, Thank you for including me in the loop. There are some good elements here, but these PLOs appear more as planning and growth goals as opposed to the outcomes this program provides for our students. For example, access and enrollment could experience modest increases, but is this to the benefit of the students? Likewise, improvement to success rate could be modest and may not reflect a positive outcome for our students. I suggest making the outcomes more specific to long-term benefits of this program. For example, you might consider an outcome as: The Distance Education Service program provides students with remote access to courses and degree/certificate programs. The assessment process is where there would be dialogue concerning the degree of access and if appropriate increases are occurring in areas of student need. I also suggest writing your outcomes to provide evidence for the accreditation standards. That way, the assessment results can be used to address those accreditation areas: Here’s some of the ACCJC standards that might help in frame the outcome: IIA.1: All instructional programs, regardless of location or means of delivery, including distance education and correspondence education, are offered in fields of study consistent with the institution's mission, are appropriate to higher education, and culminate in student attainment of identified student learning outcomes, and achievement of degrees, certificates, employment, or transfer to other higher education programs. A Distance Education Service Outcome could be: Distance education courses and programs result in student attainment of course outcomes and achievement of degree, certificates, employment or transfer. We could use the course learning outcome reports flagged as “online” as a measure of achievement of this outcome. Institutional data regarding degrees earned primarily online would be another source of data for assessing this outcome. IIA.6: The institution schedules courses in a manner that allows students to complete certificate and degree programs within a period of time consistent with established expectations in higher education A Distance Education Service Outcome could be: Distance education courses are scheduled in a manner that allows student to complete certificate and degree programs within a period of time consistent with established expectations of higher education. The assessment might involve how the existing DE courses augment a student’s ability to obtain the degree, even if the entire degree is not online IIA.7: The institution effectively uses delivery modes, teaching methodologies and learning support services that reflect the diverse and changing needs of its students, in support of equity in success for all students. A Distance Education Service Outcome could be: Distance education delivery modes reflect the diverse and changing needs of its students, in support of equity in success for all students I didn’t fine the specific standard, but one of the items requested from the ACCJC is evidence of the quality of DE courses compared to FTF. That is why our assessment reporting tool has a way to distinguish DE course assessments. A Distance Education Services outcome could be: Students achievement of course learning outcomes in distance education courses at the same level as other modes of instruction. Finally, it is important to remember a less than stellar assessment result is not something to be avoided. To the contrary, documenting lower than expected results would be the basis for future planning and resource requests. I hope this is helpful. I’m coming at this from my experience with the ACCJC and with how we have used the assessment data. You folks are the experts, so this is intended as food for thought, not as mandated changes. You might also run this by Mark Renner and Mark Winter who spent last year thinking about these issues. Dave David Bazard, Ph.D. Dean (Interim) Mathematics, Sciences, Behavioral & Social Sciences College of the Redwoods 707 476-4224 From: Cox, Catherine Sent: Monday, September 14, 2015 1:52 PM To: Bazard, David Cc: Butler, Michael; Giovannetti, Reno Subject: DE program outcomes Hi, Dave – Mike Butler and I are doing the very first DE program review, and we wanted to get your feedback on potential program outcomes for it. We’re looking at this as a service program. Thoughts? Distance Education Service Program Outcomes 1. Student access to courses will increase. 2. Student enrollment in Distance Education sections will increase. 3. DE sections will demonstrate improvement in their student success rate. Let us know what you think. We do have ways of measuring all of these, just FYI. Cathy Cox Director, Library and Technology Enhanced Instruction College of the Redwoods