Minutes of the College Council Meeting Monday, October 28 2013

College Council Minutes
October 28, 2013
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Minutes of the College Council Meeting
7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka, CA, Board Room
Monday, October 28 2013
Mark Renner (phone), Peter Blakemore, Michelle Blecher (phone),
Mohamad Alnakhlawi, Steve Sandeen, Anita Janis (phone), Kathy Smith,
Lee Lindsey, Keith Snow-Flamer, Cheryl Tucker, Melissa Ruiz,
Bob Brown, Jose Ramirez, Richard Ries, Ahn Fielding
Kathy Smith called the meeting to order at 2:34 p.m.
A motion was made by Steve Sandeen and seconded by Keith SnowFlamer to approve the minutes from the 9/330/2013 College Council
meeting. A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to approve
the 9/30/2013 College Council meeting minutes as presented.
BP AND AP 3440
BP 3440 Service Animals directly reflects the League Template.
AP 3440 Service Animals was drafted using the League Template and
the AP from Santa Rosa Junior College as guides.
The AP specifies that there are different procedures for service animals
in a public space vs. a private space such as a classroom or a lab.
Council member suggested changing the first sentence of the BP to read
“In order to accommodate and assist students with disabilities In
order to prevent discrimination on the basis of disability the District will
allow an individual with a disability to use a service animal or miniature
horse in District facilities and on District campuses in compliance with
state and federal law.”
Discussion ensued regarding what is considered a service animal and
what makes a miniature horses qualified.
A motion was made by Mohamad Alnakhlawi and seconded by Peter
Blakemore to send BP and AP 3440 Service Animals out for a 30 day
constituent review contingent upon the aforementioned change.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP and AP
3440 Service Animals out for a 30 day constituent review contingent
upon the aforementioned change.
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October 28,2013
BP AND AP 6540
BP and AP 6540 Insurance were revised using the League Template and
by referencing policies and procedures from other colleges.
Council member suggested moving the italicized ED. Code at the end of
the policy.
A motion was made by Keith Snow-Flamer and seconded by Lee Lindsey
to send BP and AP 6540 Insurance out for a 30 day constituent review
contingent upon the aforementioned changes.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP and AP
6540 Insurance out for a 30 day constituent review.
Language was added to BP 6700 regarding advertising and billboards.
Council member suggested that the language be changed to
“President/Superintendent or designee” where appropriate.
Discussion ensued regarding Relay for Life and exemptions to the
restrictions stated in the AP.
Discussion ensued regarding when it is necessary for food to be provided
by dining services.
A motion was made by Michelle Blecher and seconded by Mohamad
Alnakhlawi to send BP and AP 6700 Use of District Facilities our for a 30
day constituent review contingent upon the aforementioned change.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP and AP
6700 Use of District Facilities out for a 30 day constituent review
contingent upon the aforementioned change.
BP AND AP 6740
BP and AP 6740 Citizens Oversight Committee were revised using the
CITIZENS OVERSIGHT league template as well as referencing the policies and procedures from
other Colleges.
Council member suggested not striking the word “Bond” from the title.
A motion was made by Mohamad Alnakhlawi and seconded by Peter
Blakemore to send BP and AP 6740 Citizens Oversight Committee out
for a 30 day constituent review contingent upon the aforementioned
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October 28,2013
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP and AP
6740 Citizens Oversight Committee out for a 30 day constituent review
contingent upon the aforementioned changes.
BP AND AP 7400
BP and AP 7400 Travel were revised by looking at the league template
as well as policies and procedures from other colleges.
Discussion ensued regarding the Transient Occupancy Waiver form and
where it can be obtained.
Discussion ensued regarding what charges require a receipt.
Council member suggested changing the Vice President language to
“Chief Business Officer” where applicable.
A motion was made by Steve Sandeen and seconded by Michelle
Blecher to send BP and AP 7400 Travel out for a 30 day constituent
review contingent upon the aforementioned change.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP and AP
7400 Travel out for a 30 day constituent review contingent upon the
aforementioned change.
There was no feedback from constituent groups on BP 2725 Board
Member Compensation.
A motion was made by Keith Snow-Flamer and seconded by Michelle
Blecher to send BP 2725 Board Member Compensation to the Board for
a first read.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP 2725 Board
Member Compensation to the Board for a first read.
College Council member asked if this policy was the same for other
district employees. It was clarified that the only different between Board
Member health benefits and the health benefits of other district
employees was that Board members have the option to choose to pay
more towards their benefits.
A motion was made by Lee Lindsey and seconded by Steve Sandeen to
send BP 2730 Health Benefits to the Board for a first read.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP 2730
Health Benefits to the Board for a first read.
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October 28,2013
BP AND AP 2735
President Smith presented the Council with revised versions of BP and
AP 2735 Travel. Council members reviewed the revised drafts.
A motion was made by Steve Sandeen and seconded by Peter
Blakemore to send the revised drafts of BP and AP 2735 Travel to the
appropriate Board subcommittee for review.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send the revised
drafts of BP and AP 2735 Travel to the appropriate Board subcommittee
for review.
BP 3100
There was no constituent feedback on BP 3100 Organizational Structure.
A motion was made by Keith Snow-Flamer and seconded by Steve
Sandeen to send BP 3100 Organizational Structure to the Board for a
first read.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP 3100
Organizational Structure to the Board for a first read.
BP AND AP 5050
A revised draft of BP and AP Matriculation was presented to the Council.
The draft policy and procedure, BP and AP 5050 Student Support and
Success Program is better aligned with Title 5 regulations.
A motion was made by Peter Blakemore and seconded by Keith SnowFlamer to send the revised drafts of BP and AP 5050 Student Support
and Success Program out for a 30 day constituent review.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send the revised BP
and AP 5050 Student Support and Success Program out for a 30 day
constituent review.
BP AND AP 5055
Council member suggested striking the language that states “effective
Fall 2014.”
Council member suggested using the word “shall” in the BP instead of
A motion was made by Keith Snow-Flamer and seconded by Mohamad
Alnakhlawi to send BP and AP 5055 Enrollment Priorities to the Board
contingent upon the aforementioned changes.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP and AP
5055 Enrollment Priorities to the Board for a first read contingent upon
the aforementioned changes.
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October 28,2013
BP AND AP 6200
There was no constituent feedback on BP and AP 6200 Budget
A motion was made by Keith Snow-Flamer and seconded by Lee Lindsey
to send BP and AP 6200 Budget Preparation to the Board for a first read.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP and AP
6200 Budget Preparation to the Board for a first read.
An ASCR Representative asked if there should be student
Council member asked the parties are in the “mutual agreement”
referenced in bullet no. 2. It was clarified that the agreement is between
the Academic Senate and the President.
Council member suggested breaking up bullet four into two separate
Council member suggested changing the language in bullet 15 to state
that “The President/Superintendent acts on the committee’s
recommendation and communicates the approved forwards positions
to the District…”
Council member suggested changing the language in the calendar to
state that the “President/Superintendent announces the number of
positions to be provisionally funded for the next academic year.”
Council member suggested changing the language in bullet no. 10 to
Council member suggested adding the language “and faculty” to the
November section of the calendar.
A motion was made by Steve Sandeen and seconded by Mohamad
Alnakhlawi to send AP 7217 Faculty Prioritization Process to the Board
as information.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send AP 7217
Faculty Prioritization Process to the Board as information.
President Kathy Smith adjourned the meeting at 4:30 p.m.