Minutes of the College Council Meeting

College Council Minutes
August 19, 2013
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Minutes of the College Council Meeting
7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka, CA, Board Room
Monday, August 19, 2013
Bob Brown (phone), Mark Renner (phone), Peter Blakemore, Michelle
Blecher (phone), Daniel Potts (phone), Steve Sandeen, Jose Ramirez,
Kathy Smith, Lee Lindsey, Keith Snow-Flamer, Ahn Fielding, Cheryl
Tucker, Melissa Ruiz (phone), Jolene Gates (Phone)
Richard Ries
Kathy Smith called the meeting to order at 2:34 p.m.
A motion was made by Michelle Blecher and seconded by Steve
Sandeen to approve the minutes from the 6/24/2013 College Council
meeting. A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to approve
the 6/24/2013 College Council Meeting Minutes as presented.
BP AND AP 7110
There were no changes made to BP 7110 Delegation of Authority.
The AP was revised using the League Template and best practices from
other Community Colleges.
A motion was made by Bob Brown and Seconded by Steve Sandeen to
send BP and AP 7110 Delegation of Authority out for a 30 day
constituent review.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP and AP
7110 Delegation of Authority out for a 30 day constituent review.
BP 7160
BP 7160 was updated to reflect current language.
Council member suggested changing the language to state: “It shall be
the policy of the District when financially feasible and practical to
provide employees at every level and classification where the need is
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Council member suggested changing the first sentence of the BP so that
it states: “…professional development of employees is essential to the
efficient and economical operation of the school system and contributes
to an improved instructional program for students.”
A motion was made by Michelle Blecher and seconded by Jose Ramirez
to send BP 7160 Professional Development out for a 30 day constituent
ACTION review contingent upon the aforementioned changes.
A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP 7160
Professional Development out for a 30 day constituent review contingent
upon the aforementioned changes.
BP 7230 Classified Employees was revised using the League Template.
The policy had not been updated since it was adopted in 1977.
Council member asked a question regarding why the probationary period
is mentioned in the policy since it is also in contract language.
Council member suggested striking the last paragraph which talks about
the probationary period and inserting the following language instead:
“The probationary period for all classified employees shall be established
by the Board of Trustees through the adoption of the Collective
Bargaining Agreement.”
A motion was made by Ahn Fielding and seconded by Steve Sandeen to
send BP 7230 Classified Employees out for a 30 day constituent review
ACTION contingent upon the aforementioned changes.
A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP 7230
Classified Employees out for a 30 day constituent review contingent upon
the aforementioned changes.
BP AND AP 3505
The proposed BP and AP 3505 Emergency Response Plan were drafted
using the League Template, language from the Chancellors Office, and
best practices from other colleges.
Council member pointed out that the web address in the 4 th paragraph of
the AP needs to be changed.
Council member suggested changing the title “District Chief of Police” to
“Public Safety Officer.”
Council members also suggested the following changes:
Remove the open parenthesis on the first page of the AP
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Add emergency phone numbers for Mendocino, Del Norte and
Eliminate the language regarding “office of primary responsibility”
Remove parents and guardians from the second page of the AP
Update the FEMA website to www.ready.gov
A motion was made by Cheryl Tucker and seconded by Michelle Blecher
to send BP and AP 3505 Emergency Response Plan out for a 30 day
constituent review contingent upon the aforementioned changes.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP and AP
5505 Emergency Response Plan out for a 30 day constituent review
contingent upon the aforementioned changes.
BP AND AP 6200
BP 6200 Budget Preparation was updated to include language regarding
accreditation and the fund balance. The AP was updated to remove
duplicate information and to clearly state that the budget must be of
sufficient detail.
Council member stated that the policy and procedure should use the title
Chief Business Officer and not Vice President.
Council member suggested using the language “Institutional Plans”
instead of listing each plan.
Council member suggested changing the language in the first paragraph
of the AP to “requires” instead of “necessitates.”
A motion was made by Keith Snow-Flamer and seconded by Peter
Blakemore to send BP and AP 6200 Budget Preparation out for a 30 day
constituent review.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP and AP
6200 Budget Preparation out for a 30 day constituent review.
BP and AP 6331
Purchase Program
Council discussed if a technology purchase program is necessary. The
representative of Classified employees and the representative for Faculty
both agreed that this was a very popular program that many people
wanted to use.
Council member stated that as college employees, people already get a
discount from Dell, Tangent, HP, and Apple.
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Council member suggested revising the current BP and AP because the
content is negotiable.
The Council decided that the policy and procedure should be revised and
updated then brought back to Council for review.
President Kathy Smith adjourned the meeting at 4:12 p.m.