West Midlands Centre for Excellence in Teacher Training Co-ordinators’ Meeting

West Midlands Centre for Excellence in Teacher Training
Co-ordinators’ Meeting
Monday 9 February 2009, 10.30am
CMR1.2, University House, University of Warwick
Fergus McKay (Chair)
Susan Martin
Lucy Moss (Secretary)
Penny Ottewill
Jean Garner
Julie Chamberlain
Anne Schofield
Jayne Hedges
Mary Whitehouse
Elaine Goodall
Margaret Hunter
Mike Smith
Vron Leslie
Introductions and Apologies
The Chair asked each attendee to introduce themselves. Apologies were received from
Louise Jones and Jill Hardman.
Year 3 Business Plan
FM introduced and ran through the 2009/10 business plan. SM and FM are meeting with
Deirdre Kimbell from LSIS on Monday 16 February to receive feedback and guidance on any
changes required. FM will be talking about the business plan at the National CETT meeting on
10/11 February. The business plan will be submitted to LSIS at the beginning of March.
Community of Practitioners
The West Midlands Community of Practitioners (WMCOP) was launched in December 2008
and has been very well received. A template has been issued for a WMCOP e-newsletter as
well. VL and FM are still looking at new ways to take WMCOP forward, such as forums.
Action: ALL to promote WMCOP with teacher educators
The Mentoring Action Research Project is well underway, with a training day held on 14
January. It has been suggested that these projects could apply for Excellence and
Improvement funding from Nord Anglia. JH will be contacting all project managers to
discuss. Bids have to be received by 22 February.
Action: JH to contact Mentoring ARP Project Managers
HEI Network
WMCETT has a regional partnership with 5 HEIs who deliver teacher training in the West
Midlands: University of Worcester, Birmingham City University, Staffordshire University,
Newman University College and the University of Wolverhampton. FM meets regularly with
them and JISC, and next year we undertake a new dissemination project with them.
WMCETT has been asked by IfL to recruit a part time regional rep, funded by IfL, who will be
able to advise on any matters relating to IfL, for example Reflect and CPD. It is hoped that
someone will be recruited to the post to start 1 April 2009.
Forthcoming events
The team gave updates on forthcoming events. LM will post details to the WMCETT website.
Details of any future events should be sent to LM.
Action: ALL to send through event details for publicity
Date, time and location of next meeting
The next meeting will be on Friday 1 May at 10.30am at RAF Cosford, Shropshire.