West Midlands Centre for Excellence in Teacher Training Co-ordinators’ Meeting

West Midlands Centre for Excellence in Teacher Training
Co-ordinators’ Meeting
Friday 17 July 2009, 10.30am
CMR1.1, University House, University of Warwick
Fergus McKay (Chair)
Susan Martin
Elaine Goodall
Jayne Hedges
Margaret Hunter
Louise Jones
Vron Leslie
Penny Ottewill
Anne Schofield
Mike Smith
Mary Whitehouse
Apologies were received from Jill Hardman and Julie Chamberlain.
Matters Arising
Item 4 – Please continue to send through information to Vron and Julie for inclusion in the
WMCOP bulletin and the newsletter.
FM clarified the role of the both publications:
 Newsletter - outward facing, celebrating success, promoting events and projects.
 WMCOP bulletin - specifically for teacher trainers, giving updates on news, policy. It is
more functional and informative. It evolved directly out of requests from Year 1
Chair’s update
In terms of future funding, it had been decided that a strategy of engaging with small
projects on a regular basis in our own name is to be adopted, as this will give us appropriate
levels of control. Working with the large private organisations has not resulted in the CETTs
securing adequate operational funding.
Action: ALL to keep the core team informed
of any project funding that arises
Feedback from cross-CETT meeting
The Chair gave a brief update on LSIS’ current position and future of CETTs beyond March
The Forum
This project has enabled West Midlands HEIs to work collaboratively. Three workshops will
be run in the West Midlands. Teacher educators from the partner colleges of all the HEIs will
be invited to these events. The first will be in Wolverhampton, second in Worcester and third
at Warwick. The original project idea was to provide a mechanism for the HEIs to work
together. The intention is to keep the events personal and interactive rather than conference
style. Outputs will include a summary of each day, written up and published on the website.
Courses update
SM detailed the changes that were to happen to the delivery and administration for courses
offered in the coming academic year. All courses would now come directly under the
management of the Centre for Lifelong Learning at the University of Warwick from 1 August
2009. SM would circulate an email setting out the changes to all concerned.
Action: SM to email all course co-ordinators
and tutors
TEI Project
The event proved very successful. It enabled colleges to break down barriers by talking to
each other. VL thanked the group facilitators who helped make the day work so well. Teams
had benefited enormously from the small amount of funding and there was a significant shift
in attitudes as a result of participating in the project.
IfL Connections Adviser update
AS circulated a set of flyers for her IfL role as information. FM commented on the importance
of having AS’s role based in the CETT because it adds value to the CETT offer.
AS emphasised the deadline for declaring CPD to IfL (31 August 09).
Forthcoming events
Everyone present gave a brief update on any forthcoming events. However, due to the
coming summer break, no significant events were imminent.
SM reminded everyone that financial sign off should be requested before any commitment is
made. The university guidelines are becoming much more difficult to manage unless engaged
at the start of the process.
VL talked about the SLC project run by Nord Anglia. There is a need for WMCETT to feed back
on how the project has operated.
MH expressed concern that the voluntary sector may get left behind in terms of
infrastructure, for example in providing mentoring.
Date and location of next meeting
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 22 at the Hundred House Hotel, Great
Whitley, Shropshire. The meeting will start at 10.30am.