West Midlands CETT Advisory Board Meeting

West Midlands CETT Advisory Board Meeting
held on 29 June 2010 at NEW College
Anne O’Grady (NIACE) Chair
Julie Chamberlain (Project Manager WMCETT) Secretary
Fergus McKay (Director WMCETT)
David Lamburn (University of Warwick)
Shelley Phelan (NEW College)
Maureen Atkinson (Chair of Learning Strategy Group, RAWM)
Ros Partridge (Dudley College and LEAFEA)
Mike Smith (HWSTPA)
No apologies were received.
As it was the first meeting of the Advisory Board everyone introduced themselves.
Minutes of the Board meeting, March 2010
The minutes of the last Board meeting held by WMCETT during its third year, before the Advisory Board
was formed, were agreed as a correct record by those who had attended.
Matters arising
AO’G asked if matters listed for completion under the previous year’s business plan had been completed
and FM confirmed they had. She said under Item 6, the comment about using a blended evaluation on the
Mental Health Awareness course was incorrect.
Constitution and terms of reference
JC introduced the terms of reference that had been agreed for the Advisory Board by the WMCETT Board.
She said the Board had had a constitution that sought to appoint a certain number of people from different
sectors, although these posts had rarely been fully filled. The Advisory Board had not set such a
constitution but had asked individuals to join who represented different sectors. She asked if there were
any gaps in representation. Everyone was happy with the representation. The terms of reference were
Budget update
JC tabled figures showing WMCETT’s budget for the past three years and the planned expenditure for this
year. She explained WMCETT was still waiting to hear what the payments for premises and service charges
at the university were. AO’G asked if project money would be given to organisations to carry out work. JC
explained it was for WMCETT staff to work on projects, which would hopefully bring in returns. DL asked if
any were doing that so far. JC said one course which included non-accredited students has been run so far
which will bring in a return, and two more institutions are interested in running it.
Business Plan and the way forward
FM summed up the work of WMCETT over the past three years in the different sectors and said it had been
very successful. Ofsted had reported that the CETTs had made an impact, and the good inspection reports
of HEIs in the West Midlands had been helped by their relationship with WMCETT. He said in Year 4 the
situation had changed because we were now not getting direct funding from LSIS and had to supply very
few reports back to LSIS. It was necessary to decide how best to use the limited resources, and WMCETT
were looking at possible funding streams such as developing non-accredited courses. There had formerly
been money from IfL to manage a co-ordinator’s role but IfL were now funding a similar role directly. FM
said he was optimistic that the available funding could be used to generate more income.
FM went through the Business Plan highlighting some areas and inviting contributions. WMCETT hoped to
work with HWSTPA to bid for funding to pay for IAG champions who would provide information to people
on ways forward in the sector. It was felt many people had IA (Information and Advice)sorted out but not
the G (Guidance).
RP said IAG from local authorities had not been mentioned, and parts of the Business Plan which referred
to AVC also applied to ACL. It was agreed to include ACL in the plan.
RP added that local authorities provided IAG as part of their service and did not have to have a Next Steps
contract. She thought lots of training providers would be keen on the type of training WMCETT could offer.
FM said if LEAFEA members had generic needs for training, workshops or day schools we would be
interested to see if we can meet that need. PTLLS courses had previously been contextualised, as had
DTLLS. Observing Teaching and Learning training was currently being provided to different groups.
AO’G suggested mapping the training needs of the local authority sector.
FM said WMCETT hoped to work with JISC to provide some courses.
It was suggested the idea in the Business Plan of researching a ‘human library’ could also include a virtual
library with video, on line and podcast elements. MA said management training and help was often being
sought by people working in the voluntary sector. MS said WMCETT PAC were to take part in podcasts
which would be available to all on line.
It was agreed to incorporate ideas and suggestions raised into the Business Plan.
Any other business and next meeting
RP said a West Midlands Adult Learning conference was being organised at Telford on 15 July to look at
sharing good practice across the voluntary sector, ACL and informal adult learning and looking at how
partnership working can be taken forward in the future. She invited WMCETT to attend with an information
stand. JC asked to be forwarded details.
The date for the next meeting was set for Tuesday, November 16 at 5pm at NEW College.