West Midlands CETT Advisory Board Meeting held on 9 October 2012 at NEW College Present: 1. Julie Chamberlain (Project Manager WMCETT) Secretary Fergus McKay (Director WMCETT) Maureen Atkinson (Chair of Learning Strategy Group, RAWM) Chair Mike Smith (HWSTPA) Judy Hallam (NEW College) Apologies Ros Partridge sent apologies. 2. Minutes of the Advisory Board meeting, 12 June 2012 They were agreed as a correct record. 3. Matters arising There was a discussion about locality and larger colleges wanting to expand their reach. MS said BIS and the DfE were jointly launching a new policy which could have a radical impact. The learner was central but of equal status was the employer. The only two options between the ages of two and 25 were education or employment. JH said it was about raising the participation age. 4. Director’s update FM talked about the Lingfield Review, which he said had retreated from a position of de-regulation in the short term. LSIS was reviewing the teacher training qualifications. There was likely to be one qualification at the level of PTLLS or CTLLS and one for managers. The new Guild was being set up and the AoC were bidding for it. It was not expected to be as regimented as the IfL. A college would be able to apply to the Guild to run its own CPD. The question was what would happen to QTLS – there was going to have to be a way of bridging between schools and the FE sector as with QTLS an FE teacher was qualified to work in a school. He was pleased the government had listened to some of the responses from the consultation over the review. CETTs had been at the forefront of trying to get people to challenge the proposals. 5. Project manager’s update JC reported that work had continued on the Changing Landscapes project, with phone research over the summer. Another round of meetings had been held in September, though the SFA had not participated this time. The final report was being written. FM said the feedback from Changing Landscapes had asked if WMCETT could run a series of meetings like that once a year as it provided an opportunity for people to catch up. People had found the transfer of information useful. MS asked if people would prefer one large meeting, but FM said they liked facing people around a table. JH said it was useful for the SFA to hear what was going on due to funding changes. FM said BIS Local had also found out useful information. MA said it was useful to see the dynamics, and people from Staffordshire and Stoke were getting on well which was partly because they had met at the meeting. MS said a lot of national things were happening which did not take account of local differences. FM said the new Common Inspection Framework of inspections for colleges meant that a lot were dropping grades. JC said WMCETT put in an expression of interest earlier in the summer about running an LSIS Teaching and Learning Coach programme and had been asked to put in a detailed proposal. It had been decided not to, as there was not enough time and the amount on offer did not seem that big, but LSIS put the deadline back and asked CETTs to apply. The WMCETT application was then successful. CETTs around the country are managing the Project and LSIS have indicated they would like it to be ongoing. JH said it was good to know the CETTs were still alive and a force to be reckoned with. WMCETT also put in two expressions of interest for the next round of the Regional Response Fund project which runs until the end of July 2013, and have been asked to put in a fuller proposal for one of them. Ongoing are the HE in FE project, which FM is co-ordinating, and the Careers project. JC said an interim report had come in from that in August, with a request to put back the end of the project, which has been agreed. MS talked about the national careers service looking for partners to deliver advice and guidance in the West Midlands. JH said the college was concerned about impartial advice and guidance. MS said there was a feeling that schools did not give impartial advice and guidance. JC said she had sent out a newsletter in July, and plans another one before Christmas. On finance, JC presented current figures, and asked the Board to support WMCETT continuing past its current projected date of March 2013 until the end of August 2013. This was agreed. MS said WMCETT should aim to keep going after August as there was a chance then there would be more money around as it would be two years before an election and governments usually started giving out more money then. 6. Any other business MS talked about the new higher level apprenticeship framework which now offers over 20 high level frameworks of apprenticeships at level 4/5 foundation degree level, though only two are offered in the whole of the West Midlands. He hoped some research would be done on why this is happening. JH said there was a problem with volume and individuals wanting different things. 7. Next meeting The date for the next meeting was set for Tuesday, 29 January at 5pm at NEW College.