West Midlands Centre for Excellence in Teacher Training Co-ordinators’ Meeting Friday 5 September 2008, 10.30am University House, University of Warwick Attendees: 1. Fergus McKay (Chair) Susan Martin Lucy Moss (Secretary) Penny Ottewill Louise Jones Jean Garner Kim Cook Peter Byrd Jayne Hedges Anne Schofield Elaine Goodall Margaret Hunter Susie Knight Jill Hardman Mike Smith Vron Leslie Introductions and Apologies The Chair asked each attendee to introduce themselves. Apologies were received from Mary Whitehouse. 2. WMCETT Website Update LM reminded all about Sector News, updated by David Grayson weekly, and how to book equipment and resources via the website. LM will be developing the resources part of the website over the next few months, with the help of Vron and David. LM also reminded everyone about the lack of content on the Priority Areas part of the website. Action: All PACs to supply content FM reiterated the importance of the Activity Log for the sustainability of the CETT after 2010 and requested that it is completed online at least once a month for reporting purposes. 3. Cross-CETT Conference The conference is being held on Friday 26 September and the Chair asked all the WMCETT team to publicise it when communicating with contacts. Action: All to promote conference 4. Project Manager Update (i) Immigration Rules SM explained the University of Warwick’s interpretation of the Home Office rules on employment paperwork. SM reiterated the need to ensure that if we are intending to pay someone through the University payroll, their identification documents must be checked prior to any work commencing and the appropriate forms completed. (ii) New activities SM asked to be kept aware of any new activities going on under the WMCETT banner, especially with the changes to the immigration paperwork. (iii) Fee claims A ‘model’ fee claim was handed out for information. (iv) Charity train ticket line SM explained the system to get discounted train tickets. They can be ordered through Brenda Wilson in CLL up to a few days in advance of the journey. A University of Warwick ID card is required. (v) Public relations for CETTS SM attended PR training with Blue Rubicon, and will keep colleagues informed of any useful outcomes. 5. Teacher Educator Initiative FM outlined the purpose of this initiative, and detailed the role that Vron would be undertaking. The initiative has been positively received in colleges and an update will be provided at the next meeting. 6. College Roadshows The roadshows will provide an opportunity for colleges to exchange information about current issues, such as new TTQs. IfL are very keen to come on board with this. It is planneded that we will go out to 10 institutions by the end of March. 7. Mentoring Project A pilot of the mentoring award is starting on 15 September at NEW College, finishing in June 2009. A group of 11 teacher educators will be participating on this 30 hour/10 credit course. 8. WMCETT Strategy and the Way Forward Forthcoming plans from each of the Priority Areas were discussed. 9. Date, time and location of next meeting The next meeting will be on Friday 28 November at 10.30am, Venue TBC. 10. AOB SM mentioned that another newsletter is proposed for December. She reminded everybody that photos and articles are needed, and that these can be sent in to Lucy anytime, not just as the deadline approaches. The final date for submission for the next newsletter is Monday 3 November. WMCETT pens are now available for large promotional events. Please let Lucy know if you are involved in an event which will reach an appropriate audience. Please also remember that we have newsletters and folders for marketing purposes.