Bringing up Scientists in the Art of Critiquing Research Author(s): Barbara J. Kuyper Reviewed work(s): Source: BioScience, Vol. 41, No. 4 (Apr., 1991), pp. 248-250 Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the American Institute of Biological Sciences Stable URL: . Accessed: 02/12/2011 11:07 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact University of California Press and American Institute of Biological Sciences are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to BioScience. Education Bringing in the up scientists critiquing research art of n additionto factualknowledge the structurefor presentingit have Developing skills in of a given discipline,scientifically variations,but the basic analogy reresearch need an- mains. Research is conducted and critiquing literate collegegraduates alyticalskills to interpret,apply, and communicatethe scientific information they have acquired(AAAS1990, NAS 1989). For research scientists, analyticalskills are essentialin writing, critiquing,revising,and defending research proposals and articles and reviewingthe researchof other scientists.Criticalthinkingand writing are activitiesintegral,ratherthan peripheral,to scientificresearch.As Sidney Perkowitz (1989) of Emory Universitywrites,"Ihavelearnedthat when I write a researchpaperI do far more than summarizeconclusionsalready neatly stored in my mind. Rather,the writingprocessis whereI carry out the final comprehension, analysis,and synthesisof my results' (p. 353). Butgraduatestudentsrarelyreceive formaltrainingin thinkingor writing about research.Many become good scientists who are nonetheless severely handicappedin communicating theirown researchand in eliciting useful assessmentsof it from others. With a good analyticalmind and a few other tools at hand, however, a scientistat any careerstage can learn the art of critiquingresearch. Criticalassessmentof researcharticles Traditionally,the scientific method involvesformulatinga hypothesis,designingan experimentto test the hypothesis, collecting data, and interpreting the data. The structure of researcharticles(calledIMRAD)parallels this sequence:introduction,includingstatementof objective;methods; results; and discussion. The model for conducting research and by BarbaraJ. Kuyper 248 presented by the scientific method, and it can also be analyzedby using the same logical sequenceof steps. Critical assessment of a research articleappropriatelyoccursat several stages. The author critiquesthe first draft and revises it accordingly. Friendlycolleaguesreviewthe revised draft, and the author revises the manuscriptagain in the light of their suggestions.Thesepresubmissioncritiques and revisions are intended to improve the written presentationof research,short-circuitunfavorablereviews, and decreasetime to publication. On submission,the article undergoes peer review to determine acceptabilityfor publication. When an article enters the scientificliterature, it becomesopen to scrutinyby other scientists,as well as by journalists, politicians,and the generalpublic, and at this stage a scientist'sreputation can be firmly establishedor irrevocablydamaged. The value of being able to selfcritiquemanuscriptsand to have confidencein the critiquecannotbe overemphasized.A scientist should ask, "What was my bias in carryingout proceduresor in collectingdata?Did I wantmy resultsto happen?"Scientists are human and thus subjective,and awarenessof one's own subjectivityis essential in preparing objective researchresultsfor presentationto the scientificcommunity(Harper1990). Forthe samereason,scientistsneed to learnhow to elicit useful critiques from colleagues. "Is my bias showing? Can you tell what I'm most afraidof? Can you detect any weaknesses in my experimentaldesign or methodologythat an incisive reader will most certainly expose if you don't?As a friendlycolleague,I'd like you to tell me beforea journalisttells the world!" Some tools are needed for training scientists to critique their own and their colleagues'researcharticles.An analyticalmind-setis basic to all facets of scientific research, including criticalanalysisof the scientificliterature. In editing manuscriptsfor research scientists, I preparea written summarythat assessesthe articlesection by section.This editorialcritique is designed to give the author an overview of the manuscript rather than gettingboggeddown in editorial clean-up work or a sentence-bysentenceanalysis.A colleague'swritten critique also provides an overview, but it emphasizesdesign and interpretationof researchratherthan presentation.The checklist, a traditional editors' tool, is also useful in scrutinizing scientific manuscripts from authors', statisticians',and reviewers' standpoints (Applewhite 1979, CBE Style Manual Committee 1983, Gardner et al. 1986, Squires 1990). I have developed a checklist for critiquing a research article at an earlydraftstage that both the author and in-house reviewerscan use (see box page 249). The checklistfocuses on structure,or organization,and its interrelationshipwith content. It is based on the IMRAD structurebut can be modified for other types of journal articles. In assessingarticles with the aid of the checklist,fluorescent color markers are useful tools that give authorsand reviewerssomething useful (andplayful)to do. I use a yellow markerto call attentionto statements of objectives at various pointsin the manuscript(anddiscrepancies among them) and a rose markerto identify undefinedor misused terms. A critiqueof the introductionalone (steps 1-4) sometimes unravels the BioScienceVol. 41 No. 4 Checklistfor critiquinga researcharticle Title Author Introduction 1. Read the statementof purpose at the end of the introduction. What was the objectiveof the study? _ 2. Considerthe title. Does it preciselystatethe subjectof the paper? 3. Readthe statementof purposein the abstract.Does it matchthat in the introduction? _ 4. Check the sequenceof statementsin the introduction.Does all informationlead directlyto the purposeof the study? Methods _ 5. Review all methodsin relationto the objectiveof the study. Are the methodsvalid for studyingthis problem? _ 6. Checkthe methodsfor essentialinformation.Couldthe study be duplicatedfrom the informationgiven? 7. Review the methods for possible fatal flaws. Is the sample selectionadequate?Is the experimentaldesign appropriate? 8. Check the sequence of statements in the methods. Does all informationbelong in the methods?Can the methodsbe subdivided for greaterclarity? Results 9. Scrutinizethe data, as presentedin tables and illustrations.Does the title or legend accurately describe content? Are column headingsand labels accurate?Are the data organizedfor ready comparisonand interpretation? _ 10. Reviewthe resultsas presentedin the text while referringto data in the tablesand illustrations.Does the text complement,and not simply repeat, data? Are there discrepanciesin results between text and tables? _ 11. Check all calculationsand presentationof data. 12. Review the resultsin the light of the stated objective.Does the study revealwhat the researcherintended? Discussion 13. Checkthe interpretationagainstthe results.Does the discussion merelyrepeatthe results?Does the interpretationarise logically from the data, or is it too far-fetched?Have shortcomingsof the researchbeen addressed? _ 14. Comparethe interpretationto relatedstudiescited in the article. Is the interpretationat odds or in line with other researchers' thinking? 15. Consider the published research on this topic. Have all key studiesbeen considered? 16. Reflect on directions for future research.Has the author suggested furtherwork? Overview 17. Considerthe journal for which the article is intended.Are the topic and format appropriatefor that journal? 18. Rereadthe abstract.Does it accuratelysummarizethe article? 19. Check the structure of the article (first headings and then paragraphing).Is all materialorganizedunder the appropriate heading?Are sections subdividedlogically into subsectionsor paragraphs? 20. Reflect on the author's thinking and writing style. Does the authorpresentthis researchlogically and clearly? entire article. Discrepanciesbetween the title of the article and the stated objectiveat the end of the introduction throb in the fluorescentcolor. The researchermay discover an ambiguityin thinkingabout the purpose of the researchthat was previously concealedbut is now glaringlyobvious. A carefulscrutinyof researchmethods (steps 5-8) may expose fatal flaws in sample selection or experimental design that invalidatethe results. This disturbingrevelationcan be beneficialover the long run, however, if it helps the scientist to cut losses and move on to better-defined research. A review of methods on completionof a researchprojectcan also emphasize the importance of choosing an appropriateexperimental design at the onset and evaluating the researchprojectas it develops. The results, particularly as presented in tables and illustrations,almost inevitablyrequiredrastic redesign and revision.Selecting,aligning, and labelingdata appropriatelyin tables requireas much thought as does the textual descriptionof results.Ideally, the author has designedthe tables beforewritingthe resultssection, and steps 9-12 on the checklist directs reviewersto examine the tables first. A table should be self-explanatory, with a title that accuratelyand concisely describes content and column headings that accurately describe information in the cells. Instructions for preparing scientific tables (CBEStyleManual Committee 1983) and illustrations (CBE Scientific IllustrationCommittee1988) are invaluabletools in writing and revising researcharticles. Authors often seem mentally fatigued by the time they have defined in writing what their researchwas reallyabout, struggledwith statistical analysisof data, sortedout meaningful results, and revised tables again and again. Consequently,the discussion often degeneratesinto a feeble rewordingof resultsratherthan interpretationof the researchand its status in relationto otherstudiesin the field. In critiquing the discussion section (steps 13-16), the author can easily detect mere repetitionof results. To validate and refine interpretation, however,a colleague'sprobingquestions are probably more fruitful at April 1991 249 this stage than is self-examination. The overview section of the checklist (steps 17-20) requires the author or reviewer to step back and reconsider the manuscript as a whole. Does the author think and write logically? Is the organizational sequence of the paper logical and appropriate to content? Are the objectives and results of the research stated clearly? Does the article fit the stated purpose of the journal to which it is being submitted? Conclusions After all is said and done, critiquing research is intellectual fun. The ability to scrutinize a piece of writing with a critical eye requires time for leisurely contemplation, an analytical mind (the scientific mind?), a zest for arguing with colleagues, and the ability to set ego aside. If we do not assess our own research, journal reviewers and subsequent readers will do it for us, with the potential for much more badly bruised egos and scientific reputations. Acknowledgments I thank Stephen B. Kritchevsky, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Tennessee, Memphis, and Jerry M. Williams, Department of Horticulture, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, for critiquing this manuscript. References cited AmericanAssociationfor the Advancementof Science (AAAS). 1990. The LiberalArt of Science:Agendafor Action. AAAS, Washington,DC. Applewhite,L. 1979. Examinationof the medical/scientificmanuscript.Journalof Technical Writingand Communication9: 17-25. CBE ScientificIllustrationCommittee. 1988. IllustratingScience:Standardsfor Publication. Council of Biology Editors,Bethesda, MD. CBE Style Manual Committee. 1983. CBE StyleManual:A Guidefor Authors,Editors, and Publishersin the BiologicalSciences.5th edition. Council of Biology Editors, Bethesda,MD. Gardner,M. J., D. Machin,and M. J. Campbell. 1986. Use of checklists in assessingthe statistical content of medical studies. Br. Med.J. 292: 810-812. Harper, A. E. 1990. Criticalevaluation-the only reliableroad to knowledge.BioScience 40: 46-47. NationalAcademyof Sciences(NAS),Committee on the Conduct of Science. 1989. On Being a Scientist.National AcademyPress, Washington,DC. Perkowitz,S. 1989. Commentary:can scientists learn to write? Journal of Technical Writingand Communication19: 353-356. Squires, B. P. 1990. Statistics in biomedical manuscripts:what editors want from authors and peer reviewers.Can. Med. Assoc. J. 142: 213-214. WordPerfect~itation Everyacademicwriterhas spent valuabletime translatingthe section of a style manual References into bibliographiccitations. It is an academicproblem.We have a "perfect"solution. Barbara J. Kuyper is an assistant professor in the Department of Health Informatics, University of Tennessee, Memphis, TN 38163. She is responsible for developing the scientific writing component of a curriculum for graduate students planned to include training in information science, analytical skills, scientific communication, and the roles and responsibilities of scientists in the world community. She teaches a graduate course on writing journal articles and a faculty workshop on critiquing research articles. ? 1991 American Institute of Biological Sciences. With""'Citation, you can generatebibliographiesin 100+ differentpublishingstyles, without everleavingWordPerfect or learninganotherprogram. is perfectlysimpleto ""'Citation use andveryefficient.Author names,titles,pages, etc., are entered - and proofread- only once. Sinceyour""Citation datafileis a WordPerfectdocument,you use WordPerfectkeys andcharactersets to enter informationin the datafile. WithwPCitation, generating bibliographiesin different publishingstyles is easy. And at the introductorypriceof $79, "'Citationwill save you more than time. 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