Short CV: Michael J. Barry 2015 Personal Information Address: Biology Department Sultan Qaboos University. PO Box 36, Al Khoud Muscat, PC 123 Sultanate of Oman E-mail: Citizenship: Australian Education & Employment Primary Qualifications BSc (Hons.) (Monash 1981), PhD (Monash 1991) Work History September 2006Sultan Qaboos University, Oman: 2014- Associate Professor: Department of Biology 2006-2014: Assistant Professor: Department of Biology 2001-2006 Monash University Department of Biological Sciences and College of Science (full and part-time) 1998-2001 Victoria University Senior Research Fellow, School of Life Sciences (1998 July -2000) Full-time 1998 Max-Planck Institute for Limnology, Germany 1992-1997 RMIT-University Research Fellow, Key Centre for Applied and Nutritional Toxicology, RMITUniversity. Recent Publications 1. Barry, M.J, (2015) Effect of resource distribution of the costs of predator avoidance in tadpoles. Hydrobiologia. 758, Issue 1, pp 99-105. 2. Al-Azri, H., Ba-Omar, T. , Elshafie, A. and Barry, MJ. (2015) Histopathological and Ultrastructural Changes in the Liver and Gills of the Killifish Aphanius dispar. (Cyprinodontidae) Exposed to Aflatoxin B1. SQU Journal of Science. 20:1-10. 3. Barry, M.J, (2014) The energetic costs of foraging explain growth anomalies in tadpoles exposed to predators. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 87:829-836. 4. Barry, M.J. (2014) Fluoxetine inhibits predator avoidance response in tadpoles. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry. 96: 641-649. 5. Barry, M.J. & D.M. Roberts.(2014) Fear limits the effectiveness of Odenata as biocontrol agents for mosquito larvae. Journal of Insect Behavior. 27: 626-638. 6. Al-Azkawi, A., S. Al-Bahry, I. Mahmoud, M.J. Barry (2013) Evaluating the effect of acrylamide exposure on liver protein expression in C57BL/6 mice. Journal of Food Research; Vol. 2, No. 5. 7. Abed, R.M.M, Barry, M.J, S. Al Kindi, S. Golubic (2013) Spatial variability in microbial mat morphology, cyanobacterial species composition, and nitrogen fixation rates in a desert stream: Al Khoud, Sultanate of Oman. African Journal of Microbiology Research 75: 1434-1442. (IF=0.54/Cit=0). 8. Barry, M.J. (2013) Effects of fluoxetine on the swimming and behavioural responses of Arabian killifish to predator alarm chemicals. Ecotoxicology, 22:425–432. (IF=2.77/ Cit=0). 9. Barry, M.J. & S. Syal (2013). Metabolic Responses of Tadpoles to Predation Cues. Hydrobiologia. 700:267–276. (IF=2.07/ Cit=0). 10. Barry, M.J. (2012) Application of a novel open-source program for measuring the effects of toxicants on the swimming behavior of large groups of unmarked fish. Chemosphere , 86: 938–944. (IF=3.63/ Cit=1). 11. Abed, RMM, S. Al Kindi, A. Schramm, MJ Barry (2011) Short-term effects of flooding on bacterial community structure and nitrogenase activity in microbial mats from a desert stream. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 63: 245-254. (IF=2.72/ Cit=5). 12. Barry, M.J. (2011) Effects of copper, zinc and dragonfly kairomone on growth rate and induced morphology of Bufo arabicus tadpoles. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 74(4):918-23. (IF=2.57/ Cit=9).