Template Inputs and Functionality VRS

Inputs and Functionality
Inputs and Functionality
This document provides a list of the functionalities (functional task or service) that will be included in the
system when completed. For each functionality, the inputs required to accomplish that functional task are
Functionality – Name of a functional task described by a verb or verb phrase.
Input informational need – For each functional task, list the input informational need which relates to an
input screen or a cluster of input data. The input informational need is written as a noun or noun
phrase. For each informational need, list the name of each input item that composes that need. This
input item is also labeled as a noun or noun phrase.
Source – For each input informational need, the source of the input information (i.e., who provides the
information to the system) is provided as a noun or noun phrase.
Make sure you change the word TEMPLATE to the name of your own system.
Make sure you DO NOT include the instructions with your Inputs and Functionality document.
Grading Criteria
Inputs and Functionality
1. Lateness of deliverable:
1 day late 20 points
2 days late 40 points
3 days late 80 points
After 3 days late a zero grade is recorded.
2. Correctness (70 points total):
a. Missing or Incorrect Functions (maximum of 20 points)
b. Missing or Incorrect Input Need and Associated Inputs (maximum of 20 points)
c. Missing or Incorrect Source (maximum of 20 points)
d. Unneeded Functions, Inputs and Sources – 1 point per occurrence
3. Format (30 points total):
a. Function not written as verb or verb phrases – 1 point per occurrence
b. Inputs not written as nouns or noun phrases - 1 point per occurrence
c. Sources not written as nouns or noun phrases - 1 point per occurrence
d. Information not presented in specified table format – 10 points
e. Misspelled words – ½ point for each occurrence