EGSA Social Directors Position Description 1. Overview The Social Directors collaborate to plan socials, connect members, and promote events and opportunities. They are members of the Education Graduate Student Association’s Executive Team. 2. Responsibilities Overview This is a breakdown of the approximate percentage of the role’s time spent on the main categories below. Area of responsibility Percentage time allocated Attend Executive/General Meetings 30% Attend Social Directors planning meetings 30% Plan/organize/host socials/events 30% Support promotion of opportunities/other 10% 3. Introduction to Role At the start of your appointment as a Social Director, familiarize yourself with the following documents/processes: 1. EGSA Constitution a. What: This document outlines the framework by which this caucus operates. b. How it impacts you: By reading and understanding this document, it helps to better inform your own role as well as the role of the caucus. c. Where to find this: This is located on Canvas. 2. Robert Rules of Order a. What: This is a recognized guide to running meetings effectively. b. How it impacts you: To understand how to best participate under the guidance of this Order. c. Where to find this: Search online and you can find a basic overview of this. 3. SFU Canvas EGSA a. What: This is an online communication platform that the EGSA uses to share agendas, meeting information, minutes, and non-urgent matters. This is also a space used to continue discussions where necessary. EGSA Social Directors Position Description DRAFT 1 b. How it impacts you: This is where you will find important information and participate in discussions outside of meetings. This is the space where you review and approve the minutes. c. Where to find this: When you join the EGSA, you will receive an invitation via email to join the EGSA Canvas space ( 4. Mailing list: a. What: This is the email address used by executive members to communicate more time-sensitive information to other executive members. Only executive members can send to this list. b. How it impacts you: You will use this when there is important information to share with the group. c. Where to find this: When you join the EGSA, you will be added to this mailing list. 4. From the Constitution: The objectives of the Education Graduate Student Association are to promote and represent graduate student interests within the Faculty of Education. 1. To identify and promote the academic, intellectual and career concerns of the membership. 2. To provide social and recreational activities for the membership. 3. To undertake projects and activities to benefit the members. 4. To undertake such other activities as the members may from time to time decide. Social Directors support the above objectives by, as noted in the constitution, a) To plan and execute (a minimum of) one social event per semester for education graduate students . b) To work with the media and communications officers to advertise EGSA events and meetings effectively. c) To plan the EGSA Annual General Meeting (AGM). Within a general and/or social directors meeting, Social Directors brainstorm ideas and divide up tasks as appropriate. For example, a member suggested afternoon teas as a sort of ‘outreach’ that covered off accessibility, ease of preparation/production, flexible times, short timespan for the set up and event itself. Another member designed the poster for electronic and hard copies for campus. Examples of past socials/outreaches include: 1. Tea Party/Time o 1.5 hour in length o Free tea for anyone coming by EGSA Social Directors Position Description DRAFT 2 o Encourage people to bring own mugs o Held at least once per month an hour and a half before the EGSA office closes o Aim to have a few executives there to meet/chat 2. Dinner after events o Host dinners after events such as Orientation, AGM somewhere on campus or nearby off campus o Optional to set up games/activities 3. Movie nights o Host a movie night in the GSS Lounge and share popcorn 4. Attend other events o Search for other events happening and arrange to meet somewhere together to attend the event together o Examples include workshops, seminar series, events planned by GSS 5. Calendar of events o Plan at least one month ahead and create a calendar of events that is shared on the EGSA website, distributed at events, and posted by the EGSA office (or have copies available). Event Planning Tips • • • • • • • • • What: determine what event you want to host, the goals and objectives, the audience Logistics: determine date, time, location and book accordingly Stakeholders: determine if there should be any people or groups that should be involved in the organization of the event and include them accordingly Budget: determine a budget for the event Schedule: determine what is happening at the event Supplies: for each function at the event, think about the supplies needed Volunteers: for each function at the event, think about the volunteers needed (recruit/train/debrief as needed) Marketing & communications: draft and execute a marketing plan Roles: determine what roles are needed to plan the event and to assist on the day of the event, and delegate as needed EGSA Social Directors Position Description DRAFT 3