Cameron University Library Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 1 Student- Learning Outcomes • Objective 1: Instruction a. Students who attend an information literacy class will distinguish among different types of information sources. b. Students who attend an information literacy class will select sources appropriate to the type of information needed. c. Students who attend an information literacy class will evaluate information sources on the basis of authority, objectivity, accuracy and currency. Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 2 Student- Learning Outcomes d. Students who attend an information literacy class will use information legally and ethically. e. Students who attend an information literacy class will understand the purpose of online library catalogs. f. Students who attend an information class will be able to conduct catalog searches. Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 3 Student- Learning Outcomes g. Students who attend an information literacy class will understand how the Library of Congress classification system is used to organize books on shelves according to subject. h. Students who attend an information literacy class will understand the purpose of scholarly article electronic databases. i. Students who attend an information literacy class will construct subscription articles database searches. Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 4 Student Learning Outcomes j. Students who attend an information literacy class will limit database search results. k. Students who attend an information literacy class will understand how the skills discussed in this class can benefit them after graduation. Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 5 Service Outcomes • Objective 2: Collections • Students will have access to information needed to master course material and complete research projects and assignments. • Objective 3: Service/Public Relations • Students, faculty, and staff will have access to library services and resources that meet their educational needs. • Students, faculty, staff and community members will be encouraged to use the library to the fullest possible extent. Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 6 Alignment of Outcomes Student Learning Objective University Mission Library Mission Students who attend an information literacy class will distinguish among different types of information sources. Prepare students for life-long learning Provide access to scholarly information 1.1 Maintain and enhance Cameron’s commitment to providing programs of highest quality in instruction, research and service… Students who attend an information literacy class will select sources appropriate to the type of information needed. Prepare students for life-long learning Facilitate comprehension of scholarly information 1.1 Maintain and enhance Cameron’s commitment to providing programs of highest quality in instruction, research and service… Students who attend an information literacy class will evaluate information sources on the basis of authority, objectivity, accuracy, and currency. Prepare students for life-long learning Facilitate synthesis of scholarly information 1.1 Maintain and enhance Cameron’s commitment to providing programs of highest quality in instruction, research and service… Students who attend an information literacy class will use information legally and ethically. Prepare students for responsible citizenship, life-long learning Facilitate mastery of scholarly information 1.1 Maintain and enhance Cameron’s commitment to providing programs of highest quality in instruction, research and service… Students who attend an information literacy class will understand the purpose of online library catalogs. Prepare students for life-long learning Library will provide access to scholarly information 1.1 Maintain and enhance Cameron’s commitment to providing programs of highest quality in instruction, research and service… Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Strategic Plan 2013 7 Alignment of Outcomes Student -Learning Outcomes University Mission Library Mission Plan 2013 Students who attend an information literacy class will be able to conduct catalog searches. Prepare students for life-long learning Facilitate mastery of the location of scholarly information 1.1 Maintain and enhance Cameron’s commitment to providing programs of highest quality in instruction, research and service… Students who attend an information literacy class will use the Library of Congress classification system to locate books on the shelf according to subject. Prepare students for life-long learning Facilitate location of scholarly information 1.1 Maintain and enhance Cameron’s commitment to providing programs of highest quality in instruction, research and service… Students who attend an information literacy class will use the scholarly article electronic databases to find articles. Prepare students for life-long learning Facilitate comprehension of scholarly information 1.1 Maintain and enhance Cameron’s commitment to providing programs of highest quality in instruction, research and service… Students who attend an information literacy class will construct subscription article database searches. Prepare students for life-long learning Facilitate mastery of the location of scholarly information 1.1 Maintain and enhance Cameron’s commitment to providing programs of highest quality in instruction, research and service… Students who attend an information literacy class will limit database search results. Prepare students for life-long learning Facilitate mastery of the location of scholarly information 1.1 Maintain and enhance Cameron’s commitment to providing programs of highest quality in instruction, research and service… Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 8 Alignment of Outcomes Student- Learning Outcomes Students who attend an information literacy class will state how the skills discussed in this class can benefit them after graduation. University Mission Library Mission Plan 2013 Prepare students for life-long learning Library will provide environments conducive to the creation of knowledge 1.1 Maintain and enhance Cameron’s commitment to providing programs of highest quality in instruction, research and service… Students will have access to information needed to master course material and complete research projects and assignments. Will provide student centered academic environment Library will provide environments conducive to the creation of knowledge 1.1 Maintain and enhance Cameron’s commitment to providing programs of highest quality in instruction, research and service… Students, faculty and staff will have access to library services and resources that meet their educational needs. University will provide quality educational opportunities Library will provide access to scholarly information 1.1 Maintain and enhance Cameron’s commitment to providing programs of highest quality in instruction, research and service… Students, faculty, staff and community members will be encouraged to use the library to the fullest possible extent. Will be a driving force in the cultural life and economic development of the region. Library will provide access to scholarly information related to Cameron University programs and Lawton community needs. 3.6 Expand the number of educational, cultural and social opportunities for the region. Service Outcomes Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 9 Measures of Learning and Service Outcomes 1. 2. 3. Direct measures: a. Analysis of resources used in term paper bibliographies. Indirect measures: a. Library Student Survey responses on Survey Monkey following each information literacy class. Methodologies: a. Library faculty reviewed results of measures and amended class exercises. b. Library faculty created post class tests for Comp I, Comp II and developmental classes on Survey Monkey. c. Library faculty will develop “screen cast” tutorials as a pre class exercise. d. Library faculty will learn “Smart” classroom techniques to use for assessment after information literacy classes. Program Quality Improvement Report 20102011 10 Priority Outcomes: Instruction 1. Students who attend an information literacy class will construct subscription article database searches. 2. 89.7% of all student respondents either selected Strongly Agree or Agree to the statement: “This class increased my ability to construct subscription article database searches.” Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 11 Instruction • Students now need to conduct fewer searches to successfully find a full-text article, from 3.4 searches to 2 for each article. Information literacy classes, website redesign and article linking software are factors which contribute to this success. Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 12 Priority Outcomes: Instruction Database Searching Assessment Data Year Sessions Searches Full-text Full-text/ Full-text/ session session Success 20082009 210,745 552,268 164,307 78% 0.8 full-text 29.8% or 3.4 searches for every 1 full text 20092010 107,795 463,293 229,482 213% 2.1 full-text 49.5% or 2.0 searches for every full text Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Full-text/ Search success 13 Priority outcomes: Instruction Database Searching ACRL Library Data 2008 National Median National Mean Cameron 2009-2010 Logins to Electronic Databases 41,226 210,045 107,795 Searches in Electronic Databases 152,967 394,309 463,293 Number of Full- text Article Requests 51,056 183,834 229,482 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 14 14 Student-learning outcome and measurements MEASUREMENTS OF STUDENT LEARNING OR SERVICE OUTCOME PROGRAM OUTCOME Students will construct subscription article database searches. CURRICULUM AREA OR TARGET AUDIENCE Students who attend an information literacy class Measurements Methods used to determine validity of measurement instruments Survey Monkey Survey -indirect* Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Methods used to determine reliability of measurements Schedule for measurements Each class presentation 15 15 Information Literacy Statistics 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Total Students 2578 2572 2649 Comp I Students 702 874 547 Comp II Students 350 375 358 Distance Ed Students 255 333 415 BlackBoard Students 105 78 87 Sessions 51 161 166 Comp I Sessions 58 46 29 Comp II Sessions 25 24 19 Distance Ed Sessions 15 28 30 BlackBoard Sessions 7 6 6 277 224 923 Students Assessed Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 16 Information Literacy Statistics Number of Students 1000 900 800 700 600 Comp I Students 500 Comp II Students 400 Distance Ed Students 300 BlackBoard Students 200 100 0 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 17 Information Literacy Statistics Number of Sessions 70 60 50 Comp I Sessions 40 Comp II Sessions 30 Distance Ed Sessions BlackBoard Sessions 20 10 0 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 18 Priority Outcomes: Collections Textbook Collection • 1. Students will have access to information needed to master course material and complete research projects and assignments. • 2. General education textbooks provided for students compose 37.4% of the library’s circulation for 2009-2010. Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 19 Priority Outcomes: Collections Textbook Collection Cameron University Textbook Reserves by Status SPECIAL STUDENT 1% GRADUATE SPECIAL STUDENT GRADUATE 4% STUDENT 6% STAFF 2% STUDENT 1% FACULTY 3% SENIOR 11% JUNIOR 11% FRESHMAN 39% SENIOR 18% FRESHMAN 56% SOPHOMORE 18% JUNIOR 14% SOPHOMORE 16% Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 20 Priority Outcomes: Collections Textbook Collection Cameron University Textbook Reserves by Ethnicity Native American 4% HISPANIC 4% Native American 8% UNKNOWN 8% CAUCASIAN 16% AFRICAN AMERICAN 49% UNKNOWN 8% AFRICAN AMERICAN 18% ASIAN/PACIFIC 5% HISPANIC 8% ASIAN/PACIFIC 19% CAUCASIAN 53% Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 21 Priority Outcomes: Service/Public Relations • 1. Students will have access to information assistance on the library’s second floor. • 2. Library assistants are assigned regular desk times to provide information to student, faculty, and staff using resource on the 2nd floor. Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 22 Priority Outcomes: Service/Public Relations 2nd Floor Information Desk 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2007-2008 2008-2009 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 2009-2010 23 Action plan for Student-Learning or Service Outcomes 1. Based on a dramatic increase in numbers of questions over previous years when questions were answered by archives faculty and staff. 2. Continue to staff the desk and add kiosk with tutorial running. 3. Four staff members rotate shifts and tutorials will be loaded to the pc. Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 24