Template Screen and Report Outputs List VRS

Screen and Report Outputs List
Screen/Report ID
(I, O,
Use Cases that Use
this Screen/Report
Input/Output Name
Screen and Report List
This document provides a list of the needed Screen and Reports. It is listed with an ID for each of the
Screens and/or Reports. It is in ID order. It serves as a checklist when new Screens and Reports are
defined to assure duplicates are not designed and programmed. For each Screen/Report, assign a unique
number designated as Scr #### and Rpt####.
I/O Number – A unique number to identify this screen, report, other.
Type – Inputs are inputs only, Outputs are outputs only, Input/Output are both input and outputs.
Input/Output Name – This is a name that would help you to recognize what this items is.
The number will be unique but this name should also be unique.
The user should also be able to recognize their items from this list
Make it as descriptive as possible.
Use Cases Using – A list of the use case numbers that use this screen, report.
Make sure you change the word TEMPLATE to the name of your own system.
Make sure you DO NOT include the instructions with your Inputs and Functionality document.
Grading Criteria
Inputs and Output List
1. Lateness of deliverable:
1 day late 20 points
2 days late 40 points
3 days late 80 points
After 3 days late a zero grade is recorded.
2. Correctness (70 points total):
a. Missing or Incorrect Unique ID (10 points)
b. Missing or Incorrect Names (maximum of 30 points)
c. Missing or Incorrect Use Cases using (maximum of 20 points)
3. Format (30 points total):
a. Screens, Reports, Others name not written as a noun – 2 points per occurrence
b. Information not presented in specified table format – 10 points
c. Misspelled words – ½ point for each occurrence