This assignment is your major design work in this course. It requires you to understand the customer
design of the system (the use cases and their descriptions) and to take that as input and transform it into a
software design for evaluation prior to programming. It is an extensive individual effort for the design of
software. Make sure you take the time to assure you have a good understanding of the use case prior to
your development of the individual deliverables within the packet.
Below is the format and layout of the Use Case Packet. This assignment is done individually. Each
students is responsible for one use case packet. It should be a use case that contains a substantial number of
use case points. Each deliverable in this packet has supporting documents that aid you in completing the
specific deliverable.
. Use Case Packet: usecasename
Assigned To: yourname
1. Use Case Diagram
USE CASE PACKET Instructions
For our project, each team member will initially do ONLY ONE Use Case Packet to get an idea of HOW a
packet would be put together. Not all the deliverables for the packet are requested at the same time. So be
careful to do those that are required. It must be in word format.
In an actual large project these packets are not all completed at one time but rather trickle out as design
continues. As they are deemed complete, they are assigned to programmers by the project manager.
EACH member MUST build at least ONE Use Case Packet. The packets must reside in team members
own directories. All use case packets must be assigned and will eventually be built this semester.
1. Use Case Diagram – this must be a copy of what is in the current SDS Anyone changing
the SDS must notify everyone else that it is changed.
2. Class Diagram
2. Class Diagram – this must be a copy of what is in the current SDS. Anyone changing
the SDS must notify everyone else that it is changed.
3. Use Case Table Definitions
3. Use Case Table Definitions – this must be a copy of the tables that apply to this use
case. It must be a copy of what is in the current SDS. Anyone changing the SDS must
notify everyone else that it is changed.
4. Use Case Description
4. Use Case Description – this is your work. It must match the Use Case Diagram – so
anyone changing the SDS UCD must get approval from all that it can be changed.
5. Use Case User Interface Designs
5. Use Case User Interface Designs – this must be all the screen and report layouts that
are needed for this use case. It is a a copy of what is in the current SDS. Anyone changing
the SDS must get approval from everyone who has that particular screen or report.
6. Use Case Navigational Matrix
6. Use Case Navigational Matrix – Show the navigation FOR THIS USE CASE
7. Use Case Functional Tests
7. Use Case Functional Tests – this is your work. It must match the Use Case Diagram –
so anyone changing the SDS UCD must get approval from all that it can be changed.
8. Use Case Sequence Diagram
8. Use Sequence Diagram– this is your work. It must match the Use Case Diagram – so
anyone changing the SDS UCD must get approval from all that it can be changed.
9. Use Case Extended Class Diagram
9. Use Case Extended Class Diagram - this is your work. It must match the Class
Diagram – so anyone changing the SDS CD must get approval from all that it can be
Grading Criteria
Use Case Packet
1. Lateness of deliverable:
1 day late 20 points
2 days late 40 points
3 days late 80 points
After 3 days late a zero grade is recorded
2. Correctness and Format (100 points total):
The use case packet is graded using the following point distribution.
a. Link to this document team members directory
b. Items included from the entire system missing or incorrect
i. Use Case Diagram
ii. Class Diagram
c. Use Case Functional Test
i. Missing actions or incorrect actions
ii. Missing or incorrect test scripts
iii. Missing or incorrect sequence of events tests
iv. Missing or incorrect alternative paths tests
d. Use Case Description
i. Missing actions or incorrect actions
ii. Missing or incorrect messages or use case linkages
iii. Missing or incorrect sequence of events
iv. Missing or incorrect alternative paths
e. Sequence Diagram
i. Missing or incorrect objects
ii. Missing or incorrect messages
iii. Missing or incorrect lifelines
iv. Missing or incorrect activation boxes
f. Use Case Extended Class Diagram
i. Missing or incorrect Classes
ii. Missing or incorrect relationships
g. Other items specific to this use case