ITE Inspection Guide: Pen Portraits

Writing Pen Portraits
Extract from Ofsted Guide, P27
Judging the overall effectiveness of a provider’s provision is principally
concerned with the extent to which the provision is successful in securing
high quality outcomes for all trainees. To do this, inspectors have to judge:
 How well do trainees attain?
 To what extent does the training and assessment ensure that all
trainees make progress to achieve as well as possible, given their
starting points?
Pen portraits of case study trainees
For each of the trainees involved in the case study sample the provider should
supply a ‘pen portrait’ that includes:
 the provider’s evaluation of the trainee’s current level of achievement
 a synthesis of information gathered during selection and in the early
stages of the course to determine the trainee’s potential, and
strengths and specific training needs (this does not have to be
 the provider’s evaluation of the trainee’s progress against these
expectations to current level of achievement
 a brief account of particular features of training that have led to this
progress (for example, any interventions)
The following documentation should be provided for each case study trainee.
 interview records
 initial and current audits, for example subject knowledge
 written feedback following observations of their teaching
 records of meetings with mentors/tutors including the targets set and
review of these targets
 records of interim assessments
 trainees’ own evaluations of their progress
 copies of any relevant assignments and/or completed tasks
 records of evidence against the Qualified Teacher Status Standards
or assessment requirements (initial teacher education for further
The inspection of initial teacher education 2008 – 2011
A guide for inspectors on the management and organisation of initial teacher education
inspections, 2008–2011. November 2009, Ref no: 090306
ITE Inspection guidance 2010
Suggestions - around 250 words
Write realistically about:
What grade best fits the trainee’s current level of
Eg Jean Brody’s current level of achievement is
Grade x
If you want to
break this down,
use the 4 Ofsted
Outline main features of the trainee’s starting points
and potential.
Ofsted keen on
These should be
clear, specific
and challenging,
even for strong
trainees. Check
all paperwork and
make sure they
are there!
What was their background prior to ITE? Any
vocational or previous teaching experience?
Any particular strengths and development needs
identified, and early learning aims or targets set at
the start.
Their progress while on programme and how the
programme has helped.
What are the main things they been working on
while on programme? Ie their targets. How have
they been doing this, what help have they had and
how have they got on?
o What have they improved? [targets
met]. How?
o What is to be improved? [Current
targets] How are they doing this?
How have they engaged with the programme?
Which aspects of the programme have they made
good contributions to and/or got the most out of?
Anything they have struggled with? Any particular
strengths that have emerged/been displayed?
Any examples?
Consider all
aspects of the
programme eg
delivery sessions,
tutorials, obs,
work with
mentors and
peers, self study
[teaching and
subject related]
and assignments
Also comment on
their work in, and
contributions to
their dept or
workplace if you
are able to.
What is their final (target) grade?
ITE Inspection guidance 2010