Leadership Lessons 2012 Team Topics “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” ~ Winston Churchill Group Closure: Facilitating a Meaningful Goodbye It’s almost time to say goodbye. Yet, the multiple things you need to get done between now and the end of the year can make it easy to back-burner closure. You’ll likely feel lousy if you don’t recognize this time of year, though, and there are some simple things you can do to facilitate a meaningful goodbye. They include… ◊ ◊ ◊ Make Top 10 Lists. In bullet point format, list 10 things (or some other number) you appreciate about each person on your team. Put these on nice paper with a personal signature at the bottom, and you’re bound to create something your group members will treasure. It’s the power of words – with meaning. Award Winning. Host an awards cookout and hand out fun awards (i.e. a ruler for the person who grew the most or a comic book for the person who helped everyone laugh the most). Involve group members in deciding award categories and recipients. The Collective Collage. Collect pictures and make an organization collage – complete with fun quotes and phrases from magazines! Take the collage to a copy center and get a color copy for each group member to keep. ◊ Clipboard Collages. Make clipboard collages, where you all sit around talking and cutting out sayings/words from magazines to pass to fellow group members. Then, each person gets a blank clipboard where he/she can collage all the clippings their group members shared. Cover them with clear contact paper for a permanent seal. ◊ Play “My Wish for You…” Each team member shares a hope/wish for each fellow group member to take into the next chapter of his/her life. Determine the needs of your organization, their dynamic and how you can fit in purposeful closure activities before the year is done. Also think about what you want to personally share with your group members as your experience with them comes to a close. Leadership Reflection… Making Closure Fit • How are your group members feeling about their experience coming to a close? • What are some of their concerns? • What are some of their favorite memories? • Based on what you heard from your group members, what is the ideal closure activity for them? ◊ Capture Moments. Make a group DVD of photos, songs and interviews. ◊ Take it With You. Have a t-shirt or pillowcase signing party. • ◊ Play “Positive Bombardment.” Take turns having each team member sit in the middle of the circle while fellow group members “bombard” him/her with positive thoughts, memories, etc. How can you encourage group members to take their experiences this year and apply them to their future lives? • What can you do to support those group members who are graduating? 39 125 Paterson Ave, Suite 4 • Little Falls, NJ 07424 • (973) 256-1333 Fax (973) 256-8088 • www.paper-clip.com • Copyright 2011 Prepared for our institution by PaperClip Communications. Reproduced or retransmitted under license by PaperClip Communications.