Steering Committee for Information Technology
May 1, 2012 Minutes
Time: 11 a.m.
Location: CETES 206
Members Present: Ninette Carter, Jennifer Holland, Chris Crandon for Donald Hall, Zoe DuRant, Linda Phillips,
Debbie Goode
Absent: John McArthur, Glen Pinkston, Jamie Glover
Next Meeting : June 5, 2012 at 11 a.m. in CETES 206
1. Minutes for February 7, 2012, were approved
2. Ongoing Projects a. Implementation of 120 day password expiration for students . It was decided to advertise the policy during the Summer 2012 semester and post on AggieAccess and the web that implementation will begin with the Fall 2012 semester. b. Blackboard Mobile App – Phase 3 kick-off call is scheduled for May 10th
Places plugin for map (ITS)
Sodexo menus
Computer lab locations with hours of operation
It was suggested to add support labs. Jennifer will have the information sent to Debbie c. Education office at Ft. Sill – as of 4/27/12, we will move CU employees ’ IT equipment on 5/2/12 d. Proactive approaches from help desk
Revamp IT’s website
Appointment with each department to determine how IT might better serve their needs
Seek feedback for help desk improvement
Determine if work orders need to be created on department’s behalf
Feedback/status updates will be reviewed at weekly help desk meetings
The committee would like to see what type of training needs the help desk gleans from their visits. It was suggested once we have the training needs summarized that we seek someone with expertise in those areas to offer half-day training sessions for staff and faculty. e. Openings in IT
Assistant Windows System Administrator
Analyst/Programmer – HR
Analyst/Programmer – ST
Information Designer in August
Discussion was held that experienced analyst/programmers applicants have current salaries higher than our salary offerings. The notice of vacancies have been modified for an entry level programmer.
3. Banner related: a. FA PROD upgrade for 2012-13 aid year processing pending . It will be helpful for this to occur during working hours in case there is an issue and ITS needs to contact ellucian for technical support.
The functional areas will send suggested times that we may have PROD down. b. HR/PY working on migration to OSF’s PeopleSoft in process c. Vendor file migration to OSF’s PeopleSoft in process.
This must be completed by 5/11/12 d. DegreeWorks in process e. Inventory f. Faculty compensation/overload module g. Thoughts on renewing Banner modules for 2012-13:
Enterprise Data Warehouse $13,770
Kurt is making some contacts with other schools to determine if they are making effective use with EDW. At last account, none of the Oklahoma schools are utilizing EDW.
Workflow $4,165
The business office recently reviewed an automated software system for travel. It requires workflow. NSU is the lead institution on this product and no decision has yet been made for CU.
Appworx/UC4 (job scheduling) $10,709
If UC4 is put back into production, it will require a monetary upgrade of the software and a consultant for training and implementation. Chris will follow-up with Donald regarding financial assistance needs. It was agreed this should possibly be removed from licensing.
4. Length of student accounts to be left open
Current practice is to keep accounts open for one year after their last attended semester
Student handbook currently states:
AggieAccess provides a great service to the business office and registrar’s office in allowing students that have recently graduated or left campus by providing access to the 1098 forms, bills and unofficial transcripts. It allows students the opportunity to perform self-service functions that will require time of our staff if the accounts are removed immediately. It was decided the self-service functionality is worth pursuing removal of student accounts on a case-by-case basis as necessary. The student handbook will be modified next year.
5. Retirees email – thoughts on moving retirees from CU Exchange to Gmail?
Retirees do not receive faculty/staff email. The 90 day password reset policy will affect them if they remain on our server. We have less than 40 retiree accounts. Their email address will remain the same. Alumni offered to notify and serve as a point of contact. For returning retirees, their historical email may be recaptured if it is within 90 days.
It was agreed moving retirees to gmail will better serve their needs in allowing them to not have to deal with changing their password every 90 days. Debbie will follow-up with Jamie Glover and John McArthur on moving forward with this initiative.
6. Outages a. Planned Financial upgrade to PROD for the 2012-13 aid processing year needs to be installed by early June. Functional areas will provide dates the system must be available and Debbie will propose possible dates for John McArthur’s consideration.
7. Policies a. Computer Use Policy updated – awaiting Provost McArthur’s approval
Title change for Dr. McArthur
Updated two definitions
Under Prohibited Use of Computing Resources, added :
Connecting personally owned equipment, such as printers, notebooks, laptops, desktop computers to CU’s network; personally owned software may not be installed on CU’s computing equipment;
Data protected by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is prohibited from storage on CU computing resources and being transmitted on CU’s network;
Credit card and banking information is prohibited from storage on CU computing resources and being transmitted on CU’s network;
Expanded bullet to include: using Peer-to-peer software; standard computers cannot be used as FTP servers;
Added 90 day password expiration for faculty/staff and 120 day password expiration for students b. Information Security Incident Response recently approved and posted on CU’s website. c. Sensitive Data Protection recently approved and posted on CU’s website.
Both the Information Security Incident Response and Sensitive Data Protection policies are being requested as departments are being audited on campus.
8. Informational a. R23 Forms:
2010: 102 requests for 2,734 hours to complete 98
2011: 167 requests for 2,245.30 hours to complete 157
2012: 51 requests for 282.75 hours to complete 29 b. New smart classrooms recently completed:
NB 2076
NB 2084
NB 2085
SShep 302 c. Windows 7 upgrades being applied across campus – it appears there are still some PCs that are requiring the upgrade. This creates a security issue and we need to complete this task as soon as possible.
Action Items :
Follow-up on advertising on 120 day password expiration for students.
Get support lab info from Jennifer Holland.
Get possible dates from functional areas regarding a 4 hour window to apply the FA upgrade and work through Provost for scheduling.
Follow-up on usefulness of EDW.
Follow-up with Provost McArthur re: changes to Computer Use Policy
Suggest to Provost to cancel maintenance on UC4.
Check on possibility of integrating ID pictures with Banner.
Check on status of Windows 7 upgrades across campus.
Follow-up with AVP Glover and Provost McA rthur on retirees’ email