Document 12284398

Steering Committee for Information Technology
June 15, 2011 Minutes
Members Present: Ninette Carter, Zoe DuRant, Linda Phillips, Debbie Goode
1. Minute Review/Change/Acceptance of March 20, 2011 Minutes - approved; did not meet in May 2011
2. Meeting Frequency – do we want to change?
Discussion was held concerning the monthly frequency. It was suggested we meet once a semester: February,
June and September unless an issue arises and requires a meeting. Debbie will also send informational items or
query the group as needed.
3. R23 Forms
• 192 requests since 7/9/10
• Completed: 153 requests for 2,560.8 hours
4. Blackboard
• Mobile app – We have had difficulties in getting the tests loaded on phones, but we now have resolution and
just waiting for employees to have time to visit the help desk to install the app. As soon as we receive input,
we will either roll it out or make necessary adjustments.
• Online learning - Collaborate approved for purchase – this technology offers opportunities for recruitment
and student services to reach out to outlying high schools. The web conferencing is very nice.
5. System Roadmap:
• Critical dates for planned system outages:
 11/24/11 – 11/25/11: AggieAccess and Banner will be unavailable for Oracle upgrade from 10g to 11g
and operating system patches to Banner systems – postponed from March 17-18, 2011 – please
remind your teams to be testing on TEST
6. Personnel changes in ITS:
• 3 full time tech positions filled
7. Pending items:
• Implementation of 90 day password expiration. ManageEngine password portal software by ZOHO Corp
is preferred software at a cost of $3,795. Plan to purchase with next release of capital funding
• Viewfinity is software of choice to allow temporary admin rights for allowing software installation and
downloads on PCs. Purchase options: 500 SaaS users is $20/license per year and that includes support
(Subtract a 20% EDU discount) ($8,000/yr)
1000 SaaS users is $16/license per year and that includes support (Subtract a 20% EDU discount)
($12,800/yr) – or - we can buy a server and then buy their perpetual licenses out right and own them –
500 users would be $40/each. Not sure about 1000 users. We would pay 20% of the list price each year in
maintenance/support, so therefore, there would be a lot more money upfront.
• Do we know a timeframe for the next release of capital money? Not at this time.
8. Migrating students to Gmail is scheduled for 8/1/11
• Details for advertising are being prepared for public affairs.
9. Banner related:
• DegreeWorks – hardware received and installed; software the week of 6/20/11
• Inventory – Business office will get back with us on plans and it may be desirable to have a SGHE consultant
involved. Reporting requirement to Office of State Finance is a concern.
• Faculty compensation/overload module - on hold, but there is a desire to move this module forward. It
‘appears’ the bulk of the data entry will be performed by academic departments. This module involves Human
Resources/Payroll and Student. Is it possible that Institutional Research should take the lead on this project?
A SGHE consultant will be required and training will be necessary, creating a funding request.
Desk manuals - it is believed that the functional areas backup their documents to the network drive for
disaster recovery.
Dr. Oty requested discussion regarding the fact that we are not distributing student master lists and lists of
graduates to employees who need access to this type of data beginning with Fall 2010 when we migrated to
Banner. Currently, in order to see student master lists, you must be granted access privileges to view the lists.
She states faculty need access to various student lists, as this information is required for program review,
assessment and accreditation reports, retention of students, etc.
We can create programs to run outside of ODS and they will be accessible to everyone that has the Student
Information tab. This will make the student master lists highly accessible as they were in legacy.
What is the recommendation of this committee?
The committee sees no reason to not include student master lists on the Student Info Tab. Debbie will followthrough on this with Institutional Research.
10. Access for student workers
In many instances of hiring student workers, their workload consists of them having access to a computer. The
hiring department must initiate a request for computer accounts after the students are setup by Human
Resources. More often, we are hearing where faculty and/or staff are logging into the computer for the students
so they may perform work duties. This practice violates CU’s Computer Use Policy, and is considered a security
threat. According to policy, any wrong doing on the computer is the responsibility of the userid logged into the
When this is brought to my attention, I visit with the employee to make them aware of the violation. They are
practicing this because of the lengthy process to get a student entered into the system.
There is a similar scenario for international student workers that are awaiting their social security cards.
How do we make the campus aware this practice must stop? Should it just be addressed to supervisors
that hire student workers, or should we focus on all employees? Any input is appreciated.
There have not been in issues brought to the attention of those present. It may be in the best interest of the
university to continue to handle this on a case-by-case basis.
11. Other Topics
• Inquiry regarding a Cognos license for Zoe’s area – Debbie will look to see if there might be any available and
get back with Zoe. Action: there is one business author license available in her area, but it may need to go
back to an employee that recently returned to their department. Debbie sent a quote to Zoe for the license
and maintenance.