Brief Bio 1. Personal Information Name: Dr. Said J. Abu- Khader E-mail: Academic Rank: Assistant Professor Department: Arabic Language and Literature Specialization: Arabic and Applied Linguistics Minor specialization: A Contrastive Semantics Address: Sultan Qaboos University, College of Arts & Social Sciences. P.O Box 42, P.C. 123. Al-Khod, Sultanate of Oman. 2. Employment History Place of Work (Institution) Year Occupation The Department of Arabic Language and 17/9/2012 ـ... Associate Professor Literature, College of Arts and Humanities, AL al-Bayt University, Al Mafraq, Jordan. The Department of Arabic Language and 25/10/2010 ـ16/9/2012 Assistant professor Literature, College of Arts and Humanities, AL al-Bayt University, Al Mafraq, Jordan. Joint program (JUST, Jordan, and Richmond 15/5/2012-15/7/2012. Part-time lecturer University, USA). Language Center, AL al-Bayt University, Al 3/9/2002 – 21/9/2003. Lecturer Mafraq, Jordan. Language Center, AL al-Bayt University, Al 3/10/1994- 3/9/2002 Language Instructor Mafraq, Jordan. 3. Education and Qualifications 3- 1 Qualifications Year Qualification Institution 2002 Ph.D. in Arabic And Applied Linguistics Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan. 1997 M. A. in Arabic Language And Syntax Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan. The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. 1990 B. A. in Arabic Language And Literature Courses Taught Level English language skills M.A. (SQU) Arabic language skills B.A. (SQU) Arabic language requirement B.A. (SQU) Linguistics M.A. (AL-al- Bayt University) Semantics M.A. (AL-al- Bayt University) Introduction to linguistics, Introduction to semantics, phonology and B.A. (AL-al- Bayt University) phonetics, Integrated linguistic applications, Arabic lexicography, Morphology, Arabic syntax (1, 2, 3), Arabic lexicons, pre-study courses in Arabic language, text appreciation, writing. 4. Research Research Interests Contrastive linguistics, Issues related to translation problems, Terminology problems, Applied semantics, Sense relations and its relation to linguistic system. Papers (5 most important or recent papers) 1.Abu Khader, said, (2015), Problems in Translating Qur'anic Euphemistic Idioms into English (Expressions of Reprehensible Moral Traits As A Case Study. Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, AmmanJordan, Based at Al al-Bayt University, Mafraq, Jordan. Vol. 11. 2.Abu Khader, said, (2013). Translatability of Euphemistic Idioms of Death in Arabic and English Cultures: A Contrastive Perspective Association of Arab Universities Journal for Arts, the Society of Arab University Faculties of Arts at universities Members of AARU, Association of Arab universities. Vol. 10, No. 1/b. 3. Abu Khader, Said, & Assarhan, Abdullrah, (2012). The Impact of Sense Relations on Rules Formulation of Arabic Structures. Association of Arab Universities Journal for Arts, the Society of Arab University Faculties of Arts at universities Members of AARU, Association of Arab universities. Vol. 9, No. 2/a. 4. Abu Khader, Said, (2010). The Impact of Euphemism on Terminological development. The Arab Journal for the Humanities, Academic Publication Council, Kuwait University, No. 122-Vol. 28. 5. Abu Khader, Said, (2010). Terminology Pertaining to Fluency Disorders: Reading into the Ibanah of al-Awtabi, 1|P age Jordanian Journal of Arabic Language and Literature, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Amman-Jordan, Based at Mu'tah University, Karak, Jordan. Vol. 6, No. 1. Conferences (5 most important or recent conferences) 1.The 2nd International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature: "A Contemporary Vision", was held at Sultan Qaboos University, 2 - 3 December 2012.Title of paper: The Impact of Meronemy on Arabic Grammatical Rules Construction. 2. The International Symposium on "Al-A'wtabi Al-Suhari", held at Centre for Omani Studies, AL al-Bayt University,Jordan, 24-25 March, 2008. Title of paper: "Communication Disorders in the Ibanah book of al-Awtabi: A Linguistics View". 3. The First International Seminar on "Language & Translation", held at AL al-Bayt University, (Organized by Atlas Global Center for Studies and Research and AL al-Bayt University), 21 May 2008. Title of paper: The Impact of Euphemisms on Compiling Bilingual Terminological Dictionaries". 4. Conference on Arabic Language & Literature at Jordanian Universities: Present and Future, held at Isra' University, Jordan, 28-29 March 2006. Title of paper: "Lexicography: The Term, The Notion and The Methodology". 5. Symposium on The Schooling Inputs of Arabic Language & Its Outputs in Higher Education, held at AL al-Bayt University, in Coordination with Ministry of Education, Jordan, 15 December 2009. Title of paper: "Teaching of Transitive and Intransitive verbs through Jordanian curriculum of the Arabic language". Thesis Supervision (5 most recent theses) 1. "The Characteristics of al-Hoqain of Oman Dialect: A Phonetic and Phonological Analysis in the light of Standard Arabic, (M.A. dissertation), Muna bint Saif Al-Salehiyah, Arabic Language and Literature Department, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, 2015. (First supervisor). 2.Cohesion in the Linguistic Structure of Ibn Ata'allah al-Iskandari's Wisdoms, (M.A. dissertation), Mohammad M. Mahasna, Dept. of Arabic Language and Literature, Al al-Bayt University, 2010. 3.The Role of Sense Relations in construction Rules of Arabic Grammar, (M.A. dissertation), Abd Arrahman Q. As Sarhan, Dept. of Arabic Language and Literature, Al al-Bayt university, 2009. 4. The Phenomenon of "Broken Plural" Forms in Al-Ma’arri’s “Necessities”: A Morpho-Pragmatic Study, (M.A. dissertation), Ali bin Khamis bin Abdullah Al Harrasi, Arabic Language and Literature Department, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, 2015.(Supervisor II). 5. "The Pragmatics of Narrative discourse: A study of Ali Al Ma'mari's works," (PhD thesis), Ali bin Shafi Al- Sharji, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University. (Supervisor II). 5. Awards Awarded The faculty of Arts and Humanities at AL al-Bayt University Medal for Academic Distinction for the year 2006/2007. 6. Community Service Community services (Lectures – Seminars – etc….) 1. A Lecturer at "The Training Course for the Experienced Teachers of Arabic language", was held at Center for Community Service & Continuing Education, Sultan Qaboos University, in coordination between the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman and Sultan Qaboos University, the first version on 19-30 / 1/2013, and the second version on 26-1-2014. Training theme title: (Linguistics and teaching Arabic). 2. Introducing a lecture titled "Common Conceptions of Softening Death in Arabic & English", held at college of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, 6 November 2013. 3. A Reviwer of several refereed journals, papers (proceedings of the Second International Conferenceon on Modern Critique Methodologies Poetic Text: Applied Readings, Sultan Qaboos University, 16-18 March 2015, and research proposals at Sultan Qaboos University. 4. Committee Member of Discussion Several M.A. Thesis in Jordainan Universitues (AL al-Bayt University and Yarmouk University), and Omani Universities ( Sultan Qaboos University and Nizwa University). Committee membership (5 main committees) 1. A Member of the Advisory Committee (the New admitted students, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University), 2015-2016. 2. A Coordinator of the Committee of the Diploma in Arabic Language for Non-Native Speakers Program, the Department of Arabic language and Literature, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, 2014-2016. 3. A Member of the Joint Committee between the College of Arts and Scoial Sciences and the Collegeof Education for Accrediatation of B.A. Arabic Language Program ,at the College of Education. 4. . A Member of the College of Arts and Social Sciences Website Committee, Sultan Qaboos University, 2013-2015. 5. A Member of College of Arts and Social Sciences Council, representing the Department of Arabic language and Literature, Sultan Qaboos University, 2014-2015. 2|P age