CU student named Brad Henry International Scholar

For Immediate Release – Lawton, OK, Aug. 28, 2008
CU student named Brad Henry International
Cameron University student Kyle Bolton, a senior from Grandfield, has been designated as a Brad Henry
International Scholar and selected to participate in an international study program at Swansea University in
Wales. The Brad Henry International Scholars program was established by the Oklahoma State Regents
for Higher Education in June. Bolton was among the inaugural group of five students selected for the
$10,000 program award.
“I think we can all be extremely proud of this group of students,” said Gov. Brad Henry during a ceremony
at the Oklahoma State Capitol announcing the honorees. “Through this program, they will learn the
importance of succeeding in a global economy. I have no doubt they will represent our state very well
during their time in Wales.”
“These students are an exceptional group of young Oklahomans who has distinguished themselves both
academically and by their character,” said Chancellor Glen D. Johnston. “These students are working hard
to make their educational dreams come true, and we have full confidence they will represent the state and
their universities well while they are overseas.”
Bolton, an international languages major who received the award for a Semester of Study Abroad, will
spend the Fall 2008 semester at Swansea University. Matriculating through Swansea’s American Studies
program, he will study Egyptian hieroglyphs, Egyptian history and Writing Ancient History. He will also take
two CU courses online while overseas. Swansea University is located on the seacoast in the southern part
of Wales, approximately 40 miles south of Cardiff.
Bolton, page 2
“Kyle possesses all the attributes required for the attainment of this prestigious award,” says Dr. Von
Underwood, Dean of CU’s School of Liberal Arts. “Not only does he excel academically, he has
demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities and has an exemplary character.”
Bolton, who just months ago received a CU British Studies scholarship, recently returned from a summer
study program where he participated in an archeological dig at a medieval castle in Louvain, Belgium.
While in Europe, he travelled to Amsterdam, Paris, London and Swansea. His fluency in French contributed
to a successful and educational trip.
“Going to Europe in July was the first time I’d ever left the United States,” he says. “I considered it a oncein-a-lifetime experience, but now, thanks to the Brad Henry International Scholar Program, I have another
opportunity to travel abroad as part of my education. I’m honored to be one of the first recipients.”
PR# 08-127
Editors and Broadcasters: For more information, contact Janet E. Williams, Director
of Media Relations, in the Office of Community Relations at 580.581.2611.