Author Profile

Author Profile
Kevin Monte de Ramos is a respected utility industry consultant. He serves as principal
researcher at KMDR Research, Inc. and is the author of the book, Poverty and the Public
Utility. Today, Kevin provides technical assistance to organizations promoting utility
service affordability and energy efficiency. Kevin can be found at media events and
conferences dealing with issues of poverty, community development, and energy efficiency.
Kevin is recognized for his evaluation of low-income programs, his development of
program tracking systems, and his theories on the study of client behavioral modification.
Kevin is available to facilitate collaborations between industry participants, speak on
poverty-related issues, and write on energy and social policy reform.
Program Evaluation
Information Technology
Led evaluation planning from 1989 through 1996 for
large DSM consulting and implementation group.
Authored over twenty-one assessments addressing both
energy and non-energy impacts that result from energy
efficiency enhancements and load shifting programs.
Conducted longitudinal assessments of energy savings
over a 10-year period, demonstrating the market
transformational effects of home weatherization.
Regularly presents at leading industry conferences, such as
Affordable Comfort, ACEEE, and IEPEC.
Invited to present theories on the assessment of energy
education and budet counseling effectiveness.
Technical Assistance
Developed a data warehouse at Columbia Gas Systems to
track low-income payment behavior and energy
Developed decision models to generate statistical profiles
of national accounts using interval data collected at
Southern Company Services.
Automated the load research process; including meter
configuration, data acquisition/validation, sampling
design, and the development of class load shapes and
Designed and developed a number of program and
financial tracking systems used by professional service
Market Assessments
Keynote speaker at a number of industry conferences
and paid lecturer at private gatherings.
Developed survey instruments used in the study of
customer loyalty and satisfaction.
Instructed management and saftety training seminars for
demand side management implementations.
Studied market transformational effects of appliance
rebate, financing, and replacement programs.
Facilitated resolve between state agencies and utilities
leading to the adoption of an automatic enrollment
initiative for energy assistance.
Documented the evolution of low-income assistance
programs within gas and electric utilities drawing on
parallels within banking, telephone, and insurance
Assisted in the development of key industry leading
programs; such as, CAP, CARES, LIURP, and
Managed direct load control implementations.
Member of Columbia Gas Systems' integrated resource
planning team presiding over the evaluation and
monitoring subcommittee. In this role, we developed
cost-benefit streams for a wide range of DSM initiatives.
(2000 – present) President/Principal Researcher at KMDR Reseach
(1998 – 2000) CEO/VP New Product Development at NeXT Century Software
(1996 - 1998) Senior Business Analyst at DocuCorp International
(1989 – 1996) DSM Program Evaluation Consultant at A&C Enercom
(1987 - 1989) Associate Researcher at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center
(1993) Management Training (Total Quality Management/Financial Accounting)
(1991) ) Full Life-Cycle Software Development (STRADis and Battelle)
(1990) Studied for Master's of Administration at the State of Michigan University
(1986) Earned Bachelors of Science at The Ohio State University (Biochemistry)