GAZIFÈRE INC. TABLEAU COMPARATIF DES COÛTS DES APPROVISIONNEMENTS GAZIERS POUR L'ANNÉE TÉMOIN 2011 AVEC UNE DEMANDE POUR LE TARIF 9 DE 8 674 300 m 3 ET 32 962 000 m3 CAUSE TARIFAIRE 2011 (Phase IV) 1 Scénario 1 Scénario 2 Coût des approvisionnements gaziers Coût des approvisionnements gaziers Variation des coûts avec une demande pour le tarif 9 avec une demande pour le tarif 9 (000)$ de 8 674.3 103m3 de 32 962.0 103m3 (1) (2) CONTRACT DEMAND 1,111.2 Comments (3) = (2) - (1) 1,111.2 0 2 3 TOTAL DELIVERIES 157,343.4 181,984.3 4 TOTAL SALES 123,654.5 123,878.8 24,640.9 (1) Change in total deliveries equals the sum of the changes in Sales and T-service volumes. 224.3 5 T-SERVICE RECEIPTS 33,688.8 58,105.5 24,416.6 Sales volumes change slightly due to increase in UUF volumes. All of Rate 9 customers use T-service arrangements. 6 7 8 GAS COST CALCULATION 9 10 11 12 13 The allocation of EGD's costs to its customer classes, including Rate 200, is primarily driven by 14 Demand Charge 1,960.2 1,960.2 0.0 peak day demand of each class and the number of customers in each class. Neither of these two drivers 15 Delivery Charge 1,765.1 1,765.1 0.0 change with an increase in Rate 9 annual volumes. Therefore, the allocation of EGD's costs 3,725.3 3,725.3 0.0 to Rate 200 does not change materially with an increase in Rate 9 annual volume. 0.5180 815.0 942.7 127.7 16 17 18 19 Load balancing costs are volumetric in nature. While the load balancing unit rate would not change materially Load Balancing the total load balancing cost would increase with an increase in Rate 9 annual volume. 20 Transportation 5.1042 6,311.6 6,323.0 11.4 Slight change due to UUF volume only. All of Rate 9 customers use T-service arrangements. 21 Gas supply (buy/sell) 15.2613 377.4 378.1 0.7 Slight change due to UUF volume only. All of Rate 9 customers use T-service arrangements. 22 Gas supply (system) 15.2837 18,521.0 18,554.6 33.6 Slight change due to UUF volume only. All of Rate 9 customers use T-service arrangements. 23 CURTAILMENT -1.1000 29,750.3 29,923.7 173.4 29,750.3 29,923.7 173.4 1,421.8 1,421.8 0.0 31,172.1 31,345.5 173.4 24 25 TOTAL 26 27 28 29 Niagara Gas Transmission 30 Gazifère pays for Niagara Gas Transmission service through fixed monthly charges. Change in Rate 9 annual volumes does not impact the level of this cost. 31 Coût total des approvisionnements gaziers Note : (1) Variation des volumes (103 m3) Scénario 2 32,962.0 Scénario 1 (8,674.3) Variation des volumes de vente 24,287.7 Conversion des volumes de 37.89 MJ/m 3 à 37.69 MJ/m3 24,416.6 Ajout du gaz perdu de 0,9184% Variation des volumes d'achat 224.3 24,640.9 GI-41 Document 2.1 Original : 2010-10-27 Page 1 de 1 Requête 3724-2010