AGENDA ITEM NO: 8.0 UNIVERSITY COUNCIL PLANNING AND PRIORITIES COMMITTEE FOR INFORMATION ONLY PRESENTED BY: Jay Kalra, Chair DATE OF MEETING: January 21, 2010 SUBJECT: Planning and Priorities Committee Mid-Year Report to Council COUNCIL ACTION: For information only ATTACHMENTS: Planning and Priorities Committee Mid-Year Report for 2009/10 COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP: Jay Kalra, Chair David Parkinson, Vice Chair Pat Renihan, Vice Chair Jim Basinger Brett Fairbairn Brent Cotter Moira Day David Dodds Nicholas Fraser Peter Grant Rob Hudson Laura Kennedy Warren Kirkland Heather Magotiaux Eric Neufeld Alison Renny Karen Semchuk Bing Si Mariane Trepanier Resource Personnel Ginger Appel Bryan Bilokreli Pauline Melis Colin Tennent Sandra Calver, Secretary MID-YEAR REPORT TO COUNCIL of the PLANNING AND PRIORITIES COMMITTEE During the first half of the year, the Planning and Priorities Committee held 11 regular committee meetings. To facilitate further in-depth consideration of the university’s finances and capital affairs, this year the Planning and Priorities Committee established an ad hoc Finance Subcommittee and an ad hoc Capital Subcommittee. In addition, committee members serve as representatives on a number of university-level advisory committees, including the Centres Subcommittee, which exists as a standing subcommittee of the Planning and Priorities Committee. The following is a brief summary of the committee’s activities this year to date and an indication, where appropriate, of future discussion planned. STRATEGIC PLANNING In keeping with its mandate to conduct and report to council on university–wide planning and review activities, the committee reviewed and commented on the following reports: • • • • • • • Task Force on International Research Final Report [discussion held with the chairs and representatives from the Research, Scholarly and Artistic Work Committee and the International Activities Committee] Enterprise Risk Management Medical Isotopes submission Budgetary Priorities for ITS, EMAP, and the Library Fundraising Priority Setting Policy 2009 Census Day Enrolment and Long-Term Enrolment Strategies Information and Communications Technology Update In addition, the committee has been actively engaged in the broad consultation undertaken to develop an Institutional Positioning Statement for the university, led by Vice-President of University Advancement, Heather Magotiaux. The initiative is based upon the aspiration to more effectively position our university relative to other institutions and enhance our competitive ability. A set of positioning strategies have been developed as options for discussion with the university community. The Planning and Priorities Committee has always been actively involved in development and consideration of the university’s Aboriginal initiative, dating from the identification of the goal to respond to the needs of Aboriginal peoples, as identified in A Framework for Planning (1998), and continuing, with the committee submitting the Foundational Document on Aboriginal Initiatives to council for approval in 2003. In 2007-08, the College Plans Review Committee considered the reflection of Aboriginal initiatives within college and administrative unit plans in light of the institutional imperative within the Second Integrated Plan for the university to embrace “the fundamental importance of its relationships First Nations, Métis, Inuit and Indigenous peoples.” Within this context, the Planning and Priorities Committee considered the Bylaws Committee request for input regarding Aboriginal representation on council committees. The Planning and Priorities Committee engaged in a full discussion on this question, and a formal response will be submitted to the Bylaws Committee. However, in summary, the committee’s view is that the university’s Aboriginal initiative is best served by ensuring all members of the university exercise their responsibility for engagement with Aboriginal peoples and issues. For council, this would entail that all committees of council ensure that whatever their mandate touches upon, consideration of the university’s Aboriginal initiative is a primary consideration. In the committee’s opinion, the creation of a council committee with responsibility for Aboriginal issues and initiatives was seen to have merit as a means to focus attention on related issues; however, this opinion was outweighed by the concern that such a committee would be seen as absolving the university community of its overriding responsibility in this area. If the university is to truly make progress in engaging with indigenous peoples, the central message is that all are equally responsible in this regard. INTEGRATED PLANNING The Planning and Priorities Committee believes the university must continue to make strategic choices guided by the principles associated with the planning process and the Second Integrated Plan. The implementation of the commitments of the Second Integrated Plan continues to occupy the committee on an ongoing basis. In November, the committee presented the university’s first Achievement Record to council in November as a direct outcome of the Quality and Accountability Commitment. Given the importance of integrated planning to the committee’s mandate, the committee will report fully on its engagement with the commitments of Second Integrated Plan in a separate report. UNIVERSITY FINANCES 2010-11 Operations Forecast The Planning and Priorities Committee reported earlier to council on the 2010-11 Operations Forecast funding request from the province, in light of the financial risks facing the university, chief among which are a decline in the provincial grant, a decline in student enrolment and associated tuition revenue, reduced investment income returns, and pending salary and benefits negotiations with USFA and CUPE. Budget Measures The committee is engaged in ongoing discussion of effect of the investment market on the university’s operating budget, trusts and endowments, and pensions as areas of financial pressure. The selective budget measures taken to address the approximately $10.0 million budgetary reduction in 2009/10, have been discussed in relation to the impact of the measures upon academic and administrative units. The university is now approaching the second year of the two-year phased in adjustment, and the committee supports that a strategic view be employed by all units to the approaches chosen to meet the financial targets required as year two approaches and modified plans are submitted. Most importantly, communication at all levels between and among units and with senior administrations is critical to ensure that the effects of the budget measures are transparent and clearly understood, and that novel approaches employed can be shared for the benefit of all. Multi-Year Operating Budget Framework Over the course of the next month, the Planning and Priorities Committee will be involved in discussions regarding updating of the 2008/09 – 2011/12 Multi-Year Operating Budget Framework. Updating the framework was deferred last year pending greater signs of financial stability. Tuition Policy Strategy A multi-year tuition strategy is being developed, based upon the principles of comparability, affordability and accessibility, and enabling quality. This topic will be presented in greater detail to the committee in preparation for Board approval of the university’s 2010-11 tuition rate increases, which have been targeted towards an overall 4.5% tuition rate increase. CAPITAL PLANNING In the coming months, the ad hoc Capital Subcommittee will be involved in the development and review of the university’s Annual Capital Plan. The magnitude of the deferred maintenance of the university’s aging physical infrastructure has been identified as a serious concern, and will be discussed further by the subcommittee in relation to the university’s annual capital allowance. Major Capital Projects The following project briefs were considered and recommended to proceed to the next stage of consideration under the Major Project Planning Process: • Agriculture Phytotron Project [Modernization of Plant Growth Facility] • Steam Distribution System Upgrade [Replacement of the Buried Steam Distribution System from WCVM to VIDO] A summary of the Major Projects Planning Process and status of each project is found on the Facilities Planning section of the Integrated Planning web site at Clicking on the individual project name links to project specifics, such as overall projected cost, project approval stage, executive sponsor(s), and visual representations. Capital Equipment Start-up Fund Allocation Committee The committee reviewed the new model employed for the distribution of start-up funds to faculty with the Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations, and determined, in consultation with the Research, Scholarly and Artistic Work Committee, that the Capital Equipment Start-up Fund Allocation Committee, as a standing subcommittee of the Planning and Priorities Committee, be dissolved. In its place, the Planning and Priorities Committee and Research, Scholarly and Artistic Work Committee will receive an annual report on the distribution of the fund. ACADEMIC Notices of Intent To date, the committee has reviewed notices of intent for the following programs: • • • M.A. in Religion and Culture M.A. Applied Linguistics M.Sc. in Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (course-based) The committee has also reviewed an early stage notice for a School of Architecture, with a number of options being explored regarding the master’s degree qualification required for accreditation by the Canadian Architectural Certification Board. As the proposal is more fully considered and developed, the committee will apprise council of the possibilities presented. In addition, the committee reviewed the proposed operating principles for the JohnsonShoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, which have been written as an addendum to the MOU between the Universities of Regina and Saskatchewan to create a single provincial graduate school of public policy. The operating principles identify the differing institutional norms and requirements between both universities, while embracing an integrated academic goal. Centres The International Centre for Northern Governance and Development was reviewed by the Centres Subcommittee and Planning and Priorities Committee. This existing Type B centre has evolved from the International Centre for Governance and Development. The centre has revitalized and refined its mandate to strategically focus on northern affairs and development as a reflection of the university’s presence and sense of place. It has been my pleasure to continue in service as chair of the Planning and Priorities Committee this year. I wish to recognize and acknowledge the contributions and efforts of all members in supporting council’s commitment towards the university’s academic affairs. Jay Kalra, Chair