Center for Entrepreneurship Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University 1. Center creation relevance Entrepreneurship nowadays is one of the most rapidly developing sectors of scientific research. For several years Graduate School of Management at St. Petersburg State University (GSOM SPbSU) has developed different fields of activities related to the subject of entrepreneurship, such as Annual Student Business-Plan competition, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor project (GEM), scientific project “Research of Lifecycles of Russian Companies” and others. Growing interest and demand for teaching courses and programs on entrepreneurship from students of GSOM SPbSU also generate a need for development and launching that type of educational modules and programs. This Center will become a pioneer in the field because there is no center of this type within a framework of business-school or school of management in Russia at the moment. Considering the arguments stated above, development of the Center for Entrepreneurship within the framework of GSOM SPbSU proves to be of highest importance. 2. Vision To become a leader in the field of Entrepreneurship research in Russia as well as in developing educational modules on the basis of this research. 1 3. Main areas of the center activity (2008-2010): a). Research I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Entrepreneurial firms evolution Intra-firm entrepreneurship Social entrepreneurship Behavioral aspects of entrepreneurs Financial aspects of entrepreneurship Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). b). Knowledge dissemination I. Preparation and development of courses on entrepreneurship for different GSOM SPbSU programs II. Creating textbook on entrepreneurship based on Russian materials III. Preparation and execution of methodical seminars, round-table discussions and workshops on the problem of teaching entrepreneurship with the participation of Russian and foreign business schools professors IV. Research results presentation at international and Russian scientific conferences V. Preparation and publication of scientific articles in the leading international and Russian magazines. VI. Execution of Russia-wide competition devoted to educational modules on entrepreneurship VII. Creation and dissemination of Russian cases on entrepreneurship VIII. Preparation and publication of practically oriented and methodical materials in international and Russian professional editions and other mass media. c). Business plan competitions I. Annual Russia-wide business plan competition in High Tech field (since 2009) II. Godwin Wong business plan competition III. Organization of students participation in international business plan competitions 2 4. Key tasks of the Center (2008-2009) Key tasks of the center activity are the following: 1. Distribution of the information about the Center (development of a section at GSOM web-site, sending news letters, etc.) (responsible – G. Shirokova, manager of the Center). 2. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - publications of results in “Russian Management Journal”, “Vestnik SPbSU. Ser. management”. Deadline – spring 2008, responsible – O.Verkhovskaya, M. Dorokhina. 3. Execution of scientific seminar to discuss the research program with the participation of Russian and foreign experts (May 2008, responsible G. Shirokova, manager of the Center) 4. Scientific Seminar and publication of the working paper “Entrepreneurship and Intra-Firm Entrepreneurship: Approaches to Investigation” (reporters: D.Knatko, V.Sarycheva, G.Shirokova, manager – G.Shirokova ) (May, 2008). 5. Studies of GSOM graduates – entrepreneurs (report – June, 2008) (responsible – D.Knatko, A.Shatalov) 6. Symposium on entrepreneurship for Russian professors and entrepreneurs (November, 2008) (responsible – G.Shirokova, A.Shatalov, manager of the Center) 7. 10th Godwin Wong Business-Plan Competition (Autumn, 2008) (resp. – A.Kulikov) 8. Launching of the project on the creation of a business-course on entrepreneurship for GSOM EMBA program students (Spring 2008) (resp. – G.Shirokova) 9. Development of 2-3 cases on entrepreneurship (September, 2008) (resp. – G. Shirokova, D.Knatko, A.Shatalov, T.Kozyreva). 10. International Scientific Conferences (presenting reports in China, Moscow, Dubrovnik, Tallinn - accepted reports of G.Shirokova, D.Knatko, A.Shatalov). 11. Scientific Seminar and publication of the working paper on the subject “Business-models of entrepreneurial firms in Russia” (responsible – G.Shirokova, reporter – A.Shatalov) (November, 2008). 12. Publication of the Scientific Projects in the Russian magazines: “Problemy teorii i praktiki upravlenia” (“Problems of Management Theory and Practice”) (G.Shirokova), “Vestnik SPbSU. Ser. Management” (G.Shirokova, D.Knatko), “Journal of Business Economics and Management” (G.Shirokova, D.Knatko). 13. Round-table discussion on Entrepreneurship (GEM, Teaching Entrepreneurship) (December, 2008) (responsible - O.Verkhovskaya, M.Dorohina) 14. Russia-wide Annual Business-Plan Competition (2009). 15. Completion of the project on creation of teaching course on entrepreneurship (2009) 16. Translation and edition of J.Timmons textbook “New venture creation” (2009) 17. Scientific publications in international magazines as a result of conducted research and consulting projects, approved at the international conferences (2009) 3 5. Main partners and fields of cooperation № Partner I. The U.S. Russia Center for Entrepreneurship II. The European Foundation for Entrepreneurship Research III. Global Entrepreneurship Research Association IV. Babson College V. GSOM SPbSU Alumni Association VI. Haas Business School, Berkeley IX. Fedorenko International Scientific Fund Field of cooperation Research: research of entrepreneurial firms evolution: determinants of growth, business models, transition from entrepreneurship to professional management Knowledge dissemination: Publication of Russian and international projects outcomes; participation in international seminars and conferences; seminars for Russian professors and entrepreneurs. Teaching: Preparation of a course on entrepreneurship based on Russian materials. Research: Development of the cases on entrepreneurship Knowledge dissemination: cases publication, registration in ECCH Teaching: implementation of the developed cases into the course on entrepreneurship Research: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor project Knowledge dissemination: round-table discussions based on GEM project outcomes, publication of the research outcomes Research: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor project; development of the cases on entrepreneurship in co-authorship with Babson College professors Knowledge dissemination: round-table discussions based on GEM project outcomes, publication of the research outcomes, seminars with participation of leading professors in the field of entrepreneurship, case registration in Harvard Business School; translation of textbooks of leading specialists in the field of entrepreneurship Teaching: implementation of the developed cases into the course on entrepreneurship Research: Panel research of GSOM SPbSU alumni (statistics, influence of the educational affect) Knowledge dissemination: Reports as a result of alumni research Business-plan competitions: Godwin Wong annual business plan competition Business-plan competitions: Godwin Wong annual business plan competition Research: “Adaptation of the Life-Cycle corporate management development in Russia conception ” 4 6. Center Staff Working permanently, participating in all the fields of activities: Galina V. Shirokova, Executive director of the Center, associate professor, Strategic and international management department, SPbSU Dmitry M. Knatko, PhD, Strategic and international management department, SPbSU Alexander I. Shatalov, PhD, Strategic and international management department, SPbSU Ekaterina A. Chaikina, manager of the Center Global Entrepreneurship Monitor project (GEM): Olga R. Verkhovskaya, associate professor, Strategic and international management department, SPbSU Maria V. Dorokhina – researcher of the Center for Etrepreneurship, GSOM, SPbSU Participating in certain projects: Frederic Delmar – entrepreneurship professor, Lyon Business School Alexander V. Kulikov, PhD, Strategic and international management department, SPbSU Viktoria Sarycheva, Strategic and international management department, SPbSU Tatiana P. Kozyreva, 1st year MIB student 7. Center location Center is located in the Research Institute in Management (separate room with four equipped working places) 8. Main projects (2008) № I. 1. Project Research Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2. Research of Participation Date Participants Financing/Status Outcomes Oficial report publication in Russian and English (November, 2008), roundtable discussion on entrepreneurship (December, 2008) Publication of articles in Head of the project (O.R. Verkhovskaya) Data analysis (O.R. Verkhovskaya, M. Dorokhina) 01.08-12.08 GSOM, Sociological faculty, SPbSU GSOM/GERA/Babson College/ Financing of participation /The treaty is signed Head of the project 07.08-12.09 GSOM, Lyon GSOM/ The U.S-Russia 5 entrepreneurial firms evolution 3. II. 1. (G.V. Shirokova) Business School Development of a questionnaire, hypothesis and research methodology, data processing (Frederic Delmar, G.V. Shirokova, D.M. Knatko, T.P. Kozyreva, A.I. Shatalov) Survey of GSOM Head of the project 03.08-06.08 GSOM, GSOM alumni (G.V. Shirokova), (later on the Alumni Association execution (G.V. entrepreneurs permanent Shirokova, D.M. basis) Knatko, A.I. Shatalov) Seminars and conferences (organization, execution and participation) Symposium on Organization (G.V. 11.08 GSOM, Babson entrepreneurship Shirokova, A.I. College for professors and Shatalov, manager of entrepreneurs the Center) 2. International student research conference (GSOM, SPbSU) 3. Scientific seminar Organizing and leading the section devoted to the entrepreneurship problems (G.V. Shirokova, D.M. Knatko, T.P. Kozyreva, A.I. Shatalov) Organization and Center for Entrepreneurship/ Negotiations international magazines, development of an educatonal course on entrepreneurship for EMBA program Budget of the Center Report preparation for the purposes of its presentation to GSOM SPbSU Advisory Board, report publication GSOM, Babson College/ Negotiation Affect on reputation in the market of teaching entrepreneurship 04.08 GSOM No special financing Conference thesis publication 05.08 GSOM Budget of the Center Working paper publication. 6 “Entrepreneurship and intra-firm entrepreneurship: approaches to research” execution of the seminar, reports (G.V. Shirokova, D.M. Knatko, V. Sarycheva) 4. Scientific seminar “Business-models of entrepreneurial firms in Russia” 11.08 GSOM, Lyon Business School Budget of the Center 5. Round-table discussion on entrepreneurship (GEM, teaching entrepreneurship) (December, 2008) Organization and execution of the seminar (G.V. Shirokova, A.I. Shatalov), report (A.I. Shatalov), foreign expert (F. Delmar) Organization and execution of the seminar, report (O. Verkhovskaya, M. Dorokhina) 12.08 GSOM Budget of the Center Report publication based on the project outcomes 6 IX International scientific conference GU – Higher School of Economics “Modernization of economics and globalization” (Moscow) Report (G.V. Shirokova, A.I. Shatalov) 04.08 GU –Higher School of Economics GSOM/ Basic research grant Report publication 7. 9th Russia-wide symposium “Strategic Report (G.V. Shirokova, A.I. Shatalov) 04.08 CEMI (ЦЭМИ) GSOM/ Budget of the Center Report thesis publication 7 planning and enterprise development” (Moscow) 8. Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Beijing,China) 9. 15th Nordic Conference on Small Business Research ”Challenges for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development in the Context of European Enlargement” (Tallinn, Estonia) III. Other activities 1. Godwin Wong business plan competition Report (G.V. Shirokova, A.I. Shatalov, D.M. Knatko.) 03.08 Report (G.V. Shirokova, A.I. Shatalov) 05.08 Competition organization (A. V. Kulikov) 09.08-11.08 Tsinghua University , Beijing, China GSOM; Haas Business School, Berkeley GSOM/ Basic research grant Report publication GSOM/ Basic research grant Report publication GSOM, Haas Business School, Berkeley/ Payment for the organization Affect on the reputation 8