Document 12158260

GSOM SPbSU Research Book. 2014. Issue 4
Printed in Graduate School of Management SPbU, 2015.
Coordination and Edition:
Anna V. Menshikova , Head of Research Projects Department
Research Management:
Yulia B. Ilina, Head of Research Programmes Committee
Research Programmes and Publications........................................................................................................................4
Research Centers................................................................................................................................................................14
PricewaterhouseCoopers Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility............................................................................................15
Centre for Entrepreneurship.................................................................................................................................................................16
Deutsche Bahn and Russian Railways Centre for International Logistics and Supply Chain Management.....................18
Centre for Strategic Marketing and Innovation...................................................................................................................................19
Center for Public Private Partnership Studies.....................................................................................................................................20
Center for the Study of Emerging Market and Russian Multinational Enterprises..................................................21
Case Development Center......................................................................................................................................................................22
Doctoral Thesis...................................................................................................................................................................24
Research Conferences and Seminars Organized by SPbU..........................................................................................25
Annual Conferences...............................................................................................................................................................................25
International Conference on Game Theory and Management, GTM 2014.................................................................................25
GSOM Emerging Markets Conference: Business and Government Perspectives.......................................................................26
Academic Journals Published in SPbU...........................................................................................................................29
The Russian Management Journal .........................................................................................................................................................29
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series...............................................................................................30
Faculty Publications............................................................................................................................................................31
International Peer-Reviewed Journals.................................................................................................................................................31
Other International Peer-Reviewed Journals......................................................................................................................................37
Russian Academic Journals...............................................................................................................................................38
Russian Peer-Reviewed Journals ‘Category A’..................................................................................................................................38
Russian Peer-Reviewed Journals ‘Category B’....................................................................................................................................41
Other Academic Journals Included in the Higher Attestation Committee (VAK) List (in Economics).....................................45
Other Academic Journals Included in the Higher Attestation Committee (VAK) List (in Other Sciences).....................................47
Other Academic Journals......................................................................................................................................................................48
National Reports................................................................................................................................................................49
Working Papers..................................................................................................................................................................50
GSOM SPbU Working Papers Series (in English)...............................................................................................................................50
GSOM SPbU Working Papers Series (in Russian)................................................................................................................................52
Working Papers Published at Social Science Research Network Portal (SSRN).............................................................................52
Cases Registered at The Case Centre (ecch)........................................................................................................................................53
Textbooks and Manuals...................................................................................................................................................54
Appendix 1: The List of Research Areas................................................................................................................................................55
Appendix 2: Membership of GSOM SPbU Faculty in Journal Editorial Boards ...............................................................................56
Research Book 2014
Andrey Kostin
Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Professor,
Director, GSOM SPbU
Dear colleagues,
The Graduate School of Management (GSOM SPbU)
is a leading Russian business school established as a part of
the Saint Petersburg State University. As a university business
school, it has been equally focusing on the development of
educational curriculum and research in management.
Today the Graduate School of Management SPbU is the only
business school in Russia and the CIS with top professional
accreditations in management. In the Financial Times ranking
of “European Business Schools 2014” GSOM SPbU is 61st,
having raised 13 positions in comparison to the previous year.
Thus the School not only reaffirmed its leading positions among
top business schools in the region of Eastern Europe but also
succeeded in rising in international rankings.
While the FT ranking has become a real measure of the Schools’
quality and breadth of its programmes, what added much
to such recognition were the results of our faculty’s and students’
research in the field of management. The main areas of the
GSOM SPbU research include corporate social responsibility,
entrepreneurship, international logistics and supply chain
management, strategic marketing and innovations.
Moreover, in 2014 the School established two new research
centers, namely the Center for Public Private Partnership
Studies; and the Center for International Business and Emerging
Markets. We expect them providing a noticeable input
in relevant research fields.
Sharing our research achievements with academic peers
globally is an important component of our work, too. In this
connection it is worth noting the success of the international
“GSOM Emerging Markets Conference: Business and
Government Perspectives” held in October 2014. More than
250 participants took part in the conference representing 46
leading universities from the European Union, the CIS, Brazil,
Russia, India, China, the USA and other countries, which
I believe was a clear sign of growing interest worldwide
towards the GSOM academic achievements.
Hereby I am pleased to present the Research Book
2014 with full reporting on the research programs
and publications of the GSOM SPbU issued in 2014.
Yulia Ilina
Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor,
Head of Research Programmes Committee
Dear friends and colleagues!
We are pleased to present the GSOM SPbU 2014 Research
Book. Based on the achievements of previous years and
according to Development Program of Saint-Petersburg State
University until 2020 GSOM SPbU keeps on developing and
disseminating new knowledge that is highly valued for science,
business and society in general.
The unique innovative for Russian business schools international
research environment of dissemination of global management
ideas and practices in Russian public and business sectors
is developing at Graduate School of Management SPbU.
Internships at world-leading universities and research
centers, doctoral program that meets international standards,
library possessing a unique for Russia collection of books in
management and the subscription for journals and databases,
the publication of two management journals, regular
international research conferences and seminars, grants
to support research projects and participation at conferences,
bonuses for publications in top journals listed in ABS ranking –
all of this became possible by virtue of our joint efforts!
The main areas of research at GSOM SPbU are social
corporate responsibility, entrepreneurship, international
logistics and supply chain management, strategic marketing
and innovations. There are four research centers in the school
specializing in these areas. A significant result of research
development was foundation in 2014 of two new research
centers: Center for Public Private Partnership Studies; Center for
International Business and Emerging Markets. Other research
areas such as corporate governance, international business,
knowledge management and human resource management
are also actively developing.
GSOM SPbU faculty are members of editorial boards of
leading international and Russian management journals
International Journal of Human Resource Management, Human
Resource Development International, Corporate Governance:
The International Journal of Business and Society, Journal
of Change Management, Baltic Journal of Management,
Decision Science Journal of Innovative Education, Journal
of Leadership, Management & Organizational Studies,
International Journal of Management and Marketing:
An Open Access International Journal, International Journal
of Organizational Learning and Change, Journal of Business
& Management, The Journal of Global Entrepreneurship
Research), guest editors at high-ranking international journals
(Human Resource Development International, Corporate
Governance: The International Journal of Business and
Society), as well as active reviewers (Entrepreneurship Theory
and Practice, International Journal of Human Resource
Management, Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal
of Human Resource Management, Managerial Finance).
In 2014 VIII International Conference “Game Theory and
Management 2013” was held by GSOM SPbU with the
participation of leading Russian and foreign researchers.
Industry Conference “PPP in the Transport Sector: Ensuring
Road Safety” was held as part of the “Transport Week –
2014” on December, 4 in Moscow. It was organized jointly by
the Center for PPP Studies (Graduate School of Management
SPbU) and the Research Institute of the Motor Transport (NIIAT).
Representatives of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian
Federation, Federal Road Agency, State Company “Avtodor”,
federal and regional executive authorities, large financial,
construction and consulting companies as well as international
experts in the field of PPP and representatives of the academic
community took part in the conference.
Furthermore, 2014 was marked by holding international
conference “GSOM Emerging Markets Conference: Business
and Government Perspectives“ which continued the tradition
of the conference “Public Sector Transition”. Members
of the Conference Program Committee, Conference papers’
reviewers and Conference participants were leading foreign
and Russian researchers. As the result, the conference “GSOM
Emerging Markets Conference: Business and Government
Perspectives” is planned to be scheduled annually.
The detailed information about GSOM SPbU research
activities during 2014 including a comparison with the
previous years is presented in this report. We are confident that
these achievements will contribute to the wider international
recognition of the School as the leading international center
of research in management!
Research Book 2014
Research Programmes
and Publications
The research at GSOM SPbU is represented by a broad range
of intellectual activities that include fundamental and applied
research and the development of educational materials. As for
the most university based business schools, the publications in
international scientific journals in management are in the top
priority for GSOM SPbU. At the same time the School highly
values the other forms of the dissemination of research activity,
such as books, book chapters, articles in professional journals,
and cases. The basis for these publications – presentations
at Russian and international conferences and publications in
a series of research papers.
In 2014 a number of papers based on the latest research
in management was published in the leading international
journals listed in Association of Business Schools (ABS)
Academic Journal Quality Guide (Table 1). This fact indicates
the sustainable growth of the quality of the research done by
our professors and research fellows (Figures 1, 2, Tables 2, 3).
In 2014 77 full-time faculty members, 8 laboratory assistants,
researchers and 6 research projects managers contributed to
the development of GSOM SPbU research activities (Figure 3).
The achievements of GSOM SPbU should be attributed to
further growth of its case study collection, including cases
registered in The Case Centre (known before 01.07.2013
as European Case Clearing House) (Figure 5) and a number
of book chapters of GSOM SPbU faculty published in English
by leading publishing houses (Cambridge Scholars Publishing,
Edward Elgar Publishing, Oxford University Press, Palgrave
Macmillan, Routledge).
In 2014 GSOM SPbU continued to issue two journals in the
field of Management, holding leading positions according
to the Russian Science Citation Index impact factor: Russian
Journal of Management – 3rd among published in Russia
scientific journals on “Economics. Economic Science”, and
Vestnik (Herald) of St. Petersburg University. Management
Series – 1st place among all the journals in Vestnik (Herald)
of St. Petersburg University series.
Financial support for research is organized at GSOM SPbU
according to the principle of co-financing. The main sources
are competitive grants from the Russian government (including
those which are part of the Development Programme
of Saint Petersburg University until 2020), and foreign research
support funds, private Russian and international funds, as well
as targeted funding of research projects by GSOM SPbU
corporate partners and other companies.
Research Programmes and Publications
Table 1. GSOM SPbU Faculty 10 Best Publications of 2014
Paper title
Journal title
Vol., Issue
Bertrand O.,
Lumineau F.,
Fedorova E.
The Supportive Factors of
Firms' Collusive Behavior:
Empirical Evidence from
Cartels in the European Union
Vol. 35, Issue 6
2,504 /
2,371 /
Shirokova G.,
Vega G.,
Kozyreva T.
Dipaul, Inc.: Transitioning in
Measured Steps (Case)
Theory and
Vol. 38, Issue 2
2,447 /
3,254 /
Andreeva T.,
Festing M.,
Minbaeva D.,
MuratbekovaTouron M.
The Janus Faces of IHRM in
Russian MNEs
Human Resource
Vol. 53, Issue 6
1,395 /
1,499/ 1,37
Gavrilova T.,
Leshcheva I.,
Strakhovich E.
Gestalt Principles of Creating
Learning Business Ontologies
for Knowledge Codification
Research &
doi: 10.1057/
1,069/ -
0,445 /
Latukha M.
Talent Management in
Russian Companies: domestic
challenges and international
Journal of
Human Resource
0,792 /
0,734 /
Muravyev A.,
Talavera O.,
Weir C.
Performance Effects of
Appointing Other Firms’
Executive Directors to
Corporate Boards: an
analysis of UK firms
Review of
Finance and
Muravyev A.
Evolution of Regulation of
Labor in the USSR, CIS and
Baltic States, 1985-2009
Vol. 66, Issue 8
0,464 /
0,706 /0,750
Shirokova G.,
Berezinets I.,
Shatalov A.
Organizational Change and
Firm Growth in Transition
Journal for
East European
Vol.19, Issue 2,
0,406 /
0,226 /0,846
Huhtala J.-P.,
Sihvonen A.,
Frösén J.,
Jaakkola M.,
Tikkanen H.
Market Orientation,
Innovation Capability and
Business Performance: insights
from the global financial crisis
Baltic Journal of
Vol. 9, Issue 2
0,200 /
Panibratov A.,
Latukha M.
Obtaining International
Results through Partnerships:
evidence from Russian MNEs
in the IT sector
Journal for
East European
Vol. 19, Issue
1, 10.1688/
0,250 /
0,226 /
SNIP (2012)
0,617 / -
Research Book 2014
Table 2. GSOM SPbU Faculty Research Output, 2008-2014
Research Output / Year
Articles in academic journals
Research Collections
Articles in professional journals
Table 3. Number of GSOM SPbU Faculty Publications in International and Russian Academic
Journals, 2008-2014
Number of Publications in International Academic
Number of Publications in Russian Academic
incl. ABS list
incl. A, В categories
incl. VAK list
incl. 1-5 acc. to
RSCI index
Research Programmes and Publications
Fig. 1. Geographical Distribution of GSOM SPbU Faculty Participation in Conferences, 2014
GSOM SPbU Faculty Research Output, 2014
Articles in academic journals
Research Collections
Articles in Professional Journals
Cases and teaching notes
Cases and teaching notes registered
in ecch
Book chapters
Fig. 2. GSOM SPbU Faculty Research Output, 2014
Research Book 2014
Research projects
Junior researchers
Business practitioners
Core faculty (foreign core
77 (3)
Fig. 3. Faculty and Staff Involved in Research in Management, 2014
Fig. 4. Geographical Distribution of GSOM SPbU Faculty Research Collaboration 2014
Shirokova G., Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor of
Strategic and International Management Department, SPbU
Galina V. Shirokova, Doctor
of Economic Sciences,
Professor at Strategic and
International Management
Department, St.Petersburg
School of Management,
Director of the Center
for Entrepreneurship was
awarded with St. Petersburg
State University award
in 2014 for research
papers in nomination “For
Fundamental Achievements
in Research” for her series
of papers “Factors of Creation, Development and Growth of
Entrepreneurial Firms in Russia”.
The series of research papers of Professor Galina V. Shirokova
includes chapters in collective monographs (Two Chapters),
articles in leading international (13 articles) and Russian
academic journals (10 articles).
Articles, presented to take part in the competition, contain
the main research results reflecting various aspects of Russian
entrepreneurial firms at different stages of their formation,
development and growth. The problems considered
in the research papers involve various conceptual questions
regarding the peculiarities of entrepreneurship theory
application in countries with developing economies. Research
papers are based on the results of empirical research with
the use of qualitative and quantitative methods, which gives
an indication of reliability and validity of the conclusions and
recommendations presented.
Moreover, series of articles represent the research results of
large-scale surveys applied to hundreds of companies as well
indepth research of specific entrepreneurial firms’ (case study),
which gives an indication of the comprehensive investigation
of entrepreneurial firms’ phenomenon in the Russian context.
The combination of inductive and deductive approaches
applied to the study made it possible not only to develop
theoretical propositions concerning the entrepreneurial firms’
development, but also to provide their empirical testing.
Presented research papers make a significant contribution
to the theory of entrepreneurship development, expanding
knowledge about the entrepreneurial firm’s behavior in the
emerging market context, refining and developing the existing
concepts in the field of entrepreneurship research.
This contribution was highly appreciated by the members
of the Academic Council of St. Petersburg State University, who
decide on the prize award.
Award for Professor Galina V. Shirokova is one of six awards
granted in 2014 in St. Petersburg State University for
fundamental achievements in research for series of papers
by one or several authors, who made a major contribution into
Research Book 2014
Paper Published in Academic Journal of Financial Times List
Shirokova G., Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor
of Strategic and International Management Department,
Vega G., Professor, Director, Center for Entrepreneurial
Activity, Bertolon School of Business, Salem State University, Massachusetts, USA
Kozyreva T., Graduate School of Management St. Petersburg University
Entrepreneurship (USASBE). The journal’s mission is to publish
original conceptual and empirical papers that contribute to the
advancement of the field of entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice is
included in the list of 45 journals used
by the Financial Times in compiling the Business
School research rank, included in both the
Global MBA and EMBA rankings.
Paper “Dipaul, Inc.: Transitioning
in Measured Steps (Case)” was
published in 2014 in Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
is a leading scholarly journal in the
field of Entrepreneurship studies and
the official journal of the United States
Association for Small Business and
The Most Frequently Downloaded Paper in Academic Journal
Shirokova G., Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor
of Strategic and International Management Department,
Vega G., Professor, Director, Center for Entrepreneurial
Activity, Bertolon School of Business, Salem State University, Massachusetts, USA
Sokolova L., Graduate School of Management St. Petersburg University
The purpose of this paper is to
examine the ability of Russian firms to
develop strategic entrepreneurship
(SE) as a source of sustainable
competitive advantage in a turbulent
and hostile business environment.
It aims to suggest a model of SE
that includes two components –
exploration and exploitation – and
to test this model on 500 Russian
small to medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) which show the influence of these components on
firm performance. It also aims to address one of the most
fundamental questions confronting the international business
(IB) field: “What determines the success and failure of firms
around the world?”.
The paper presents empirical research with a regression
analysis of 500 Russian SMEs operating in Moscow and
St. Petersburg in three major industries: information technologies
and communications (ICT), hotels, restaurants, and cafes
(HoReCa) and wholesale/retail.
The Russian firms show a positive influence of exploration and
exploitation on firm performance. Moreover, the influence of
specific elements of exploration and exploitation was analyzed
and entrepreneurial values, investments in internal resources,
knowledge management and developmental changes were
determined to be significant factors constituting SE and having
a positive relationship with firm performance.
The research is limited by its sample, which includes only three
industries and the number of dependent variables tested.
The paper contributes to the existing literature on
entrepreneurship and IB in two ways. The theoretical contribution
in entrepreneurship literature is linked to development and
testing of the SE model. It also contributes to IB literature by
proposing that SE is one of the possible sources for creating
a successful firm in an emerging economy context such as
in Russia.
Emerald (Emerald Group Publishing) was
founded in 1967 at the University of Bredford,
UK for publishing literature in management,
marketing, and information science. Now
Emerald is a global leader in publishing of
the scientific and professional literature. The
company manages a portfolio of more than
290 journals and over 2,000 books and
book series volumes, as well as providing an extensive range
of online products and services
The Highly Commended Paper in Academic Journal
Dumay J., PhD, Senior Lecturer, Discipline of Accounting,
University of Sydney Business School, Sydney, Australia
Garanina T., Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Senior
Lecturer, Department of Finance and Accounting, GSOM
The paper “Intellectual Capital Research:
a Critical Examination of the Third Stage”
published in 2013 in Journal of Intellectual
Capital (Vol. 14, Issue 1, pp. 10–25), has
been selected by the journal’s Editorial
Team as a Highly Commended Paper
of 2013. The Award for Excellence is issued
annually by Emerald Group Publishing
in terms of Emerald Literati Network Award. The Journal
of Intellectual Capital Editorial Team was asked to nominate
an Outstanding Paper and up to three Highly Commended
Papers. “Intellectual Capital Research: a Critical Examination
of the Third Stage” was chosen as a Highly Commended Paper
winner as it is one of the most impressive pieces of work within
Journal of Intellectual Capital throughout 2013.
The purpose of the paper “Intellectual Capital Research:
a Critical Examination of the Third Stage” is to examine
intellectual capital research (ICR) methods and critically
analyze the ways and possibilities of their utilization. The data
set for this analysis is based on examining IC papers published
in specialist IC and generalist accounting journals from the
years 2000 to 2011.
The implication of this paper for ICR and practice is to create
a continued discourse about evolving approaches to ICR
so we can continue communicating leading edge, third wave
ICR, which develops IC theory in practice and effective IC
management through praxis.
The paper is novel because it investigates how ICR has
transitioned, how it evolved into third stage and how ICR might
continue to develop.
Emerald (Emerald Group Publishing)
was founded in 1967 at the University of
Bredford, UK for publishing literature in
management, marketing, and information
science. Now Emerald is a global leader in
publishing of the scientific and professional
literature. The company manages a portfolio
of more than 290 journals and over 2,000
books and book series volumes, as well as providing an
extensive range of online products and services.
Publications in Highly Ranked International Academic Journals
Andreeva T.E, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor
of Organizational Behavior and Personnel Management
Department, SPbU
Festing M., PhD, Professor of HR Management and Crosscultural Leadership, ESCP Europe School of Business, Berlin,
Minbaeva D., PhD, Professor, Copenhagen Business School,
Muratbekova-Touron M., PhD, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of Strategy, Organizational Behaviour
and Human Resources Department, ESCP Europe, Paris,
The paper “The Janus Faces of IHRM in
Russian MNEs”, having Tatiana Andreeva,
Associate Professor, Organizational
Management, as a co-author, has been
published in highly ranked international
scientific peer-reviewed journal of
the highest A category (Association
of Business Schools (ABS) Academic
Journal Quality Guide).
The article analyzes international human resource management
(IHRM) approaches of Russian multinational enterprises
(MNEs). The data gathered through interviews with HR
managers at the headquarters of Russian MNEs and at their
subsidiaries in developed and developing countries indicate
that Russian MNEs adopt HRM practices of Western origin.
However, Tatiana Andreeva with her coauthors highlight
that these MNEs differ radically in their choices of IHRM
approaches: “Many of these differences depend on the
country in which a subsidiary operates. The relationships with
subsidiaries located in CIS (Commonwealth of Independent
States) countries typically reflect a feeling of superiority
of Russian MNE, and they implement HRM practices, applied
in headquarters. At the same time, HRM approaches in other
countries (both developed and developing), represent a mix
of global best practices and local HRM practices and are
less related to practices, applied in headquarters. Despite the
aspirations of Russian MNEs to adopt Western HRM practices,
the authors did not find any instances of the reverse transfer
of management practices from subsidiaries in developed
countries to the Russian MNEs’ headquarters or any examples
of cross-pollination among subsidiaries in various countries.”
The Human Resource Management Journal strives to create
a bridge between theory (academic research) and real-world
practices, allowing academicians to learn from practitioners
and allowing practitioners to apply leading-edge research
Research Book 2014
theories to their day-to-day operations. The journal is published
by Wiley publishing. Wiley is the international scientific,
technical, medical, and scholarly publishing business of John
Wiley & Sons. Wiley publishes nearly 1,500 peer-reviewed
journals and 1,500+ new books annually in print and online,
as well as databases, major reference works and laboratory
Berezinets I., Candidate of Sciences in Mathematics,
Associate Professor of Finance and Accounting Department,
Ilyina Yu., Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Associate
Professor of Finance and Accounting Department, SPbU
Muravyev A., PhD, Associate Professor of Public
Administration Department, SPbU
The paper “The Structure of
Corporate Boards and Private
Benefits of Control: Evidence from
the Russian Stock Exchange” coauthored by faculty members of
Graduate School of Management
SPBSU – Irina V. Berezinets, Associate
Professor, Department of Finance and
Accounting, Yulia B. Ilina, Associate
Professor, Department of Finance and
Accounting, and Alexander A. Muravyev, Associate Professor,
Department of Public Administration, – is accepted for publication
in “International Review of Financial Analysis”, international
scientific refereed journal of B category (according
to the list of Association of Business Schools (ABS)
Academic Journal Quality Guide). Sincere congratulations
to authors!
The paper revisits the role of board size and composition in
corporate governance, employing a measure of private benefits
of control (PBC) as an indicator of governance problems
in firms. Authors calculate PBC using the voting premium
approach for a sample of dual class stock companies traded on
the Russian stock exchange between 1998 and 2009. Using
fixed-effects regressions, authors find a quadratic relationship
between PBC and board size, implying the optimality
of medium-sized (about 11 directors) supervisory boards. This
result is substantially stronger for PBC than traditional measures
of corporate performance. There is also some evidence that
director ownership helps to mitigate governance problems.
Most remarkably, authors find that non-executive/independent
directors are associated with larger PBC and thus do not seem
to help improve corporate governance. In contrast, regressions
with accounting performance measures as dependent variables
tend to suggest a positive role of these directors in corporate
“International Review of Financial Analysis” is a non-affiliated
refereed journal whose primary goal is to provide an outlet
for high quality Financial Research. The intent of the editors
is to have the journal provide a vehicle for the dissemination
of international Finance Research ideas and results.
Honorary Diploma of the National Award
for Applied Economics
Muravyev A., PhD, Associate Professor of Public
Administration Department, SPbU
2014th National Award for
Applied Economics distinguished
the article “The Wage and Nonwage Costs of Displacement
in Boom Times: Evidence from
Russia“, written by Alexander
Muravyev, Associate Professor
at Department of Public
Administration, in co-authorship
with Hartmut Lehmann, Tiziano
Razzolini and Anzelika Zaiceva.
Alexander Muravyev, has been
awarded with an honorary
diploma at the ceremony of
the 2014th National Award for Applied Economics which took
place on April, 2nd as a part of XV April International Academic
Conference on Economic and Social Development. Professional
jury of the Award distinguished the paper «The Wage and Nonwage Costs of Displacement in Boom Times: Evidence from
Russia», written by Alexander Muravyev in co-authorship with
Hartmut Lehmann, Tiziano Razzolini and Anzelika Zaiceva. The
article was published in Journal of Comparative Economics in
2013 (Vol. 41, pp. 1184-1201).
The paper analyzes the costs of job loss over the years of a booming
economy, 2003–2008, using unique data from the Russian
Longitudinal Monitoring Survey. In addition to analyzing standard
labor market outcomes, such as forgone earnings, employment,
hours worked and wage penalties, the unique data set allowed
authors to investigate additional non-wage costs of displacement,
in particular, fringe benefits, the propensity to have an informal
employment relationship or a temporary contract. Authors found
that displaced individuals face large foregone earnings following
displacement, which are heterogeneous across education and
ownership type of firm from which the worker separated. There
is no evidence of wage penalties for re-employed displaced
workers. However, authors found an increased probability of
working in informal or temporary jobs if previously displaced
and a reduction in the number of benefits. The findings are highly
relevant for the development of employment policy in the Russian
economy under various macroeconomic trends.
The National Award for Applied Economics is conferred for
outstanding scientific works that analyze Russian economy. The
objective of the Award is to reveal the papers of high importance
for academic research development and economic education
in Russia, as well as papers that contribute to increasing the
effectiveness of Russian economy and economic policy.
The founders of the Award are National Research University
Higher School of Economics (Moscow), New Economic School
(Moscow), Ural Federal University named after the first president
of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (Yekaterinburg), Association of Russian
Economic Think-Tanks (ARETT, Moscow), Institute of World
Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of
Sciences (IMEMO RAN, Moscow), Business Journal “Expert”
The Best Paper of Young Scholar
Aray Yu., Junior Researcher, Strategic and International
Management Department, SPbU
Research paper by Yulia N. Aray,
Junior Researcher of GSOM
SPbU, titled “Business Models of
Social Entrepreneurship: Aspects
and Principles of Development“
was awarded a diploma for
the best conference paper in
«Management» session at the XXI
International Student, Postgraduate
and Young Scientists’ Conference
the Lomonosov Moscow State
University from 7 to 11 April 2014.
The study of companies’ business models is an important topic in
organizational studies. It is logical to consider aspects of social
entrepreneurship business model formation and the use of the
business model as the unit of analysis in social entrepreneurship.
First, social entrepreneurship is characterized by a complex
process of value creation (both social and economic). Second,
social entrepreneurship is embedded in a complex network of
stakeholders. Despite the fact that there has been a number of
studies on business models in social entrepreneurship in recent
years, they are still fragmented, and no studies consider Russian
context of business models in social entrepreneurship. The
study on business models of social entrepreneurship in Russian
companies appears to be relevant because of the existing aspect
of the institutional environment. The analysis of the business models
formation will improve the efficiency of organizations working
in social entrepreneurship with further opportunity to scale and
disseminate successful practices, and as a consequence, it can
stimulate social entrepreneurship development in Russia. The
purpose of this study is to determine the aspects and principles of
business models formation in social entrepreneurship by using case
studies of Russian companies working in social entrepreneurship.
As a result of the analysis, the data were obtained which allow for
a number of prepositions and conclusions regarding the aspects
of formation of business models of social entrepreneurship. Some
part of the findings is based on the general logic of the peculiarities
of business models functioning in social entrepreneurship, and the
other part is based on the specific characteristics of the institutional
environment in Russia.
Research Book 2014
Research Centers
According to the priority areas of research the four earlier
established and two new research centers operated in GSOM
SPbU in 2014:
Deutsche Bahn and Russian Railways Centre
for International Logistics and Supply Chain
Centre for Entrepreneurship;
Center for International Business and Emerging
Center for Public Private Partnership Studies;
Centre for Strategic Marketing and Innovation;
PricewaterhouseCoopers Centre for Corporate
Social Responsibility.
The centers aim to contribute to formation and further
development of GSOM SPbU competencies on their profiles
targeting at leadership in Russia and worldwide in the relevant
areas while doing research, participation in expert activities
and knowledge dissemination, development of educational
In addition, there is Case Development Center in GSOM SPbU,
which has the most extensive in Russia collection of full-length
and mini-cases based on Russian and international companies
doing business in Russia. Most of the cases developed in the
center are research-based, i.e. are the result of the collection
and processing of raw materials.
All centers have three interrelated priority areas: worldclass research on current issues in the theory and practice of
management, promoting the quality of teaching in GSOM
SPbU specialized degree programs at all levels and the
development and implementation of innovative training
programs for managers and entrepreneurs. Young researchers,
graduate students and GSOM SPbU undergraduates are
involved in the activities of the centers, which is important to
ensure the high level of academic and practical significance of
their theses.
The publication of research results in highly ranked international
and Russian academic journals and other types of publications,
and the execution of research and educational projects for
leading companies in the country and in the world are the most
important criteria for the Centers’ success.
Research Centers
PricewaterhouseCoopers Centre
for Corporate Social Responsibility
The Centre’s goal is to support GSOM SPbU mission —
to educate and advance the national managerial elite
strongly committed to the idea of implementing the principles
of social responsibility and sustainable development in Russian
companies and respecting interests of all stakeholders.
The Foundation of Regional Social Programs
“Our Future” (
The Academy of Business in Society, ABIS
Director of the Center: Yury Blagov, Candidate of
Science (Economics), Associate Professor, Strategic &
International Management Department GSOM SPbU.
Global Organizational Learning and
Development network GOLDEN for sustainability
Global Responsible Leadership Initiative, GRLI
International Network of Research Centers for
Business Sustainability, NBS (
Global Association “Principles for Responsible
Management Education”, PRME
Main Projects 2014
National “Report on Social Investment in Russia–2014:
Creating Value for Business and Society”. Project leader:
Associate Professor Yuri Blagov, researcher: Assistant Professor
Anastasia Petrova-Savchenko.
National “Report on Corporate Philanthropy in Russia”.
Project leader: Associate Professor Yuri Blagov, researcher:
Assistant Professor Anastasia Petrova-Savchenko.
Professional Training Program “Projects Development
in the Field of Social Entrepreneurship, 2013-2014”. Project
leader: Associate Professor Yuri Blagov, researchers: Junior
Researcher Yulia Aray, Assistant Professor Anastasia PetrovaSavchenko.
Professional Training Program “Projects Dissemination
in the Field of Social Entrepreneurship, 2014-2015”. Project
leader: Associate Professor Yuri Blagov, researchers: Junior
Researcher Yulia Aray, Assistant Professor Anastasia PetrovaSavchenko.
Analytical Research on Corporate Social Responsibility
of Companies in Leningrad Region. Project leader: Associate
Professor Yuri Blagov, researchers: Assistant Professor Anastasia
Petrova-Savchenko, Doctoral Student Sofia Villo.
Research Project “Opportunities of Social Entrepreneurship
Development”. Project leader: Associate Professor Yuri Blagov,
researchers: Junior Researcher Yulia Aray, Assistant Professor
Anastasia Petrova-Savchenko.
Main partners
PricewaterhouseCoopers Russia (
Russian Managers Association (
Donors Forum (
Business newspaper “Vedomosti”
Projects are sponsored by:
PricewaterhouseCoopers Russia/
PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting
Citi Foundation
JTI Russia
Selected publications:
Blagov Yu., Aray Yu.
Educational programs in social Entrepreneurship:
International Experience and Russian Features // Vestnik
(Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series,
(2014), 3, c. 177-197
Aray Yu., Burmistrova T.
Specificity of Business Models In Social Entrepreneurship //
Russian management Journal, (2014), 4.
Storchevoy M., Hass J.K.
Chapters in the Book “Entrepreneurial Climate”,
“Understanding Russia”, “New Russian Capitalism (19852012)”, “Business Law and Regulations” // «Taking your
business to Russia. A guidebook and historical overview for
entrepreneurs». Ed. by Soren Kock and Tamara Galkina.
Hanken School of Economics, Finland, 2014.
Blagov Yu., Petrova-Savchenko A.
National “Report on Social Investment in Russia–2014:
Creating Value for Business and Society” // Blagov Yu. et al.;
Yu. Blagov, I. Soboleva (eds.). Saint-Petersburg: ATM Kniga,
Research Book 2014
Centre for Entrepreneurship
GSOM SPbU Center for Entrepreneurship is aiming to unite
and concentrate GSOM SPbU faculty, alumni, post-graduates
and undergraduate student’s efforts on entrepreneurship
as one of the key research areas. The main goal of Center’s
creation is development and dissemination of knowledge on
Director of the Center: Galina Shirokova, Doctor
of Science (Economics), Professor, Strategic &
International Management Department GSOM SPbU.
Bentley University, USA (
Northeastern University’s D’Amore-McKim
School of Business, USA
Warrington College of Business Administration,
University of Florida, USA
University of Bern, Management Department,
Switzerland (
Main Projects 2014
Research Project “The Antecedents of Students’
Entrepreneurial Activity: an Institutional Approach”. Project
leader: Professor Galina Shirokova, researchers: Assistant
Professor Tatyana Tsukanova, Doctoral Students Karina
Bogatyryeva, Julia Bistrova and Tatyana Belyaeva, Researchers
Linda Edelman, Tatiana Manolova and Dmitry Knatko.
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor — Russia (GEM). The
Center for Entrepreneurship is GEM Russian partner. Project
leader: Associate Professor Olga Verkhovskaya, researchers:
Maria Dorokhina, Doctoral Student Anastasia Sergeeva.
Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey
(GUESSS). GSOM SPbU is the main partner of Global
University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey (GUESSS)
project in Russia. Since 2003 the Swiss Institute for Small
Business and Entrepreneurship at the University of St. Gallen
(Switzerland) leads the survey. Project leader: Professor Galina
Shirokova, researchers: Assistant Professor Tatyana Tsukanova,
Doctoral Student Karina Bogatyryeva.
Annual Students’ Business Plan Competition. Project leader:
Professor Galina Shirokova, coordinator: Assistant Professor
Tatyana Tsukanova, Doctoral Student Yulia Bystrova, manager
Irina Malkova.
Main partners
CJSC “NPF “Teplocom” (
Communication Agency “PRAVDA”
The Centre for Entrepreneurship (Moscow)
The Foundation of Regional Social Programs
“Our Future” (
Swiss Institute for Small Business and
Entrepreneurship at the University of St. Gallen
(Switzerland) (
Projects are sponsored by:
Russian Science Foundation
GSOM SPbU tuition revenues
The Center for Entrepreneurship (Moscow)
The Foundation of Regional Social Programs
“Our Future”
CJSC “NPF Teplocom”
GSOM SPbU Alumni Association
Selected publications:
Shirokova G., Vega G., Kozyreva T.
DiPaul, Inc.: Transitioning in Measured Steps //
Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, (2014), 38(2),
p. 427-444.
Shirokova G., Berezinets I., Shatalov A.
Organizational Change and Firm Growth in Emerging
Economies // Journal for East European Management Studies,
(2014), 19 (2), p. 165-185.
Shirokova G., Bogatyreva K., Galkina T.
Effectuation and Causation: Relationship Between University
Infrastructure and Behavioral Choice In New Venture
Creation by Student-Entrepreneurs // Russian Management
Journal , (2014), 12(3), с.59-86.
Tsukanova T.
Russian SMEs Go International // Modern Competition,
(2014), 2 (44), с.60-76.
Research Centers
Bystrova Yu., Shirokova G.
What do we know about new ventures? Definitions,
characteristics and factors influencing their growth// Modern
Competition, (2014), №6 (48), с.61-93.
Shirokova G., Bystrova Yu.
Organizational changes in Russian new ventures as a factor
of success // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University.
Management Series, (2014), 2, с. 60-99.
Shirokova G., Bogatyreva K.
Interrelationship of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm
Performance: Evidence from Study of Russian SME s//
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management
Series, (2014), 1, с. 3-27.
Shirokova G., Tsukanova T., Bogatyreva K.
Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey
(GUESSS): National Report// Graduate School of
Management, St. Petersburg State University: SPb, (2014),
48 с.
Shirokova G., Bogatyreva K., Morris M.
Expertise, University Infrustructure and Cognitive Logic :
Assessing Students Who Start Ventures // Working Paper #
1 (E)–2014. Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg
State University: SPb, (2014), 26p.
Manolova T., Shirokova G., Tsukanova T., Edelman L.
The Impact of Family Support on Young Nascent
Entrepreneurs’ Start-up Activities: a Family Embeddeness
Perspective // Working Paper # 2 (E)–2014. Graduate
School of Management, St. Petersburg State University:
SPb, (2014), 40p.
Research Book 2014
Deutsche Bahn and Russian Railways Centre for International
Logistics and Supply Chain Management»
The objective of the Centre is education programs and research
development in logistics and supply chain management area in
order to improve the quality and competitiveness of international
transport and logistics in European and Russian markets.
Head of the working group of the Center researchers:
Konstantin Krotov, Candidate of Sciences (Economics),
Associate Professor, Department of Operations
Management GSOM SPbU.
Main Projects 2013
Contract Logistics in Russia. Project leader: Professor Richard
Germain, researchers: Associate Professor Yury Fedotov,
Associate Professor Konstantin Krotov, Senior Lecturer Andrey
Analysis of Russian Logistics Market. Project leader: Professor
Yuriy Fedotov, researcher: Dmitry Zaitsev.
Cases Development on International Logistics and Supply
Chain Management on the basis of data from JSC “Russian
Railways” and Deutsche Bahn Mobility Logistics AG.
Researchers: Professor Vitaliy Cherenkov, Associate Professor
Konstantin Krotov, Associate Professor Nikolay Zenkevich.
Development of concept of higher and executive education
in logistics and supply chain management under Federal
State Educational Standard for Management and corporate
requirements of JSC “Russian Railways”.
Deutsche Bahn Mobility Logistics
(Deutche Bahn, Germany) (
JSC “Russian Railways” (
EBS University of Business and Law (Germany)
Projects are sponsored by:
JSC “Russian Railways”
Deutsche Bahn Mobility Logistics AG
Selected publications:
Fugate B.S., Autry Ch.W., Davis-Sramek B., Germain R.
Does Knowledge Management Facilitate Logistics-Based
Differentiation? The Effect of Global Manufacturing Reach
// International Journal of Production Economics, 2012,
Vol. 139 (2), p. 496-509.
Germain R., Davis-Sramek B., Lonial S., Raju P.S.
The Impact of Relational Supplier Exchange on Financial
Performance: A Study of the Hospital Sector // Journal of
Business Logistics, 2011, Vol. 43 (3), p. 240–253.
Germain R., Birou L., Christensen W.
Applied Logistics Knowledge Impact on Financial
Performance // International Journal of Operations &
Production Management, 2011, Vol. 31 (8), p.816–834.
Germain R., Meek W.R., Baucus M., Davis-Sramek B.
Commitment in Franchising: The Role of Collaborative
Communication and a Franchisee’s Propensity to Leave
// Entrepreneurship, Theory & Practice, 2011, Vol. 35 (3),
p. 559–581.
Germain R., Krotov K.V., Fedotov Y.V.
Outsourcing and Vertical Integration: Research Propositions
from an Organizational Perspective // Russian Management
Journal. 2011, Vol. 9 (2), p. 93–108.
Germain R., Davis-Sramek B., Iyer K.
Supply Chain Technology: The Role of Environment
in Predicting Performance // Journal of the Academy
of Marketing Science, 2010, Vol. 38 (1), p. 42–55.
Research Centers
Centre for Strategic Marketing and Innovation
The objective of the Center for Strategic Marketing and
Innovations of GSOM SPbU is creation of competences in
studying marketing and innovation theories and methodologies
using advanced experience of Russian companies in the
comparative studies and spreading new knowledge among
Russian academics and the businesses.
Director of the Center: Maria Smirnova, Candidate
of Science (Economics), Associate Professor, Department
of Marketing GSOM SPbU.
Main projects 2014
Methodology of Interfim Cooperation on Creation and
Commercialization of Innovations. Project leader: Professor
Maria Smirnova. Researches: Assistant Professor Johanna
Frösén, Assistant Professor Olga Alkanova, Doctoral Students
Svetlana Khomich and Liubov Pakhomova.
Main partners
• Aalto University School of Business ( )
Lappeenranta University of Technology (
Manchester Business School (
Business Ecosystem Research Group, School of
Business and Management, Queen Mary University
of London (
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics
Higher School of Economics, Marketing Department
Projects are sponsored by:
GSOM SPbU tuition revenues
Selected publications:
Jaakkola M.; Frösén J., Tikkanen, H.
Various Forms of Value-Based Selling Capability Commentary on “Value-Based Selling: An Organizational
Capability Perspective // Industrial Marketing Management,
Smirnova M., Rebiazina V., Moreva I.
Transforming Industry Landscape in Response to the Transition
of the Economy – The Case of the Russian Bakery Industry //
Tržište, 2014, 26 (1), p. 23-44.
Alkanova O., Smirnova M.
Marketing in Emerging Markets: Definitions and Research
Agenda // Russian Management Journal, 2014, 12 (1),
p. 95-108.
Gladkikh I., Alkanova O.
Case Writing and Case-based Teaching In the Russian
Business Education // Russian Management Journal, 2014,
12 (2), p. 99-116.
Khomich S.
Intercompany Cooperation in Innovation: The Theoretical
Foundations // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University.
Management Series, 2014, 3, p.135-176
Rozhkov A., Rebiazina V., Smirnova, M.
Customer Orientation: Results of the Empirical Test In the Russian
Market // Russian Management Journal,2014, 12 (3), p. 33-58.
Smirnova M., Podmetina D., Vaatanen J., Torkkeli M.
Collaborative Approaches to New Product Development:
Case of Russia // International Journal of Entrepreneurship
and Innovation Management, 2012, 15 (1/2), p. 91-107.
Smirnova M., Naude P., Henneberg S., Mouzas S.,
Kushch S.
The Impact of Market Orientation on the Development
of Relational Capabilities and Performance Outcomes:
The case of Russian industrial firms // Industrial
Marketing Management, 2011, 40 (1), p. 44–53.
Smirnova M., Henneberg S., Ashnai B., Naude P.,
Mouzas S.
Understanding the Role of Marketing–Purchasing
Collaboration in Industrial Markets: The case of Russia //
Industrial Marketing Management, 2011, 40 (1), p. 54–64.
Huhtala J.-P., Sihvonen A., Frösén J., Jaakkola M.,
Tikkanen H.
Market orientation, innovation capability and business
performance: Insights from the global financial crisis // Baltic
Journal of Management, 2014, 9 (2), p. 134-152.
Research Book 2014
Center for Public Private Partnership Studies
Mission of the Center is to create and disseminate knowledge
about the implementation and efficient management of PPP
projects, as well as provide a platform for interaction among
public officials, business community and academics in the
process of the implementation of PPP projects by integrating the
competences of academics and professional experts
Director of the Center: Svetlana Maslova, Candidate
of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor, Department
of Public Administration GSOM SPbU.
Main Projects 2014
Implementation and Improvement of Risk Management
Process in PPP Projects in Healthcare (The Case of the
Perinatal Center Construction at St. Petersburg Maternity
Hospital #17). Project leader: Associate Professor Svetlana V.
Maslova, researcher: Associate Professor Andrew E. Ivanov.
Research Project – Development of the Legal Framework
for the Implementation of the PPP Project on Construction
and Operation of the Transport Hub “Devyatkino”.
Project leader: Associate Professor Svetlana V. Maslova,
researcher: Associate Professor Andrew E. Ivanov.
Research Project – Assessment of Legal Conditions
of the PPP Project on Construction and Operation of
Healthcare Infrastructure in “Slavyanka” Housing
Estate in the Pushkin District of St. Petersburg. Project
leader: Associate Professor Svetlana V. Maslova,
researcher: Associate Professor Andrew E. Ivanov.
Research Project – Elimination of Legal Constraints in the
Process of PPP Project Implementation on Construction and
Operation of Light Rail Transportation System “St. Petersburg
– Vsevolozhsk”. Project leader: Associate Professor Svetlana
V. Maslova, researcher: Associate Professor Andrew E. Ivanov.
Industry Conference “PPP in Transport Sector: Ensuring Road
Safety” (research on the topic and organization of the event
jointly with JSC “NIIAT”). Project leader: Associate Professor
Svetlana V. Maslova, researchers: Associate Professor Andrew
E. Ivanov, Andrey O. Yushkov.
Selected Publications:
Maslova S., Sokolov M.
Public-Private Partnership Agreements: Conception and
Content in Theory and in Practice // Vestnik (Herald)
of St. Petersburg State University. Law Series, 2014, Issue 3,
p. 126-144.
Maslova S., Sokolov M.
Trends and Perspectives of the Development of PPP Legislation
in Russia // Journal of International Private Law, 2014, Issue
1, p. 23-59.
Maslova S., Sokolov M.
Public-Private Partnership: Case Studies from GSOM Case
Collection // Graduate School of Management SPbU
Publishing, 2014.
Ivanov A.
Modelling of Quasi-Corrupt Behavior in Public Procurement
// Vestnik (Herald) of St. Petersburg State University.
Management Series, 2014, Issue 3, p. 3-40.
Ivanov A.
Quasi-corruption in Public Procurement // “Corruption,
Economic Growth and Globalization” (Routledge Studies
in the Modern World Economy), 2014.
Maslova S., Sokolov M.
Risk Management in PPP Projects // Vestnik (Herald) of St.
Petersburg State University. Management Series, 2013, Issue
4, p. 100-124.
Ivanov A.
Looking at the Picture: How to Compare Auction and Open
Tender? // GOSZAKAZ: Management, Placement, Provision,
2013, Vol. 31, p. 106-113.
Research Centers
Center for the Study of Emerging Market
and Russian Multinational Enterprises
The objective of the Center position itself as a global leader for
the study of Russian MNEs, and to bring together academics,
practitioners and policy makers to deepen the understanding
of the activities of these firms and their broader implications.
Director: Lilac Nachum, Baruch College, City University
New York
Deputy Director: Andrei Panibratov, Professor, Strategic &
International Management Department GSOM SPBU
Activities of the Center
Origins and sources of competitive advantages of
Russian MNEs
The role of local and foreign institutions in the
internationalization of Russian firms
Internationalization of politically connected firms from
Liability of foreignness of Russian firms
Global strategies of Russian MNEs
The competitive position of Russian MNEs in world
markets and their impact on global competition
Russian MNEs in competition with emerging and
developed country MNEs in Russia and globally
Panibratov A., Latukha M.
Foreign Expansion of Russian Firms Based on Natural
Resources and Technology in M. Marinov and S. Marinova
(eds.), Successes and Challenges of Emerging Economy
Multinationals. Palgrave Macmillan: New York, (2014), p.
Panibratov, A.
Classifying the Roles of Government in the Expansion of
Russian MNEs, The European Financial Review, (2014), JuneJuly, p. 70-72.
Panibratov A., Latukha M.
Obtaining international results through partnerships:
Evidence from Russian MNEs in the IT sector // Journal for
East European Management Studies, (2014), Vol. 19, № 1,
p. 31-57.
Kalotay K., Panibratov A.
Competitive Advantages of Russian
Multinationals through Foreign Acquisitions // The
Competitive Advantage of Emerging Market Multinationals. —
New York: Cambridge University Press, (2013), p. 220-238.
Latukha M., Panibratov A.
Is the Role of HRM Strategic in M&A Success? Exploring the
involvement of HRM in a due diligence process // Journal of
General Management, (2013), Vol. 39, № 1, p. 27-54.
Panibratov A.
Russian Multinationals: From Regional Supremacy to Global
Lead. — London, New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group,
(2012), 226 p.
Ardichvili A., Zavyalova E., Minina V.
National Human Resource Development Strategies:
comparing Brazil, Russia, India and China. — London
Philadelphia New Delhi: KoganPage, (2012), p. 176-193.
Ardichvili A., Zavyalova Y., Minina V.
Human Capital Development: comparative analysis of BRICs
// European Journal of Training and Development, (2012),
Vol. 36, № 2/3, p. 213 – 233.
Mihailova I., Panibratov A.
Determinants of Internationalization Strategies of Emerging
Market Firms: A multilevel approach // Journal of East-West
Business, (2012), Vol. 18, № 2, p. 157-184.
Zaheer S., Schomaker M., Nachum L.
Distance without Direction: Restoring credibility to a muchloved construct. Commentary on Shenkar’s paper, the
recipient of JIBS 2011 distinguished paper award // Journal
of International Business Studies, (2012), Vol. 43, № 1, p. 1827.
Panibratov, A., & Sergeeva, A.
Foundations of international competitiveness for Russian
MNEs in IT sector. //Herald of St-Petersburg University,
Management, (2013) 4: p. 52-69.
Veselova, A.
Multinationals from emerging economies: Applicability of
existing theories // Problems of Modern Economics, (2013)
4: p.144-147.
Veselova, A.
Strategy and organizational structure of the MNEs : the
theoretical and practical aspects// Economy and modern
management: theory and practice,(2013), p. 62-72
Latukha, M., & Tsukanova, T.
Talented employees in Russian and foreign companies. Voprosy
Economiki, (2013), 1: p. 147-156.
Research Book 2014
Case Development Center
Development, dissemination and implementation in the
educational process of case studies on Russian firms and
international companies based in Russia is among the priority
directions of scientific and teaching work at GSOM SPbU. Most
of the cases developed at GSOM SPbU — both full-length and
mini-cases — are based on field research.
Currently GSOM SPbU is the largest center of Case Studies
on business practices in Russia. GSOM SPbU is Russia’s first
business school, which formed its own collection of case
studies at The Case Centre (before July 07, 2013, known as
European Case Clearing House) in English. As of December
31, 2014, GSOM SPbU case collection at The Case Centre
consists of 216 registration units (131 cases and 83 teaching
notes). At the moment GSOM SPbU cases are available for use
in training programs anywhere in the world. They are ordered
for use in teaching at universities in Europe, U.S., Asia and
The collection of business case studies developed at GSOM
SPbU in 1996–2014, consists of 252 cases, including 151
cases supported by teaching notes. 77 professors and 7
graduate students took part in case development. More than
50 case studies and teaching notes are being developed
in conjunction with colleagues from other schools of business,
i.e. Haas School of Business, University of California (Berkeley),
University of Texas, Babson College, Helsinki School
of Economics and other international business schools.
By now eight collections of cases were published at GSOM
SPbU, 97 cases in total (17 cases were published in 20032005, and 69 cases were published in collections of 2008–
2010, 7 cases in 2012 and 4 cases in 2014). Nearly 40 case
studies and articles on the development of case-method were
published in journals and periodicals in Russia. Five editions
of guidelines for teachers of business disciplines on case
study development were published at GSOM SPbU. 28 case
studies and articles on case-method were published in leading
international journals, covering the use of case-method.
In 2007 GSOM SPbU became the founder of the project
“Russian Case Studies Center” ( It is
a digital library of case studies for use in business education
programs at various levels. The Electronic Library includes
case studies in Russian, developed in Russia. The project aims
at supporting business education teachers by expanding
access to teaching materials created by the authors in different
universities and educational centers in Russia, as well as the
ones published in professional journals.
Project Leader: Igor Gladkikh, Associate Professor,
Marketing Department GSOM SPbU.
Collected Books of GSOM SPbU Cases
1) Public-Private Partnership: GSOM Case Collection //
Edited by S.V. Maslova. – SPb.: SPbSU GSOM. 2014.
– 56 p.
2) Cross-border Strategy and Operations: Finnish
Companies in Russia. A Collection of Cases // Edited by
A.G. Medvedev, M.O. Latukha. – SPb.: SPbSU GSOM.
2012. – 196 p.
3) Organizational Behavior and Human Resource
Management: GSOM SPbSU Case Collection / Edited
by I.V. Gladkikh, V.N. Minina; Graduate School of
Management SPbSU. St.Petersburg: Graduate School of
Management Publishing, 2010. – 440 p.
4) Organizational Development: GSOM SPbSU Case
Collection / Edited by I.V. Gladkikh; Graduate School of
Management SPbSU. St.Petersburg: Graduate School of
Management Publishing, 2009. – 456 p.
5) Marketing / Edited by I.V. Gladkikh; Graduate School of
Management SPbSU. St.Petersburg: Graduate School of
Management Publishing, 2008. – 340 p.
6) Collected Book of Cases: Change of External
Environment and Companies’ Development / Edited by
I.V. Gladkikh, Yu.V. Fedotov; St.Petersburg: St.Petersburg
State University Publishing, 2004. – 264 p.
7) Strategic Management at Russian Companies: Collected
Cases / Edited by I.V. Gladkikh, V.S. Katkalo; S.P.
Kushch; St.Petersburg: St.Petersburg State University
Publishing, 2004. – 248 p.
8) Collected Book of Cases: Cases of Russian Companies
(Northwestern Region) / Edited by S.P. Kushch;
St.Petersburg: St.Petersburg State University Publishing,
2003. – 232 p.
Research Centers
Collected Books of Cases Developed with GSOM SPbU Participation
CSR Instruments Usage for Successful Business
Development: Business Cases Colletion / Edited by.
S.E. Litovchenko. — Moscow: Association of Russian
Managemers, 2011. – 152 p. (consultant — I.V.
Gladkikh, Director of Case Development Centre of
Fig. 5. Geographical Distribution of Organizations Using Case Studies, Developed by GSOM SPbU Faculty
Research Book 2014
Doctoral Thesis
In 2014 The Dissertation Council D 212.232.69, founded
on the basis of Saint-Petersburg State University, held one
dissertation defense for nomination of Candidate degree in
Economic Sciences (1st Doctoral Degree) in specialization
08.00.05 – Economics and Management of National
Economy (Management).
•Specification of “knowledge sharing process” notion
on the basis of analysis and systematization of
approaches to its definition;
Candidate: Sergeeva Anastasia, Organization Behavior and
Human Resources Management Department SPbU
•Development of theoretical model substantiating the
choice of major groups of organizational, managerial
and individual factors, influencing personnel behavior
in knowledge sharing, and formulating research
hypotheses about relationships between factors;
Organization: the Case of Secondary Schools”
Scientific Advisor: Andreeva Tatiana, Candidate of Science
(Economics), Associate Professor of Organizational
Behavior and Human Resources Management
Department SPbU.
The aim of the research is to develop theoretical model of
knowledge sharing management and evaluate the influence
of organizational and managerial factors on the processes of
knowledge sharing in secondary schools. In the dissertation the
author implements a number of relevant tasks, in particular:
•Identification of knowledge sharing processes role in
theory and practice of knowledge management on the
level of the organization, analysis of knowledge sharing
role in organizational performance improvement;
•Systematization of factors influencing knowledge
•Identification of specificities in knowledge sharing
processes in secondary schools on the basis of the
analysis of managerial practices implemented in
•Empirical testing of developed theoretical model with
the data from secondary schools.
The opponents on the dissertation are Vladimir V. Platonov, Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor of Enterprise
Economics and Management Department, Saint-Petersburg
State Economic University, and Maria A. Molodchik, Candidate
of Science (Economics), Associate Professor of Financial
Management Department, Perm Branch of National Research
University “Higher School of Economics”. Leading organization
on the dissertation is Russian Academy of National Economy and
Public Administration under the President of Russian Federation.
Research Conferences and Seminars Organized by SPbU
Research Conferences and
Seminars Organized by SPbU
Annual Conferences
International Conference on Game Theory and
Management, GTM 2014
III GTM Conference (June 24–26, 2009)
• Professor R. Selten (Germany), Nobel laureate
in economics, 1994
• Professor P. Bernhard (France)
• Professor M. Wooders (USA)
• Professor D. A. Novikov (Russia)
IV GTM Conference (June 28–30, 2010)
• Professor A. Haurie (Switzerland)
• Professor R. T. Rockafellar (USA)
• Professor H. Moulin (USA)
• Professor A. Kryazhimskiy (Russia)
The conference has been held since 2007 in collaboration
with Faculty of Applied Mathematics & Control Processes of St.
Petersburg University and the International Society of Dynamic
Games (ISDG, Russian Chapter). 80–90 leading researchers,
50% of whom are foreign ones, take part in the conference
Key Conference Presentations in 2007–2014:
I GTM Conference (June 28–29, 2007)
• Professor R. Aumann (Israel), Nobel laureate
in economics, 2005
• Professor G. Zaccour (Canada)
• Professor S. Hart (Israel)
II GTM Conference (June 26–27, 2008)
Professor J. F. Nash (USA)
Professor T. Basar (USA)
Professor G. J. Olsder (the Netherlands)
Professor L. A. Petrosyan (Russia)
Professor D. W.K. Yeung (Hong-Kong)
V GTM Conference (June 27–29, 2011)
• Professor R. Myerson (USA), Nobel laureate
in economics, 2007
• Professor J. Weibull (Sweden)
• Professor Sh. Zamir (Israel)
• Professor V. Mazalov (Russia)
VI GTM Conference (June 27–29, 2012)
• Professor S. Aseev (Russia)
• Professor M. Breton (Canada)
• Professor E. Kalai (USA)
• Professor S. Sorin (France)
• Professor J. Hofbauer (Austria)
VII GTM Conference (June 26-28, 2013)
• Professor F. Kydland (USA), Nobel laureate
in economics, 2004
• Professor B. Monien (Germany)
• Professor B. De Meyer (France)
• Professor L. Petrosyan (Russia)
VIII GTM Conference (June 25-27, 2014)
• Professor G. Owen (USA)
• Professor S. Jorgensen (Denmark)
• Professor A. Neyman (Israel)
• Professor F. Aleskerov (Russia)
Research Book 2014
GSOM Emerging Markets Conference: Business
and Government Perspectives
The conference has been held
since 2014. Tradition of holding
developed a long time. In 19952010. a series of international
research conferences was held first joint projects of St. Petersburg
and Stockholm University CPAS
and SPIDER-Public Economics, and
then, in partnership with Association
for Studies in Public Economics
(ASPE). Conference on “GSOM
Emerging Markets Conference:
Business and Government Perspectives” was held to continue
XV conference «Public Sector Transition», dedicated to the
discussion of the key issues of public administration and
social sphere development. More than 250 participants took
part in the conference representing 46 leading universities
from Western, Central and Eastern Europe, Brazil, Russia,
India, China, the USA and other countries. Representatives of
business community, corporate educational institutions, and
members of the Administration of St. Petersburg took part in
the conference sessions and round tables. Members of the
Conference Program Committee and Conference papers’
reviewers were leading researchers.
The conference was devoted to current trends in management
and public administration in emerging economies.
The papers were presented during the tracks on
Entrepreneurship, Corporate Governance, Information
Management and Knowledge Management, Human Resource
Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management,
Marketing in Emerging Economies, International Business,
Corporate Social Responsibility, and Strategic Finance.
As part of sub-conference “Public Sector Transition” the
participants discussed topics of Economic Policy in Emerging
Market Economies Economies and Public Economics, Public
Management, Public Procurement and Anti-Corruption
Policy and Public Economics, Public Management, Public
Procurement and Anti-Corruption Policy.
Key Conference Presentations:
• Professor Gorjestani N. (Hong Kong)
• Professor Puffer Sh. (USA)
• Professor Delmar F. (Sweden)
• Professor Marinov M. (Great Britain)
• Professor Marinova S. (Denmark)
• Professor Schuh A. (Austria)
• Professor Manolova T. (USA)
• Professor Hilmola O.-P. (Finland)
• Professor Shastitko А. (Russia)
• Professor Semenov А. (Canada)
Several round tables were held as part of the conference.
Round table “Cases in Russian Business Education“
was held on October 16, 2014. Participants representing
8 Russian regions shared their experience in using cases in
education. Speakers of the round table discussed the most
important obstacles to the development of case-method and
identified possible ways to overcome them.
Round table “Smart Cities in Russia – Influence on the
Future Lifestyle“ was held on October 17, 2014. Keynote
Speakers Hans Christian Christiansen, Senior Adviser, City
of Copenhagen, Greg Prickril, Director Product Innovation,
IPERF, Igor Baranov, Deputy Director,
St. Petersburg
University, GSOM presented their visions. The discussion
brought together a large number of conference participants
and showed a high level of interest.
Round table on “Projects of Public Private Partnership
in Health Care“ was held on October 17, 2014. Keynote
speaker of the round table was Vice-governor of St. Petersburg
Olga Kazanskaya, who is responsible for issues of social
and demographic policy in St. Petersburg, social protection,
health, sanitary and epidemiological safety of the population.
Concluding event of the conference was XIX Annual Pashkus
Readings. Plenary session “Russian Multinationals: From
Regional Supremacy to Global Lead” was held by Andrei Yu.
Panibratov, Professor, Strategic and International Management
Department, GSOM SPbU. Marin Marinov, professor, School
of Business & Management University of Gloucestershire,
United Kingdom was an opponent.
Research Conferences and Seminars Organized by SPbU
Table 5. Conferences Organized by GSOM SPbU in 2008-2014
Conference Name
Industry Conference “PPP in the Transport Sector: Ensuring Road Safety”
GSOM Emerging Markets Conference: Business and Government Perspectives
International Conference on Game Theory and Management GTM 2014
December 14,
October 16-17,
July 25-27,
Logistics Business Breakfast “Logistics Effectiveness: Providers and Customers
March 5, 2014
XVIII Annual Dean Pashkus Readings
November 15,
XV International Research Conference “Public Sector Transition”
November 8–9,
International Regional Research Conference of European Marketing Academy
(EMAC Regional 2013) “Marketing Theory Challenges in Emerging Societies”
September 25–
27, 2013
VII International Conference on Game Theory and Management
June 26–28,
International Conference “Current Issues of Research and Training of Highly
Qualified Staff in the Field of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
(Doctoral, MBA and Executive Education Programs)”
January 29,
International Conference “Mathematics, Economics, and Management:
the Centenary of L.V.Kantorovich”
VI International Conference on Game Theory and Management
February 7–9,
June 27–29,
Conference “Strategies for Russian and International MNCs Following Russia’s
Accession to the WTO”
October 4,
International Research Conference “Dynamic Capabilities, and the Sustainable
Competitiveness of Firms and Nations”
October 11,
XIV International Conference “Public Sector Transition”
November 9-10,
XVII Annual Dean Pashkus Readings
November 29,
XII International Conference “Public Sector Transition: Innovation Prospects”
March 11–12,
V International Conference on Game Theory and Management
June 27–29,
International Conference “Foreign Investment, Global Strategies and Leadership”
October 13,
Round table “Ontological modeling of organizations and industries” (with ITMO National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics)
November 09,
XIII International Conference “Public Sector Transition”
November 11–
12, 2011
XVI Annual Dean Pashkus Readings
December 09,
International Conference “Research and Education in Logistics and Supply Chain
December 14–
16, 2011
Research Book 2014
Conference Name
XI International Conference
“Public Sector Transition: Management in Turbulent Times”
March 5–6,
IV International Conference on Game Theory and Management
June 28–30,
9th Annual Colloquium of EABIS – The Academy of Business in Society
September 20–
22, 2010
VIII Doctoral Colloquium of EABIS
September 20–
22, 2010
EEC and EECPCL EFER Alumni Roundtable
October 10–12,
Conference on Current Issues of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
”Transport and Logistics”
October 22,
XV Annual Dean Pashkus Readings
October 29,
III International Conference on Game Theory and Management
June 24–26,
Round table ”Insurance Companies and Medical Institutions - Cooperation for the
Benefits of Consumers”
September 30,
XIV Annual Dean Pashkus Readings
October 30,
The Petersburg Dialogue’s seminar “Education and Research in Logistics and Supply November 24–
Chain management: Perspectives for Russian-German cooperation”
25, 2009
International Research Conference “Teaching and Research in Marketing:
Challenges of the XXI Century”
April 24–25,
The 2nd ISRICH Conference “Innovation and Change in Health Care Systems”
May 8–9, 2008
II International Conference on Game Theory and Management
June 26–27,
III Summer School of Russian Journal of Management
July 7–18, 2008
Round table “St.Petersburg Real Sector Threats and Opportunities”
October 09,
XIII Annual Dean Pashkus Readings
October 17,
X International Conference “Public Sector Transition: Improving Service Delivery”
October 31 –
November 1,
Symposium on Entrepreneurship for Professors and Entrepreneurs
November 2–6,
Workshop “Entrepreneurship in Russia: Main Trends in Entrepreneurial Research”
December 6,
Academic Journals Published in SPbU
Academic Journals
Published in SPbU
The Russian Management Journal
All Russian academic journal in
the field of general and strategic
management was established in
2003 by Saint Petersburg State
University on the initiative of the
Graduate School of Management
SPbU. The RMJ is published in Russian
quarterly (4 issues per year).
RMJ is included in the top RSCI list
(first 5) of impact factors of economics and administration
journals and holds the 1st place in RSCI list of impact factors of
managerial journals (IF = 1.819 on 01.12.2014).
RMJ’s International Academic Advisory Board represents
the leading researchers from the top scientific and training
centers in the field of management in Russia, including Russian
Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public
Administration, National Research University – Higher School
of Economics (Moscow), Central Economics & Mathematics
Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as the
prominent scientists from the international leading universities
and business schools such as Harvard, Stanford and Warton
Business Shcools, University of California (Berkley and Los
Angeles), INSEAD, Copenhagen Business School, etc.
• Dementiev Viktor E., Central Economics &
Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
• Filonovich Sergey R., Graduate School of
Management, National Research University «Higher
School of Economics»
• Ivanov Dmitry A., Berlin School of Economics and
Law, Germany
• Kachalov Roman М., Central Economics &
Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
• Khovanov Nikolai V., Faculty of Economics, St.
Petersburg State University
• Muravyev Alexander A., Graduate School of
Management, St. Petersburg State University; Institute
for the Study of Labor (IZA), Germany
• Smirnov Marat V., Graduate School of Management,
St. Petersburg State University; Managing Editor
• Smirnova Мaria М., Graduate School of
Management, St. Petersburg State University
• Tambovtsev Vitaly L., Faculty of Economics, Moscow
State University
• Bukhvalov Alexander V., Graduate School of
Management, St. Petersburg State University, Russia
• Tretyak Olga А., National Research University
«Higher School of Economics»
• Teece David J., Professor, University of California
(Berkeley), USA
• Yakovlev Andrey А., Institute of Companies and
Markets Analysis, National Research University
«Higher School of Economics»
Editorial board:
• Kleiner George B., Central Economics & Mathematics
Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate
• Yudanov Andrey Yu., Financial University under the
Government of the Russian Federation, Russia
• Zavyalova Elena K., Graduate School of
Management, St. Petersburg State University
• Blagov Yury Е., Graduate School of Management, St.
Petersburg State University
Research Book 2014
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
The journal Vestnik of Saint
Management Series has been
published by the Graduate
School of Management since
2002. The journal Vestnik of
Saint Petersburg University.
Management Series comes out
four times a year.
As of Deсember 2014 the
journal is included in the top
RSCI list (first 5) of impact factors
with the Vestnik (Herald) title in Economics and Economic
Sciences and holds the 1st place among all Vestnik Series of
St. Petersburg University (IF = 0.471).
The journal Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Management
Series is included into the Abstract journal and Data Bases of
All-Russian Scientific and Technical Information Institute of the
Russian Academy of Science. Information about the journal
is published in Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.
The principal aim of the scientific journal is to contribute
to education and research in the sphere of management
at Russian universities and business schools.
The journal publishes materials based on theoretical and
empirical research in: contemporary issues of general and
strategic management, classics of management theory
(translations from Harvard Business Review, Strategic
Management Journal, etc.), case studies, overview materials of
market and industries, a review of published books, information
on trends and issues of business education development
in Russia and abroad.
• Drozdova Natalia P., Associate Professor,
Department of Public Administration GSOM SPbU
Editorial board:
• Gladkikh Igor V., Associate Professor, Department of
Marketing, SPbU; Associate Editor
• Zenkevich Nikolai A., Associate Professor;
Department of Operations Management, SPbU;
Associate Editor
• Berezinets Irina V., Associate Professor, Department
of Finance and Accounting, SPbU
• Blagov Yury E., Associate Professor, Department of
Strategic and International Management, SPbU
• Ilina Yulia B., Associate Professor, Department of
Finance and Accounting, SPbU
• Raskov Nikolay V., Professor, Department of Strategic
and International Management, SPbU
• Ruzhanskaya Ludmila S., Professor; Director of the
Department of Management, Graduate School of
Economics and Management, Ural Federal University
• Sheresheva Marina Yu., Professor, Faculty of
Economics, Moscow State University
• Volchik Vyacheslav V., Professor, Department of
Economic Theory, Faculty of Economics, Southern
Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
• Weber Shlomo, Professor, Robert H. and Nancy
Dedman Trustee Professor of Economics, Texas
• Zavyalova Elena K., Professor; Head, Department
of Organizational Behavior and HR Management,
• Zubanov N.V., Professor, Faculty of Economics and
Business Administration, Institute of Goethe, Frankfurt
Faculty Publications
Faculty Publications
International Peer-Reviewed Journals
International Peer-Reviewed Journals of ABS list
Category A
Andreeva T., Festing M., Minbaeva D., Muratbekova-Touron M. The Janus Faces of IHRM in Russian MNEs
// Human Resource Management, (2014), Vol. 53(6),
p. 967–986.
This article analyzes variations
in the international human resource
management (IHRM) approaches
of Russian multinational enterprises
(MNEs) in the contexts of developed
and developing countries. The data
were gathered through interviews
conducted at the headquarters
of Russian MNEs and at their
subsidiaries in developed and
developing countries. The results indicate that Russian MNEs
adopt HRM practices of Western origin. However, these MNEs
differ radically in their choices of IHRM approaches. Many of
these differences depend on the countries these MNEs target
in their international expansion. In developing countries that
belong to Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS, regional
block of countries that were former Soviet republics), the IHRM
approaches adopted by Russian MNEs typically reflect a feeling
of superiority. However, in developed countries and in nonCIS developing countries, Russian MNEs actively promote a
mix of global best practices and local HRM practices. We do
not find any instances of the reverse transfer of management
practices from subsidiaries in developed countries to the MNEs’
headquarters or any examples of cross-pollination among
Bertrand O., Lumineau F., Fedorova E.
The Supportive Factors of Firms’ Collusive Behavior: Empirical Evidence from Cartels in the European Union //
Organization Studies, (2014), Vol. 35(6), p. 881-908.
While cartels can be highly detrimental to society and
create important economic and social costs for different
stakeholders, the literature on organization studies has
focused very little on cartels to date.
In particular, we still do not know much
about firms’ reasons for taking part
in cartels. In this study, we build
on the rational choice perspective
in organizational misconduct to investigate
the conditions supporting firms’ collusive
behavior. We organize our theoretical
arguments around the factors related
to motivation and opportunity. Using a sample of cartels
in the European Union, our empirical analysis gives evidence
for our main arguments: the propensity to participate to
a cartel is supported not only by the characteristics of the
firm, but also by internal factors interacting with the attributes
of the environment in which the firm is embedded. Implications
for firms and policy makers are discussed.
Shirokova G., Vega G., Kozyreva T.
Dipaul, Inc.: Transitioning in Measured Steps
Practice, (2014), Vol. 38(2), p. 427-444.
This case takes place in Russia
in 2008, not quite 20 years into the
post-Soviet developing economy. DiPaul
was an authorized dealer of electronic
instruments, equipment, and materials
for the production and assembly
of printed circuit boards as well as
soldering equipment. Its core business
was supplying measurement instruments
and process equipment. In the summer of 2008, the chief
executive officer, who was also the majority stockholder,
decided to reassign authority in a formal organizational
transition so that he could become more engaged in policy and
leadership of the Association of Russian Producers of Electronic
Appliances and Instruments. The protagonist’s concerns were
as follows: How to carry out such a management transition?
Who among the top management team could fit the position
best? How must the organizational structure of the company
be changed to accommodate the shift in leadership? And
importantly, what should his own future role be?
Research Book 2014
Category B
Latukha M.
Talent Management in Russian Companies: domestic challenges and international experience// International Journal
of Human Resource, (2014), published online.
The study investigates talent management practices in Russian and foreign companies and their influence
on a company’s performance.
In our work, foreign companies are
(multinational or global) that operate in the Russian market and their
headquarters are located outside
the Russian Federation. Attention
is paid to the analysis of the factors that support talent management implementation. As the results of the research
are based on a comparative analysis of differences and
peculiarities in talent practices in Russian and foreign
companies, the paper explores and provides a number
of ideas and conclusions about talent management elaboration, realization and talent practices improvement in the Russian
context. Our data show that talent management practices are
influenced by a number of factors that are different, in parts,
in Russian and foreign companies. Supplementary analysis
also suggests that the positive connection between talent management efforts and a company’s performance can be found.
Muravyev A., Berezinets I., Ilina Y.
The Structure of Corporate Boards and Private Benefits
of Control: Evidence from the Russian stock exchange //
International Review of Financial Analysis, (2014), Vol. 34,
p. 247–261.
This paper revisits the role of board
size and composition in corporate
governance, employing a measure
of private benefits of control
(PBC) as an indicator of governance problems in firms. We calculate PBC using the voting premium approach for a sample
of dual class stock companies traded on the Russian stock exchange
between 1998 and 2009. Using fixed-effects regressions, we
find a quadratic relationship between PBC and board size,
implying the optimality of medium-sized (about 11 directors)
supervisory boards. This result is substantially stronger for PBC
than traditional measures of corporate performance. There
is also some evidence that director ownership helps to mitigate
governance problems. Most remarkably, we find that non-executive/independent directors are associated with larger PBC
and thus do not seem to help improve corporate governance.
In contrast, regressions with accounting performance measures
as dependent variables tend to suggest a positive role of these
directors in corporate governance.
Muravyev A., Talavera O., Weir C.
Performance Effects of Appointing Other Firms’ Executive
Directors to Corporate Boards: an analysis of UK firms //
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, (2014), published online.
This paper studies the effect on company performance of appointing non-executive directors that are also executive
directors in other firms. The analysis
is based on a new panel dataset
of UK companies over 2002-2008. Our
findings suggest a positive relationship
between the presence of these non-executive directors and the accounting performance of the appointing companies. The effect is stronger if
these directors are executive directors in firms that are performing well. We also find a positive effect when these non-executive directors are members of the audit committee. Overall, our
results are broadly consistent with the view that non-executive
directors that are executives in other firms contribute to both the
monitoring and advisory functions of corporate boards.
Category C
Muravyev, A.
Evolution of Regulation of Labor in the USSR, CIS and
Baltic States // Europe-Asia Studies, (2014), Vol. 66(8),
p. 1270-1294.
This article is a first systematic study
of employment protection legislation in the 15 successor states of the
USSR over the last two and a half
decades. The analysis is based on
new and unique data assembled
using OECD methodology. We find
that the dynamics of employment
protection in the region resemble
an inverted U-shaped pattern with
the peak of labour market rigidity
occurring in the mid-1990s in CIS
countries and a decade later in the Baltic states. By now, the
former Soviet states as a group are similar to the EU-15 and
OECD countries in terms of the overall employment protection
legislation index, although they differ in terms of contributions
to the overall employment protection legislation of its three major components, namely, regulation of permanent contracts,
temporary contracts and collective dismissals.
Faculty Publications
Category D
Gavrilova T., Leshcheva I., Strakhovich E.
Gestalt principles of creating learning business ontologies
for knowledge codification // Knowledge Management Research & Practice, (2014), published online.
This paper presents an approach
aimed at creating business ontologies for knowledge codification
in company. It is based on the principles of ontological engineering
and cognitive psychology. Ontologies that describe the main concepts
of knowledge are used both for
knowledge creation and codification. The proposed framework
is targeted at the development of
methodologies that can scaffold the process of knowledge structuring and orchestrating for better understanding and knowledge
sharing. The orchestrating procedure is the kernel of ontology development. The main stress is put on using visual techniques of mind
mapping. Cognitive bias and some results of Gestalt psychology
are highlighted as a general guideline. The ideas of balance, clarity, and beauty are applied to the ontology orchestrating procedures. The examples are taken mainly from the project management practice. The paper contributes to managerial practice by
describing the practical recommendations for effective knowledge
management based on ontology engineering and knowledge
structuring techniques.
Kianto A., Andreeva T.
Knowledge Management Practices and Results in Serviceversus Product-oriented Companies – What’s the Difference? // Knowledge and Process Management, (2014),
21(4), 221-230.
As service companies increasingly occupy a significant place as drivers of economic growth, there is a pressing need
to understand their peculiarities in order
to facilitate their effective management
and governance. One important area
where this kind of understanding is lacking is knowledge management (KM).
Although KM has become a key value driver for all types of
organizations, there has been a lack of systematic research
into whether there are some fundamental differences between
the nature of KM in service-oriented versus product-oriented
companies. To address this gap in the existing knowledge, this
paper examines the main differences between the KM practices and benefits produced by KM in service-oriented versus
product-oriented companies. Empirical evidence is collected
from 171 companies in Finland, China, and Russia and ana-
lyzed statistically. The results demonstrate that there are significant differences between service-oriented and product-oriented companies in time savings achieved through the application
of KM and also on the impact of KM practices on KM benefits.
Panibratov A., Latukha M.
Obtaining International Results through Partnerships: evidence from Russian MNEs in the IT sector // Journal of
East European Management Studies, (2014), Vol. 19(1),
p. 31–57.
The paper discusses the internationalisation specifics and results of Russian MNEs
in the IT sector. The strategies of these
firms are focused more on the acquisition
of customers than of technologies when
expanding abroad. As the technological sophistication of Russian companies
and foreign firms in the high-tech sector
is about equal (if compared to natural
resource-based enterprises), our findings
indicate that partnership-oriented strategy provides Russian firms
with a better chance of obtaining positive results when expanding
abroad. IT companies from Russia are relatively less influenced
by their home government, being shaped more by economic than
political factors in their international expansion Hence, we argue
that they seem to be more marketing-oriented in their international
expansion than their natural resource-based counterparts.
Shirokova G., Berezinets I., Shatalov A.
Organizational Change and Firm Growth in Emerging
Economies // Journal of East European Management Studies, (2014), Vol. 19(2), p. 185–213.
This paper examines how various types
of organizational change influence a firm’s
growth in the short/medium term and long
term within emerging economies. We classify organizational change on two dimensions: the scale of change and the duration
of change. The proposed hypotheses were
tested on a sample of 1446 companies
from 28 emerging economies. The results
of our analysis suggest that rapid realignment and rapid transformation is more likely to have stronger impact
on the firm growth in the short/medium-term, but a weaker impact
in the long-term for emerging market firms. Significant evidence on
the impact of slow realignment and slow transformation on a firm
growth could not be obtained.
Research Book 2014
Other International Peer-Reviewed Journals
Gavrilova T., Alsufyev A., Yanson A.-S.
Transforming Canvas Model: Map versus Table // International Journal of Knowledge, Innovation and Entrepreneurship,
(2014), Vol. 2(2), p. 51-65.
The paper provides a new framework
for visualizing business models, guided
by well-shaped visualization based on hypergraph technology, specifically, mind
mapping. Our approach presents the
future evolution of Ostervalder‘s ideas.
To evaluate the efficiency of the proposed framework we conducted a pilot
study involving an experiment with 22
experienced top-managers of Russian companies and examined their perception of three business models description
approaches involving linear text, Canvas business model by
Alexander, and business model mind mapping template.
Results reveal that the developed mind mapping visualization
framework can be considered as cognitive scaffolds and is positively associated with improved perception and understanding
of the business model by managers allowing them to communicate, share and manipulate business model knowledge easily.
Huhtala J.-P., Sihvonen A., Frösén J., Jaakkola M.,
Tikkanen H.
Market orientation, innovation capability and business
performance. Insights from the global financial crisis //
Baltic Journal of Management, (2014), Vol. 9(2), p. 134-152.
The paper aims to examine the role of market orientation (MO) and innovation capability in determining business performance
during an economic upturn and downturn.
The data comprise two national-level surveys conducted in Finland in 2008, representing an economic boom, and in 2010
when the global economic crisis had hit
the Finnish market. Partial least square path analysis is used to test
the potential mediating effect of innovation capability on the relationship between MO and business performance during economic
boom and bust.
The results show that innovation capability fully mediates the performance effects of a MO during an economic upturn, whereas
the mediation is only partial during a downturn. Innovation capability also mediates the relationship between a customer orientation and business performance during an upturn, whereas
the mediating effect culminates in a competitor orientation during
a downturn. Thus, the role of innovation capability as a mediator between the individual market-orientation components varies
along the business cycle.
This paper is one of the first studies that empirically examine the
impact of the economic cycle on the relationship between strategic
marketing concepts, such as MO or innovation capability, and the
firm’s business performance.
Rozhkov A.G.
Personal Level Customer Orientation in Russian Direct Selling Market // TRŽIŠTE / MARKET, (2014), Vol. 26(1), p. 7-22
In the modern world the importance of customer orientation cannot be underestimated. It hugely impacts the overall business performance, as well as separate areas
of business-customer interaction. In this
paper, we examine the role of personal level relations and customer
orientation in the direct selling industry in the Russian market. Based on a
sample of over 6000 participants in 74 regions
of Russia, we develop a model revealing the factors that define the
level of customer orientation in personal level interactions.
Smirnova M., Rebiazina V., Moreva I.
Transforming industry landscape in response to the transition of the economy – The case of the Russian bakery
industry // TRŽIŠTE / MARKET, (2014), Vol. 26(1), p. 23-44.
Numerous emerging markets have undergone or are still undergoing substantial transition processes. The aim of this
paper is to provide, on the example of
the Russian bakery industry, a deeper understanding of and a longitudinal perspective
on how the transition process and institutional changes in the economy are reflected in the evolution of an industry. The changes at the industry level have been driven not only by the economic transition, but also
by strategic choices of market players. These choices are linked
to the intensity and nature of the intra-industry rivalry and finding
a new balance of cooperation and competition in the industry.
The study aims to contribute to the literature by providing a rich
contextual understanding of the industry evolution over the transition period. We apply classic industry analysis to investigating
the key driving forces of competition. On the other hand, we focus on the manner in which industry players select a governance
mechanism, replacing the previous centrally planned system.
The findings of the study demonstrate persistent heterogeneity
within the selected industry, resulting in substantial differences
in the nature and the process of industry evolution.
Faculty Publications
Yablonsky S.
E-finance innovation services in Russia // International
Journal of Business Innovation and Research, (2014), Vol.
8(5), p.523-551.
This paper aims to collect and analyse
the quality data regarding the current status and prospective evolution of e-finance
services offered by Russia’s leading e-business and banking companies. We describe
the e-finance MSPs services across different markets in a general way and the e-finance innovation services in particular. The analysis proposes
classification and examination of the current status of e-finance
services and possible ways of further evolution of e-finance
technology and services both for the companies and their customers in Russia.
Zenkevich N.A., Zyatchin A.V.
Strong Equilibria in the Vehicle Routing Game // International Game Theory Review, (2014), Vol. 16(4).
This paper introduces an extension of the
vehicle routing problem by including several distributors in competition. Each customer
is characterized by demand and a wholesale price. Under this scenario a solution
may have unserviced customers and elementary routes with no customer visits. The
problem is described as a vehicle routing
game (VRG) with coordinated strategies. We provide a computable procedure to calculate a strong equilibrium (SE) in the
VRG that is stable against deviations from any coalition. Following this procedure, we solve iteratively optimization subproblems for a single distributor, reducing the set of unserviced
customers at each iteration. We prove that strong equilibria
of one type exist for a VRG, and we provide conditions for
another type to exist. We also introduce a semi-cooperative
SE that helps reduce a set of strong equilibria in the VRG. Our
methodology is suited for parallel computing, and could be efficiently applied to routing vehicles with a few compartments.
It also calculates a numerical example for a three person VRG
with six cars and twelve customers.
Research Book 2014
Other International Peer-Reviewed Journals
Archavski V., Okulov V., Smirnova A.
Newsvendor Problem Experiments: Riskiness of the Decisions and Learning by Experience // International Journal
of Business and Social Research, (2014), Vol. 4(5), p.137150.
The paper aims to examine the role
of market orientation (MO) and innovation capability in determining business
performance during an economic upturn
and downturn.
The data comprise two national-level
surveys conducted in Finland in 2008,
representing an economic boom, and in
2010 when the global economic crisis had hit the Finnish market. Partial least square path analysis is used to test the potential
mediating effect of innovation capability on the relationship between MO and business performance during economic boom
and bust.
The results show that innovation capability fully mediates the
performance effects of a MO during an economic upturn,
whereas the mediation is only partial during a downturn. Innovation capability also mediates the relationship between customer orientation and business performance during an upturn,
whereas the mediating effect culminates in a competitor orientation during a downturn. Thus, the role of innovation capability as a mediator between the individual market-orientation
components varies along the business cycle.
This paper is one of the first studies that empirically examine
the impact of the economic cycle on the relationship between
strategic marketing concepts, such as MO or innovation capability, and the firm’s business performance.
Berezinets I., Ilina Y., Alekseeva L.
Dividends on Common and Preferred Shares: the Relationship with the Ownership Concentration in Russian Public
Companies // Journal of Economic and Social Development,
2014, Vol. 1(2), p. 48-59.
This paper investigates the relationship between the dividend policy
and ownership structure in Russian
public companies. A study of the link
between dividends and ownership
concentration is based on the sample
of public companies with dual class
share structure. These shares were
traded on the Russian Trading System
(RTS) in the period of 2003-2009.
The authors explore a broad range of factors related to the
ownership concentration. This study allows making conclusions
on the impact of the ownership concentration on the dividend
policy. Moreover, there is evidence that this impact differs for
the dividends on ordinary and preferred shares.
Fleixanet J.
Innovation and Internalization: Relationship and Implications for Management and Public Policy // International
Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge, (2014), 2(2), p. 5775.
Innovation and internationalization
are two basic growth strategies which
contend for both the firms’ and governments resources. At the same time,
they are linked by a two-way relationship that has been widely documented
in previous studies. How ever, often
preceding literature is disconnected
and does not integrate innovation and
export promotion studies into the analysis. In this article we review and synthesize the different approaches regarding these relationships, while considering also
the research on the impact of export promotion programs. As a
result, a list of recommendations is deduced both for management and public policy regarding the development of these two
Garanina T., Ladyzhenko Y.
Factors Influencing CEO Compensation in US Telecommunication Industry // International Journal of Finance and
Banking, (2014), Vol. 1(1), p. 1-12.
The objective of this paper is to define the relationship between a set of
factors and CEO compensation that
will enable companies to imply better corporate governance practices
in their management process. Developed econometric model is tested on
the data of US telecom companies
for the period 2004-2012. The study
revealed that CEO compensation is
strongly and positively related to revenue and earnings per
share of the company, and unrelated to return on net assets
and market value added. These results enable companies to
use CEO compensation system as an effective mechanism to
eliminate agency problem and, consequently, agency costs.
The main directions for further research in this field are outlined.
Faculty Publications
Gavrilova T., Gladkova M.
Big Data Structuring: The Role of Visual Models and Ontologies // Procedia Computer Science, (2014), Vol. 31, p.
Panibratov A.
Classifying the Roles of Government in the Expansion of
Russian MNEs // The European Financial Review, (2014),
published online.
This paper presents a novel approach
aimed at analyzing the leading role of
the visual structuring strategies of Big
Data based on the principles of ontological engineering and cognitive psychology. It is targeted at the development of methodology scaffolding the
process of data structuring for the better vision and understanding of huge
amounts of business information. The structuring procedure
is the kernel of any data model design and development. Ontologies that describe the main concepts of exemplary domains
are used both for deeper comprehension and better information sharing. The main stress is put on using visual techniques
of mind-mapping that serve as a powerful mind tool. Cognitive
bias and some results of Gestalt psychology are highlighted.
The ideas of balance, clarity, and beauty are applied to the
ontology design and refinement procedures.
State influence is crucial for the international operations of Russian firms, with
government involvement varying among
industries and companies. One extreme is
full financial support and trade protection,
while the other is restriction, or too strict
regulation. In this article, Andrei Panibratov of St. Petersburg State University reflects on how the government influences Russian multinational
enterprises, and what roles it plays in their foreign expansion.
Mitra P., Muravyev A., Schaffer M.
Labor Reallocation and Firm Growth: Benchmarking transition countries against mature market economies // IZA
journal of labor and development, (2014), Vol. 3.
This paper uses firm-level survey data to
study labor reallocation and firm growth
in the transition countries over 1996–
2005, including benchmarking against
developed market economies. The data
shows rapid growth of the new private
sector and of the micro- and small-firm
sectors, with the size distribution of firms
moving towards the pattern observed in comparable surveys
of developed market economies. Throughout, the regional
patterns suggest greater convergence in the transition countries that joined the European Union in 2004 than in the other, lower-income transition economies. We also find evidence
of Kuznet-Chenery type structural change across sectors.
Research Book 2014
Russian Peer-Reviewed Journals
Russian Peer-Reviewed Journals “Category A”
Aistov A., Aleksandrova E.
Individual returns to training: Evidence from Russian firm//
Applied Econometrics, (2014), 34(2), p. 56-79.
The work is devoted to estimates
of individual returns to additional
professional training (APT) on the
example of a metallurgical enterprise
of Sverdlovsk region of 2006–
2010. We compare results of the
OLS, fixed effects and differencein-differences estimators. APTs that
expand possibilities of intra firm
mobility showed statistically significant
influence on wages. The types of training referred by us
to the rise of qualification have significantly smaller impact
on earnings. The found effects are expressed at men in
comparison with women more brightly.
Aray Yu., Burmistrova T.
Specificity of Business Models In Social Entrepreneurship//
Russian Management Journal, (2014), Vol. 12 (4), p. 55–78.
Based on the analysis of social entrepreneurship and the
concept of “business model”
the paper unfolds the relevance
of business model examination
in social entrepreneurship. The results
of the empirical research on the
specificity of business models in social
entrepreneurship are presented. The
research was conducted with the use
of case study method in the period
from April 2012 till December 2013.
The results of the analysis of the organizations supported by the
Foundation “Reach for Change” in 2012 allowed to make
a number of assumptions and conclusions about specificity
of business models in social entrepreneurship.
Alkanova O., Smirnova M.
Marketing in Emerging Markets: Definitions and Research
Agenda// Russian Management Journal, (2014), Vol. 12,
(1), p. 95–108.
The article examines in detail the issues
related to the definition of emerging
markets in general and the attribution
of particular countries to this category.
It is stated in compliance with papers
by Burgess & Steenkamp (2006)
and Sheth (2011) that emerging
markets offer a challenge to existing
marketing methodology and research
practice, and thus require additional
validity verification for selected approaches to the study and
measurement of management variables. The authors argue
that in current circumstances, it is not only possible but also
necessary to rethink the main directions of marketing theory
and research methodology development from the perspective
of the study of emerging markets research.
Bukhvalov A., Akulaeva E.
Empirical Fundamental Valuation of Russian Companies:
Searching For Strategic Value // Russian Management
Journal, (2014), Vol. 12 (2), p. 3–12.
The paper is devoted to construction
a unified formula, which is suitable for
evaluation of companies for majority
of industries in a national economy.
This task is especially important for
Russia since just a few dozens of
Russian companies have liquidly
traded stocks. At the same time many
hundred thousand companies need
to be valued. Lack of their evaluation
is an obstacle for property consolidation in holdings, deals
with shares of property in non-traded companies, divestitures,
more generally, for private equity market development.
A modification of famous Ohlson model for empirical
fundamental value is suggested. This model is estimated for
Russian data up to 2013. This modification provides a unified
Russian Academic Journals
formula for evaluation. It is contemplated that the formula is a
proxy for strategic value of a firm. The latter notion was recently
outlined by Robert Grant though no hint for its evaluation has
been suggested before.
Zavyalova E., Tsybova V., Yakhontova E.
The Relationship of Human Resource Management
and Innovative Activity of the Russian Companies // Russian
Management Journal, (2014), Vol. 12 (3), p. 3–32.
Gavrilova T., Alsufyev A., Yanson A.
In the modern economy innovation
activity of a company turns into a key
source of its competitive advantage,
and the search of incentive mechanisms
of innovations becomes a topical issue.
There are a number of evidences in the
literature that the innovative nature of
strategy and practices of personnel
management affects the innovative
activity of the company. This paper
presents an overview of the experience of Russian and foreign
companies and an empirical study of the relationship between
strategy and practices of personnel management, innovative
work behaviour and innovation activity of Russian companies.
Modern Notation of Business Models: А Visual Trend//
Foresight-Russia, (2014), (2), p. 56–70.
Information overf low and dynamic
market changes encourage managers
to search for a relevant and eloquent
model to describe their business. This
paper provides a new framework for
visualizing business models, guided
by well-shaped visualization based on
a mind mapping technique.
Due to the simplicity of perception,
this ap¬proach has a positive impact
on managers and employees’ understanding of companies’
business models and promotes a productive exchange of ideas
and knowledge. The mind-mapping visualization framework
is ‘cognitive scaffolding’ and is positively associated with
managers’ and employees’ improved percep¬tion and
understanding of the business model, which allows them
to communicate, share and manipulate business model
knowledge easily.
Gladkikh I., Alkanova O.
Case Writing and Case-based Teaching In the Russian
Business Education // Russian Management Journal,
(2014), Vol. 12 (2), p. 99–116.
The article provides analysis of some
features of the current phase of the
case studies development and usage
in Russian universities, which is based
on St. Petersburg university Graduate
School of Management experience
and business educators survey held
at end of 2013 – beginning of 2014.
The survey allowed us to formulate
a number of hypotheses on Russian
universities faculty members’ perception of the key problems
hindering the development of teaching and methodological
educational process support based on case-method, their
attitude to case writing by Russian authors and possible
measures that can contribute to enhancing the process of
authorial case studies development.
Rozhkov A., Rebyazina V., Smirnova M.
Customer Orientation: Results of the Empirical Test In the
Russian Market // Russian Management Journal, (2014),
Vol. 12 (3), p. 33–58.
This paper is focused on the study of
applicability of the existing approach
to the customer orientation (CO)
measurement in Russian emerging
market. The research is based on the
CO model developed by Narver and
Slater (1990) that is one of the most
frequently used in marketing and
management. The analysis is based
on the two data sets (2008 and
2010). The research results suggest that current approach to
CO measurement and conceptualization should be revised as
the one-factor model by Narver and Slater is substituted with
two-factor model incorporating value and process components
of the CO.
Sergeeva A., Andreeva T.
How Do Management Practices Influence Knowledge
Sharing Among Employees? Evidence From Secondary
Schools // Russian Management Journal, (2014), Vol. 12
(2), p. 67–98.
This paper explores the mechanisms through which
management practices influence knowledge sharing behavior
of employees. We advance a proposition that management
practices stimulate the employees to share knowledge not
directly, but rather through the interaction with the employees’
motivation and abilities to do so. This proposition is empirically
tested using the survey data of 329 teachers of secondary
Research Book 2014
schools in St. Petersburg. The most
interesting result is that management
practices aimed at providing
opportunities for knowledge sharing
are negatively related to extrinsic
motivation of employees to share
knowledge and act as a moderating
condition for the relationship between
intrinsic motivation to share and the
actual knowledge sharing behavior of
Sokolova E.
Economic Factors of Competition Development in Russian
Gas Industry // Voprosy Economiki, (2014), 9.
The article analyzes economic
factors of competition development
in Russian gas industry. The analysis
is conducted on the basis
characteristics of competition with
peculiarities of industrial markets
in different stages of production
process in the gas industry. The
conclusion about the necessity
to keep vertical integration with competition in the industry
is maintained with the analysis of alternative opportunities
of provision of the open access to pipelines for independent
extracting companies.
Storchevoy M.
Theory of the Firm, Supply Chain Management, and
Relationship Marketing // Voprosy Economiki, (2014), 1,
p. 40–60.
The paper studies through the
lens of the economic theory
of the firm the development of two
chain management and relationship
marketing. The author demonstrates
which ideas have been borrowed by
these disciplines from the economic
theory of the firm, and in what extent
their implications may be useful for
the latter.
Shirokova G., Boratyreva K., Galkina T.
Effectuation and Causation: Relationship Between University
Infrastructure and Behavioral Choice In New Venture
Creation by Student-Entrepreneurs // Russian Management
Journal, (2014), Vol. 12 (3), p. 59–86.
The study shows that university
constitutes an important part
of entrepreneurial environment,
which has a significant effect
on entrepreneurial behavior and
decision making process of student
entrepreneurs. We contribute to the
existing literature on the contextual
understanding of entrepreneurial
behaviour by extending effectuation theory and linking
university entrepreneurial infrastructure to different types
of logic used by student entrepreneurs. Our findings show
that favorable entrepreneurial climate is positively associated
with causal entrepreneurial behaviour. Financial support
at the university is positively linked both to effectual and
causal reasoning in entrepreneurial decision making process
of student entrepreneurs. We were not able to find a positive
association between the level of networking and coaching
and both types of entrepreneurial reasoning and between the
number of entrepreneurship courses at the university and causal
logic of student entrepreneurs. However, once students’ active
involvement is considered, the hypothesized relationships
hold. These results are based on the GUES (Global University
Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey) 2011 sample including
2324 student entrepreneurs.
Vlasov S.
Firms’ Participation at Professional & Scientific Conferences
and Innovation Performance // Russian Management
Journal, (2014), Vol. 12 (1), p. 65–94.
The article discusses the phenomenon
of temporary clusters that includes such
events as scientific and practitioneroriented conferences and international
trade fairs. Similar to geographical
(permanent) clusters such events bring
together representatives of firms and
non-profit organizations and provide
an opportunity for informal and
sporadic interactions only but
in short and intensified form. The
article reports results of empirical inquiry into firms’ participation
in conferences from 1993 to 2012 and its relationship with
innovation performance.
Russian Academic Journals
Russian Peer-Reviewed Journals “Category B”
Alsufyev A., Zavyalova E.
as a Driver of Innovative
Saint Petersburg University.
Management Series, (2014),
3, p. 101–134.
The current paper explores the
relationship between personnel
training and development
practices and innovation activity
of companies. The analysis is based on the concept of learning
organization. The results of empirical study allow to suggest
that not all personnel training practice are positively related to
the innovation activity of companies. We identified two groups
of indicators that are positively correlated with innovation
activity — they include contemporary training practices and
characteristics of organizational climate. Based on these
results the conceptual model of the relationship between
training and development practices and innovation activity
was designed. The model includes factors associated with
training and development practices affecting or innovation
or influencing the relationship between innovation results and
training. It is important to emphasis the complex character of
the model: innovations are stimulated not by individual factors
or practices, but are the results of the joint efforts.
stakeholders? How these conflicts are reflected in company’s
per formance and reputation? This study was devoted
to finding answers to those questions. The goal of the research
was to identify the relationship between corporate conflicts
and financial performance of companies, where those conflicts
have occurred.
Blagov Yu., Aray Yu.
Educational programs in Social Entrepreneurship:
International Experience and Russian Features // Vestnik
(Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series,
(2014), 3, p. 177–197.
The paper provides a review of the international and Russian
experience of the implementation of educational programs
in social entrepreneurship. The specifics of creation and
development of such programs is analyzed, the classification
of the programs by the types and forms of implementation
is provided. The features of education in social entrepreneurship
in Russian Federation are defined. The authors investigate in
details the Executive
Education Program “Project Management for Social
Entrepreneurs”, which is implemented at Institute “Graduate
School of Management”, St.Petersburg State University with
the financial support from Citi Foundation. The importance
of the accumulated experience for the educating of business
leaders at Executive Programs such as MBA/EMBA for the
development of the social entrepreneurial competencies
required for the creation of shared value is justified.
Berezinets I., Ilyina Yu., Fakhritdinova D.
Corporate Conflicts and Financial Performance // Vestnik
(Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series,
(2014), 2, p. 100–135.
Villo S.
Managing Risks of Stakeholder Pressure in the System
of Corporate Social Performance // Vestnik (Herald) of
Saint Petersburg University. Management Series, (2014), 1,
p. 80–97.
Researchers, rating agencies, mass media demonstrate
growing interest to corporate conflicts. Professional editions
publish articles on conflicts taking place in different companies,
while TV channels such as RBC, Expert-TV etc. show programs
with participation of state officials and experts, where
corporate governance and conflicts issues are discussed.
Increasing number of corporate conflicts that have occurred
in recent years in largest Russian companies such as GMK
Norilsky Nickel, TNK-BP Holding, Silvinit, Bank Moskvy etc.,
force researchers and practitioners to increasingly look for
answers to the following questions: what happens with the
company in the period of conflicts between various groups of
The article raises the question of management of risks
of stakeholder pressure in the system of corporate social
performance. Stakeholder pressure is explained from the
perspective of social amplification of risk. In accordance with
the explanation provided, relevant elements of corporate
social performance are determined - namely, dialog and
communication forms of stakeholder interaction. The article
also describes the relationship between the degree of overlap
of stakeholders’ arguments by firm’s arguments and the
likelihood of stakeholder pressure. Finally, the unreasonableness
of the use of objective assessment of hazard in the management
of stakeholder pressure is justified.
Research Book 2014
Zagorsky A., Starov S., Gladkikh I.
Genesis of Private Label Branding Costs // Vestnik (Herald)
of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series, (2014), 2,
p. 3–34.
The article deals with the theoretical and estimation issues
related to the study of innovation capabilities in Russian
industrial companies. We present the theoretical background
of innovation capability concept and its components. The result
is a developed and validated model for measurement and
planning of innovation capabilities of industrial companies
in Russia. The measurement model includes “innovation
resources” and “innovation capability” constructs and estimated
them by five types of dimensions. We used financial, human,
technological, information and organizational dimensions.
Based on the scientific project performed Graduate school of
management SPbU allowed to develop platform for efficient
capability’s profile planning of production companies.
Zenkevich N., Koroleva A., Mamedova Zh.
Concept of Joint venture’s stability // Vestnik (Herald) of
Saint Petersburg University. Management Series, (2014), 1, p.
In this paper the problem of alliance in the form of joint venture
stability evaluation is considered. The longevity of joint venture’s
existence is determined by long term motivation of alliance
partners to achieve stated goals, which in turn, is determined
by alliance stability. Analysis of the existing papers on alliance
stability topic showed that the research is very fragmented.
Most well-known papers in the area are mainly focused on the
investigation of different internal and external factors that can
influence joint venture stability. At the same time, no joint venture
stability definition and concept has been suggested. For this
reason, authors developed original approach to the definition
of strategic alliance stability and its’ conceptualization which
allows evaluation of stability, taking into account influence of
both, internal and external factors.
Zenkevich N., Koroleva A., Mamedova Zh.
Methodology of Evaluation of Joint Venture’s Stability //
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management
Series, (2014), 3, p. 41–74.
In the paper we present a methodology of joint venture (JV)
stability evaluation. The methodology is based on the stability
concept proposed by authors. The methodology allows
providing analysis of stability for each of its’ components:
external and internal which in turn consists of motivational,
strategic and dynamic parts. The advantage of such approach
is the opportunity of uncovering the components that causes
instability and thus, of taking actions for their stabilization.
The proposed methodology is developed for decision support
in companies when providing retrospective and perspective
analysis of existing JV or when providing perspective analysis
of stability JV that are in the stage of establishment. Specifically,
the usage of the methodology in regard to JV in the process
of creation allows receiving correct edition of cooperative
agreement that enables securing of JV stability. The methodology
is illustrated by providing retrospective analysis of Renault and
Nissan companies strategic alliance stability.
Ivanov A.
Modeling of Quasi-corrupt Behavior in Public Procurement //
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management
Series, (2014), 3, p. 3–40.
The paper makes a contribution to the development of the
public sector agency models. Until now, the researchers’ efforts
were mostly concentrated on the development of the models
of bureaucratic and efficient corruption. The paper completes
the construction of the typology of agency models, having
introduced into consideration a model of ‘quasi-corruption’
based on assumptions of mala fides of the Principal and bona
fides of the Agent.
The model is applied to examine public procurement issue
connected with the declining competition in the e-auctions
in Russian Federation. Having compared the e-auctions
performance and the corruption level in RF, the paper
hypothesizes that competition may be limited by both the
mala fide and bona fide public buyer: the first seeks to obtain
bribes, the second tries to achieve benevolent goals. The
paper has identified incentives of a bona fide public buyer to
restrict competition and proposed relevant amendments to the
legislation of the Russian Federation on public procurement,
eliminating the need for such behavior.
Kazantsev A., Logacheva A.
Innovation Capabilities of Russian Companies: Measurement
and Development Management // Vestnik (Herald) of
Saint Petersburg University. Management Series, (2014), 4,
p. 3–26.
The article is devoted to theoretical and methodological aspects
of measurement and control of companies’ innovation capabilities
development. An interest to this problem deals with the fact that the
methodological aspects of measuring innovation capabilities are
poorly developed field of innovation management. Authors used
a combinatorial approach based on the resource based view
concept, the concept of dynamic capabilities and operational
management methodology. The paper presents a review of basic
terms and the authors approach to the definition of “innovation
capability”; identified factors that have a significant effect on
innovation capabilities of companies. Special attention is paid
to the development of indicators system to quantify the level of
innovation capabilities and evaluation of innovative resources
of Russian companies. Empirical study allowed us to refine the
composition of indicators, identify the components of measurement
and obtain mathematical models for calculating the integral
estimates of innovation capabilities. Practical results of the study
allowed generating suggestions for managing the development
of innovation capabilities through a programmatic approach.
Russian Academic Journals
Kiryukov S., Landgraf P.
Corporate rebranding for Market-oriented Companies:
theoretical foundations and avenues for future research //
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management
Series, (2014), 2, p. 35–59.
Authors address one of the most prominent topics in modern
brand management — corporate rebranding. Although
corporate rebranding is abundantly executed in practice,
theory development and systematization has lagged
behind. The gap between theory and practice constitutes
the lack of academic guidance for corporate brand change
management, contributing in some sense to the randomness
and unpredictability of corporate rebranding performance.
Authors fill in this research gap by proposing the systematical
presentation of corporate rebranding theory. The paper reveals
specificity of corporate rebranding, analyzes the relationship
among its components and states the principles of successful
corporate brand change. Authors develop on the role of market
orientation in corporate rebranding execution, framing the
linkage between these concepts that has not been discussed
in literature previously. For the theoretical contribution, this paper
is one of the few and, to the best knowledge of the authors,
the first research in Russian literature to systematically present
theoretical foundations of corporate rebranding. The paper
implications allow managers for widening the understanding
of strategic corporate brand change process so that to exceed
“taken-for-granted” corporate rebranding best practices.
Kucherov D.
Strategic human Resource Management: origin and formation
of the concept // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg
University. Management Series, (2014), 1, p. 98–116.
The paper is devoted to the strategic human resource
management (SHRM) concept consideration, the perspective
which connects human resource management function with
business strategy of organization and its performance. The
role of the resource-based view of the strategic management
in the SHRM concept’s formation is discussed. The evolution of
scholars’ views on the SHRM nature is deduced in the origin
(1980-s) and initial (1990-s) stages. The core terms which
make the conceptual system of SHRM are chosen (“strategic
HRM“, “HR strategy”, “overall HR strategy”, “Specific HR
strategies”, “vertical fit”, “horizontal fit”). The key perspectives
to the HR strategy adoption in the 1990-s are defined —
the contingency perspective (“the best-fit approach”), the
universalistic perspective (“the best-practice approach”) and
the configurational perspective (“bundling”).
Latukha M.
Talent Management: Theoretical Approaches and Russian
Companies’ Experience // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg
University. Management Series, (2014), 4, p. 46–67.
The paper aims to systematize the main theoretical approaches
to talent management in Russian companies. Our analysis is
based on the discussion of talent management practices in firms
in Russia and identify why some of them nowadays seems to be
undeveloped. In this research we identify the main peculiarities
of talent management in Russia, and analyze existing problems
and tasks while talent management practices’ realization. We
prove that Russian managers understand the importance of
talent management and its positive influence on a company’s
performance. Our results show that existing talent management
practices in Russian companies sometimes are inconsistent and
not integrated in a firm’s strategic development and human
resource management policies.
Patokina O., Pustovalova T.
“At Pif’s”: on Mutual Funds, or How to Make Decisions on
the Market of Collective Investments (case study) // Vestnik
(Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series,
(2014), 4, p. 101–122.
Case is devoted to the problem of making investment decisions
through mutual funds, and revealing factors, which have
an influence on such decisions. The case is addressed to the
students learning introductory course “Financial Institutions
and Markets”. Its first goal is to analyze and evaluate the
mechanism of private investments by means of mutual funds.
This supposes that the students grasp legal fundamentals,
determine participants, understand infrastructure and principles
of operating this institution of investments, the role of mutual
funds in development of financial system, reveal its advantages
and disadvantages for private investors. The second and more
complicated task is to invite students, who have just started
to study financial disciplines to think about factors effecting
on mutual funds’ performance under conditions of effective
market, and in particular under conditions of real Russian
market, to discuss a problem of modelling criteria for measuring
effectiveness and efficiency of mutual funds and management
companies’ activity.
Sokolova E.
Free Market of Gas in Russian Federation: Institutions of
Development // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University.
Management Series, (2014), 4, p. 27–45.
The article discusses free market of gas as an alternative to the
restructuring of the gas industry in the Russian Federation. The
author analyzes the current state and prospects of development
of the following free market institutions: organized gas trading,
quasi-market pricing and capacity trading. On the basis of
empirical data on the state of competition in the gas industry in
Russia the author concludes that organized trading of natural
Research Book 2014
gas held for the introduction of quasi-market pricing can not
be effective without the extension of non-discriminatory access
of independent gas companies to the gas pipelines. And
this, in turn, is possible only if case of increase in density of
the transmission network and market development of the gas
transportation capacity.
Khomich S.
Intercompany Cooperation in Innovation: The Theoretical
Foundations // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University.
Management Series, (2014), 3, p. 135–176.
Although the research has investigated the phenomenon
of the intercompany cooperation both in general and in the
innovation context the fragmented nature of research in this
field indicates the remaining need for the comprehensive study
of this phenomenon. We address this question by studying the
large sample of theoretical and empirical studies conducted in
the field of cooperation in innovation and other related areas.
The results of the analysis and systematization of publications
represented in this article are the following: the specification
of the levels of cooperation in innovation; the classification of
factors influencing the collaborative innovation; the description
of the possible relationships between these factors, level of
cooperation and innovation types; the list of indicators that
can reflect the impact of cooperation on the innovative and
business performance of companies. The obtained results are
reflected in the complex model that represents the influence of
cooperation on innovative performance. This model can be
used as a basis for the further empirical research, as well as for
the development of the practical recommendations for building
a system of mutually beneficial cooperative relationships to
enhance the company innovation capability.
Tsybova V., Zavyalova E.
Human Resource Management Practices in the InnovationActive Companies // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg
University. Management Series, (2014), № 2, p. 136–163.
In the frame of modern economy, innovation activity of the
company turn into a key source of its competitive advantage, and
research of incentive stimulus of innovations becomes a topical
issue. In the literature there are evidences that human resource
management has an impact on company’s performance as
well as on innovative outcomes of organizations. However, this
relationship can be described as a complex and multifactorial
that greatly complicates the analysis and interpretation. A
new scientific direction, the object of which is innovative work
behavior, is aimed at studying the role of human factor in
the innovation process. This article discusses the features of
management of innovative behavior in Russian and foreign
innovation-active companies. In the paper was conducted
a theoretical analysis of the approaches to the study of this
problem. Moreover, authors present the results of an empirical
study based on a survey of top management of 94 innovatively
active companies and non-innovative organizations. The
paper analyzes the HRM practices used in companies and
indicators of innovative work behavior. Authors concluded
that the relationship of HRM practices and innovative activity
is mediated by the development of innovative work behavior
of employees.
Shirokova G., Bogatyreva K.
Interrelationship of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm
Performance: Evidence from Study of Russian SMEs //
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management
Series, (2014), 1, p. 3–27.
The article presents results of the study on the relationship
between entrepreneurial orientation and performance of
SMEs in the context of an emerging market. The empirical
analysis of 305 Russian SMEs has revealed a positive effect
of entrepreneurial orientation on firm performance in the long
term. We also have found that this effect is primarily driven
by risk taking. We also have studied the moderating effect
of the environmental dynamism on the relationship between
entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. However,
the presence of such effect has not been confirmed in the case
of Russian SMEs.
Shirokova G., Bystrova Yu.
Organizational changes in Russian New Ventures as a Factor
of success // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University.
Management Series, (2014), 2, p. 60–99.
This article represents results of the research devoted
to investigation of the relationship between various types
of organizational changes and Russian new ventures’
performance. Hypotheses on the difference in new ventures’
performance, which conduct technological and administrative
changes such as the introduction of new knowledge management
systems, new methods of distribution responsibilities among
employees, changes in the management structure and
outsourcing of operations for the first time, in comparison with
those which do not, are tested. The empirical study is carried
out on 1129 Russian new ventures from the database Business
Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (BEEPS),
collected in 2012. This study reveals significant difference
in new ventures’ performance, which conduct technological
changes due to limited access to the resources for such firms
and unfavorable conditions for modernization due to low level
of innovation development in the country. Also positive effect
of administrative changes was confirmed. New knowledge
management system represents exception due to low quality
management and dysfunctional knowledge management in
Russia nowadays.
Russian Academic Journals
Other Academic Journals Included in the Higher Attestation Committee
(VAK) List (in Economics)
Bystrova Yu., Shirokova G.
What Do We Know about New ventures? Definitions,
characteristics and factors influencing their growth //
Modern Competition, 2014, 6(48), p. 61-93
This article attempts to systematize
the existing knowledge about factors
influencing new venture growth, through
literature review of 56 research articles
in this area. New venture definitions
and characteristics are discussed in this
study. Based on the literature review
key factors that influence new venture
growth are identified, which contain
business environment, including industry and geographical
characteristics, new venture strategy and firm internal
environment, representing personal features, experience and
competence level of entrepreneur or entrepreneurial team, firm
resources, its capabilities and organizational structure. Influence
of each of them may differ from time to time and depend on the
particular circumstances certainly, but the fact of their impact is
evident based on the results of conducted research studies. As
the result of literature review we identified the main gaps in this
new venture research stream, and proposed further research
Gavrilova T., Gladkova M.
New Approach In Design Of Education Resources For The
Managers In Nanoindustry// Open Education, (2014), 4,
p. 19-26
The article deals withe the problems
of designing education resources for
the future managers in the fi eld of
high and nano-tech. Modern hightech companies are in need of highly
qualifi ed managers who are capable
of managing innovation projects and
commercialize them. At present there
exist extra curricular programmes
whereas there are no special higher
education programmes for specialists
of this level. Authors of the article offer a new system approach
to design education resources based on such a programme.
It is based on the usage of instruments of the modern smartcards for presenting the structure of education resources. This
kind of presentation enables to form the content of education
resources clearly and vividly at different levels simultaneously
as well as determine the elements which either are in demand,
or intersect, or are superfl uous.
Gavrilova T., Kozhunova O.
Common Cognitive Space Generation through Visual
Knowledge Representation Models // Russian Information
Resources, (2014), 6, p. 10-16
The paper presents visual knowledge
representation models and methods,
and the possibilities of their application
to the ill-structured or new domains.
discussed in this context. A short
overview and the analysis of existing
visual approaches were targeted at
choosing the most completely reflecting features of inter-expert
cooperation within the limits of cross-disciplinary tasks that
can help experts from different domains generate common
cognitive space. Application of mind maps and concept-maps
as tools of visual representation for cognitive interoperability of
inter-expert cooperation is proposed.
Kazantsev A., Veselova A.
Competitive Advantages of Enterprises from Emerging
Economies: Main Theoretical Approaches // Economics and
Management, (2014), 10, p. 18-24.
The article focuses on the sources
of competitive advantages (CA) of
enterprises from emerging economies
(EEs). Existing theoretical and empirical
researches on CAs of EEs provide quite
contradictory results which could be
explained by significant heterogeneity
of emerging markets. The purpose of the
paper is to identify and analyze major
theoretical approaches to CA of EEs and justify the need for
complex integrative approach considering the specificity of
emerging markets. The analysis of 229 articles on emerging
markets published in 10 leading journal on management
included in ABS list during 2000-2014 emphasized three
major approaches: resource-based, institutional and network
one. Due to the fact that distinctive features of emerging
markets include the use of specific resources, strong influence
of different elements of institutional environment and wide use
of internal and external networks, the need for integrative
approach is grounded.
Research Book 2014
Kazantsev A., Logacheva A.
Estimation and Analysis of Innovation Capabilities of
Industrial Companies // Production Organizer, (2014), 1, p.
The article deals with the theoretical
and estimation issues related to the
study of innovation capabilities in
Russian industrial companies. We
present the theoretical background of
innovation capability concept and its
components. The result is a developed
and validated model for measurement
and planning of innovation capabilities
of industrial companies in Russia. The
measurement model includes “innovation resources” and
“innovation capability” constructs and estimated them by five
types of dimensions. We used financial, human, technological,
information and organizational dimensions. Based on the
scientific project performed Graduate school of management
SPbSU allowed developing a platform for efficient capability’s
profile planning of production companies.
Loginov L.
Classification of Market Orientation Concepts // Russian
Entrepreneurship, (2014), 14/250, p. 155-166.
This article discusses preconditions for
emergence of market orientation concepts
and provides their analysis. It also proposes
the following classification criteria of market
orientation: information process, culture,
decision-making process and market
orientation at the intersection of these criteria.
Loginov L. Pronko A.
Market Orientation: Current State and Potential Research
Directions // Marketing and Marketing Research, (2014), 3,
p. 170-178.
The purpose of the article is to identify
perspective directions of market
orientation research. To achieve
the purpose we consider modern
concepts of market orientation,
and analyze their current state,
which helps to identify gaps and,
consequently, promising areas of
Loginov L. Pronko A.
Marketing Abilities as Mediator of Market Orientation //
Marketing and Marketing Research, (2014), 4, p. 290-303.
The paper presents key results of
quantitative research which allow to
make the conclusion that marketing
abilities perform as mediator between
market orientation and company
performance, i.e. transfer the effect
of market orientation on company
performance indicators, and also
identify organization capabilities
which are the most important for this
specific activity.
Lukinskiy V., Katkova E.
Analysis of Methods of Logistic Intermediaries Selection //
Logistics and Supply Chain Management, (2014), 2, p. 4956.
The article presents analytical and
expert approaches to the choice of
suppliers; it provides comparative
evaluation of expert selection
methods: point-rating assessment,
hierarchy analysis method and
general algorithm for intermediaries
selection. On the basis of calculations
the conclusions on each method
applicability were made.
Lukinskiy V., Lukinskiy V., Maevskiy A.
Development of the Calculation Model of Optimal
Order Considering Deficit // Logistics and Supply Chain
Management, (2014), 1, p. 43-54.
The article focuses on issues related
to determination of the optimal values
of EOQ model parameters taking into
account the deficit. It critically analyzes
variants of the model presented in the
literature and introduces a revised
version of the most common model
with the so-called “differed demand”.
In addition, two new models are
developed – «with additional supply»
and with the «loss claims”. Examples
of calculations for all three types of
models are provided.
Russian Academic Journals
Tsukanova T.
Russian SMEs Go International// Modern Competition,
(2014), 2, p. 60-77.
In this paper, based on data of 455
Russian firms, the author analyzes
the differences in the perception
of external and internal factors of
internationalization among firms that
have international operations and firms
that operate only in Russian market. The
results help to identify the factors that
should be considered while elaborating
strategy and government support
Cherenkov V., Gladkikh I., Starov S.
Smeshariki: Diffusion of Low-Tech Innovations in a SpaceTime Continuum // Management of Innovations, (2014), 2,
p. 92-106.
Present article is devoted to attract an
attention to low-tech innovations that are
embodied in items of creative industries.
Economic essence and examples of
low-tech innovations are presented.
Reasons of commercial and social
success of “Smeshariki” cartoon children
serial project as well as rationales of its
fast globalization are revealed. Two scenarios of the future
development for the said project are given.
Other Academic Journals Included in the Higher Attestation Committee
(VAK) List (in Other Sciences)
Aleksandrova E., Anikin S.
Pikuleva O.
A Model of Incentive Wages as an Optimal Control
Problem // Bulletin of the South Ural State University.
Series «Mathematical Modelling, Programming & Computer
Software», (2014), 7(4), p. 22-35.
Social and Psychological Factors in Choosing Assertive
Tactics of Self-presentation of the Student Youth // Vestnik
(Herald) of Moscow State University. Series 14. Psychology,
(2014), №1, p. 33-46.
This articles considers a shirking model
under the theory of efficiency contracts,
which determines the profile of a worker’’s
individual wages depending on his
experience. The profile is a stimulating
condition to increase productivity and
the period of employment. Certain
additional assumtions reduce the model
to a nonclassical variational problem or a
linear optimal control problem. We prove nonemptiness criteria
and the existence of solutions, find necessary and sufficient
conditions for optimality, give an algorithm to solve the problem,
and present the results of simulations.
the results of empirical
research of the interaction
between personal values
hypothesis of the study was
that there are differences in
the value priorities and preference of tactics and strategies of
self-presentation of personality caused by social (ethnic and
cultural affiliation, region of residence, gender identity) and
psychological (selfmonitoring) factors. The study involved 209
students (average age of 20 years). In Vyborg for processing
were accepted respondents defined their identity as Russians
and reported as a religion, Orthodoxy, in Nalchik, the
questionnaire respondents defined their identity as Kabardins or
Balkars and reported as a religion Islam. In the result of the study
revealed that there is a direct connection between the machines
on individualism and manifestation assertive self-presentational
behavior (level of significance p<0.001). Personality-focused
values, which support the desire of the individual to material
success and the individual’s social achievements, contribute
to the orientation of the person on assertive strategy of selfpresentation “Self-enhancement”, and socio-focused value
orientations aimed at care about the welfare of others — hinder.
Using assertive tactics and strategies of self-presentation is
connected with a high level of self-monitoring, regardless of
the ethnic and cultural differentiation.
Maslova S., Sokolov Yu.
Public-private Partnership Agreements: conception and
content in theory and in practice // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint
Petersburg University. Law Series, (2014), 4, p. 126-144.
The article is devoted to legislative characteristic
of public-private partnership (PPP) agreements.
It considers the structure and major conditions
of PPP agreements also it detects the
specificity of PPP agreements. The article
besides contains comparative legal analysis
of the PPP agreements conditions that are
concluded according to the different forms of
PPP. The author explores peculiarities of legal regulation of these
forms in Russian legislation and international jurisdictions.
Research Book 2014
Pikuleva O.
Pikuleva O.
Self-presentation of Older Women: Russian specifics //
Woman in Russian Society, (2014), № 1(70), p. 69-78.
Self-Presentational Competence Of Labour Migrants As An
Important Factor Of The Ir Effective In-Cultural Adaptation
// Bulletin of Kemerovo State University, (2014), №2/1(58),
p. 149-153.
This article discusses the features of selfpresentational behavior of Russian women
in the senior age (above 56 years). The
problem of women’s ageing is considered
through the prism of the author’s view on
subjective self-determination of middleaged women. The results of gender and
age specifics of the self-presentation tactics
are analyzed together with the types of self-presentational
behavior of older women in connection with the shaping of
their outward appearance. Personal features of older women
communicative behavior and their use of various tactics of selfpresentation are considered, too.
Pikuleva O.
Self-Presentational Competence Of Labour Migrants As An
Important Factor Of The Ir Effective In-Cultural Adaptation
// Values and Meanings, (2014), №3(31), p. 78-89.
The article presents the results of empirical
research on the study of gender features
of self-presentation tactics of managers,
the influence of value preferences of
managers - men and women on their
self-presentational behavior, choice of
tactics and strategies of self-presentation.
As a result of the author’s research
established that the personal and social
tricks value preferences of managers influence the choice or
their avoidance of the use of certain tactics of self-presentation,
regardless of gender differentiation. Personally-focused
values, which support the desire of the individual to material
success and the individual’s social achievements contribute
to the orientation of the person on assertive strategy of selfpresentational behavior «Self-enhancement» - demonstration
of high self-esteem and domination, and the socially-focused
value orientations aimed at care about the welfare of others hinder.
The paper considers the concept of «selfpresentational competence», the results
of empirical research on the study of local
residents’perception ofvisually observed
labour migrants’self-presentational behavior.
The author presents the socio-psychological
technology of in-cultural adaptation of
migrants – formation of self-presentational
competence through training effective self-presentation in
situations of cross-cultural interaction.
Pikuleva O.
Personality Self-presentation as a Means of Impression
Management: the analysis of impact factors // Scientific
Opinion, (2014), №2, p. 140-149.
The terms “self-presentation” and
“impression management” are used by
social psychologists to describe one’s
efforts to create a favourable impression
on other people. According to some
researchers, impression management is
the active self-presentation of a person
aiming to enhance his/her image in
the eyes of others. This paper examines
self-presentational theories in the light of
impression management, different factors
of influence on self-presentational behaviour and the author’s
vision claiming that all social interactions can be analysed in
terms of self-presentation. The author substantiates the idea that
self-presentation is a means of impression management. The
results of the author’s theoretical and practical research help
to widen the understanding of self- presentation as a complex
social and psychological phenomenon and to withdraw from
the stereotypic narrow opinion about its manipulative nature.
Other Academic Journals
Maslova S., Sokolov M.
Serova L., Churakova I.
Trends and Prospects of the Russian Legislation on PPP //
Journal of International Private Law, (2014), 1(83), p. 23-59.
Educational and Methodological Innovations in Management
Education in Higher School //Management today, (2014),
№ 5(83), p. 316-326.
The article deals with the legal regulation
of public-private partnership (PPP) in
the Russian Federation and international
legal aspects of the regulation of
this mechanism, as well as ways of
improving the Russian legislation on
PPP subject concerning the provisions
of international law in this area.
Case method has been successfully used to
develop key competences of managers in
business schools and universities for several
decades. However, the use of it often requires
considerable time and is highly directional.
The article reveals advantages of the use of
mini-cases as a tool for active and diverse
student teaching, in particular for corporate
Working Papers
Kazantsev A.K., Kiselev V.N., Rubvalter D.A., Rudensky
NBIC-Technologies: Innovations Civilization of the 21
Century.– М. : INFRA-M, 2014. – 383 p.
The book presents the research of
the present state and possible ways
of development of breaking through
high tech activities: nanotechnology,
and cognitive technology. These
technological activities, due to their
synergetic and convergent properties,
are also known as NBIC-technologies
and have already gained one of the central positions in
research programs of leading scientific schools abroad and
in the Russian Federation. Authors also consider basic concepts
of new institutional economics, as well as the present state of
national innovation systems of leading developed countries.
The book addresses not only scientific and economic aspects
of development of NBIC- technologies, but also social,
philosophic problems, that appear as a result of synergetic
effects and formation of innovative economics of the 21 century.
The book is devoted to a wide audience: researchers,
professors, PhD students and senior students of natural sciences
and economic specializations.
National Reports
Shirokova G., Tsukanova T., Bogatyreva K.
Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey
(GUESSS): National Report - St. Petersburg: Publishing Centre
“Graduate School of Management”, 2014. – 52 p.
International research project The
Global University Entrepreneurial
Spirit Students’ Survey (GUESSS)
has been held every two years since
2003. It was originally called the
study ISCE — International Survey
on Collegiate Entrepreneurship,
but it was renamed in 2008. Six
international panel studies have been
held in 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008,
2011 and 2013/2014. Russia
participated in this study for the first time in 2011, when 2882
students from 23 Russian universities took part in the survey.
In 2013/2014 GUESSS Russian team took part in this project
for the second time. Data collection was carried out from
October 2013 till February 2014, 32 Russian universities took
part in the study. From 26,400 students to whom an invitation
to participate in the study was sent, 4,578 people answered
the questionnaire, accounting for 17.34% of the respondents.
Besides, Russia ranked 10th out of 34 countries in the number
of students responses.
Verkhovskaya O., Dorokhina M., Sergeeva A.
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Russia 2013. - St.
Petersburg: Publishing Centre “Graduate School of
Management”, 2014. – 64 p.
Entrepreneurship Monitor. Russia
2013” is the eighth Russian
report within the project Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor — GEM.
The purpose of the report is to
introduce general issues and key
findings of the 2013 research to
Russian entrepreneurs, experts in the
field of entrepreneurship and other
stakeholders. From its start of the
project in 1997 GEM is one of the
most influential global research projects studying relationships
between entrepreneurship and economic growth.
Research Book 2014
Working Papers
GSOM SPbU Working Papers Series (in English)
Shirokova G. V., Bogatyreva K. A., Morris M. H.
Expertise, University Infrastructure and Cognitive Logic:
Assessing Students Who Start Ventures.Working Paper
# 1 (E)–2014. Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University: SPb, 2014, 26 p.
The present study explores how and why student entrepreneurs
choose causal or effectual cognitive logic during venture
creation and what role the university entrepreneurial
infrastructure plays in this choice. We contribute to
the existing literature on the contextual understanding
of entrepreneurial decision-making by examining the role
of business experience of student entrepreneurs in venture
cognitive logic. Using the Global University Entrepreneurial
Spirit Students’ Survey (GUESS), the study involves a sample
of 2,324 student entrepreneurs from 26 countries. Our
findings indicate that favorable university entrepreneurial
environments and students’ involvement in networking
and coaching are positively associated with a reliance
on causal logic with inexperienced student entrepreneurs.
With experienced student entrepreneurs, favorable university
environments and participation in entrepreneurship courses,
networking and coaching offerings are positively related to
the proclivity towards effectual logic. Evidence is produced
that effectuation and causa-tion are orthogonal constructs
that are intertwined and can unfold simultaneously.
Manolova T., Shirokova G., Tsukanova T., Edelman L.
The Impact of Family Support on Young Nascent Entrepreneurs’s Start-Up Activities: A Family Embeddedness Perspective. Working Paper # 2 (E)–2014. Graduate School
of Management, St. Petersburg State University: SPb, 2014,
40 p.
In this paper we explore the factors associated with the scope
of start-up activities among young nascent entrepreneurs.
Taking a family embeddedness perspective, and drawing
on literature from nascent entrepreneurship, start-up
activities, and student entrepreneurship, we hypothesize
that the scope of start-up activities of young nascent student
entrepreneurs is positively associated with family support
in the form of different types of family capital; financial,
social, human, and physical. We further argue that the effect
of family support on young nascent entrepreneurs’ startup activities is positively moderated by the level of family
cohesiveness. We test our hypotheses using data from the
2011 Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students
Survey (GUESSS) which covers 93,625 students from
26 countries. We find that the effects of family sup-port
on young nascent entrepreneurs’ start-up activity are
complex and multi-faceted. Implications for theory, public
policy, and managerial prac-tice are discussed.
Ivanov A., Maslova S.
Applying modelling in the process of anti-corruption expertise of legal regulation of public procurement. Working
Paper # 3 (E)–2014. Graduate School of Management,
St. Petersburg State University: SPb, 2014, 32 p.
The paper proves a necessity of changing the approach
to anti-corruption expertise: the assessment of affordability
of the best society’s alternative in terms of regulation
proposed by the principal (ex ante impact assessment) has
to be preceded by the analysis of opportunities for mala fide
agent’s behavior and evaluation of incentives for his bona
fide behavior.
In the paper two different algorithms of anti-corruption
expertise have been introduced: the first one is applied
to the new regulation tool, the second one – to the regulation
tool which has been used and some information on agent’s
reaction is available. In both cases the expertise starts from
the modelling of society’s preferences and comparing them
with the principal’s preferences generated by the proposed
The second algorithm used by the authors in the anticorruption expertise applies the price English auction in
public procurement.
Andreeva T., Bezginova Y., Garanina T., Sergeeva A.
Customer value creation process in Russian companies: the
role of Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management
Practices.Working Paper # 4 (E)–2014. Graduate School
of Management, St. Petersburg State University: SPb, 2014,
15 p.
Our paper has an aim to define how intellectual capital
elements and knowledge management practices lead to
customer value creation. With the use of a questionnaire the
unique data from top-management of 76 Russian companies
is obtained.
Working Papers
According to the main results of the research none of the
knowledge-management practices influences the customer
value of Russian companies directly. These practices play
a mediating role through intellectual capital elements, which
on their turn create the customer value. Within the paper we
develop a model that reflects how knowledge management
practices influence different elements of intellectual capital.
The model also shows which elements of Intellectual capital
create the customer value of Russian companies.
These are preliminary results from an international research
project on intellectual capital and knowledge management
practices led by Lappeenranta University of Technology
Berezinets I., Ilina Y., Alekseeva L.
Ownership Structure and Dividend Policy: A Study of Russian Public Companies With Dual Class Shares. Working
Paper # 5 (E)–2014. Graduate School of Management,
St. Petersburg State University: SPb, 2014, 28 p.
In this paper we investigate the impact of ownership
structure on dividend policy. The study is based on a sample
of Russian companies with dual-class shares structure over
the period of 2003-2009. We explore a broad range
of factors related to ownership identity. Conclusions are
drawn as to the nature of the impact various owners types
have on dividends paid on ordinary and preferred stock.
There is an evidence that this impact differs for dividends
on ordinary and preferred shares. The dividend policy
pertaining to preferred shares is considerably different
from the dividend policy pertaining to ordinary shares; it
essentially depends on the company’s performance.
Panibratov A., Latukha M.
The Vector of the home government influence upon Russian
MNEs: Balancing the control against the interest. Working
Paper # 6 (E) –2014. Graduate School of Management,
St. Petersburg State University: SPb, 2014, 16 p.
Influence of government is crucial for international
operations of most emerging economies’ firms. However,
not all these firms have the same experience with government
interventions: some benefit more, some less, and some
make losses. The government roles vary among countries
and industries. One pole is an absolute financial support
and trade protection, while other is a restriction or too
strict regulation. Firms react differently; some try preventing
or at least predicting such behavior, while others do not
put too many efforts to avoid this government enrolment in
their business and projects abroad. With particular example
of Russia, this paper answers on how the government
influences an internationalization of emerging multinational
enterprises, and what are the effects on their strategy
and competitive advantages. It also analyzes the role the
government plays to help these companies, particularly
when they go internationally, answering questions how the
government can shape an emerging MNEs’ competitive
advantage and at what level should it act to help company
when expanding abroad. In addition, it argues how firms
can protect themselves against the government intervention
and what causes different experience.
Smirnova M., Rebiazina V.
Strategic Orientations as a Driver of Innovations in Russian
Firms. Working Paper # 7 (E)–2014. Graduate School of
Management, St. Petersburg State University: SPb, 2014,
24 p.
Product innovation is vital for developing competitiveness
of firms from emerging economies. Being recognized
as one of emerging economies, Russia however is rather
loosing positions in competing on innovative offerings in
comparison to other BRIC economies. Moreover, the research on drivers of success or failure of product innovations
in Russian economy is underrepresented in academic
literature. Current paper aims at adding to existing theory
on the role of market orientation vs. orientation to the
new market segments in driving firm performance with the
focus on product innovation capabilities. As suggested by
Sawhney et al (2006), we study the role of key innovative
offering dimensions – platform and solution innovation –
in influencing firm performance outcomes. Our study aims
to close the gap by studying the mediating effect of product
innovation dimensions on market orientation – performance
link on example of Russian economy. The study is based on
a quantitative survey of 207 Russian innovative firms with
multiple respondents approach, resulting in 331 qualified
respondents. Our results demonstrate the difference in effect
of orientation towards existing market vs. new customer
segments in shaping platform and solution innovation and
influencing firm performance.
Sokolova E.
Development of Oil Industry in Russia. Working Paper # 8
(E)–2014. Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg
State University: SPb, 2014, 12p.
The paper analyses peculiarities of development of oil
industry in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Changes in the industry are focused on the competition
development, the aim of which is to increase the level of oil
production. Nevertheless, the effects of structural change
cannot be assessed unambiguously. The paper analyzes
Research Book 2014
the state of competition in the oil industry and possible
consequences of its development. Based on the results of
the analysis, the paper provides recommendations for the
formation of public policy in the domestic oil and petroleum
products market and oil industry.
Kosheleva S., Zavyalova E., Tsybova V., Kucherov
D., Alsufyev A.
Managing innovation in Russian competitive companies:
the role of HRM.Working Paper # 9 (E) – 2014. Graduate
School of Management, St. Petersburg State University:
SPb, 2014, 25 p.
leading to the formation and development of innovative
work behavior of personnel. The properties of HRM
strategy and practices contributing to innovative activity
are analyzed. The conclusion is made that at present the
models of managing the innovative activity cannot be
considered fully formed; however, there is a holistic strategy
of implementing innovative projects in the companies where
these projects are realized, including specific soft practices
aimed at forming and developing innovative work behavior
of personnel. The contradictions and the accents identified in
HR-practices of Russian competitive companies can serve as
the basis for recommendations to managers for increasing
innovative activity of companies.
This research aims to compare HRM practices in Russian
competitive companies and to explore HRM strategies
GSOM SPbU Working Papers Series (in Russian)
Zavyalova E., Kucherov D., Kosheleva S., Tsybova
V., Alsufyev A.
Analysis of Human Capital Exploitation Efficiency (the Example of Russian Oil and Gas Sector) Working Paper # 10
(R) - 2014. Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg
State University: SPb, 2014
capital is considered from microeconomic perspective as a set
of employee’s knowledge, abilities and skills influencing his/
her labor productivity and companies’ prosperity. The paper
presents the results of empirical research on evaluation of
human capital exploitation efficiency in Russian oil and gas
Human capital performs as one of the most important
intangible assets of modern companies. In this paper human
Working Papers Published at Social Science Research Network
Yushkov A.
Fiscal Decentralization and
Regional Economic Growth:
The Case of the Russian Federation
Social Science Research
Network, 05.11.2014, SSRN
working paper series, 56 p.
In the present Master Thesis, written at the University of
Bonn, the relationship between fiscal decentralization and
regional economic growth is studied for the case of the
Russian Federation. A rich panel dataset of 78 Russian
regions during 2005-2012 is gathered by the author. Using
panel data analysis, it is shown that excessive expenditure
decentralization within a region, which is not accompanied
by revenue decentralization, can have harmful consequences
for regional economic growth during the period of the
economic crisis. On the contrary, federal government can
stimulate recovery by efficiently assigning intergovernmental
grants. Overall, the benefits of decentralization seem to be
overweighed by its costs in Russia.
Working Papers
Cases Registered at The Case Centre (ecch)
Latukha M.
Cultural Differences and Problems with Quality: Are there
challenges for human resource management in the automobile industry?
Case: № 414-143-1, 11 c.
Teaching Notes: № 414-143-8, 5 c.
CARM, the automobile company that affiliates manufactured
automobiles and related parts across more than 35 companies
located in 21 different countries worldwide, faced a problem
with car quality in 2007-2009. The case discusses advantages
and limitations of the existing human resource management
practices and corporate values that may cause problems with
quality. Were the main reasons for quality problems due to
human error and lack of employee engagement? The case
suggests finding possible improvements for existing human
resource practices in order to avoid such situations in the future.
The educative purpose of the case is to develop skills for the
analysis of HRM practices (recruitment, motivation, training,
and development of talented people) in a large company.
Kucherov D.
IKEA: Recruitment and Employer Branding on the Local
Labor Market
Case: № 414-146-0031, 17 c.
Teaching Notes: № 414-146-8, 16 c.
IKEA, being one of the largest worldwide retailers, continued
its expansion in Russian market. IKEA had two stores in
Saint-Petersburg (IKEA Parnas and IKEA Dybenko). In 2014
the decision to open a new retail outlet of IKEA on SaintPetersburg market was made. One of the challenges was
to recruit, select and hire efficiently employees for the new
outlet. IKEA needed to assess its perceived attractiveness as
an employer on the local Saint-Petersburg labor market and
improve the employer branding strategy.
Latukha M.
Challenges in Consulting Industry: Dealing with Talent
Case: № 414-145-1, 8 c.
Teaching Notes: № 414-145-8, 7 c.
The present case investigates human resource management
at Concom, the consulting company. As Concom strongly
depends on knowledge for its development and growth, the
company was faced with an employee turnover problem and
challenges in retaining knowledge within the firm. One of
Concom’s challenges is to push talented consultants to share
their knowledge with the company and with the client. Why
would consultants share their knowledge within the firm? For
what kind of compensation would consultants at Concom
share their knowledge? Moreover, Concom should manage
expatriate performance properly to support knowledge
retention and sharing worldwide. Now it seems to be a
necessary task for Concom to think about these questions in
order to keep developing leadership and attract talented
Research Book 2014
Textbooks and Manuals
Berezinets I.
Volkov D., Garanina T., Nikulin E.
Basics of Econometrics. - St. Petersburg: Publishing Centre
“Graduate School of Management”, 2014. – 183 p.
Financial Analysis. - St. Petersburg: Publishing Centre
“Graduate School of Management”, 2014. – 140 p.
The textbook is an introductory course
on econometrics focused on business
schools’ students (management),
studying the course “Basics of
Econometrics”. The textbook covers
binary and multifactor linear and
nonlinear regression models, models
of binary choice. Methods of point
and interval estimation of unknown
parameters of the regression model, as well as algorithms
for adequacy testing of these models to empirical data are
presented. The market model, the Fama and French’s model
and other econometric models for securities yield estimation
are considered.
The textbook includes results of econometric models implication,
obtained by professors of Finance and Accounting Department
while conducting researches in the field of corporate finance and
corporate governance. Theoretical material is accompanied
by cases, solutions of which include analytical work and the
use of MS EXCEL and statistics software STATA.
Bukhvalov A., Smirnov M.
Corporate Governance: Introductory Course. Textbook, 2
edition. - St. Petersburg: Publishing Centre “Graduate School
of Management”, 2014. – 192 p.
The textbook covers major aspects
of corporate governance problems,
principles of power arrangement
and realization within a company.
Fundamental theoretical foundations,
key practical elements of corporate
approaches to corporate governance
analysis are considered. Country systems and relevant
problems of corporate governance in companies, including
Russian ones, are analyzed. The material combines theory and
companies’ cases.
The textbook is focused on the students on the Bachelor
programs in “Management”, first of all, students on “Corporate
governance” course.
The textbook covers issues connected with
implementation of company’s financial
analysis methods on the basis of external
The topics under consideration include
liquidity and solvency analysis, efficiency
and business activity analysis, bankruptcy
forecasting; circulating capital management, fundamentals
of business evaluation and value-based management. These
topics are key ones for financial analysis and their study
stimulates manager’s professional competences creation.
Volkov D., Leevik Yu., Nikulin E.
Financial Accounting. - St. Petersburg: Publishing Centre
“Graduate School of Management”, 2014. – 519 p.
The textbook provides theoretical
and practical foundations of financial
accounting. It exposes the principle of
accounting, gives the characteristics of
major forms of financial reporting, and
considers the issues of financial reporting
elements and organization operations
accountability. The major attention is paid
to the conceptual aspects of accounting,
and alternative options of company’s accounting policy are
analyzed. The book provides wide methodological material
which includes a set of test assignments and calculation
exercises in each chapter.
Sokolov M., Maslova S.
Public – Private Partnership: GSOM SPbU Cases CollectionSt. Petersburg: Publishing Centre “Graduate School of
Management”, 2014. – 56 p.
The collection contains 4 teaching
cases, devoted to problematic issues in
the area of preparation and realization
of public-private partnership (PPP)
projects, and their solutions. The
purpose of this book is to promote
development of skills connected with
identification, analysis and overcoming
of challenging situations arising in PPP projects.The book is
oriented to the undergraduate students in “Management” and
“Public Administration”.
Appendix 1: The List of Research Areas *
Corporate Social Responsibility
Evolution of the corporate social responsibility concept
Life cycle of organization and firm growth
Corporate social responsibility and strategic management
International entrepreneurship
Managing corporate social performance in the organization
Intrafirm entrepreneurship
Professor Galina Shirokova,
Associate Professor Yury Blagov,
Strategic Marketing and Innovations
Relationship marketing
Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance
Real options and strategies
Labour economy
Network approaches in marketing
Marketing in high technology industries
Transition economy
Applied microeconometrics
Professor Sergey Kushch,
Professor Aleksandr Bukhvalov,
Associate Professor Maria Smirnova,
International Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Simulation of manufacturing processes
Methods and models for operational efficiency measuring
Strategic Management of the Firm in Global Knowledge
Management of scientific and technical and innovation
Operations and industrial management
Associate Professor Yury Fedotov,
Knowledge management
Associate Professor Konstantin Krotov,
Knowledge engineering
Intelligent systems
Corporate information systems
Professor Anatoly Kazantsev,
Professor Tatiana Gavrilova,
* Main research areas of GSOM SPbU were approved at the meeting of the Academic Council of GSOM SPbU
on March 14, 2012
Research Book 2014
Appendix 2:Participation of GSOM SPbU Faculty in Journal Editorial Boards *
International Journals
Faculty member
Journal title
Category А of the ABS list
Muravyev Alexander A.
Panibratov Andrey Yu.
Shirokova Galina V.
Journal of Business Venturing
Journal of International Business Studies
Research Policy
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Category B of the ABS list
Andreeva Tatiana E.
Management Learning
Blagov Yury E.
Journal of Business Ethics
Zavyalova Elena K.
International Journal of Human Resource Management
Latuha Marina O.
International Journal of Human Resource Management
Journal of Comparative Economics
Muravyev Alexander A.
World Development
Category C of the ABS list
Human Resource Development International
Andreeva Tatiana E.
Journal of Knowledge Management
Zavyalova Elena K.
Human Resource Development International
Kosheleva Sofia V.
Human Resource Development International
Muravyev Alexander A.
Journal of Economic Psychology
Panibratov Andrey Yu.
Service Industries Journal
Category D of the ABS list
Andreeva Tatiana E.
Journal of Change Management
Muravyev Alexander A.
Economics of Transition
Panibratov Andrey Yu.
Journal of East-West Business
Other international journals
Andreeva Tatiana E.
Baltic Journal of Management
Baranov Igor N.
ICFAI Journal of Public Finance
Blagov Yury E.
Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business
and Society
Bukhvalov Alexander V.
Cherenkov Vitally I.
Case Research Journal
Churakova Iya Y.
Journal of Emerging Issues in Economics, Finance and Banking
Gavrilova Tatiana A.
International Journal Information Theories & Applications
Kazantsev Anatoly K.
Foundations of Management
Journal of Leadership, Management & Organizational Studies
Kosheleva Sofia V.
Scientific Journals International
Thomson Learning EMEA
Latuha Marina O.
Decision Science Journal of Innovative Education
IZA Journal of Labor Policy
Muravyev Alexander A.
IZA Journal of Labor and Development
Research in Labor Economics
Engineering, Construction and Architecture Management
Panibratov Andrey Yu.
Journal of International Business Education
Columbia FDI Profiles
International Journal of Organizational Learning and Change
The Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research
Shirokova Galina V.
Journal of Business & Management
International Journal of Management and Marketing: An Open
Access International Journal
Smirnova Maria M.
Journal of Innovation Management: The International Journal on
Multidisciplinary Approaches on Innovation
Yablonsky Sergey A.
European Journal of Economics and Management
Metabiolica: Ejournal
Zagorskiy Andrey L.
Przedsiebiorstwo przyszlosci
World Packaging News: Ejournal
Zenkevich Nikolay A.
International Game Theory Review
* including the reviewers
Research Book 2014
Russian Journals
Faculty member
Journal title
Alkanova Olga N.
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Baranov Igor N.
Russian Management Journal
EJournal of Corporate Finance
Berezinets Irina V.
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Russian Management Journal
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Blagov Yury E.
Russian Management Journal
Bukhvalov Alexander V.
Russian Management Journal
Cherenkov Vitally I.
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Drozdova Natalia P.
Research of Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State
News of Artificial Intelligence
Gavrilova Tatiana A.
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Gladkikh Igor V.
Russian Management Journal
Ilyina Yulia B.
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Kazantsev Anatoly K.
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Applied Mathematics,
Informatics, Controlled Processes
Medevedev Andrey G.
Russian Management Journal
Raskov Nikolay V.
Mathematic Game Theory and Applications
Shirokova Galina V.
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Smirnov Marat V.
Game Theory and Management
Smirnova Maria M.
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Starov Sergey A.
Organisation of Manufacture
Problems of the Modern Economies
Zagorskiy Andrey L.
Tare and Packaging
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Zavyalova Elena K.
Russian Management Journal
Advertising Industry Overview
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Applied Mathematics,
Informatics, Controlled Processes
Zenkevich Nikolay A.
Russian Management Journal
Mathematic Game Theory and Applications
Game Theory and Management
Research Book 2014