The IP3 Research Network: Enhancing Understanding of Water Resources in Canada’s Cold Regions John Pomeroy & the IP3 Network IP3... devoted to understanding water supply and weather systems in cold Regions at high altitudes and high latitudes (Rockies and western Arctic) ...will contribute to better prediction of regional and local weather, climate, and water resources in cold regions, including ungauged basin streamflow, changes in snow and water supplies, and calculation of freshwater inputs to the Arctic Ocean composed over about 40 investigators and collaborators from Canada, USA, UK, France, Germany, Italy …runs from 2006-2010 Why IP3? Need to forecast changing flow regime of streams and rivers in the Western Cordillera and North Increasing consumptive use of Rocky Mountain water in Prairie Provinces Uncertainty in design for resource (oil & gas, diamond, etc) development and restoration activities in small to medium size, headwater ‘ungauged’ basins Opportunity to improve cold regions snow, ice, frost, soil and water processes in models to reduce predictive uncertainty in: Atmospheric impacts on snow, ice and water resources Simulation of land-cryosphere-atmosphere interaction Cycling and storage of water, snow and ice Prediction of future climate change IP3 Network Investigators Sean Carey, Carleton University Richard Essery, Edinburgh University Raoul Granger, Environment Canada Masaki Hayashi, University of Calgary Rick Janowicz, Yukon Environment Philip Marsh, University of Saskatchewan Scott Munro, University of Toronto Alain Pietroniro, University of Saskatchewan John Pomeroy (PI), University of Saskatchewan William Quinton, Wilfrid Laurier University Ken Snelgrove, Memorial University of Newfoundland Ric Soulis, University of Waterloo Chris Spence, University of Saskatchewan Diana Verseghy, Environment Canada (people in bold are on Scientific Committee) IP3 Science Focus Snow – redistribution, accumulation, sublimation, radiative transfer and melt Forests – effect on radiative and turbulent transfer to snow and frozen ground Glaciers - interactions with the atmosphere Frozen ground – freezing, thaw, water transmission and storage Lakes/Ponds – advection, atmospheric fluxes, heat storage, flow in drainage systems IP3 – Goals and Theme Structure Theme 1 Processes: Advance our understanding of cold regions hydrometeorological processes Theme 2 Parameterisation Develop mathematical parameterisation of cold regions processes for small to medium scales Theme 3 Prediction Evaluate and demonstrate improved hydrological and atmospheric prediction at regional and smaller scales in the cold regions of Canada Ultimately – contribute to multiscale assessment of coupled climate system, weather and water resources in cold regions IP3 Research Basins Havikpak Creek, NT taiga woodland Wolf Creek, YT subarctic tundra cordillera Trail Valley Creek, NT arctic tundra Polar Bear Pass, NU arctic wetlands Baker Creek, NT subarctic shield lakes Peyto Glacier, AB glacierized alpine Scotty Creek, NT permafrost wetlands Lake O'Hara, BC wet alpine Reynolds Creek, Idaho mountain rangeland Marmot Creek, AB subalpine forest New IP3 Initiatives Advanced data management system Courses on CRHM and MESH given in Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta (Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer), NWT Outreach meetings Science monograph Policy implications book Network Completion HESS Special Issue on Cold Regions Hydrology No cost extension of IP3 to end of March 2011 − Science Spending to cease by ~ August 2010 − Special Prediction Effort to cease by Feb 2011 Secretariat, Outreach and Information Management funded to end of March 2011 IP3 Legacy Canada a leader in the understanding of cold regions hydrology (snow, permafrost, ice, rivers) Development of network of research basins from Cordillera to Arctic Trained cold regions hydrologists and climatologists Cold regions hydrological models Mechanism for transfer of knowledge to users Coupled atmospheric-hydrological prediction models for Government of Canada and other users Informed public policy on mountain and northern water resources IP3 Final Outputs Improved understanding of cold regions hydrological processes at multiple scales Unique observational archive of research basin data More effective incorporation of cold regions processes and parameterisations into hydrological and meteorological models at regional and smaller scales – CRHM, MESH Improved environmental predictive capability in cold regions in response to greater water resource demands: Enhanced hydrological and atmospheric model performance at multiple spatial scales and at scales requested by users Improved streamflow prediction in ungauged basins with less calibration of model parameters from gauged flows Improved weather and climate prediction due to rigorous model development and testing Policy Implications from IP3 Loss of hydrological “stationarity” due to climate and land use change means traditional risk management analyses are inadequate for water resources management. Information for water policy, allocation, conservation and development is required that cannot be provided by analysis of observations alone. Improved information can be obtained from the results of coordinated observation and prediction systems that incorporate aspects of data assimilation, enhanced observations, improved model development and continuing process research to deal with evolving unknowns Snow Regimes Forest Snow – Open Snow Shrub Growth? 1993 2008 2001 Shrub Growth! 2008 Snow Accumulation Variability Blowing Snow in Complex Terrain Inter-basin water transfer Transport of snow to drifts Supports glaciers, late lying snowfields, hydrological contributing areas Blowing Snow Entering Basin Shrub Tundra Accumulation Becoming Higher than Sparse Tundra 250 225 200 SWE (mm) 175 Shrub Tundra Alpine 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 1994 1995 1996 1998 1999 2000 2001 Shrub Tundra 87 111 134 139 179 216 168 Alpine 65 77 35 74 83 Note that shrub tundra at this site is 50 cm taller now than in 1994 Pomeroy et al., 2006 Hydr Proc 29 dSWE = Χ S − ∇ ⋅ T − ES dt SF d Win LiDAR used to develop topography and vegetation DEM n ctio e r i D NF Granger Basin, Wolf Creek, Yukon Territory Essery and Pomeroy, in preparation Computer simulation of wind flow over mountains Windspeed Direction 3000 3000 2500 2500 2000 2000 1500 1500 1000 1000 500 500 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 500 3 km Granger Basin, Wolf Creek, Yukon 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Simulation of Hillslope Snowdrift 3 km Intercepted Snow Snow intercepted for weeks to months in cold regions forests Low albedo, high net radiation, high turbulent transfer result in enhanced sublimation loss Accumulation = Snowfall – Interception + Unloading + Drip or Accumulation = Snowfall - Sublimation Snow in Forest / Snow in Clearing Effect of Forest Removal on Snow Accumulation 1 0.9 Deforestation Effect 0.8 0.7 Sparsely Wooded 0.6 0.5 Medium Density, Young 0.4 0.3 Dense Mature Canopy Measured 0.2 Parametric Model 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 Leaf Area Index 4 5 Pomeroy et al., 2002 Hydr Proc Snowmelt Incoming solar and thermal radiation Warm air masses Energy storage Terrain and vegetation effects Snow Energetics Incoming Longwave in Arctic Mountains 30 Percent increase in longwave irradiance due to terrain emission due to sky view factor (Vf) and surface temperature (Ts). 25 Ts (°C) 20 Air temperature is 0°C and the clear sky emissivity is 0.65 15 10 5 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Sky View Factor Vf Thermal IR Image Sicart et al. 2006 Hyd Proc Wolf Creek shrubs Marmot Creek level forest Solar radiation to snow beneath shrubs and trees 1000 400 SW (W/m ) 300 2 2 SW (W/m ) 800 600 400 200 0 123 200 100 0 124 125 74 Day (2003) Pomeroy et al., J Hydrometeorol, 2008 75 Day (2005) 76 Hot Trees Longwave Exitance Pine Stand 350 330 Exitance W/m² 310 290 270 250 Needles 230 Trunk 210 190 Sky 170 Air 150 74 74.5 75 75.5 Pomeroy et al., J Hydromet. 2009 76 Julian Day 76.5 77 77.5 78 Slope and Forest Density Effect on Net Radiation for Snowmelt Ellis et al, submitted Clearing Mature Forest Net radiation = solar + thermal radiation Landscape Heterogeneity Modelling Approach Aggregated vs. Distributed Dornes et al., 2008 Hydrol Proc. Snowmelt and Streamflow 2003 250 180 160 Obs SWE Aggregated Distributed 200 SWE [mm] 120 100 80 150 100 60 50 40 20 0 0 4/17/02 4/24/02 5/1/02 5/8/02 5/15/02 5/22/02 5/29/02 4/17/03 6/5/02 Time [days] 0.5 1.0 Obs Aggregated Distributed 0.4 Q [m3/s] 0.8 Q [m3/s] SWE [mm] 140 Obs SWE Aggregated Distributed 0.6 0.4 4/26/03 5/05/03 5/14/03 5/23/03 6/01/03 Time [days] Obs Aggregated Distributed 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 5/01/02 5/09/02 5/17/02 5/25/02 6/02/02 6/10/02 0.0 4/17/03 4/26/03 5/05/03 5/14/03 5/23/03 6/01/03 Time [days] Time [days] Concluding Remarks Relationships between snow and vegetation are strongly influenced by atmospheric energy and mass inputs which in turn are controlled by weather and topography − Less forests => more snow (except if windblown) − More shrubs => more snow (if windblown) − Less forests => more rapid snowmelt on south facing, slower melt on north facing slopes Increasing shrub height and coverage and decreasing forest coverage in cold regions mountains with both tend to increase snow accumulation in some locations and will both tend to increase melt rate except on north facing slopes. Further questions − What snow regime is optimal for sustaining current vegetation communities? − What are stable snow-vegetation regimes for various climates and how do these respond to and modulate climate change impacts? − Can we develop integrated snow ecology – hydrology models to show how climate change, terrestrial ecosystem shifts and hydrology interact as a system?