Hickin:1968-1988 A statistical analysisof bankerosionandchannel migrationin westernCanada GERALD C. NANSON Depanmentof Geogmphy,TheUniversityof Wollongong,P.O.Box I144, Wollongong,NewSouthWales,Australia2500 EDWARD J. HICKIN Departmentol Geography,SimonFraserUniversity,Burnaby,B.C. CanadaVsA 156 ABSTRACT Mean laleral-migration rates for 18 meandering river channels in weslern Canado are expluined statlslically in terms of hydraulic and sedimentological vrriables. The volurne of sediment eroded from the outer bont of a meander bend is shown to be largely a funclion of river size and grain size of sedlment at lhe base of the outer bank. These variablec erplain almosl 70% of lhe volurnetric migration rale for thesc relalively large, sand- and gravel-bed strems. It would appear lhat brnk erocion snd channel migration are essentially problems of sediment enlrairunenl which is dependent on total slream power rnd sedlmcnl size. Vegetation on the order brnk h seen to hrve litlle siErilicrnt cfrec{ in controlllng channel migratlon. Further refinements of the type of data used here should permit the development of an rccurale predictive model of regional channel migration. To this effect, it is most imporlrnl to develop r precise relationship between ben& resistance and the slze of sedimenl at the base of the outer bank. (r,r), channel width (I7), the force per unit area of the outer (concave) bank which resistschannelmigration (16), the bank height (i), and the bend radiusofcurvature (r). Further,we haveshown that 16 is largelya functionof the sizeof sedimentat the baseof the channel(D5s),suchthat M = f (a, Llt, D5s, h, r). (l ) Sediment load (particularly bedload) is known lo be strongly correlatedto channelmigrationrate(Neil, 1984),but whetherthe relationship is causal or dependent has not been clearly demonstrated.Almost no sediment load data exist for the l8 rivers chosen;therefore,the role of sedimentload cannot be independentlyevaluated.Bagnold(1980), however, has shown ihat bedload transport is largely a function of stream power operating on particular sedimentsizes,and, as both of thesevariables are included in equation l, a bedload transportterm is implicit. Previousresearchenhaveexaminedbank erosionand channelmigration from a number ofaspects.Planfsrm ofmeander bendshas long been consideredan important variable.Ieighly (1936) showedhow changesin INTRODUCTION the position of the high-velocityfilament in a bend,from low to high stage, could provide a mechanismto accountfor the evolution of meanderbends Channel migration and associatedriver-bank erosion arc among the through a seriesof predictrbleplanforms.Daniel (1971) demonstrated most dynamic geomorphologicalprrxessesand, thereftrre,of considerable that channel lenglh around a meanderloop increasesin proportion to the rientific interest. Furthermore, man's intensive use of river valleys and magnitudeof the channel-formingdischarge,whereasHickin ( 1974) demfloodplains means that a detailed understandingof theseprocessesis of onstratedthat migration operatesto maintain a minimum curvature ratio (bend radius to channel width: r/LV) ofslightly >2. From dendrochrono considerableeconomic valuc and engineeringsignificance, Numerousdescriptionsof particular casesof channel migration exist, logicalevidence,Hickin and Nanson(1975) showedthat bend migration but, for the most part, thes!are restriaed to a few bends on one or two reachesa maximum value as the curvature ratio approaches3 and declines channels(see'lable lV in Hooke, 1980).A lack of accompanyingbasic rapidly on either sideof this ratio value.Indeed,Carey ( I 969) and Page bydraulic garmorphologic, and sedimentologicdata makes it imposible and Nanson( I 982) haveshown that, in very tightly curving bends,deposi to combinc more than a few of theseobservationsin order to derive a tion will occur around the outer bank and erosionwill occur at the convex :ereral model of channel migration for a range of environmentalcondi- bank. trons. Indeed, tbere appean to have been no attempt to systematically The intermittent nature of channel migration has beendemonstrated examineI rEngeof migration ratesfor a varicty of river types.The objec- by Brice (1973), who found that meanderloops along the samereach of tive of this fnper is statisticallyto relate bend migration ratesto channel the White River do not evolvesequentiallyor simultaneously, but interhydraulic, geomorphoklgic, and sedimentologic characteristicsfor l8 mittently,{irst in one part ofthe reachand then in another.tlickin (1974) single-threedmeanderingriver reachesin westernCanadain an attempt to obtained similar lindings,and Nanson and Hickin (1983) showed thar develop a predictive, empirical model of lateral migration. In the strictest migration can be very discontinuousin time as well as in distanc!along a s!ns!,this model will have dircct application only for riven in physio singlereach.Bendscan remain stationaryfor tensof years,therebymaking graphic and climatic settings very similar to those in westem Canada. diflicult the estimate of long-term nrigration rates from short-term More importantly, at this early stageof investigationinto channel migra- measurements. tion, however, these empirical results identify at a general level those A rather different approach to the problem ofchannel migration has variablesthat are most infhrentialin determiningriver migrationrate. beendevelopedby thosefocusingon the detailsof bank erosionwithout In earlier work (Hickin and Nanson, 1984), we suggested that the specificregardto channelplanform. The role of frost action and ground ice rate of channel migration (ill) is likely to be dependenton stream power has been consideredby Wolman (1959), Walker and Arnborg (1966), (essentially,the product of dischargeand slope) per unit area of the bed and Outhet (1974). Knighton (1973) found that bank erosionat a cross Geological Socictyof AmericaBulletin,v.97, p. 497-5M, 5 figs.,3 tabla, April 1986. 497 EJH:246 Hickin:1968-1988 NANSON AND HICKIN sectionwas largcly determinedby the magnitudeand variability of dischargeand by thc degreeof asymmetryin thc velocityfiel4 bank wetting More recentwork beinga particularlyimportantpreconditioningprooess. hasshown the importanceof basalsedimentsin compoite banks(nonwherein sandysilt) in cases sandandgravcloverlainby cohesive cohesive cantilevercollaFc brings down the cohesiveoverburden(Thorne and thatremovalof boththe Tovey,l98l). lmportantly,thiswslt rccognized basd sedimentand thc mlla@ blocksis dependenton fluvial proc!ss!s althoughthe predominanthilure mechanismis not directly lluvial (see the role of alsoThorneand [ewin, 1979).Their work alsoacknowledges bankvegetationin limiting croaion,a problemexaminedquantitativelyby Snith (1976). Despitethesenumerousstudic of bank erosionand channelmigraOnly Hmke (1979,1980) tion,theproblemremainslargelyunquantified. basattemptedto developpredictivestatisticalrelationship. Most of thc however,werenot sufficientlyindependent ten variablestbat sheassessed, results,andthey weres!lectedfrom of oneanotherto allow unambiguous a very restrictedrangeof river environmcnts.Hooke,however,did find, as did Daniel (1971), that erosionrate is relatedto otchment area (disof silt and clay in the banls. chargc)and the perc!ntage Most of the above work on bank erosionhas been for relativcly thresholdsare relow-energystrearns,but, becauselhe erosion-resistance lated particularly to bank vegetationand fine-sedimentcohaion, thesc operatingon ohervations may not comparecloselyto similar processes Greol Slove loke STUDY FIVERS .- . T ' - ' - ' - ' I Llttlo Smotey Y- rox, fEl I 2 'iltk 3 Eelly ! t5 1 Wssa Pralrle ! I t7 I t2 6 BocYdr 6 Wtteilon 7 E.glo (Upper) I 8 Eagle (Lover) I ATBENTA a i i i I I Sran lO Shusvap (Upper) | | Pemblne I COTUIITBIA ERITISH l2 Hust(ua l3 Oldman e* l1 Shutvap Lower) | 6 Chlnchaga $, lA Prophot o l7 Slkrnnl Chlol f, o ,8 Ft. Nelson E q PAC'F'COCEAN E EDTAONTON ! ! ! CAIGATY At o fl I I l1 VANCOUVER 'JF' o USA Flgure l. Incations of thc study siles In westernCanada. EJH:247 6tz:Hr3 (Z 'tlg uoq pesoduryedns)ra,rJg uo;1uaf,aql ro, tuql sBeuus eqf s! a^rnc ado;e,ruaeqlJo lurof cFBqeql .sels ppu ye rc1 (41t) ouBr ernfc^rnJ pueq pur (neA red sqfpprr puwqr ul pesserdxe) alur uopu8Jure,rl;epruee,$prluollBteraq;.9 o.rnt;g '(f,16l'u!:lclH puEumrruN uorJ) Eqt||npJ qsTgtr 're^lu uo$Bag eql uo spmq n1 Qglt) opet arnlr^rnc puaqof (.rf7u) alur uopur8gru;ouopqer er1f,.1 e.rn8;g M/) M-l) 89t20 199 U:IAIU NO.|TY'8 100 !, '. \<. I I I 400 (tA1wl n c00 ro0 900 eo'o M/ l l a00 .{ lo ri o)\. r\ a\ o\ I /s* 80'0 600 0r'0 to 't Il0 unuxBrn B pu8 'slBp la^ry uoll@g aql .|oJl8rll s8 rruoJrrssq euEs aqt s,(u;dspqorq/he^Jnce [q pado;oauo eJBsre^ugl Jo lstol e loJ oleq qsp rBilrurs'(Z'Etg)(gSOt'ullrlH puBuosuBN peluasard 19161'uosuep pue ur{?rH)ernla^rnJpuaqJo uonounJxeldurore s uouurtlu leuueqJ l?tll u roqsfgea;c suqte^JUuousogoql uo qJtuesalmornardrng . uouertnu'sassceg Jo%01- u1'pana4sfla,rppod[ra,r sruopnqulspeql qEnoqp'{rnluacradqlp!^r lauugrlrS'I Joalel uorterEruugrpauBpep!^ -ord lesqnspepalessnll 'pepnlJxeaq ol psq slsp papellooaw p (%ZZ) mal{lalnelar'atuersrqlurqlut\.lelsnlJ slueurelnsseu eqlJolsouresnsceg 'tustsnoi{lpnuase arnlB^rnrtuploq snql'0't > ll F > 0.2 roJpeDelas su^rspuoqJo lasqnsu 'ruo;qordslql ellosalol lduoue u? uI .saqf,sor JeAu olsJncce us euUepol palulqo 8l oqlJo qJeoroJdrqsuo4qarJRautltAJnJ ora^\slep luerrlgnsul'(e pus Z 'strg) arnluatncpu4 pus alur uoqurtru ulJ^uaqdrqsuonelar xalduocaqlJo osneaq etglosrol tFJlUrparg I uoq eql puBolsr uorlertluluta/$taqsdrqsuonule.r -enbaut salgBu8A aqa {l'trg) (EgOt)ulpltt pusuosuuNuru roqssuoqnql4slp aqtol roltuns lecuaroegl $ uoungylslporlJ 'saqrs.,rluoreglpgl eql Jo qceoroJ euo .sa^rnJJo fpruu;e uo{ eJ?faq amuceq'uedq 'sncooedole,rua eql urqI,n slulod Jorallstsfscrue^aqJ,'(g'tlg) O'E> ll/t > 0'Z te srncooelBtuoqert[u !9f 6ta Lt6 rof sta eLa La' 95 898 t8 8lz lz9 6rt 5tI 98r iot ozt fls (r-@N) -qr 0' r m9 m'06 Lto mzl mtt m(b $O 0f 1l 810 zlo mtt msl 8t 0 lfo mzt $r mfit 5 f ,'j ttt t I ll 0t I N Ltl ()'l {5 sr (1-{ o; oso ua oL f8 o9 o9 n'r ta f0l 68t 9tL t9z cta [tl zfl rt0 te'l [6',I ttl 980 8r'l 891 lc0 t I (@) .I z6 t6 JT,L 0t It Lt. ot ot gt or s9 0s tI 8Z o' 59 sl 9f st 6' 5L f9 9' (x 5t 01 ts (r at ! NOIJJX'I'IOf, VIVO 'pedops uql uzq petecpqqdos arourEumsluaurlpmJo uas{s BJo onls^ ?^nBleraqt q$uruJpot lJs tueurpaspsgqeqtJoqcnurJorepgrgqJmooua8otelaq aql e$ qlog .^\olloJol ss{luue Pusqcsar,(pnNqcse;o qfual elq8rapKuoo a$ JoJ(0sO) .releugrpuspaur paturJossB puc ssBlrl?rntxol lRcnsrtgls tluoluuad\ eluudorddeue peuErssu uaql s?InqJaarqcsa.suolls^lasqo esaqlJosrsuqaqluO 'qcealqJseut suonuJol Jo Joqunuu le elncrpertaug prrc Jeltu e tusn 'p;eg eql ut peJnseeru ,(;qtnorero^rs{uoq (anucuol) Jelnoeql ul aull rels r-,$olaql Iseustuotutpes psBqeqlJo sazlsoqJ 'elqusnora^\sedolsplag{;uo l?rll luu:,rusrnotu(xlduur popqapJo IcBl s .Je^e^\oq.uanrX de,nmq5 ra,$sl puc'Jerq3puc,lls'seluog'o1tugre^\o.leqlJoa6Bc eqtu1.alqrsod aJeqinp06nuaq a^q sedolsdyrua^tsuelxaerouraqt .sedolsploy roJpeJns -B?u eq pFcl usql qfuel ur teleert re.;Je^uJo saqf,?alroJ pouruuetap alolr selul uorlurtnulouuuqJesnBlrg.luaueertepoot ul ag ol punoJ 88Zll asgf l '|0f t88l mzt 9m9 (t-6itt) (o) (E) (b5S s6{ 5m[ tt8 fLL zta. fit, tL9 1f0l 88'l tu u 6a'0 st0 (Bl sr0 Lao 091 t5l ao ml tf0 620 60'l (xl 8r0 6r'o 0el z6'0 oal at6[. 69Zl 0f8 991 EJ f8f LLf 69e 90[ tLa UT zlz 8l LI 9t tl I' tl al tl 0l LN ,ta l0l lot 8t s 6PNFJ ,nqJ o6L's |r|dotd rtnFoID ds$qs ,eirl @rplo trFr{ Ee@.J dra$qs Eddn mis qtrJ sql ,l'q Eddn @.A\ AET ImdEn 1lPf, lFN I4@S rpn ,, (t_El o) (r.t ' t o ir.) t qr ary VIVC JlluuonoaC CNv btoCrKlutfilructs'CnnYUClH z xrsvl NDTJIH ONV NOSNVN 00s 6 886t-896t :uDlctH Hickin:1968-1988 ANALYSIS OF BANKEROSION AND CHANNEL MIGMTION.CANADA F--#--{ t0 *-l l2 3 |_..<H t5 # * T6 |# . 6 rss19 ""f: r-J-r l# l*l l--.<H t8 |-tH l1 I l* t3 2 F+?-+ H-l tl very coorse very f ine SAND medium GRAVEI. very coorse smoll lorge COBBTES Figure4. Thcrehdonbetweenthecoeffldentof rcdstrnccio htcnl Grodon(ra;,O / fri rE) rd 013medhndhmetcrof tlrebas6rcdlments (Dsd ln theouler bmt" Horlzontdbnrsdefrnethe Wentwordrtertunldrs reprcsentrdve of tbc hsrl grrln dze h c.ch dudy rcrch.Rlver rcechesrre UeotfrcdIn Trblc 2. rat!serceed!d5.5 channclwidtbspcr century,rnd thcrcwrs r urarimum r&!eof - I channd width per decrde. It is alsoapparenrfrom Figure3 thatduringthc 2l- to 3!yr pcriodof record,- ?0%of thc bcndsdid oot move(Ml W = 0). Somcof thcscctses may be tbc rcsult of an insuffcientlylong pcriod of timc havingcla@ betueenphotographsfor thc methodto detccl whst is, by its nature,an interminent processof channclmigration (scc dctailcd evidcoccof this point in Nansonand Hichn, 1983).If the pcriod of reoordwerc longcr, mct of thesezcro valucsshouldmorc clccly onform to the long-tcrm mcan migrationraa. Additional zcro valuesmty bc the rcutt of ocrtain bcodsarrcstrngon unknowuobstructionswirhin cachlloodplain.In both crscs,zcroshavebccnintcrpretcdasunreprcenLative of thegeneratcondition for utrconfn!dmeandcnduring long periodsof time, and lherefore, tbcc bcndshavebcenomittcd from themeanvalucsgivenin Trble 2 and from the following strtisticalanatysc.Underthescconditions,themedian migrationralc for thedlts setrs a wholc is -2 channelwidthsperoentury. rametcn) from equationl, a sericsof rtcpwiscrcgrcssions wasexecutcd. To testfor statisticalrelatio"shipsamongthe variablcsin eqrution l, arithmctic meansof migration nrta(M ,) (ny-t) nachannel widrh (D (m) werecalcrlatcdfor cachof tbe l8 river rcachcs.Thcc, aswell asdischarge for the 5-y flood (0s.0) (m3s-l), cbannelstope(^9),outerbankleight lrry (m), rod mcdiandiametcrof the bosalscdimcntsin the outcr bail (D50) (mm), wcre usedto derivcthc puametcn of the maximumcrosionratcof the brnts. Thcc paramctcnincludcvolumepcr unit lengthof channclat thc pointof maximumlat!ru!displaccmcnt perycar(l/r rl) (m3m-ly-l = m2y-r), powerpcr unit areaof rhe bcd 1i = AQSF -tj 6ym+y, and totrl power per unir lengrhof channel(O = pegs) (Wn-t) (Table 2). Becauscall of thcc scc of dau rr! stronglypositivclyskewedtoward the largestrivers, thcir distnbutioru wer!normalizedby obhining the log (bascl0) ofeach variable. The simple conelation matrix of transformedvariables(Table 3) indicatesthat no singlemeasuredvariableaocountsfor >50%ofthe variancein thc meanmigration rst!; total stretm power, meanwidth, and DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION dischargcprovide 48%,44%,tnd 34%,respectively.Usingstcpwiseregression,meanmigrationrate is rcgresodscqucntiallyagainstgroupcof inde. In ordcr to estsblishthc respectivevariancecontributionsand bcnoe pendent variables introduccd in ordcr of thcir decreasingsimple the prcdictivc valw ofeach iodcp!odentvariablc(and thcir dcrived pa- correlation. In this proccdurc,sdditionsl indcpcndcntvariablcswcrc EJH:250 Hickin:1968-1988 fi2 NANSONAND HICION T tt.s t. oonxE|. Ttol{ coEFftctFxts EETWEEN AU. VATTASLES E u., E. f.i en . r.o rst sr! nt .rsl y .x Qso !_ tf .ef .z:J. grt 2t s Dro r n .t3 -.n. -..r! .rrl z, -.6 -m_ .mr m. rel srt -rrr .at .iit nqt tt -z' s :3i' I 1\ -gr yo. _ /v E.ilF E.v 561 S -n i g' -ft stl .t6 n -31 .ra Fn EirF F ri ntFi .sgl ;i ;i ; .5sl zt iir 'il .ol _2, ;; 'iit .g :nt :ot ji _.t? .rol 2i ,'t -.rrl J6l :.n uy.t .nt -:ci .szl -:It .ul lfi) lFor.w. tE qiirt ntr dr (P ( O.t). Oft. sddedto the rclationshiponly if, in combination,thcy explaincd>5% of Ivtrr=0.45(D0.m (l) thc varianccin mern migntion and thenonly if thcir individualcontnbu20.3 20.3 tion wassignificrntst st lcastthc 10{6level. 10.0 10.0 If mean migration ratc is rqrcssed agrinst dischargqslope,bank 5.0 heighgaod mcdiangnin sizc,dischargerccouns for 34.1%of thevariance and slopesmunts for 17.l%.Thc othcrshavcno significantoontnibution Tbe totnl !rocivework accomplishcdby the river during the migra(eqution 2). tioo of a meandcrbeodis expresedby theannualvolumctricerosionrate at the point of maximumbend migration@;b. Equations5,6, and 7 go.eE2 fr , = 1.63 So.36E indicatcthat the useof M/r clearly increascsthe predictabilityof channel e) 53.2 YJ (% explainedvarianoe) l7.l migration from measurements of channelwidth, discharge,slope,bank 1.0 1.0 (%significsoccof explained 2.5 heighgand bosalsedimenlsize.This improvementrcsultsbecause channel variaooe;F tat) migrEtiooinvolvescrcion of a volumeof marcrialaroundtheoutsideof a 1.0 (% significanc that exponent 5.0 mcanderbend a factor not takeninto acooutrtif migrationis expresedas doesnot eqtul zcro;t t!st) a simplelinear mcasurcof benddisplacement If the sameregressionis ancmpted,but dischargcis replacedby mean width, almct thesamelevelof cxplanationis achicvedandgrainsizeand bank hcightremainoonsignificant(eqrutioo 3). fr. =0.301 54.1 1.0 Wos 43.7 1.0 0.1 902?l 10.4 10.0 10.0 !) Equation:2 and 3 clearlyindicatcthat thesizeofthe river (exprcsed as dischargeor width) and the river slope providc important statistical explanationsof migratioo rarc. It is also evident thst in this form of rnnlysis,the variaoceoontnbutionof bankmatcrialand heightarc negligible, althoughthey are likcly o provc strtisticrlly significantin a group of riven larger thsn 18. In multiple rqrcssion, variablesthat cxplain relatively low proportionsof the total explainedvariancerequirelarge&ta setsin order to be idendfid asstatisticallysigrifieanl The hct thtt width s!ernsto be a bencrprcdictorthanis dischargeprobablyindicatesthat the useof widtb intcgratesthc effecrof the long-tcrmflow record whereas rclativcly short-tcrmdischargerccordsarc used!o calculate0s.0. This mustbe of somecomfortto thcc wishitrgto esrimatcbendmigrationratcs on ungaugedrivcrs The product of dischargeand slope in cquation 2 \ essentialln sueampower,and,if includedassuchin thc rcgression analp\ it explains 48%of the migration rat!vsrisnc whcreasgnin sizeaod bant height rcmain noasignificaolStrean power per uoit arcais a poor predicrorof channelmigrationrstc, cxplaidng ooly 20%of the variaace,andgrainsize and bsl* hcightdrop out of thc sodFb rs mignificant (cqrution 4). M th = 25.06 69.1 1.0 90.78E 57.5 1.0 1.0 so.7a 2.6 2.5 5.0 M .tr = 2.089 62.6 t.0 W r.t6e 53.6 1.0 0.1 D;$.ozr 1.5 10.0 10.0 M ,h = 0.67 29.3 10.0 a0.823 I1.5 2.5 5.0 D*2vt r7.8 10.0 10.0 D*.N 9.0 5.0 10.0 (5) ^S0.56s 7.4 10.0 10.0 (6) e) Equation5 providcsthe bestpredictivecapacityof theaboveset, although theunexplained variance remains highat -30%.F4uation8 isan sttemptto scalethemigrationrate(throughchannelwidth)to thesizeof theriver. 4i' tr = o.ota @o.6oi Dfi.m 36.5 1.0 8.5 r.0 2.o (8) 27.9 1.0 5.0 Here, the size of the basalsedimentsis shown to be imporunt in explainingthe volumetric erocionralcs of rivcr bends.In other words, EJH:251 Hickin:1968-1988 ANALYSF OF BANK EROSION AND CHANNEL MIGRATION. CANADA Channel migration 503 lN Low-water surface Channel boundary in stage 1 '---2-.....-... deeoz;';lonat ?l tl l* erosional 20ne tl Figure 5. A schematlcdiagram of a channelcross sectlon through lhe erosional axis (Hickin, l9l4) of a mesnderbend which shows lhe lrrge exlenl ofboundrry shearoporatingon the outer bed(B) comparedto lhe ouler bank(A). Note that the root zoneincludesonly the upper part of the nesr-yerdcd cuthnt and docs nol effect tlrc bed of the channel. holding river scaleconstantrcsultsin variationsin the sizeof basalsedimeotsthathavea relativelyimportanteffecton migrationrate,anobcervation alsomadefor Britishriven by Hooke(1980). a rationallyderivodrelationIn anotherpaper,we havedemonstrated ship betweengrain sizeand the derivedshearstr!ngthof the sediments (HickinandNanson,1984).Sediment rangedin sizefromclayto bouldcrs in a complexerosionrelationship similarto thatof theHjulstromsediment entr&ioment curve(Hjulstrom,1935;Shields,1936)rn4 therefore,was In the prcsentpaper, not amenable to descriptionusinglinearregression, however,the l8 river reaches werepurposefully selected to lie within the fine-sandto cobble rangeand therebyto exhibit an essentiallylinear relationshipbetweenD5gof the basalsediments and river bank resistance to erosion.As shownin equations2, 3, 5, and 6, river sizeis the most importantcontributorto channelmigration.If volumeric erosionrate (M *h) wereto be scaledby streampower,however,it couldprovidea on the basisfor examiningtherelativelysmallinfluence of basalsediments rateof latenl erosion,usingtheequation DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Theseresultsdemonstrste thatmeanbankerosionandmeanchannel migrationare predictablefrom channelllow and geomorphological and power,or evenchannelwidth explain data.Discharge, sedimentological >45%of thevariancein volumetricerosionof theouterbank.Thismaybe related to the physicsof flow, such as the developmentof large-scale turbulencein the form of helicoidalflow, but of over-ridingimportance mustbe the total erosiveenergyavailableto largerivers.In combination with measurements of sedimentsizeat the baseof the outerbank,river scaleexplainsalmost70%of thetotal variance.Indeed,if estimates of the power,and sedimentsizecould bc independent variablesof discharge, determinedmorepreciselythan waspossiblefor this study,then the level of explanation wouldbe evenhigher. Holdingriverscaleconstant, equations 8 and9 showthesizeofbasal sedimentin the outer bank to be particularlyinllueotialin determining erosionrate.The work of Smith (1976) and Zimmermanand others (1967)suggess, however,that vegetation is dso importantin controlling Mrh = bank erosion.Variationsin floodplainand bank vegetation may explain x"-50' -nsomeof thescatterin Figure4, but we did not havesufticientdatato test For the followingreasons, Furlhernrore, if thedependent variablewereto be inverted,it would this possibilitystatistically. it doesnot appear, (equation9), a parameter which however,thatvegetation is of greatimportance in limitingbankerosionon becomean expression of bankresistance (force/area; in tact,hasthedimensions Nm-f (Hickinand theserelativelylarge,perennial,sandand gravelrivers.Newly exposed of shearstress sandandgravelis not a suitablesubctrate for rapidandeffectiveestablishNanson,1984). mentof vegetation.Evenif present,vegetationprotectsonly thesubaerial (e) portionof a bank,leavingthesubaqueous 185.78DS'zes;,"t.r.;ft"= tu portionfully exposed to boundMrh ary shear.Furthermore, on forestedfloodplains(asmostoftheseare),the 6l.l 6l.t root zonedoesnot extendmorethanI to 2 m in depth,leavingthelower 1.0 1.0 by thisformof riprap. MurgatroydandTernan(1983) strataunprotected 0.1 haveshownthatafforestation of floodplainsleadsto greaterbankerosion of thick grassturf on the banks.Smith's Equation 9 shows s strong positive correlation between the size of as a resultof the suppression work on the roleof rootsin retardingbankerosion basal sediments and bank resistance(r5) for basal sediments coarser than ( I 976) experimental alluviumbelowboth the root silt (Fig. 4). Although 15 has the dimensioru of force/area, it is a coefti- did not tekeinto accountthe unvegetated cient of resistanceto lateral migration, presumablydependentlargely on zoneandthewaterline. Numerous cros sections surveyed in meander bendsshowthatlateral bank strengthbut also absorbingall the other facton, including the statisti erosionof thelaterallyslopingbed cal variability in stream power and migration rates. In this regard it is channelmigrationinvolvessubstantial analogous to Manning's n, s coemcient of total flow resistance,but not in the outerpart of the channelas well as erosionof the ncarlyvertical upperpartof thebank(Fig.5) (alsoseeThomeandlrwin, 1979;Thorne directly measurable. :g: = EJH1252 tgz:Hfl 'v'sn s! pQqpd lunxvFl s86l '51 Ere^oN MIY @^tx u[;nNvll s86l '!l rNnf cffiu ![swl{ Mltros 3ro rr @mu [86] 'a Eiu(l '91r,'SSt d ,t rU m onFodo{S 'du!p@'J 4 :IMnn n,!ts rey F@ruaol 'ft oN '{*{dp{H pmo 'H O'doC pot ":) t'ptFo9.;l;I;fr*t" w, pnstqt @ mryt vom ^pdruu!.qI'a95t !6961 'D tufrilUur $wl t{ 'uEp/l\ :lurq r.^u ,^lsl@ t lo trN'. tmdv 'lgU '^ 'd1bs Jo Fret oo3 Joa 'lll-ltl d rJ'C 'lo!fttqt^\ lerJ@ed rc dlt pw'f H rt'lF^\ '9961 "l 'tFqov u '@!oD lu{ D u D F!3 tE ea!! pd! Frr@ld -@aq ldDD6'rd 'ilZ 681 d 't96t 'U J5Fplal qFoS laaP,!8 r rytq FunlF otJo @'3 liJ frlrffigz:qrmv '8 ^'4tqaqdl@@O !rt-69t d por'U J'{'oq.l llnw$'186t 'X N'{sol qrql qttq 4u nr$d@p dlns '9 5@Jpoq pot srJ 'tfl llt'dlmH ^ 'rpo "d O tttrqnA :oslr Pot "O O spoqI |4 lt^!i ln tr[ nr p nomttv /lF o.X tnol 'ttnqno qt.sad F t"U J'iloql ryrg'616'l'f 'nfn ir,rrr.p"i- ri r*oaqr^rpmpqdgurtwuo Fyrtut '0t8-aE8 d't8 v!|.rFg @'L Jo IFpo'S F-rdq@9 p PlrJ 916l 'O 'C '$@S pnq ^ m sn@t' p qtr'ro q*lrqt pdE@r t !^u ,rtall{ F,ttlt Jo rd np tttntn!|{ rtqt.F au 1Frpsil 'o!lr?0 '92 utH hrqglps pon nruNA\ tmpdrauv '9!61 'Y :9ms DP Fr {tnts!$!lq{pqtv .!p ,m ftnqJnoFufqrnl :tont a.q.qrqFr '!p 'Ztt-6,2S tu9ort d'l Pot ^ "J O'trGurN pot "I 'ttd il6oC'2861 n mFdoIS '('oF{dr(reO qltrJ :trol Fdd dyis oqdpoog pqw prt Fqro.q ryq 'erps Jo tMt {dFO :qtrpr$u lgev rrms rDlror@o.s-n '@ ro trunof :qfr s^u mDol tquruw p,**# lqr rc Pdq FfM bc Mrt|'|m pct qnu FnF o w Edstn (u) ernl8^JnJlauu8qcJo snry8l (.-srtu; otrBqJsIPPooUr{-S HI:?s;!^6.[*l'* V :w pD[El SlJN:r&liiil o U d ,(lrsuapralu,n tl o's0 Il (t-r.( u) Puoq?ql eqlJoel8ruonsrtlurFlelBl eql tuolB leuuBqJ Jo srxslBuotsore +hl 0't >,/Il/t > 0'z eraq^lspueqloJInq e^oq8sB N suol$aN N aldurssul Joqunu O (1-srul; otrsqr$ProlB/n saJleru 'sx-f(r'd tll,du utqFNJo tprtJ ldl llardop^,C wltNldt'U llo U?ODN rc sJ tll uodaX roodopo6 '}f 6 t 'N C 'P$nO tO n! erDrrt tffi,. rl Al N llpp qru @ftt{ ldl @ !'odil stoid .Fcdrv |olfoprpll| pdr rJslEJ qJtr-U ilnr,p,(H ro @tGY I6lJ 't lZ tOZ d :st po arN '@!tuoC F@@aot pmlgcq $ @@rt tFnS'}'61 'U J l.oN :rr^u p^ilt t d uodq ,t'el !illt SqD@td p fr4cog ooty qnup(H |mmf !qfo'd t,g.trJ 'art-tzf tlusfd3 d '60l Ot@rN t0 @ |r,@I ^p@ mdtd 86t "f 3 tlfJlH pd'J D^!X mr.{ @oV FoltqJ'f I rJ p IpFoS ''80t{0t O!@rN d'8t lilrtttV'0861') ^'{topc0pluml:Mt$o'.to@qpotn .oqms '59f-!9t llDrF d '! l Por m|{ ^ ptrt'-t v ilorlaTn p Eiddl.qt'[8itl'-ls @@o!t f '@rI m qrql :E q ponlJ tot mr.,lorl ' tuulwJn'9f61 sru "f 'rdltl pqaueg nn$6lrp.4p tit oti l'CZ r'eaq '94'-9tt d'S Sqqgn ^'r{dut@O ![t6l "o v 'old|!x aogEs! o oopq! o @o,' a'rl| bppo@ toqr$fi tFo{Ilo8 Fr3 :alqslf, 's9g-ftf d p @rqu!1c'ta6l "0tt U ltooH Eq! 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