B Y: G A B B Y RO BI N SO N S E PT E M B ER 2 4 , 20 1 2 MESSAGE 1 “Say No to Bullying" Campaign At some point in our lives, most of us have been bullied, verbally or physically. If you haven’t been bullied, you may have witnessed it occurring around you, so you can only imagine how it would actually feel to be bullied. The SAY NO TO BULLYING campaign aims to raise awareness and educate students on the behaviors, as well as the consequences, of bullying. Providing information and resources, the campaign supports students' rights to focus on and excel in their academic pursuits in an environment of respect and civility. Learn more about the campaign at this website. By going to the events throughout the semester you learn different strategies for how to prevent bullying or help someone else. The first one I suggest is “It’s Bully Free and So Are Whee!” It is tonight - Monday – September 24th at 6pm in the UC Multipurpose room. Co-facilitated by Jessica Nipper, junior and Dr. Lane Perry, director of the Center for Service Learning. You can read more about Jessica’s work to lead the way with the WCU campaign here in the FYE Journal Article, “The Bully Pulpit” on page 5. MTV has created a series of videos as part of their “A Thin Line” campaign – you may want to take a look! http://www.athinline.org/ Sincerely, Gabby Robinson FYE Cabinet Undergraduate Student Representative MESSAGE 2 First Year Experience at WCU ---- Your goals for this year: Discover College Adapt to new environments and responsibilities - discover and use the resources available to you! Be Involved Identify and act upon your role and responsibility as an engaged citizen - be an active participant in your learning experiences! Connect the Dots Connect your personal interests and abilities, academics, and co-curricular activities as you make sense of the world. Think First Identify complex issues or problems – evaluate your options to make an informed decision - reflect on the implications of your choice. Exchange Ideas Communicate appropriately and respectfully in a variety of formats and contexts. Calibrate Your Compass Examine your values and goals - take responsibility for your own learning and development - act with integrity. As you journey through the year, Reflect on these FYE goals; Celebrate the Student Community Creed; Share your success stories in EYE on FYE Check out the above link to see what your predecessors had to say