School of Contemporary Arts Unit Council Meeting January 21, 2015 Attendance: Tobin Addington, Marta Bautis, Mack Brandon, Rachel Budin, Peter Campbell, Regina Clark, Seth Cluett, Gilad Cohen, Yolanda del Amo, Marc Gidal, Hilary Goldstein, Pat Keeton, Ann LePore, Rebecca Leung, Lisa Lutter, Edna Negron, David Oh, Neel Scott, Beba Shamash, Jackie Skrzynski, Sarah Stackhouse, Maria Vail, Warner Wada. Dean Perry called the meeting to order at 12:45 pm Personnel Items: -Promotion letters for Yolanda del Amo, Marc Gidal, Ruma Sen, and Rowlett Scott were read by the Committee members and discussed by the Unit. -Faculty voted to endorse each application. Announcements: -Peter Campbell announced a public reading of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence’s Executive Summary of Committee Study of Central Intelligence Agency’s Detention Interrogation Program (this land is your land, this land is my land) which will take place by the Arch on Thursday, January 22 nd from 8:30-11:00 -Schedule Planning and Meeting Time: Dean Perry shared some of the challenges with the new schedule such availability of rooms, courses being offered once per week, classroom time slots, adjunct faculty situations, and the Degree Completion Program. Dean Perry asked that each faculty submit their syllabi for the Fall semester by March 23rd, indicating adjustments to reflect the change to 4 credits. Committee Reports: - FAEC: Jonathan Lipkin—Catalog updates should be sent to Fernanda Papalia in the Registrar’s Office. - DAC: Edna Negron— Activist, Arun Ghandi (Lessons Learned from Grandfather: Nonviolence in a Violent World) to speak on Feb. 4th in the Sharp Theater from 3:00-4:30pm - Seth Cluett: Faculty Resource & Design Center offers teaching circle workshops. -Ann LePore: Full-time Faculty positions for the Director of Faculty Resource Center and the Director of the Instructional Design Center are available; interested faculty should direct questions and submit their applications to Vice Provost Daffron by March 2, 2015. Meeting adjourned at 2:45pm Minutes submitted by: Irene Grskovic, Unit Secretary