Field ionization and photoionization of CH3I perturbed by diatomic molecules: Electron scattering in H2, HD, D2 and O2 C.M. Evans1 , Holden T. Smith2 ‡, Ollieanna Burke1 , Yevgeniy Lushtak1 and G. L. Findley2 1 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Queens College – CUNY, Flushing, NY 11367, United States E-mail: 2 Department of Chemistry, University of Louisiana at Monroe, Monroe, LA 71209, United States E-mail: Abstract. Photoionization and field ionization studies of CH3 I doped into the diatomics H2 , HD, D2 and O2 (up to a density of 1.0 × 1021 cm−3 ) are presented. These data are used to extract the zero-kinetic-energy electron scattering length of each diatomic molecule from the density-dependent shift of the CH3 I ionization energy. Scattering lengths obtained from fits of the photoionization spectra are compared to those determined from field ionization measurements. PACS numbers: 34.80.-i, 34.80.Bm, 33.80.Rv, 79.70.+q Submitted to: J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. ‡ Present address: Department of Chemistry, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, United States. Electron scattering in H2 , HD, D2 and O2 2 1. Introduction We have shown [1–3] that the energy V0 (ρ) of a quasi-free electron in a fluid of density ρ exhibits a dramatic increase near the critical point. This observation led to the development of the local Wigner-Seitz model [2–4] for the quasi-free electron energy in dense fluids. In this model, V0 (ρ) is comprised of three terms: the (strictly negative) ensemble average electron/fluid polarization energy P− (ρ), the (strictly positive) zeropoint kinetic energy Ek (ρ) of the quasi-free electron, and the thermal energy of the quasi-free electron (i.e., 3kB T /2, with kB ≡ Boltzmann’s constant). The local WignerSeitz model [2–4] assumes that the interactions within the first solvent shell of the fluid dominate Ek (ρ), with the maximum interaction distance between the quasi-free electron and a single fluid constituent (i.e., perturber) in the first solvent shell being defined by the local Wigner-Seitz radius [2–4], and with the minimum interaction distance being given by the absolute value of the zero-kinetic-energy electron scattering length A. Since the local Wigner-Seitz radius [1–3] decreases near the critical point of the fluid (due to an increase in clustering) while A is constant, the interaction range decreases. This decrease in interaction range results in an increase in Ek (ρ) and, subsequently, an observed increase in V0 (ρ). Thus, knowledge of an accurate zero-kinetic-energy electron scattering length A is required to model V0 (ρ) successfully within the local Wigner-Seitz approach. Two methods have been used experimentally to determine the electron scattering length in a low density fluid. The first is the direct measurement of the total electron/fluid scattering cross-section σT as a function of electron energy [5–15]. However, these measurements for very low kinetic energy electrons (i.e., electron energies ≤ 0.5 eV) can be difficult, since most of the techniques used to measure directly the scattering cross-section depend on the electron number density remaining constant Electron scattering in H2 , HD, D2 and O2 3 throughout the experiment [7–9]. Thus, the zero-kinetic-energy electron scattering length must be obtained through extrapolating the low kinetic energy total scattering cross-sections to zero. Since these cross-sections can change greatly in the low energy region [8, 9], this extrapolation can be fraught with difficulty. An alternative to the direct measurement of scattering cross-sections involves determining A from the fluid density-induced energy shifts ∆(ρ) of high-n Rydberg states [17–31] of a dopant molecule. In this approach, a dopant possessing a Rydberg series observable in photoabsorption and/or photoionization is mixed with the fluid of interest. As the fluid density increases, the dopant high-n Rydberg state energies – and, therefore, the dopant ionization energy – shift as a result of dopant/fluid interactions. In the low density region of the fluid (i.e., ρ ≤ 1 × 1021 cm−3 ), these energy shifts are linear as a function of density and can be modeled within a theory by Fermi [16], as modified by Alekseev and Sobel’man [18, 32]. In this model [16, 18, 32] [( ∆(ρ) = 2 π ~2 me ) ( A − 10.78 αv e2 8 π ε0 ] )2/3 (~ v)1/3 ρ, (1) where αv is the polarizability volume of the fluid, e is the charge on the electron, ε0 is the vacuum permittivity, ~ is the reduced Planck constant, v is the relative thermal velocity √ of the fluid constituents (i.e., v = 8kB T /m, with m ≡ mass of the fluid constituents), and me is the mass of the electron. However, the requirement of an observable dopant Rydberg series restricts the type of dopants that can be selected, as well as the type of fluids that can be investigated. Reininger et al. [33–41] developed a method – dopant field ionization – that allows ∆(ρ) of the dopant ionization energy to be monitored in the absence of an observable dopant Rydberg series. To the best of our knowledge, this method has not been used at low fluid densities to extract the zero-kinetic-energy electron scattering length of any fluid. Electron scattering in H2 , HD, D2 and O2 4 In this paper, we present the fluid density-induced shift ∆(ρ) of the CH3 I ionization energy, both by fitting the autoionizing Rydberg series of CH3 I (when observable) and from dopant field ionization of CH3 I in H2 , HD, D2 and O2 , for ρ ≤ 1.0×1021 cm−3 at 300 K. We then apply these data to Equation (1) in order to extract the zero-kinetic-energy electron scattering lengths for the above diatomics. Finally, we compare the scattering lengths obtained from a fit to the photoionization spectra with those extracted from dopant field ionization. Since H2 has been investigated previously using photoabsorption to monitor the H2 density-induced shifts of dopant Rydberg states [25, 27–29], we will compare the scattering lengths obtained here to these previous results. We will also contrast the total electron scattering cross-section σT obtained from σT = 4πA2 (2) for H2 and O2 with the zero-kinetic-energy cross-sections measured directly [8–15]. 2. Experimental Photoionization spectra were measured with monochromatic synchrotron radiation having a resolution of ±4 meV in the energy region of interest, using the University of Wisconsin Synchrotron Radiation Center stainless steel Seya-Namioka beamline equipped with a high energy (5–35 eV) grating [42]. The copper sample cell possesses an entrance MgF2 window coated with a thin (10 nm) layer of platinum to act as an electrode [42]. The second electrode (stainless steel) is placed parallel to the window with a spacing of 1.05 mm. The MgF2 window is 2 mm thick, allowing the cell to withstand pressures of up to 100 bar. A positive electric field is applied to the stainless steel electrode, while the photoionization signal is detected at the platinum electrode. CH3 I was selected as the dopant in this study because the first two ionization energies Electron scattering in H2 , HD, D2 and O2 5 of this molecule fall below the energy cut-off of the MgF2 window, and because the autoionization spectra [17–28, 30, 31] and field ionization response [33–37] of CH3 I have been well characterized. (The spectra reported here are current saturated, which was verified by measuring selected spectra at different electric field strengths.) Photocurrents within the cell were of the order of 10−9 A. The flux from the Seya beamline was monitored using a nickel mesh intersecting the beam prior to the sample cell. All photoionization spectra were normalized to this current. Since the platinum electrode photoemits in the energy region of interest, dopant photoionization spectra were also normalized to an empty cell to correct for this small background photoemission signal. All spectra were measured at a temperature of 300.1 K, which was maintained using an Advanced Research Systems DE-204SB 4 K closed cycle helium cryostat system. (This sample cell and cryostat system is used also to investigate the quasi-free electron energy in near critical point fluids [1–3].) CH3 I (Aldrich Chemical Company, 99%), H2 (Matheson Gas Products, 99.9999%), D2 (AirGas, 99.999%; 99.8% isotopic enrichment), HD (Cambridge Isotopes, 98%; 97% isotopic enrichment) and O2 (Matheson Gas Products, 99.998%) were used without further purification. For the fluids investigated here, 300.1 K is above the critical temperature. However, the maximum pressures of ≤ 40 bar are below the critical pressures of these fluids. Thus, these systems can be denoted as superheated gases or, more generally, low density fluids. The densities of H2 [43], D2 [44] and O2 [45] were calculated using the NIST Standard Reference Database 23 Version 9.1 [46]. However, since an accurate equation of state for HD has not been published [47], the density of HD was determined under a perfect gas assumption. At the low fluid densities used in these studies, this assumption results in a maximum error of approximately 1% in the density of HD. (This error was estimated by comparing the densities of H2 and D2 Electron scattering in H2 , HD, D2 and O2 6 Table 1. The polarizability volume αv and the relative thermal velocity v at 300.1 K of each fluid. fluid αv (Å3 ) v (m/s) H2 HD D2 O2 0.8023a 0.7976a 0.7921a 1.5812b 3146. 2570. 2226. 789.7 a Polarizability volumes are for the ν = 0, J = 0 state of the diatomic molecule, as obtained from Kolos W and Wolniewicz L 1967 J. Chem. Phys. 46 1426–32. b Obtained from Newell A C and Baird R C 1965 J. Appl. Phys. 36 3751–9. calculated from the NIST standard equations of state with those determined from the assumption of a perfect gas.) The polarizability volumes αv and the relative thermal velocities for each fluid at 300 K are given in Table 1. Both the gas handling system and the procedures employed to ensure homogenous mixing of the dopant and perturber have been described previously [42]. The concentration of CH3 I in the fluid was kept below 10 ppt. 3. Results and Discussion Sample photoionization spectra of CH3 I in H2 , HD, D2 and O2 at the fluid density of ρ = 6.0 × 1020 cm−3 and a temperature of 300.1 K, in comparison to neat CH3 I, are presented in Figure 1. (The photoionization spectra of CH3 I in the various diatomic fluids at other densities are not shown for brevity.) The CH3 I nd ′ Rydberg series is assigned by comparison to previously published absorption spectra [18, 27]. Clearly, this Rydberg series is observable in H2 and D2 , but only incompletely in HD and O2 . (A transition in HD creates a dip in the CH3 I autoionization spectrum, obscuring the nd ′ = 10 and nd ′ = 11 Rydberg states. Since this transition is not observed in the H2 and D2 systems, this transition is probably a dipole forbidden transition in these more symmetric gases [48]. Similarly, the absorption of O2 [49] obliterates all of the high-nd ′ Electron scattering in H2 , HD, D2 and O2 7 Figure 1. Photoionization spectra (T = 300.1 K) of pure CH3 I (1.0 mbar) and CH3 I (1.0 mbar) doped into the fluids H2 , HD, D2 and O2 . The density of the perturbing fluid is 6.0 × 1020 cm−3 . The applied electric field is 2.5 kV/cm for neat CH3 I and 2.0 kV/cm for CH3 I in the perturbing fluids. All spectra are intensity normalized to the same spectral feature above the CH3 I 2 E3/2 ionization limit. I2 marks the CH3 I 2 E1/2 ionization limit. Spectra were assigned in comparison to those in Reference [18]. See text for discussion. CH3 I Rydberg states.) For CH3 I/H2 and CH3 I/D2 , however, the photoionization spectra can be used to determine the shift ∆(ρ) in the CH3 I 2 E1/2 ionization energy (≡ I2 ). The Rydberg equation En = I2 − Ry , (n − δ)2 (3) is used to define a convergence function F (n) through [18] F (n) = En+1 − En = Ry (2n + 1 − 2δ) (n − δ)2 (n + 1 − δ)2 (4) for the nd ′ autoionizing CH3 I Rydberg series. In Equations (3) and (4), En is the excitation energy of the nth d ′ Rydberg state converging to the second ionization limit I2 of CH3 I, Ry is the Rydberg constant, and δ is a constant quantum defect pertaining to the nd ′ Rydberg series. A nonlinear least-squares analysis of F (n) for neat CH3 I Electron scattering in H2 , HD, D2 and O2 8 Figure 2. Fluid induced shift ∆(ρ) of the CH3 I 2 E1/2 ionization limit in (•) H2 and in () D2 plotted as a function of fluid number density ρ. This shift was obtained from Equation (5) with the ionization energies extracted from a fit of the CH3 I nd ′ series to the Rydberg equation, following the procedures given in [18]. The lines represent linear least-squares analyses of Equation (2). The energy uncertainty in ∆(ρ) is ±14 meV at the highest fluid density. yields the quantum defect δ = 2.23 for the nd ′ Rydberg series. This quantum defect is used in Equation (3) to obtain I2 for neat CH3 I and for CH3 I in H2 and D2 . (We should note here that the quantum defect and ionization energy I2 were independent of applied electric field F for fields less than 3.5 kV/cm, which indicates that the Rydberg states used in the analysis were not Stark shifting.) ∆(ρ) is given by ∆(ρ) ≡ I2 (ρ) − I2 (ρ = 0) = En (ρ) − En (ρ = 0) , (5) under the assumptions that δ is independent of n and that the individual dopant Rydberg states En are influenced by the fluid in the same manner as the ionization energy I2 . For neat CH3 I, I2 (ρ = 0) = 10.160 ± 0.007 eV in this study, which is comparable to the value 10.164 eV that has been published previously [18]. (As the fluid density increases, the asymmetric fluid-induced broadening of the CH3 I Rydberg state transitions results in an increase in the uncertainty of the CH3 I ionization energy from ±7 meV of the neat CH3 I to ±12 meV for CH3 I in the various fluids at the highest fluid densities.) Electron scattering in H2 , HD, D2 and O2 9 Figure 2 presents the shift ∆(ρ) of I2 – determined from Equations (3) and (5) – perturbed by H2 and by D2 . One observes that ∆(ρ) changes only slightly between H2 and D2 and that this change is within experimental error. Clearly, at densities below 1.0 × 1021 cm−3 , ∆(ρ) is linearly dependent on the fluid density ρ, with ∆/ρ = 1.18 ± 0.03 × 10−23 eV cm3 for H2 and with ∆/ρ = 1.33 ± 0.03 × 10−23 eV cm3 for D2 . Thus, the zero-kinetic-energy electron scattering length extracted from Equation (1) is A = 0.44 ± 0.03 Å for H2 and A = 0.45 ± 0.02 Å for D2 . (We should note here that the nd ′ series was utilized in this study because it is the only series with enough observable high-n Rydberg states to extract the ionization energy. However, the fluid-induced shift of high-n Rydberg states is independent of the Rydberg series chosen [18, 27, 29].) Unlike the aforementioned analysis, dopant field ionization does not require an observable Rydberg series in order to extract the dopant ionization energy. A dopant field ionization spectrum is obtained by subtracting a photoionization spectrum measured at a low applied electric field FL from a spectrum measured at a high applied electric field FH , after intensity normalization (necessary to remove the effects of secondary ionization) [33–41]. Figures 3a and 3b show the photoionization spectra of CH3 I in O2 at a density of 6.0 × 1020 cm−3 and at applied fields of 2.0 kV/cm and 4.0 kV/cm, before and after intensity normalization, respectively. The field ionization spectrum (cf. Figure 3c, for example) results from high-n dopant Rydberg states that are field ionized by FH but not FL . Because fluid absorption is independent of the applied electric field, the dips in the photoionization spectra caused by strongly absorbing fluids do not affect the field ionization spectrum, unless the fluid absorption occurs at the same energy as the dopant ionization. Variation in the strength of the electric fields leads to a shift in the energetic position of the field ionization peak (cf. Figure 2c), √ √ with the shift being linearly dependent on FL + FH . Since an observable Rydberg Electron scattering in H2 , HD, D2 and O2 10 Figure 3. Photoionization spectra (T = 300.1 K) of CH3 I (1.0 mbar) in O2 at a density of 6.0 × 1020 cm−3 before intensity normalization (a) and after intensity normalization (b). (The intensity normalization is necessary to correct for secondary ionization [33–41].) The applied electric field was (—) FL = 2.0 kV/cm and (- - -) FH = 4.0 kV/cm. (c) Field ionization spectrum obtained from the data presented in (b). series is not required, both the CH3 I 2 E3/2 ionization energy (≡ I1 ) and 2 E1/2 ionization energy (≡ I2 ) can be determined using this method. At any given fluid density, ∆(ρ) is obtained from [33–41] √ √ ∆(ρ) = Ij,F (ρ) + cD ( FL + FH ) − Ij (ρ = 0) , (6) where Ij,F (ρ) is the dopant ionization energy perturbed by the electric field and the fluid, cD is a dopant-dependent/fluid-independent empirical constant, and Ij (ρ = 0) is Electron scattering in H2 , HD, D2 and O2 11 the 2 E3/2 or 2 E1/2 ionization energy of neat CH3 I for j = 1 or j = 2, respectively. (The applied electric fields must be selected to saturate the photocurrent, while remaining below those field strengths leading to dielectric breakdown via collisional ionization.) The field ionization constant cD and the CH3 I ionization energies I1 and I2 were determined empirically from field ionization studies of neat CH3 I at various electric field strengths to be cD = 3.9 ± 0.2 × 10−4 eV cm1/2 V−1/2 , I1 (ρ = 0) = 9.533 ± 0.005 eV and I2 (ρ = 0) = 10.163 ± 0.005 eV. Thus, the ionization energies for neat CH3 I are comparable to the previously published results [18] of I1 (ρ = 0) = 9.538 eV and I2 (ρ = 0) = 10.164 eV and, for I2 , are consistent with that obtained here from the fit of the nd ′ Rydberg states. The energy of the field ionization peak was found using a nonlinear least-squares analysis with a Gaussian fit function having a goodness of fit error determined within a 95% confidence level. The total error range for any experimental point, therefore, must include the field correction error (i.e., ≤ ±2 meV for the electric fields used here), the energy uncertainty for CH3 I Ij (ρ = 0), the goodness of fit error (i.e., ≤ ±0.3 meV), and the error arising from the energy uncertainty due to the resolution of the monochromator (i.e., ±4 meV). Thus, the total energy uncertainty in this study at the highest fluid densities was ±7 meV, thereby making field ionization a more precise technique in comparison to the photoionization method described in the previous section. Figure 4 presents the shift ∆(ρ) of I1 , extracted from the field ionization data, as a function of fluid density for H2 , HD, D2 and O2 . Similar ∆(ρ) data for I2 in H2 and in D2 were obtained, but are not shown for brevity. ∆(ρ) data for I2 in HD and in O2 could not be extracted because of the strong absorption transitions in the fluid near the CH3 I 2 E1/2 ionization energy (cf. Figure 1). As was observed for the data obtained from photoionization, ∆(ρ) extracted from field ionization is linearly dependent on the fluid Electron scattering in H2 , HD, D2 and O2 12 Figure 4. Fluid induced shift ∆(ρ) of the CH3 I 2 E3/2 ionization limit in (•) H2 , (N) HD, () D2 and () O2 . This shift was obtained from Equation (6) with the ionization energies determined from CH3 I field ionization. The lines represent linear least-squares analyses of Equation (2). See text for discussion. The energy uncertainty in ∆(ρ) at the highest fluid density is ±7 meV. density ρ at densities below 1.0 × 1021 cm−3 for H2 , HD and D2 and at densities below 6.0 × 1020 cm−3 for O2 . The slopes, as determined from linear least-squares analyses of the data in Figure 4 are given in Table 2, along with the zero-kinetic-energy electron scattering lengths extracted from these data using Equation (1). These results show that field ionization allows one to obtain data of high enough precision to observe a distinct difference between the zero-kinetic-energy electron scattering lengths of H2 , HD and D2 . However, the scattering lengths determined from field ionization of CH3 I in H2 and D2 differ greatly from those determined from the shift of high-n CH3 I autoionization Rydberg states. A similar discrepancy in A in H2 has been observed previously by Asaf et al. [27] in a study of the shift of C6 H6 high-n Rydberg states in H2 via photoabsorption spectroscopy. They showed that, for constant quantum defect, the shifts of the 7 ≤ n ≤ 10 R ′ C6 H6 Rydberg series were not constant, with ∆(ρ)/ρ increasing as n increased [27]. Thus, Electron scattering in H2 , HD, D2 and O2 13 Table 2. The slope ∆/ρ obtained from field ionization of CH3 I in various diatomic molecules, as determined from linear least-squares analyses of the data in Figure 4, and the zero-kinetic-energy electron scattering length extracted from these data using Equation (1). ∆/ρ (10−23 eV cm3 ) H2 HD D2 O2 1.641 ± 0.008 1.77 ± 0.02 1.914 ± 0.008 −1.38 ± 0.04 A (Å) 0.541 ± 0.003 0.555 ± 0.006 0.575 ± 0.002 −0.091 ± 0.002 they concluded that H2 perturbed the high-n nature of the C6 H6 Rydberg series, and they chose to extract a scattering length for the n = 10 Rydberg series only, since this scattering length (i.e., A = 0.57 Å) compared favorably with A = 0.54 Å obtained from CH3 I in H2 [27]. Both of these values are comparable to A = 0.541 ± 0.007 Å extracted from the field ionization data presented here. If the full C6 H6 Rydberg series had been utilized in the original analysis, however, Asaf et al. [27] would have obtained A = 0.45 Å, which is comparable to A = 0.44 ± 0.03 Å determined from the CH3 I nd ′ Rydberg series analysis presented here. The difference in ∆(ρ)/ρ as a function of n is an artifact arising from the fact that the quantum defect is not constant for low to medium principal quantum number Rydberg states. Only for high-n Rydberg states does the quantum defect become constant. Thus, the resolution of the monochromators utilized in this study and in the previous investigation by Asaf et al. [27] prevented detection of a significant number of high-n Rydberg states to ensure constant quantum defects and, therefore, more accurate ionization energies. The field ionization results presented here, on the other hand, indirectly utilize only very high-n Rydberg states (i.e., n > 20 for the fields employed here) and, therefore, offer a more accurate scattering length A for the same resolution monochromator. Table 3 presents the zero-kinetic-energy electron scattering cross-sections σT calculated using Equation (2) and the data from this study in comparison to data Electron scattering in H2 , HD, D2 and O2 14 Table 3. Summary of the zero-kinetic energy electron scattering cross-sections σT for H2 and O2 , as determined from Equation (2) for the data presented here. Results from previous studies using photoabsorption of a dopant in H2 and from total electron scattering cross-section measurements for both H2 and O2 are also presented. Fluid Method H2 CH3 I field ionization CH3 I autoionization CH3 I photoabsorption C6 H6 photoabsorption C6 H6 photoabsorptiona Na, Cs or Rb photoabsorption Ramsauer method TOF spectrometer O2 CH3 I field ionization Electron swarm Electron swarm a σT (Å2 ) Reference 3.67 ± 0.02 2.4 ± 0.2 3.7 4.1 2.5 5.3 5.53 5.75 This work This work [27] [27] [27] [29] [10] [11, 12] 0.104 ± 0.002 0.35 ≤ 0.1 This work [9, 13] [9, 14, 15] Includes data from the full nR ′ Rydberg series. See text for discussion. obtained from high resolution studies of the fluid-induced energy shift of atomic [29] and molecular [27] high-n Rydberg states in H2 . The zero-kinetic-energy cross-section results obtained from extrapolating the cross-section experiments to zero energy are also shown for H2 [10–12] and for O2 [9, 13–15]. The field ionization results presented here more closely match those from previous studies [9–15,25–29]. However, the predicted σT is significantly lower than those obtained from extrapolations of the low kinetic energy electron scattering cross-sections for H2 [10–12]. In O2 the predicted σT is close to that extracted from electron swarm studies [9, 13–15], although the swarm studies present a broad variance in σT . This variance in σT is a result of difficulties in measuring the total electron scattering cross-sections at extremely low electron energies [8,9]. The field ionization technique presented here, however, yields high precision zero-kinetic-energy electron scattering lengths and, therefore, precise zero-kinetic-energy total cross-section data. In conclusion, the differences between the zero-kinetic-energy electron scattering Electron scattering in H2 , HD, D2 and O2 15 lengths obtained from the fluid density-induced shift of high-n Rydberg states and those determined from field ionization studies arise because of the resolution of the monochromator used in this study. Therefore, when using medium (or low) resolution monochromators, field ionization is the better technique for obtaining precise and accurate zero-kinetic-energy electron scattering lengths. As discussed in the Introduction, the determination of A in H2 , D2 , HD and O2 is necessary for the measurement of the quasi-free electron energy V0 (ρ) in dense fluids of these diatomic molecules. The analyses of V0 (ρ) in H2 , D2 and O2 using the local Wigner-Seitz model are currently underway [50], and the experimental studies of V0 (ρ) in HD and CO are ongoing by us [51]. All of this work will continue to expand and test the local WignerSeitz model for both repulsive and attractive molecular dense fluids and near critical point fluids. Acknowledgments The experimental measurements reported here were performed at the Synchrotron Radiation Center, which is primarily funded by the University of Wisconsin-Madison with supplemental support from facility Users and the University of WisconsinMilwaukee. This work was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF CHE-0956719). References [1] Shi X, Li L, Evans C M and Findley G L 2007 Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. A 582 270–3. [2] Shi X, Li L, Findley G L and Evans C M 2009 Chem. Phys. Lett. 481 183–9. [3] Lushtak Y, Evans C M and Findley G L 2012 Chem. Phys. Lett. 546 18–23. [4] Evans C M and Findley G L 2005 Phys. Rev. A 72 022717. [5] Trajmar S, Register D F and Chutjian A 1983 Phys. Rep. 97 219–356, and references therein. Electron scattering in H2 , HD, D2 and O2 16 [6] Brunger M J and Buckman S J 2012 Phys. Rep. 357 215–458, and references therein. [7] Gallagher J W, Beaty E C, Dutton J and Pitchford L C 1983 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. 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