Hydrology in the Central Canadian Rocky Mountains: Change and Natural Processes John Pomeroy Canada Research Chair in Water Resources & Climate Change, Centre for Hydrology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon and collaborators Alain Pietroniro (Environment Canada), Mike Demuth (Natural Resources Canada) Richard Essery (University of Wales) Masaki Hayashi (University of Calgary) and students Chad Ellis, Warren Helgason, Gro Lilbaek, Chris DeBeer www.usask.ca/hydrology Central Rocky Mountain Hydrology z z z A ‘cold region’ hydrological system –snowmelt dominated. Large variation from year to year What is Changing: z z z z z z z z z Precipitation ? Forest cover - yes Temperature - yes Glacier size - yes Groundwater ? Dams, consumption, agriculture, industry – yes. Structural change in the Rocky Mountain hydrological cycle?????? Crucial support for our society. The Rockies provide >80% of flow of Saskatchewan River system that sustains the population and economy of much of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Ecosystems and the Earth System are intimately tied to hydrology – z z z z z Basin vegetation, soils, topography, groundwater, beaver, ice Snow ecology – winter season Aquatic ecology - streams, ponds and lakes Climate system – local climate feedbacks, freshwater to Hudson Bay Biogeochemical cycling Rocky Mountains, source of most Canadian Prairie surface water Rocky Mountain Snowpacks 450 Lake Louise, Alberta 400 350 SWE mm 300 250 200 150 100 Snow drought 50 0 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 ‘NATURAL’ FLOWS OF THE SOUTH SASKATCHEWAN RIVER LEAVING ALBERTA Mountain snow drought is evident in the ‘natural’ flows of the rivers draining the Rockies 18,000,000,000 Annual Flow m3 16,000,000,000 14,000,000,000 12,000,000,000 10,000,000,000 8,000,000,000 6,000,000,000 4,000,000,000 Drought 2,000,000,000 0 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year South Saskatchewan River is most strongly affected by Gardiner Dam 900 South Saskatchewan River at Saskatoon hydrometric station 05HG001 600 3 -1 discharge (m s ) 1912 - 1958 1967 - 1993 300 0 J F M A M J J month A S O N D Lake Diefenbaker Results from Gardiner Dam ‘Natural’ and Actual Flow of South Saskatchewan River leaving Alberta 18,000,000,000 Natural Annual Flow m3 16,000,000,000 Actual 14,000,000,000 12,000,000,000 10,000,000,000 8,000,000,000 6,000,000,000 4,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 0 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year -Hydrology Change: Decline of natural flow by 1.2 billion m3 over 90 years (-12%) -Consumption of 7%-42% of natural flows during last 15 years -Combined: Decline of 1.1 billion m3 over 30 years (-15%) in actual flow, -Combined: Decline of 4 billion m3 over 90 years (-40%) in actual flow, -Note 70% of decline is due to consumption, 30% of decline is due to hydrology Climate Change Model Results: 2039–2070 Average, Change from Current Natural 20% decline in natural flow of the South Saskatchewan River over 1912 to 2070 BUT GREAT UNCERTAINTY IN THESE PRELIMINARY RESULTS! Al Pietroniro, Environment Canada Red Deer at Bindloss -13% (-32% to 13%) South Sask at Diefenbaker -8.5% (-22% to 8%) Bow River at mouth -10% Oldman at mouth - 4% (-19% to 1%) (-13% to 8%) Glacier Retreat in the Columbia Icefields Mapped from LANDSAT satellite Mike Demuth, Natural Resources Canada How Important are Glaciers to Hydrology? z z Recent Study of Lake O’Hara (5% glacier cover on Opabin Plateau) Flow to Lake O’Hara z z z 60% snowmelt 35% rainfall 5% glacier melt Jaime Hood and Masaki Hayashi, Univ Calgary Glacier Retreat – Recent Analysis LANDSAT satellite, 1975 and 1998. z The decline of the total glacier area of the North Saskatchewan basin between 1998 (306 km2) and 1975 (394 km2) was 88 km2 (-22%) z The decline of the total glacier area of the South Saskatchewan basin between 1998 (76 km2) and 1975 (152 km2) was 76 km2 (-50%) z Al Pietroniro, Environment Canada & Mike Demuth, Natural Resources Canada Current Glacier Contribution to River Melt Discharge Fall % Annual % 7.4 1.8 Fall % Annual % 2.4 0.6 Glacier water no longer significant for Calgary Al Pietroniro, Environment Canada & Mike Demuth, Natural Resources Canada Al Pietroniro, Environment Canada & Mike Demuth, Natural Resources Canada M onthlyF low(C M S ) 30 Pipestone River 20 10 0 8/1/80 12/1/83 M onthlyF low(C M S ) 4/1/87 8/1/90 Time (month) 50 Bow River at L. Louise 40 30 20 10 0 8/1/80 12/1/83 M onthlyF low(C M S ) 4/1/87 8/1/90 Time (month) 160 Bow River at Banff 120 80 40 0 8/1/80 12/1/83 4/1/87 8/1/90 Time (month) 1998 extent 1975 Extent None John Pomeroy, (Saskatchewan), Sean Carey (Carleton), Richard Essery (Wales), Raoul Granger (NWRI/EC), Masaki Hayashi (Calgary), Rick Janowicz (Yukon Environment), Phil Marsh (Saskatchewan/EC), Scott Munro (Toronto), Alain Pietroniro (Saskatchewan/EC), William Quinton (Wilfrid Laurier), Ken Snelgrove (Newfoundland), Ric Soulis (Waterloo), Chris Spence (Saskatchewan/EC), Diana Verseghy (Waterloo/EC) and 16 collaborators from A Research Network of the http://www.usask.ca/ip3 Environment Canada, Alberta Environment, Indian & Northern Affairs Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Univ Guelph, Univ Idaho, Univ Saskatchewan, Univ Western Ontario, Univ Waterloo, USDA-ARS IP3 – Goals and Theme Structure z z z z Theme 1 Processes: Advance our understanding of cold regions hydrometeorological processes Theme 2 Parameterisation Develop mathematical parameterisation of cold regions processes for small to medium scales Theme 3 Prediction Evaluate and demonstrate improved hydrological and atmospheric prediction at regional and smaller scales in the cold regions of Canada Ultimately – contribute to multiscale assessment of coupled climate system, weather and water resources in cold regions IP3 Research Basins Havikpak Creek, taiga woodland Trail Valley Creek, arctic tundra Baker Creek, Subarctic shield lakes Wolf Creek, subarctic tundra cordillera Scotty Creek, permafrost wetlands Peyto Creek, glacierized alpine Lake O’Hara, wet alpine Marmot Creek, Dry subalpine Marmot Creek Research Basin z z z z z z z z z z Kananaskis Valley, Alberta 1450-2886 m.a.s.l. Alpine Ridge Alpine Bowl Subalpine Montane Clearcut x x Marmot Basin Meadow x x +600 mm precipitation xxx ey vall r e Riv skis x a n a 70% snowfall Ka n ~50% runoff from snow w Bo x y lle va r e Riv Hay Meadow z z z z z Chinook snow sublimation, energy balance and melt studies, Open environment snowmelt and evaporation Soil moisture, precipitation, modelling Wind flow in clearing Typical of cleared valley floor in Kananaskis Vista View Clearcut z z z z Forest ‘regrowth’ High Elevation snow melt, energy balance and evaporation studies Soil moisture Cabin Creek modelling station Lodgepole Pine Forests z z z z z z z z z z z z North Slope 26o Level 0o South Slope 25o East Slope 18o Snowmelt Canopy effects Frozen soils Runoff Chemistry Energy balance Interception Modelling Upper Clearing & Upper Forest z z z z z Mid elevation modelling sites Small clearing Fir and spruce forest Precipitation, energy balance, soil moisture, snowmelt, evaporation Assess clearing impact on snow accumulation and interception New forest tower setup this winter Fisera Ridge Treeline transition z Upper basin snow cirque z Blowing snow z Modelling z Alpine Ridgetop z z z z z z z Centennial Ridge 2475 m High elevation modelling reference Blowing snow Snowmelt Evaporation Energy Balance Soil moisture Alpine Blowing Snow: Flow Separation Sublimation of Blowing Snow z z z z Increases with fetch Requires unsaturated atmosphere Possibly important at alpine ridgetops, where flow separation results in ‘plume’ of blowing snow Limits alpine snow redistribution distance Simulation of Hillslope Snowdrift 3 km Distributed Blowing Snow Model - Essery, Li & Pomeroy 1999 Hydrological Processes Mountain Drift Simulation Wind Î Altimeter 1400 DEM 1380200 Observed 1360 SWE (mm) Elevation (m) 1420 Simulated 150 1340 0 50 100 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Horizontal distance (m) 50 0 0 100 200 Horizontal distance (m) 300 400 Snow Interception z z z z Leaf + stem area index (surface to collect snow) Air temperature (elasticity of branch, adhesion and cohesion of snow) Wind speed (particle trajectory, impact rate, branch bending, scouring) Unloading from warm and windy events Intercepted Snow Sublimation Pomeroy, Parviainen, Hedstrom, Gray 1998 Hydrological Processes Forest Snow Interception Loss Fir-Spruce Forest vs. Small Clearing Suggests that 61% of snowfall was sublimated from intercepted snow Snow Water Equivalent mm 140 Forest 120 Clearing 100 80 60 40 20 0 North South East Marmot Creek, March 2006 Pomeroy, Essery, Rutter West Snowmelt z z z z z Improved Methods to Estimate Short and Longwave Radiation Terrain Effects on Radiation Terrain Effects on Turbulent Transfer Forest Canopies – radiation effects Combined Forest Canopy and Slope Effects radiation Incoming Longwave in Mountains 30 Percent increase in longwave irradiance due to terrain emission due to sky view factor (Vf) and surface temperature (Ts). 25 Ts (°C) 20 Air temperature is 0°C and the clear sky emissivity is 0.65 15 10 5 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Sky View Factor Vf Sicart et al. 2006 Hydrological Processes Thermal IR Image Sublimation from Mountain Snowpacks – Measurements and Typical Model Mountain snow is aerodynamically rougher than other snows No evidence of large evaporation rates during chinook events Hayy Meadow, = 1.7371x + 4.9831 R2 =Creek 0.7532 Marmot 40 40 20 30 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 -20 -40 -60 20 Mud Lake 40 LE modeled -100 LE_modeled -120 20 y =0.3446x - 1.124 R2 =0.1026 0 -60 10 0 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 -10 -20 -30 -80 -40 -100 -120 Qe_measured -50 -60 QE_measured 0 10 20 30 40 Solar Transmission through Sloping Forest Canopies τ a function of LAI, Foliage inclination Crown coverage Slope, Aspect, Solar azimuth, Solar elevation South Face Forest 25 40 55 70 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 10 elevation angle 70 25 40 55 x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 10 elevation angle 85 85 North Face Forest 50 100 150 200 250 azimuth angle 300 350 50 100 150 200 250 azimuth angle 300 350 Tall Shrubs Marmot Creek level forest Solar Radiation to Snow beneath Shrubs and Trees 1000 400 SW (W/m ) 300 2 2 SW (W/m ) 800 600 400 200 0 123 200 100 0 124 Day (2003) 125 74 75 Day (2005) 76 Fine Scale Modelling of Sub-alpine Solar Radiation LIDAR and canopy delineation Tree Shadow Simulation Essery et al. (2007). In preparation for Journal of Hydrometeorology. Stand Scale Modelling of Solar Radiation Simulated skyview Simulated skyview Clear Overcast 600 Measured 500 2 SW (W/m ) Modelled 400 300 200 100 0 84 85 Day (2003) Essery et al. (2007). In preparation for Journal of Hydrometeorology. 86 Hot Canopy and Trunks Increase Forest Longwave Radiation 14:20 11.40 17.00 JD86 Cloudy JD87 Sunny Temperature (TC) C 50 CLPX LSOS Open Canopy IOP1 40 Canopy North 30 Trunk Snow Surface 20 Canopy South 10 0 -10 -20 -30 50 50.5 51 51.5 52 52.5 Julian Day 2002 53 53.5 Rowlands, Pomeroy, Hardy, Marks, Link, Essery 2002 Proc. Eastern Snow Conference 54 Cumulative Net Radiation MJ m-2 Net Radiation to Snowmelt on 25o Forest Slopes, Marmot Creek Research Basin South Facing Forest Slope Level & North Facing Forest Slopes Level Clearing Ellis, Pomeroy, Essery, Link submission to Canadian Journal of Forest Research Mountain Prediction RCM Domain GEM Domain North 1 GEM Dom ain South 1 Trail Valley Creek (Arctic Tundra) Havikpak Creek (Taiga Woodland) Mackenzie Basin 2 3 4 2 Wolf Creek (Subarctic Tundra Cordillrea) 3 Scotty Creek (Permafrost Wetlands) 4 Baker Creek (Subarctic Shield Lakes) Peace-Athabasca Sub Basin (Mackenzie) 5 Saskatchewan Basin Peyto Creek (Glaciated Alpine) Colum bia River Basin 5 Lake O'Hara (Wet Alpine) Marmot Creek (Subalpine Forest) Conclusions z z z Rocky Mountain hydrology is changing due to climate and land use change, 12% reduction in the South Saskatchewan River natural flow since 1912, snowmelt change possible cause. Climate change to 2070 will reduce flows by another 8.5% however there is great uncertainty in this value! Glacier contribution to flow is small, even in ‘classic’ glacier basins z z z z z z 0.6% of Bow River at Calgary 2.4% of North Saskatchewan River at Edmonton Forest snow interception losses large in Rockies, forest cover reduction may cause streamflow increase Blowing snow redistribution – vegetation and temperature sensitive Snowmelt enhanced under south facing forests, Major research initiative underway to develop a predictive system for mountain hydrology and link this to climate and weather prediction models Thank You! Marmot Creek Research is supported by: -Kananaskis Field Stations, U of C -Kananaskis Country, Canmore -G8 Legacy Fund, Environment Canada -IP3 Network, Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Science -Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada -Canada Research Chairs -Canada Foundation for Innovation -UK Natural Environment Research Council -US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Global Programs