Name Period Date Scientific Methods Worksheet 4: Graphical Analysis For each of the following experiments, do the following: a. From the experiment statement, determine which is the independent variable and which is the dependent variable and record. c. Enter the values determined by the experiment into LoggerPro. Change the table headings using appropriate names, short names (variables) and units. d. Generate a graph of these values. Be sure that the variables are on the appropriate axes. The graph must have a title and the axes must include labels with correct units. e. Do a linear fit of the graph and then sketch the graph on the available axes and record the linear fit information (slope, y-intercept, correlation coefficient). 1. Every 2 days, Peter Popper measured the height of a super fast growing pea plant. Independent variable Time (day) 0 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.0 12.0 Dependent variable Height (cm) 0 15.8 30.3 43.8 60.0 76.5 86.0 a. State the slope with units and then write a sentence explaining what it means. b. Is the y-intercept significant? Test using the 5% rule. State the y-intercept with units and then write a sentence explaining what it means. c. Write the math model representing the best-fit line LoggerPro produces. Use distinctive variables (not x and y), include units on all quantities. d. Using the math model, predict the height of the pea plant after 20.0 days if the same growth pattern holds. Scientific Methods Worksheet 4: Graphical Analysis page 2 2. Wire was cut to specific lengths and the mass of each piece was then measured. Independent variable Mass (g) 0 5.2 10.3 14.0 19.5 24.8 30.2 Dependent variable Length (cm) 0 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. a. State the slope with units and then write a sentence explaining what it means. b. Is the y-intercept significant? Test using the 5% rule. State the y-intercept with units and the write a sentence explaining what it means. c. Write the math model representing the best-fit line LoggerPro produces. Use distinctive variables (not x and y), include units on all quantities. d. Using the math model, predict the mass of a 35 cm piece of wire. Scientific Methods Worksheet 4: Graphical Analysis page 3 3. Various masses were hung from a spring. After each was placed, the length of the spring was measured. After graphing the points, right click on the graph and use Autoscale from 0 since (0,0) is not a data point. Independent variable Length (cm) 195 285 375 465 555 645 Dependent variable Mass (g) 50.0 80.0 110. 140. 170. 200. a. State the slope with units and then write a sentence explaining what it means. b. Is the y-intercept significant? Test using the 5% rule. State the y-intercept with units and the write a sentence explaining what it means. c. Write the math model representing the best-fit line LoggerPro produces. Use distinctive variables (not x and y), include units on all quantities. d. Using the math model, predict the length of the spring if 300. g is hung. Scientific Methods Worksheet 4: Graphical Analysis page 4 4. R. Berday plants a sapling in her back yard. Every four months R. measures the height of the tree. After graphing the points, right click on the graph and use Autoscale from 0 since (0,0) is not a data point. Independent variable Height (m) 3.2 3.9 5.3 6.5 7.8 8.5 Dependent variable Time (month) 4.0 8.0 12 16 20. 24 a. State the slope with units and then write a sentence explaining what it means. b. Is the y-intercept significant? Test using the 5% rule. State the y-intercept with units and the write a sentence explaining what it means. c. Write the math model representing the best-fit line LoggerPro produces. Use distinctive variables (not x and y), include units on all quantities. d. Using the math model, predict the height of the tree after 30. months.