Educational Services Center
Board Room – First Floor
770 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90017
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Committee: Nancy Pearlman, Chair; Mona Field; Michael Waxman Participants: Antoine Atallah, Jacobs/Pacifica; Adriana Barrera, ESC; Jayne Chen, e7 Studio; Daphne Congdon, ESC; Larry Eisenberg, ESC; Fred Gans, DMJM/JGM; Jeanette Gordon, ESC; Karen Hoefel, LAMC; Magdalen Yen Hron, DMJM/JGM; Shirley Komoto, Moss Adams; Priscilla Meckley, ESC; Ernest Moreno, LAMC; Alexia Nalewaik, Moss Adams; Nick Quintanilla, Gateway Science and Engineering; Michael Rendler, e7 Studio; Roshni Thomas, DMJM/JGM; Larry Tipton, Gateway Science and Engineering; Kirk von Spaeth, Cannon Design; Tyree Wieder, LAVC; Lynn Winter Gross, ESC; Darroch Young, ESC Trustee Pearlman called the meeting to order at 9:31 a.m. PUBLIC SPEAKERS None. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Bond­related LEED™ Project Presentations LAMC – Health, PE, and Fitness Center Copies of a document entitled “LEED™ Project Executive Summary” were distributed. Mr. Ernest Moreno presented an overview of the project. Mr. Nick Quintanilla gave a PowerPoint presentation and described the building design, relevant statistics, and sustainable features for the project. There was discussion regarding the flooring material to be used in the new facility. Trustee Waxman inquired if the facility would be used for other events such as graduation. Mr. Quintanilla responded in the affirmative. Mr. Kirk von Spaeth gave a fly­through presentation of the project. Motion by Trustee Field, seconded by Trustee Waxman, to approve the concept for the LAMC Health, PE, and Fitness Center project as presented. APPROVED: 3 Ayes Bond­related Non­LEED™ Building of Infrastructure Projects – Checklists ELAC – Transit Center Copies of a document entitled “Non­LEED™ Building or Infrastructure Project Executive Summary” were distributed for this project.
Infrastructure Committee 1 December 6, 2006
Mr. Antoine Atallah gave a presentation regarding the project, which will provide a Transit Center on the campus that will accommodate all local bus services with one pick­up and drop­off point. Mr. Moreno indicated that the Transit Center will serve primarily as a layover for the buses and as a location where the bus drivers can take a rest break. There was discussion regarding the design of the Transit Center. Trustee Field inquired if the City of Los Angeles or the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) is giving anything to the District in return for providing the Transit Center on ELAC property. Mr. Eisenberg responded that extra property is being provided for the ELAC Performing Arts Center. Motion by Trustee Waxman, seconded by Trustee Field, to approve the concept for the ELAC Transit Center project as presented. APPROVED: 3 Ayes ELAC – Temporary Facilities – Relocation or Swing Space Copies of a document entitled “Non­LEED™ Building or Infrastructure Project Executive Summary” were distributed for this project. Mr. Atallah discussed this project, which will provide a swing space for temporary modular buildings to be used for classrooms and offices during the construction of various buildings on campus. Trustee Waxman emphasized the importance of the college community being aware that these facilities are temporary. Motion by Trustee Waxman, seconded by Trustee Field, to approve the concept for the ELAC Temporary Facilities – Relocation or Swing Space project as presented. APPROVED: 3 Ayes Campus Master Plan/EIR Presentations None. Miscellaneous None. New Business None. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Field, seconded by Trustee Waxman, to adjourn. APPROVED: 3 Ayes The meeting adjourned at 10:27 a.m.
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