Zeitoun Designate two different areas of the room “agree” and “disagree” with the middle of the room 

Values Continuum­ Exploring Zeitoun by Dave Eggers Designate two different areas of the room “agree” and “disagree” with the middle of the room representing “neutral.” The facilitator will read a statement and participants will stand in the place that represents their opinion (agree­neutral­disagree). Once everyone has settled along the continuum, ask people to raise their hands to explain their own rationale for their physical location. Explain to participants that the purpose of this activity is to encourage discussion and be respectful and open minded of other opinions – the room is safe and confidential zone. Move on to a different statement when the discussion lulls. If the participates are confused, read an example statement such as “My room is clean” and have them move and clarify from there. I read Zeitoun before the first day of classes. I think Zeitoun was a good choice for the common reading book. I would recommend this book to other people. I remember when Hurricane Katrina happened and remember watching the news. Hurricane Katrina directly affected me and/or my family. Hurricane Katrina directly affected someone I know personally. This book gave me a new perspective of Hurricane Katrina – the planning, the response, and/or the impact of. 8. I have been or am involved in volunteer and community service work. 9. A sense of “home” and community are very important to me. 10. I have felt discriminated against for something I believe or represent. 11. I remember when the 9/11 terrorist attacks occurred and remember watching the news. 12. 9/11 changed my feelings about Middle Eastern cultures and Islam. 13. I have made judgments about someone different from me. 14. This book changed my view on Islam and other religions. 15. The actions the military took in the book were necessary and justified. 16. I think Abdulrahman Zeitoun should have left New Orleans instead of staying. 17. Zeitoun prompted me to change something in my life that would benefit the world. 18. Zeitoun prompted me to examine my beliefs about America. 19. Hurricane Katrina displayed a failure of government to prepare and protect American citizens. 20. Hurricane Katrina displayed a failure of citizens to prepare and protect themselves. 21. I believe that what happened during Hurricane Katrina will never happen again. 22. I am prepared to effectively respond to an unanticipated natural disaster.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 