District Planning and Accreditation Committee November 20, 2015 Minutes

District Planning and Accreditation Committee
November 20, 2015 Minutes
District Office, Board Hearing Room
Present: Mary Jo Apigo (West), Adrianna Barrera (ESC), Karen Daar (Valley), Barbara Dunsheath
(East), Angela Echeverri (Mission), Don Gauthier (ESC), Bobbi Kimble (ESC), Carol Kozeracki (East),
Maury Pearl (ESC), Alice Taylor (West), Allison Tom-Miura (ESC)
The minutes of the October 23rd meeting were reviewed and approved.
2014-15 Committee Self-Evaluation:
A comprehensive committee evaluation was conducted in 2015 and has been signed by committee cochairs. The self-evaluation received final approval and has been posted on the governance website.
Review of Planning Section of Governance Manual:
The Committee conducted a final review of the planning section of the Governance and Functions
Handbook. Changes and feedback received at previous meeting were made and the final document has
been posted on the Planning and Accreditation website.
Accreditation Check-In:
Colleges reported on the status of their self-evaluation reports. Valley’s report was approved by the
Academic Senate. Writing continues to be tweaked and it will be sent to the ACCJC by January 6th.
East’s report is undergoing a thorough editing. East is continuing to compile evidence and is adding
enhancements. West continues to compile evidence, is hiring a proof reader for the final edits, and is
adding finishing touches to its QFE. Bobbi has had a conference call with Barbara Beno to discuss the
size and composition of the team that will visit the ESC.
IE&SS Committee Update:
Dr. Barrera reported that she thought that all IE&SS visits to the colleges went well. The Board was able
to make constructive contributions to the reports. The visits also provided the new Board member with an
opportunity to see and hear from the college staff and observe differences between the colleges.
Finalize Functional Maps:
Allison led a detailed review of the District-College functional map. Each standard was reviewed as to
whether the function was primary, secondary, or shared for the college and the District. A consensus
approach was used to settle areas of disagreement. It was agreed that colleges would utilize/reference
the same version of the functional map in their reports. The finalized map will be posted on the
Accreditation and Planning webpage.
Next Meeting:
Friday, February 26, 2016, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Board Hearing Room, ESC