Pierce College
Student Community Center – Great Hall Building 1900
6201 Winnetka Avenue
Woodland Hills, Ca 91371
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Mona Field, Chair; Kelly Candaele, and Sylvia Scott-Hayes
Trustee Field called the meeting to order at 10:47 a.m.
Trustee Field stated that Item D. Brief introduction to the issues pertaining to trustee elections, redistricting,
and the California Voter Rights Act, Item B. AB 515 (Brownley), and the Public Speakers would be taken
out of order.
Brief introduction to the issues pertaining to trustee elections, redistricting, and the California Voter
Rights Act.
The following documents were distributed regarding: AB 515 (Brownley), SB 911 (De León) Local agency
bonds, AB 684 (Block), AB 515 (Brownley), Fact Sheet AB 1130 (Skinner), and SB 27 (Correa and
Simitian ).
Ms. Camille Goulet introduced Mr. Warren S. Kinsler, Attorney, Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Rudd & Romo, a
Professional Law Corporation, who was assigned to advise the Los Angeles Community College District
(LACCD) with respect to the California Voter Rights Act process as the LACCD moves forward. She
deferred to Mr. Kinsler.
Mr. Kinsler discussed the process with respect to obtaining an expert demographer to conduct a study on
issues pertaining to the demographics of trustee boundaries and various issues with respect to the history
of trustee elections.
AB 515 (Brownley) (Amended 4/27/11) (Hearing date 5/4/11, Appropriations)
The bill would authorize governing boards to establish and maintain extension programs offering
courses for credit. The program must be self-supporting, without the use of any state general funds.
Community colleges could not reduce state funded courses in basic skills or supplant state funded
courses by offering extension courses instead. The bill would require district boards to annually
certify compliance. The bill would allow community colleges to charge students for the actual cost of
the courses.
Mr. Patrick McCallum discussed the document to the Committee via telephone from Sacramento with
respect to the pros and cons of AB 515 provisions.
Trustee Field entertained a motion to allocate three minutes per speaker regarding AB 515.
Legislative Committee
May 11, 2011
Motion by Trustee Candaele, seconded by Trustee Scott-Hayes, to allocate three minutes per speaker
regarding AB 515.
The following individuals addressed the Board with their arguments for the support of AB 515: Ms. Susan
Aminoff, Ms. Louise Jaffe, and Mr. David Finkel.
The following individuals addressed the Board with their arguments for the opposition to AB 515: Ms.
Joanne Waddell, Mr. Don Sparks, and Mr. Larry Nakamura.
A question and answer session was conducted regarding the proposal to make classes self-supporting and
paid for by student enrollment fees.
Trustee Candaele recommended that the Committee note the opinion of the LACCD students with respect
to AB 515.
Chancellor LaVista recommended that the Committee meet in two weeks in anticipation of revisions of AB
515 to continue discussion on the proposed program.
SB 911 (DeLeón) (Amended 4/26/11) (Hearing date 5/4/11, Senate, Governance and Finance)
The bill would require an agency that receives bond funds: to include a transparency component; to
include specified information for expenditures of bond proceeds in excess of $5,000; to post this
information on the agency’s website; and to provide the citizen’s oversight committee with any
necessary technical and administrative assistance with the use of bond funds.
Ms. Reid summarized SB 911 (DeLeón).
Trustee Field recommended that SB 911 (DeLeón) be brought back to the Committee in two weeks to
continue discussion in anticipation of the Chancellor’s meeting with Senator DeLeón.
AB 684 (Block) (Amended 4/25/11) Hearing date 5/3/11, Elections and Redistricting) The bill would
authorize the governing board of a community college to change election systems, in accordance
with the California Voting Rights Act, and establish elections by trustee areas. The act would not
apply to any community college district that enacts a specific statutory framework for its own trustee
Ms. Reid summarized AB 684 (Block).
No action was taken due to the fact that AB 684 (Block) has no impact on the LACCD.
AB 1130 (Skinner) (Amended 3/25/11) (Hearing date 5/16/11, Revenue and Taxation) (Two-thirds
vote required, Tax Levy)
Beginning on or after January 1, 2011 (taxable year), the bill would impose a tax on taxable income
at various rates depending upon the amount of that income. It would increase the tax rate on taxable
income over $500,000 to 10.3 percent. It would place a one percent tax increase on the richest one
percent of Californians and generate an estimated $2.3 billion in additional revenue.
Ms. Reid summarized AB 1130 (Skinner).
Trustee Field indicated that a resolution in support of AB 1130 will be presented on June 15, 2011 at the
Board of Trustees meeting for action.
Trustee Field entertained a motion to support AB 1130.
Legislative Committee
May 11, 2011
Motion by Trustee Scott-Hayes, seconded by Trustee Candaele, to support AB 1130.
SB 27 (Simitian and Correa) (Amended 3/3/11) (Appropriations Suspense File)
a) States findings and declarations regarding the manipulation of retirement benefits, including pension
spiking, and the duties of the retirement systems to employ sound and equitable principles of
oversight and the treatment of compensation.
b) Clarifies and defines in CalPERS and CalSTRS which forms of compensation may be included in an
employee’s final compensation for the purpose of determining a retirement allowance, and requires
that no compensation determined to have been paid expressly to enhance a member’s retirement
allowance may be included.
Ms. Reid summarized SB 27.
Trustee Field requested that staff provide a report to the Committee with respect to pension legislation and
the Governor’s seven pension reforms proposal.
Mr. McCallum responded that he would provide a report to the Committee at the next meeting for further
New Business
Motion by Trustee Scott-Hayes, seconded by Trustee Candaele, to adjourn.
There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned at 12:14 p.m.
Legislative Committee
May 11, 2011