AU J.T. 9(3): 187-192 (Jan. 2006) Temperature Changes in Bulk Stored Maize B. A. Alabadan Department of Agricultural Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Minna. Nigeria Abstract A two-dimensional, transient heat conduction model based on finite-difference method was used to predict the influence of bin diameter, simulation schemes (explicit, implicit and Crank-Nicolson) and ambient temperature variations within maize bulk stored in Minna, Nigeria. Temperatures within the silo were predicted at center, interior, wall, and grain surfaces. Large diameter bins (5.6m and 7.0m) maintained warmer center temperatures than small diameter bins (1.4m and 2.8m). Predicted results from explicit, implicit, and Crank-Nicholson schemes were also not significantly different using F-test at 5% level of significance. The ambient temperatures during the dry season were higher than the wet season. The grain surface temperatures were about 1-80C higher than the ambient temperatures. Keywords: Transient heat conduction, simulation schemes, ambient temperature. Nigeria by simulating the grain temperatures using the two-dimensional heat transfer model of Alabadan (2005) solved by the finite difference method. The parameters considered in this study were: a. bin diameter (1.4, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6 and 7.0 m) b. simulation schemes (explicit, implicit and Crank-Nicolson) c. ambient temperature. Introduction Temperature is one of the major factors affecting the quality of grain during storage and also the key factor in the regulation of pest insect populations in stored grain. In the absence of metabolic heat release by heavy infestations of insects, weather influences are the main cause of temperature change in bulk grain. The effects are transferred through the bulk by conduction and, where temperature gradients occur, by convection (Muir 1973). FAO (1996) reported that metallic silos promote moisture condensation and development of hot spots under the humid climatic conditions of Nigeria. Mijinyawa, (1989) and Alabadan (2002) concluded that wooden silos are efficient in reducing the moisture condensation and development of hot spots that arise during periods of elevated temperatures. Seasonal temperature changes in grain bulks have been measured and modeled in twodimensional heat transfer to predict temperatures in stored grains (Muir et al. 1980; Metzger and Muir 1983; Abe and Basunia 1996; and Alabadan 2005). The objectives of this work were to predict the effects of various parameters on the temperatures of stored maize bulk in Minna, The Simulation Model The general differential equation of heat flow in two-dimensional cylindrical coordinate systems, adapted for the hexagonal bin, was used for the heat transfer model to simulate temperatures in the wooden maize bin as detailed by Alabadan (2005). The interior, center, and exterior elements equations were solved together simultaneously using an iteration method by successive increments in time (t) by ∆t. The model assumed that the heat transfer in a grain bulk is only due to conduction among other assumptions. Description of the Silo The wooden silo was hexagonal in shape, 1.1m in height and 1.4m in diameter. Plywood 187 AU J.T. 9(3): 187-192 (Jan. 2006) The predicted minimum temperatures at the center of 1.4, 2.78, 4.2, 5.6 and 7.0m diameter wooden bins in this study were 27.5, 28.0, 25.4, 28.0 and 29.80C respectively. There were marked differences in temperatures of this study when compared with the other researchers such as Yaciuk et al. (1975) and Jayas et al. 1994 because temperatures are higher in the tropical climate prevalent in Nigeria than in Canada’s temperate climate. The larger diameter bins maintained warmer or cooler temperatures at the center than smaller diameter bins in agreement with Yaciuk et al. (1975) and Jayas et al. 1994. Though different bin-wall materials were not considered, it was observed that plywood with low thermal conductivity had a great influence on the pattern of temperatures at the center of the wooden bin. The pattern of temperatures at equidistant from the center and internal wall did not differ from the pattern at the centers. However, smaller bins followed the pattern of the ambient temperatures more closely than the larger bins. Also, there were close agreements between the predicted temperatures at the internal wall of the storage bins since F-test showed no significant differences. Generally, there were wide variations in temperatures within the smaller bins than in the larger bins. of exterior grade, 3 plies (9 mm) thick, 1440 mm by 2,880 mm in area, and bonded together using phenol-formaldehyde resin adhesive,e was used for the walls, roof and floor while the frames were made from 2 by 2-solid Iroko (Melicia excelsa) timber. The silo has three openings: one at the top for loading, and two at the sides to serve as door and discharge chute respectively. Results and Discussion Study Area The measured ambient temperature of the silo environment during the wet season (030 days) was as high as 340C, dropped to about 280C at the beginning of August and rose to as high as 380C between 150-270 days during the dry season of November to March. The relative humidity ranged between 30-100% (dry to wet season) throughout the storage period. Effect of Bin Diameters Figs. 1– 3 show the effect of bin diameters (1.4, 2.78, 4.2, 5.6, 7.0m) on the temperature patterns at the center, interior, and wall of the silos. The temperatures at the center of the 1.4m diameter wooden bin followed closely the temperatures at the center of the 2.78m diameter wooden bin. During the 0–30 daystorage period, the larger bins had higher temperatures than the smaller bins with a difference of about 0.80C. This pattern changed at about the 250-day storage period between January and February when smaller bins temperatures were higher than the larger bins. The minimum temperature at the center of the smallest wooden bin was reached after 75 days of storage while that of the 2.78m diameter wooden bin was reached after 150 days of storage. This was similar to the report of Jayas et al. (1994). Larger bins reached their minimum temperatures after 240 days of storage. This could be attributed to the fact that the bins could be considered as small bins as well as shallow silos based on the fact that the ratio of diameter to height of bin was greater than unity. Effect of Different Simulation Schemes on the Predicted Temperatures Figs. 4–6 show the predicted temperatures at the center, interior and at the internal wall of the different silos based on Crank-Nicolson, Explicit and Implicit schemes. There were no significant differences in the predicted results based on these schemes. Effect of Ambient Temperatures on the Grain Surface Temperatures In Fig. 7, the grain surface temperatures were about 1–50C higher than the ambient temperatures during the wet period between July to November (150 days of storage). The dry period from December to March recorded a marked difference of up to 80C probably due to accumulated heat during the days and the long hours of sunshine. This phenomenon was a 188 AU J.T. 9(3): 187-192 (Jan. 2006) Alabadan, B.A. 2005. Transient temperature gradients in stored maize bulk. AU J.T. 8: 145-53. AERLS. 1987. Maize Production in the Northern States of Nigeria. Extension Bulletin No. 11, Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services. Ahmadu Bello University, Samaru-Zaria, Nigeria. Basunia, M.A.; Abe, T.; and Bala, B.K. 1996. Application of finite element method for the simulation of temperature distribution during storage of rough rice in cylindrical bin. AMA 27 2): 33-40. FAO.1996. Technical Cooperation Programme: Assistance to the Strategic Grain Reserve Scheme in Nigeria. Terminal Statement prepared for the Government of Nigeria by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, pp 1-9. Jayas, D.S.; Alagusundaram, K.; Shunmugam, G.; Muir, W.E.; and White, N.D.G. 1994. Simulated temperatures of stored grain bulks. Canadian Agric. Engin. 36: 239-45. Metzger, J.F.; and Muir, W.E. 1983. Computer model of two-dimensional conduction and forced convection in stored grain. Canadian Agric. Engin. 25: 119-25. Muir, W.E. 1973. Temperature and Moisture in Grain Storage. In: Grain Storage: Part of a System., R.N. Sinha and W.E. Muir, Eds. Avi Publ., Westport, Connecticut, USA. Muir, W.E.; Fraser, B.M.; and Sinha, R.N. 1980. A simulation Model of TwoDimensional Heat Transfer in Controlled Atmosphere Grains Bins. In: Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Grains. J. Shejbel, Ed. Elsevier Scientific Publ., Amsterdam, the Netherlands, pp. 385-97. Mijinyawa, Y. 1989. The Use of Wood Products in the Design and Construction of a Grain Silo for the Humid Tropics. Ph.D Thesis, Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. Yaciuk, G.; Muir, W.E.; and Sinha, R.N.. 1975. A simulation model of temperatures in stored grain. J. Agric. Engin. Res. 20: 254-8. potential source of danger to the grain bulk in storage. The standard error of estimate was 1.670C with F-test value of 1.504E-06. Conclusion Based on the results of this study, the following conclusions are drawn: The temperatures decreased from the walls towards the center and from the top of grain bulk towards the floor of the wooden silo. The temperatures within the wooden silo were generally lower than the ambient temperatures that show a great potential of the wood product in reducing the effect of the ambient temperatures. The temperatures at the grain headspace (surface) were higher than the ambient temperatures and, thus, most conducive for insect pests and also extensive heat. The predicted temperatures of the 1.4, 2.78, 4.2, 5.6 and 7.0m diameter silos were not significantly different from each other at 5% and 1% levels of significance on statistical analysis using F-test. Larger diameter bins maintained warmer grain temperatures during the wet season and cooler grain temperatures during the dry season than the smaller diameter bins. The results of the three schemes used in the simulation were not significantly different at 5% level of significance. References Abe, T. and M.A. Basunia. 1996. Simulation of temperature and moisture changes during storage of rough rice in cylindrical bins owing to weather variability. J.Agric. Engin. Res. 65: 223-33. Alabadan, B.A. 2002. Modelling the Performance of a Hexagonal Wooden Silo During Storage of Maize (Zea mays). Ph.D. Thesis Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. 189 AU J.T. 9(3): 187-192 (Jan. 2006) 40 Am bie nt 1.4m Dia m e te r 2.8m Dia m e te r 4.2m Dia m e te r 5.6m Dia m e te r 7.0m Dia m e te r 35 Temperature (oC) 30 25 20 15 0 30 60 90 120 150 S torage P eriod Fig. 1: 180 210 240 270 (Day s ) Am bient and P redicted Temperatures at the Geometric C entre of the W ooden S ilos. 40 Am bie nt 1.4m Dia m e te r 2.8m Dia m e te r 4.2m Dia m e te r 35 5.6m Dia m e te r 7.0m Dia m e te r Temperature (oC) 30 25 20 15 0 30 60 90 120 150 S tora ge P e riod Fig. 2: 180 210 240 (Da ys) Ambient and Predicted Temperatures at E quidistant from the C entre and internal Wall of the Wooden Silos. 190 270 AU J.T. 9(3): 187-192 (Jan. 2006) 40 Ambient 1.4m Diameter 2.8m Diameter 4.2m Diameter 5.6m Diameter 7.0m Dameter Temperature (oC) 35 30 25 20 15 0 30 60 90 120 150 Storage Period Fig. 3: 180 210 240 270 (Days) Am bient and Predicted Tem peratures at the internal Wall of the Wooden Silos. 40 Temperature (oC) 35 30 25 Am bient Beta=0.5 (Crank Nicolson) Beta=0 (Explicit) Beta=1 (Im plicit) 20 15 0 30 60 90 120 150 Storage Period 180 210 240 (Days) Fig. 4: Am bient and Predicted Tem peratures at the Silo Centre (Radius 0.0m and Depth 0.3m ) Based on the Crank Nicolson, Explicit and Im plicit Schem es. 191 270 AU J.T. 9(3): 187-192 (Jan. 2006) 40 Temperature (oC) 35 30 25 Am bient Beta=0.5 (Crank Nicolson) Beta=0 (Explicit) Beta=1 (Im plicit) 20 15 0 30 60 90 120 150 Storage Period 180 210 240 270 (Days) Fig. 5: Am bient and Predicted Tem peratures of the silo (Radius 0.35m and Depth 0.3m ) Based on the Crank Nicolson, Explicit and Im plicit Schem es. 40 Am bient Beta=0.5 (Crank Nicolson) Beta=0 (Explicit) Beta=1 (Im plicit) Temperature (oC) 35 30 25 20 15 0 30 60 90 120 150 Storage Period 180 210 240 (Days) Fig. 6: Am bient and Predicted Tem peratures at the Silo Wall Based on the Crank Nicolson, Explicit and Im plicit Schem es. 192 270 AU J.T. 9(3): 187-192 (Jan. 2006) 45 Am bient Temperature (oC) 40 Grain Surface 35 30 25 20 15 0 30 60 90 120 150 Storage Period 180 210 240 (Days) Fig. 7: Am bient and Grain Surface Tem peratures of the Wooden Silo 193 270