PROPOSAL TO DESIGNATE AN EXISTING COURSE AS BASIC STUDIES COURSE UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE University of North Carolina at Wilmington Wilmington, NC 28403 Department(s): Foreign Languages & Literature Course Number: CHN 101 Title: Introductory Chinese I Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: none Is an accurate course description in the current catalogue? 2008-09 If not, attach a copy of the approved course proposal form from the appropriate college or school curriculum committee. Potential Instructors: Currently we utilize visiting professors from our partner university, Fudan University, Shanghai Name(s) of the developer(s) of this proposal: Raymond Burt Signature of Chairperson(s) Date: Date: Action of the University Curriculum Committee: Signature of the UCC Chairperson: Date: Proposal for Basic Studies Course 1. X Indicate the primary emphasis of this course (indicate one only): a. Developing competence in the skills of comprehension, composition, reasoning, and analysis. b. Introducing students to the structure and methodology of a discipline. c. Addressing important human concerns from an interdisciplinary perspective. 2. Into which Basic Studies category/subdivision would this course be placed? Humanities: Foreign Language 3. Please provide a description of the course by attaching copies of the course syllabus and/or other explanatory material. The following information should be included: catalogue description content outline or list of course topics goals of objectives of the course academic discipline(s) introduced description of the intended audience major materials used in the course special provisions of the course (e.g., studio work, labs, etc.) 4. Describe the pedagogical techniques used in this course. In your discussion be sure to describe both (a) the activities of the course, i.e., the ways that students respond to course content (e.g., small group discussion, questions embedded in lecture, lab work, papers, quizzes, etc.) and (b) test items and/or other evaluation techniques. Make reference to the syllabus and supporting documents as appropriate. The course methodologies are similar to those in our other lower level language courses: aural/oral practice, small group interactions, grammatical & pronunciation exercises, conversation, quizzes and exams, language lab work. 5. In a narrative of no more than two (2) pages, please address either A or B below: A. For all categories except G, discuss how this course is appropriate to students who may never engage in any other formal study of the discipline or disciplines represented and who are in their first semesters of college study. In doing so, be sure to discuss the extent to which previous study or knowledge within the discipline, or any specialized skills within other disciplines, are prerequisite or desirable for enrollment in the course. The course is an introductory course of a major world language and carries the same benefits for students seeking to fulfill the foreign language requirement by taking the current introductory language courses listed in the catalogue. B. For category G courses only, identify the disciplines from whose perspectives the topics of the course are addressed. What percentage of the course is expected to be devoted to each discipline’s perspective? (Must total 100%). Based on the information in section 3 above, explain how the perspectives of these disciplines are adequately represented. Describe the relevant expertise of the faculty member(s) involved. Since Category G is not limited to courses appropriate to students in their first semesters of college study, justify the level of the course and any prerequisites. UCC REVISED: 11/94 Page 2